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Spor bilimlerinde yüzme konusundaki yayınların bibliyometrik analizi: tıbbi bir bakış açısı

Yıl 2022, , 39 - 48, 29.06.2022


Amaç: Yüzme ile ilgili küresel çalışmaların sayısı artmasına rağmen literatürde hala bibliyometrik çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışma, yüzme konusunda spor bilimeleri alanında yayınlanmış bilimsel makaleleri istatistiksel yöntemlerle inceleyerek tıbbi bir bakış açısı sunmayı amaçladı.

Gereç ve Yöntem: 1980-2021 yılları arasında yayınlanan yüzme ile ilgili makaleler Web of Science veri tabanından elde edildi. Korelasyon analizi için Spearman korelasyon katsayısı kullanıldı. Trend olan konuları belirlemek için ağ görselleştirme haritaları kullanıldı.

Bulgular: Toplam 21732 yayın bulundu. Bu yayınların 2392'si (%70,5) makale idi. Literatüre katkıda bulunan ilk 3 ülke ABD (462, %19.3), İngiltere (331, 10.4) ve Avustralya (298, %12.1) idi. En aktif 2 kurum Universidade Do Porto (n=93) ve Australian Institute of Sport (n=82) idi. En fazla makale yayınlayan aktif dergiler International Journal of Sports Medicine (n=171) ve Journal of Sports Sciences (n=150) idi. Makale başına ortalama atıf sayısına göre en etkili dergi Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (alıntı:51.8) idi.

Sonuç: Yüzme konusunda tıp ve sağlıkla ilişkili yaygın çalışılan konular kan laktat, kalp hızı, yorgunluk, omuz, vücut kompozisyonu, antropometri, oksijen alımı, oksidatif stres, sakatlık, enerji tüketimi, elektromiyografi, oksijen tüketimi, fizyoloji, motivasyon, fiziksel aktivite, yaşlanma, kas gücü, omuz ağrısı, testosteron, vücut sıcaklığı ve stres idi. Son yıllarda çalışılan genel konular ise atletik performans, fizyoloji, stres, güç, sakatlık, paralimpik, elektromiyografi, gençler, omuz ağrısı, spor, kuvvet, yarışma, kinetik, ergenlik, spor, yüzme antremanı ve yaşlanma idi.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • 1. Maglischo EW. Swimming fastest. Human kinetics. 2003
  • 2. Chase NL, Sui X, & Blair SN. Comparison of the health aspects of swimming with other types of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle habits. Int J of Aquatic Res and Edu. 2008;2(2):7.
  • 3. Josefsson T, Lindwall M, & Archer T. Physical exercise intervention in depressive disorders: Meta-analysis and systematic review. Scandinavian J of Med & Sci in Sports. 2014;24(2):259–272. doi:10.1111/sms.12050
  • 4. Gustafsson H, Sagar SS, & Stenling A. Fear of failure, psychological stress, and burnout among adolescent athletes competing in high level sport. Scandinavian J of Med & Sci in Sports. 2017;27(12):2091– 2102. doi:10.1111/sms.12797
  • 5. Grossman P, Niemann L, Schmidt S, & Walach H. Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits. A metaanalysis. J of Psychosomatic Res. 2004;57:35–43.
  • 6. Garrido ND, Marinho DA, Barbosa TM, Costa AM, Silva AJ, Turpin JAP, et al. Relationships between dry land strenght, power variables and short sprint performance in young competitive swimmers. J of Human Sport & Exerc. 2010;5(2):240-249.
  • 7. Morouço PG, Marinho DA, Amaro NM, Perez-Turpin JA, & Marques MC. Effects of dry-land strength training on swimming performance: a brief review. J of Human Sport & Exerc. 2012;7(2):553-559.
  • 8. Wang JS, & Hung WP. The effects of a swimming intervention for children with asthma. Respirology. 2009;14(6):838-842.
  • 9. Golpinar M, & Demir E. Global research output of the cerebellum: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. J of the Anatomical Society of India. 2020;69(3):155.
  • 10. Kayir S, & Kisa A. The evolution of the regional anesthesia: a holistic investigation of global outputs with bibliometric analysis between 1980-2019. The Korean Journal of Pain. 2021;34(1):82.
  • 11. Yildirim E, & Demir E. Comparative bibliometric analysis of fertility preservation. Annals of Medical Research. 2019;26(8):1622-8.
  • 12. Kiraz S, Demir E. Global Scientific Outputs of Schizophrenia Publications From 1975 to 2020: a Bibliometric Analysis. Psychiatr Q. 2021;92(4):1725-1744.
  • 13. Muslu Ü, Demir E. Development of Rhinoplasty: Yesterday and Today. Med Sci. 2019;23:294-301
  • 14. Demir E, Akmeşe ÖF, Erbay H, Taylan-Özkan A, & Mumcuoğlu KY. Bibliometric analysis of publications on house dust mites during 1980–2018. Allergologia et İmmunopathologia. 2020;48(4):374-383.
  • 15. Clancy RB, Herring MP, & Campbell MJ. Motivation measures in sport: A critical review and bibliometric analysis. Frontiers in Psychol. 2017;8:348.
  • 16. Khoo S, Ansari P, & Morris T. Sport and exercise psychology research from the Asian and South Pacific region: A bibliometric analysis. Asian J of Sport and Exerc Psychol. 2021;1(1):21-29.
  • 17. Van Eck NJ, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics. 2010;84(2):523–538.
  • 18. The World Bank CD. 2022; [accessed 3 January 2022].
  • 19. Costill DL, Kovaleski J, Porter D, Kirwan J, Fielding R, & King D. Energy expenditure during front crawl swimming: predicting success in middle-distance events. Int J of Sports Med. 1985;6(05):266-270.
  • 20. Costill DL, Flynn MG, Kirwan JP, Houmard JA, Mitchell JB, Thomas R, & Park SH. Effects of repeated days of intensified training on muscle glycogen and swimming performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1988;20(3):249-254.
  • 21. Gleeson MAREE, McDonald WA, Pyne DB, Cripps AW, Francis JL, Fricker PA, & Clancy RL. Salivary IgA levels and infection risk in elite swimmers. Med and Sci in Sports and Exerc. 1999;31(1):67-73.
  • 22. Roy RR, Hutchison DL, Pierotti DJ, Hodgson JA, & Edgerton VR. EMG patterns of rat ankle extensors and flexors during treadmill locomotion and swimming. J of Applied Physiol. 1991;70(6):2522-2529.
  • 23. Morgan WP, Costill DL, Flynn MG, Raglin JS, & O'Connor PJ. Mood disturbance following increased training in swimmers. Med & Sci in Sports & Exerc. 1988;20(4):408–414.
  • 24. Sargent C, Halson S, & Roach GD. Sleep or swim? Early-morning training severely restricts the amount of sleep obtained by elite swimmers. Euro J of Sport Sci. 2014;14(1):310-S315.
  • 25. Wallace LK, Slattery KM, & Coutts AJ. The ecological validity and application of the session-RPE method for quantifying training loads in swimming. The J of Stren & Conditioning Res. 2009;23(1):33-38.
  • 26. Sein ML, Walton J, Linklater J, Appleyard R, Kirkbride B, Kuah D, & Murrell GA. Shoulder pain in elite swimmers: primarily due to swim-volume-induced supraspinatus tendinopathy. British J of Sports Med. 2010;44(2):105-113.
  • 27. VanHeest JL, Rodgers CD, Mahoney CE, & De Souza MJ. Ovarian suppression impairs sport performance in junior elite female swimmers. Med and Sci in Sports and Exerc. 2014;46(1):156-166.
  • 28. Craig AB, & Pendergast DR. Relationships of stroke rate, distance per stroke, and velocity in competitive swimming. Med Sci Sports. 1979;11(3):278-283.
  • 29. Craig AB, Skehan PL, Pawelczyk JA, & Boomer WL. Velocity, stroke rate, and distance per stroke during elite swimming competition. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1985:17(6):625-634.
  • 30. Cohen J. Statistical power. Analysis For the Behavioral Sci. 1988;273-406.
  • 31. Chollet D, Chalies S, & Chatard JC. A new index of coordination for the crawl: description and usefulness. Int J of Sports Med. 2000;21(01):54-59.

Bibliometric analysis of swimming publications in sports science: a medical perspective

Yıl 2022, , 39 - 48, 29.06.2022


Objective: Although the number of global studies on swimming has increased, there are still no bibliometric studies in the literature. This study aimed to present a medical perspective by examining scientific articles published in the field of swimming sports with statistical methods.

Material and Method: Articles on swimming published between 1980 and 2021 were obtained from the Web of Science database. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used for correlation analysis. Network visualization maps were used to identify trending topics.

Results: A total of 21732 publications were found. 2392 (70.5%) of these publications were articles. The top 3 contributing countries to the literature were USA (462, 19.3%), UK (331, 10.4), and Australia (298, 12.1%). The top 2 most active institutions were Universidade Do Porto (n=93), and Australian Institute of Sport (n=82). The most active journals with the highest number of articles were International Journal of Sports Medicine (n=171), and Journal of Sports Sciences (n=150). According to the average number of citations per article, the top most influential journal was Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (citation: 51.8).

Conclusion: The most studied subjects related to medicine and health in swimming were blood lactate, heart rate, fatigue, shoulder, body composition, anthropometry, oxygen uptake, oxidative stress, disability, energy cost, electromyography, oxygen consumption, physiology, motivation, physical activity, aging, muscle strength, shoulder pain, testosterone, core temperature, and stress. General topics studied in recent years were athletic performance, physiology, stress, strength, disability, paralympic, electromyography, youth, shoulder pain, sports, force, competition, kinetics, adolescent, sport, swimming training, and aging.

Proje Numarası



  • 1. Maglischo EW. Swimming fastest. Human kinetics. 2003
  • 2. Chase NL, Sui X, & Blair SN. Comparison of the health aspects of swimming with other types of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle habits. Int J of Aquatic Res and Edu. 2008;2(2):7.
  • 3. Josefsson T, Lindwall M, & Archer T. Physical exercise intervention in depressive disorders: Meta-analysis and systematic review. Scandinavian J of Med & Sci in Sports. 2014;24(2):259–272. doi:10.1111/sms.12050
  • 4. Gustafsson H, Sagar SS, & Stenling A. Fear of failure, psychological stress, and burnout among adolescent athletes competing in high level sport. Scandinavian J of Med & Sci in Sports. 2017;27(12):2091– 2102. doi:10.1111/sms.12797
  • 5. Grossman P, Niemann L, Schmidt S, & Walach H. Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits. A metaanalysis. J of Psychosomatic Res. 2004;57:35–43.
  • 6. Garrido ND, Marinho DA, Barbosa TM, Costa AM, Silva AJ, Turpin JAP, et al. Relationships between dry land strenght, power variables and short sprint performance in young competitive swimmers. J of Human Sport & Exerc. 2010;5(2):240-249.
  • 7. Morouço PG, Marinho DA, Amaro NM, Perez-Turpin JA, & Marques MC. Effects of dry-land strength training on swimming performance: a brief review. J of Human Sport & Exerc. 2012;7(2):553-559.
  • 8. Wang JS, & Hung WP. The effects of a swimming intervention for children with asthma. Respirology. 2009;14(6):838-842.
  • 9. Golpinar M, & Demir E. Global research output of the cerebellum: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. J of the Anatomical Society of India. 2020;69(3):155.
  • 10. Kayir S, & Kisa A. The evolution of the regional anesthesia: a holistic investigation of global outputs with bibliometric analysis between 1980-2019. The Korean Journal of Pain. 2021;34(1):82.
  • 11. Yildirim E, & Demir E. Comparative bibliometric analysis of fertility preservation. Annals of Medical Research. 2019;26(8):1622-8.
  • 12. Kiraz S, Demir E. Global Scientific Outputs of Schizophrenia Publications From 1975 to 2020: a Bibliometric Analysis. Psychiatr Q. 2021;92(4):1725-1744.
  • 13. Muslu Ü, Demir E. Development of Rhinoplasty: Yesterday and Today. Med Sci. 2019;23:294-301
  • 14. Demir E, Akmeşe ÖF, Erbay H, Taylan-Özkan A, & Mumcuoğlu KY. Bibliometric analysis of publications on house dust mites during 1980–2018. Allergologia et İmmunopathologia. 2020;48(4):374-383.
  • 15. Clancy RB, Herring MP, & Campbell MJ. Motivation measures in sport: A critical review and bibliometric analysis. Frontiers in Psychol. 2017;8:348.
  • 16. Khoo S, Ansari P, & Morris T. Sport and exercise psychology research from the Asian and South Pacific region: A bibliometric analysis. Asian J of Sport and Exerc Psychol. 2021;1(1):21-29.
  • 17. Van Eck NJ, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics. 2010;84(2):523–538.
  • 18. The World Bank CD. 2022; [accessed 3 January 2022].
  • 19. Costill DL, Kovaleski J, Porter D, Kirwan J, Fielding R, & King D. Energy expenditure during front crawl swimming: predicting success in middle-distance events. Int J of Sports Med. 1985;6(05):266-270.
  • 20. Costill DL, Flynn MG, Kirwan JP, Houmard JA, Mitchell JB, Thomas R, & Park SH. Effects of repeated days of intensified training on muscle glycogen and swimming performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1988;20(3):249-254.
  • 21. Gleeson MAREE, McDonald WA, Pyne DB, Cripps AW, Francis JL, Fricker PA, & Clancy RL. Salivary IgA levels and infection risk in elite swimmers. Med and Sci in Sports and Exerc. 1999;31(1):67-73.
  • 22. Roy RR, Hutchison DL, Pierotti DJ, Hodgson JA, & Edgerton VR. EMG patterns of rat ankle extensors and flexors during treadmill locomotion and swimming. J of Applied Physiol. 1991;70(6):2522-2529.
  • 23. Morgan WP, Costill DL, Flynn MG, Raglin JS, & O'Connor PJ. Mood disturbance following increased training in swimmers. Med & Sci in Sports & Exerc. 1988;20(4):408–414.
  • 24. Sargent C, Halson S, & Roach GD. Sleep or swim? Early-morning training severely restricts the amount of sleep obtained by elite swimmers. Euro J of Sport Sci. 2014;14(1):310-S315.
  • 25. Wallace LK, Slattery KM, & Coutts AJ. The ecological validity and application of the session-RPE method for quantifying training loads in swimming. The J of Stren & Conditioning Res. 2009;23(1):33-38.
  • 26. Sein ML, Walton J, Linklater J, Appleyard R, Kirkbride B, Kuah D, & Murrell GA. Shoulder pain in elite swimmers: primarily due to swim-volume-induced supraspinatus tendinopathy. British J of Sports Med. 2010;44(2):105-113.
  • 27. VanHeest JL, Rodgers CD, Mahoney CE, & De Souza MJ. Ovarian suppression impairs sport performance in junior elite female swimmers. Med and Sci in Sports and Exerc. 2014;46(1):156-166.
  • 28. Craig AB, & Pendergast DR. Relationships of stroke rate, distance per stroke, and velocity in competitive swimming. Med Sci Sports. 1979;11(3):278-283.
  • 29. Craig AB, Skehan PL, Pawelczyk JA, & Boomer WL. Velocity, stroke rate, and distance per stroke during elite swimming competition. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1985:17(6):625-634.
  • 30. Cohen J. Statistical power. Analysis For the Behavioral Sci. 1988;273-406.
  • 31. Chollet D, Chalies S, & Chatard JC. A new index of coordination for the crawl: description and usefulness. Int J of Sports Med. 2000;21(01):54-59.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Tuğrul Özkadı 0000-0001-9336-6957

Emre Demir 0000-0002-3834-3864

Turgut Yıldırım 0000-0003-1391-6942

Esin Çağla Çağlar 0000-0002-2717-0830

İsmet Alagöz 0000-0002-2538-3699

Gülçin Aydoğdu 0000-0002-4653-4767

Proje Numarası Yok
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Mayıs 2022
Kabul Tarihi 13 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

AMA Özkadı T, Demir E, Yıldırım T, Çağlar EÇ, Alagöz İ, Aydoğdu G. Bibliometric analysis of swimming publications in sports science: a medical perspective. Hitit Medical Journal. Haziran 2022;4(2):39-48. doi:10.52827/hititmedj.1121920

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