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Yıl 2015, , 97 - 126, 14.04.2015


they have especially the audio-visual elements as well as social and cultural discourses. These texts have also a didactic mission. Therefore, translators face with some translating problems because they should transfer the same message of the source text to the target text with same style and same effect as far as possible. Because, a translator should constitute a bridge between two cultures and this process of translation become a problematic for him or her. E. Cary, who is an important theorist in the field of translation studies, proposes some special definitions and approaches about translation of the literary genres. Cary claims that we should follow a different method of translation for all literary genres and he emphasizes the slight border between translation and adaptation. In this study, we will mention the general frame of E. Cary’s translation approach about the texts of theatre, and then we will try to show Cary’s translation process on translations from Turkish into French of the 18thcentury’s important literary works as Turcaret (Lesage), Le marriage de Figaro (Beaumarchais) and Les Fausses Confidences (Mariveaux). On the other hand, we will try to make an analysis of translation and make some propositions about these different translations


  • Blamires, H. (1991). A History of Literary Criticism. London: Macmillan.
  • Bressler, C. E. (2007). Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (4thed.). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall Inc.
  • Ceuca, J. (2002). Evoluţia formelor dramatice. Cluj-Napoca: Dacia.
  • Clement, B. (2000). Tragedia clasică. Iaşi: Institutul European.
  • Cuddon, J. A. (1992). The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary
  • Theory. London: Penguin Books Ltd. Dutton, R. (1984). An Introduction to Literary Criticism. London: Longman.
  • Frank, M. (2002). Gender, Theatre, and the Origins of Criticism: From Dryden to Manley. Port Chester: Cambridge University Press.
  • Graf, A. (1997). Marile curente ale filosofiei moderne. Iaşi: Institutul European.
  • Hampshire, S. (Ed.) (1956). The Age of Reason: The 17thCentury Philosophers.
  • New York: The New American Library. Harpham, G. G. (2001). Ethics and literary criticism. In C. Knellwolf & C.
  • Norris (Eds.), The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, Volume 9: Twentieth Century Historical, Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives (pp. 371-385). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Heidegger, M. (1971). Poetry, Language, Thought. New York: Harper and Row.
  • Highet, G. (1976). The Classical Tradition: Greek and Roman Influences on
  • Western Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Holman, C. H., & Harmon, W. A. (1992). A Handbook to Literature. New York: Macmillan.
  • Munteanu, R. (1989). Farsa tragic. Bucureşti: Univers.
  • Sambrook, J. (2005). Poetry, 1660-1740. In H. B. Nisbet & C. Rawson (Eds.),
  • The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, Volume 4: The Eighteenth Century (pp. 75-116). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sanders, A. (1994). The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford:
  • Oxford University Press. Stephen, M. (1984). An Introductory Guide to English Literature. London: Longman.
  • Urnov, D. M. (Ed.). (1979). The Idea of Literature: The Foundations of English
  • Criticism. Moscow: Progress Publishers. Vickers, B. (1996). The Seventeenth Century. In P. Rogers (Ed.). The Oxford
  • Western Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Holman, C. H., & Harmon, W. A. (1992). A Handbook to Literature. New York: Macmillan.
  • Munteanu, R. (1989). Farsa tragic. Bucureşti: Univers.
  • Sambrook, J. (2005). Poetry, 1660-1740. In H. B. Nisbet & C. Rawson (Eds.),
  • The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, Volume 4: The Eighteenth Century (pp. 75-116). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sanders, A. (1994). The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford:
  • Oxford University Press. Stephen, M. (1984). An Introductory Guide to English Literature. London: Longman.
  • Urnov, D. M. (Ed.). (1979). The Idea of Literature: The Foundations of English
  • Criticism. Moscow: Progress Publishers. Vickers, B. (1996). The Seventeenth Century. In P. Rogers (Ed.). The Oxford


Yıl 2015, , 97 - 126, 14.04.2015


Edebi eleştiri, amacı belli çalışmaları analiz etmek olmakla beraber, edebi metni değerlendirme ve anlama entelektüel yetisi anlamına da gelir; fakat birçok eleştirmen 20. Yüzyıldan önce bunu başarmış olmasına ragmen, İngiliz geçmişinde eleştiri, eleştirel eylemin doğasına yabancı bazı nedenlerle başlamıştır. Örneğin, Sydney savunur, Dryden öngörür, Pope düşünür ve öngörür, Fielding yeni bir tür ve Wordworth yeni bir şiir çeşidi tanıtır vb. Neoklasik dönemde İngiliz eleştirisi karmaşık ve çok sesli bir olguydu ve normatif bir eleştirel söylem geliştiren yazar vey azar-eleştirmenler tarafından temsil ediliyordu. John Dryden ve “Of Dramatic Poesi” denemesi Restorasyon dönemi İngiliz eleştirisinin durumunu daha iyi gösterecekti. 18. Yüzyılın ilk yarısına Alexander Pope’un “An Essay on Criticism and An Essay on Man”inde ifade edilen neoklasik fikirler yön vermişti. Ikinci yarısı, Dr. Samuel Johnson’ın karakteri ve Influential Lives of the Poets and Dictionary of the English Language adlı ederi tarafından yönlendirilmişti. İngiliz Edebiyatında neoklasik döneme ait en öngörülü eleştirel ses, John Dryden’ınkiydi ve Alexander Pope da ona eşlik ediyordu. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Dryden ve Pope’un eleştirel söylemleri bağlamında, öngörü ve eleştirinin özünü, edebiyatı açıklayarak ona yön vermesi olarak ortaya çıkarmaktır.


  • Blamires, H. (1991). A History of Literary Criticism. London: Macmillan.
  • Bressler, C. E. (2007). Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (4thed.). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall Inc.
  • Ceuca, J. (2002). Evoluţia formelor dramatice. Cluj-Napoca: Dacia.
  • Clement, B. (2000). Tragedia clasică. Iaşi: Institutul European.
  • Cuddon, J. A. (1992). The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary
  • Theory. London: Penguin Books Ltd. Dutton, R. (1984). An Introduction to Literary Criticism. London: Longman.
  • Frank, M. (2002). Gender, Theatre, and the Origins of Criticism: From Dryden to Manley. Port Chester: Cambridge University Press.
  • Graf, A. (1997). Marile curente ale filosofiei moderne. Iaşi: Institutul European.
  • Hampshire, S. (Ed.) (1956). The Age of Reason: The 17thCentury Philosophers.
  • New York: The New American Library. Harpham, G. G. (2001). Ethics and literary criticism. In C. Knellwolf & C.
  • Norris (Eds.), The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, Volume 9: Twentieth Century Historical, Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives (pp. 371-385). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Heidegger, M. (1971). Poetry, Language, Thought. New York: Harper and Row.
  • Highet, G. (1976). The Classical Tradition: Greek and Roman Influences on
  • Western Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Holman, C. H., & Harmon, W. A. (1992). A Handbook to Literature. New York: Macmillan.
  • Munteanu, R. (1989). Farsa tragic. Bucureşti: Univers.
  • Sambrook, J. (2005). Poetry, 1660-1740. In H. B. Nisbet & C. Rawson (Eds.),
  • The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, Volume 4: The Eighteenth Century (pp. 75-116). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sanders, A. (1994). The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford:
  • Oxford University Press. Stephen, M. (1984). An Introductory Guide to English Literature. London: Longman.
  • Urnov, D. M. (Ed.). (1979). The Idea of Literature: The Foundations of English
  • Criticism. Moscow: Progress Publishers. Vickers, B. (1996). The Seventeenth Century. In P. Rogers (Ed.). The Oxford
  • Western Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Holman, C. H., & Harmon, W. A. (1992). A Handbook to Literature. New York: Macmillan.
  • Munteanu, R. (1989). Farsa tragic. Bucureşti: Univers.
  • Sambrook, J. (2005). Poetry, 1660-1740. In H. B. Nisbet & C. Rawson (Eds.),
  • The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, Volume 4: The Eighteenth Century (pp. 75-116). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sanders, A. (1994). The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford:
  • Oxford University Press. Stephen, M. (1984). An Introductory Guide to English Literature. London: Longman.
  • Urnov, D. M. (Ed.). (1979). The Idea of Literature: The Foundations of English
  • Criticism. Moscow: Progress Publishers. Vickers, B. (1996). The Seventeenth Century. In P. Rogers (Ed.). The Oxford
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Petru Golban

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Nisan 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

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