Hadiths which mentions that “there is no contagion” has been criticized because of its externally contradictory content in the face of reason and also other hadith narrations. Ibn Qutayba (d.276/879), in his monumental work on “mukhtalifu’l-hadith” which is Ta’wilu Mukhtalifi’l-Hadith, clarified the meaning of this hadith by dividing diseases into two: Communicable diseases like plague and non- communicable diseases like leprosayı: However, Abu Bakr arRâzî (b.251/865-d.313/925) who is a prominent medical scholar of the third century AH, accepts both plague and leprosy as a communicable disease. These different approaches to the contagion affect the perception on “there is no contagion” (…َََى َو ْدَعَ َلَ) narrations and directs us to focus on these narrations. In our study, first of all, the isnad of each hadith variant which is narrated within the al-Kutub al-Sittah will be examined, then secondly the meanings of these narrations will be clarified by performing text analysis. At the end of the study, the results which are obtained during the study will be presented.