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The Sparkling Face of Modern Agoras: Aesthetic Labor)

Yıl 2019, , 222 - 242, 15.10.2019


In this study, aesthetic labor of sales employees who work at different shopping malls in Izmir, as the visible aspect of their job, is examined. It is meaningful across various academic disciplines to look into this area as shopping malls have become popular life centers in the last decade, providing mall-goers with numerous activities. In the research stage, the researcher utilized mixed methodology including questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The detailed analysis shows that aesthetic labor is not perceived as a negative phenomenon by a considerable part of employees. And aesthetic labor comes as last in the list of disadvantages experienced related to work. Contrarily, the negative features of aesthetic labor seem to be functional insufficiencies of compulsory work attire and its extra financial costs, and interference with personal style. Aesthetic monitoring at the workplace appears to be imposed not only by employers but also by employees on one another.


  • Bardack, N. R. & McAndrew, F. T. (1985). The influence of physical attractiveness and manner of dress on success in a simulated personnel decision. The Journal of Social Psychology, 125(6), 777-778.
  • Barthes, R. (1996). Çağdaş söylenler. (Çev: T. Yücel). İstanbul: Metis. (Orijinal metin 1957 yılında yayınlanmıştır)
  • Baudrillard, J. (2013). Tüketim toplumu. İstanbul: Ayrıntı. (Orijinal metin 1970 yılında yayınlanmıştır)
  • Bauman, Z. (2001). Parçalanmış hayat. (Çev: İ. Türkmen). İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Çabuklu, Y. (2004). Postmodern toplumda kriz ve siyaset. İstanbul: Kanat.
  • Çetin, E. (2009). Çalışma yaşamında bedenin değişen görünümü. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), 73-83.
  • Denscombe, M. (2008). Communities of practice: A research paradigm for the mixed methods approach. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 2(3), 270-283.
  • Dixson, B. J., Sulikowski, D., Gouda-Vossos, A., Rantala, M. J., Brooks, R. C. (2016). The masculinity paradox: Facial masculinity and beardedness interact to determine women’s ratings of men’s facial attractiveness. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29(11), 2311-2320.
  • Entwistle, J. & Wissinger, E. (2006). Keeping up appearances: aesthetic labour in the fashion modelling industries of London and New York. The Sociological Review, 54(4), 774-794.
  • Featherstone, M. (1994). The body in consumer culture. M. Featherstone, M. Heyworth & B. S. Turner (Der.), The body: social process and cultural theory içinde (ss. 170-196). London: Sage.
  • Fink, B., Grammer, K. & Matts, P. J. (2006). Visible skin color distribution plays a role in the perception of age, attractiveness, and health in female faces. Evolution & Human Behavior, 27(6), 433-442.
  • Foucault, M. (1998). The history of sexuality Volume I: The will to knowledge. London: Penguin. (Orijinal olarak 1984 yılında basılmıştır)
  • Gimlin, D. (2007). What is ‘Body Work’?. A review of the literature. Sociology Compass, 1(1), 353-370.
  • Gueguen, N. (2011). Brief report: Women’s hair color and donations: Blonds receive more money. North American Journal of Psychology, 13(3), 367-372.
  • Hamermesh, D. & Biddle, J. (1994). Beauty and the labor market. American Economic Review, 84(5), 1174-1194.
  • Hancock, P. & Tyler, M. (2000). ‘The look of love’: Gender and the organisation of aesthetics. J. Hassard, R. Holliday & H. Willmott (Der.), Body and organization içinde (ss. 108-129). London: Sage.
  • Harper, B. (2000). Beauty, stature and the labour market: A British cohort study. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 62(0), 771-800.
  • Jenkins, R. (2002). Pierre Bourdieu. (Second Edition). London: Routledge.
  • Johnston, A. & Sandberg, J. (2005). ‘Looking good, feeling better’: Aesthetics and exclusivity in the service encounter. 4th International Critical Management Studies Conference Proceedings. U.K.: University of Cambridge.
  • Kalfa Topateş, A. (2015). Tüketim toplumunda tükenen bedenler: Kozmetik reyonu çalışanları ve estetik emek. Çalışma İlişkileri Dergisi, 6(2), 32-54.
  • Kemaloğlu, K. (23/03/2016). İzmir’e 12 yeni AVM geliyor. Yeni Asır Gazetesi Web Sitesi. (Erişim tarihi: 04/03 /2017)
  • Krupp, D. B., DeBruine, L. M. & Jones, B. C. (2011). Apparent health encourages reciprocity. Evolution & Human Behavior, 32(3), 198-203.
  • Lan, P. (2001). The body as a contested terrain for labor control: cosmetics retailers in department stores and direct selling. R. Baldoz, C. Koeber & P. Kraft (Der.), The critical study of work: Labor, technology, and global production içinde (ss. 83-105). Philadelphia: Temple University.
  • Langman, L. (1992). Neon cages: Shopping for subjectivity. R. Shields (Der.), Lifestyle shopping: The subject of consumption içinde (ss. 41-81). New York: Routledge.
  • Lynn, M. (2009). Determinants and consequences of female attractiveness and sexiness: Realistic tests with restaurant waitresses. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38(5), 737-745.
  • Miller, G. (2012). Tüketimin evrimi: Cinsiyet, statü ve tüketim. (Çev: G. Vardar). İstanbul: Alfa.
  • Morrow, P., McElroy, J., Stamper, B., Wilson, M. (1990). The effects of physical attractiveness and other demographic characteristics on promotion decisions. Journal of Management, 16(4), 723-736.
  • Peiss, K. (2001). On beauty,… and the history of business. P. Scranton (Der.), Beauty and business: commerce, gender, and culture in modern America içinde (ss. 7-22). London: Routledge.
  • Price, M. K. (2008). Fund-raising success and a solicitor’s beauty capital: Do blondes raise more funds?. Economics Letters, 100(3), 351-354.
  • Reekie, G. (1993). Temptations: Sex, selling and the department store. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
  • Roscoe, P. (2013). Harcıyorum öyleyse varım. (Çev: A. Çavdar). İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Salzinger, L. (2003). Making workers in Mexico’s global factories. Berkeley: University of California.
  • Samuda, C. (22/10/2014). Korean beauty and their obsession with blepharoplasty. http://cardisa., (Erişim tarihi: 20/12/2014)
  • Sennett, R. (2015). Yeni kapitalizmin kültürü. (3. Basım). (Çev: A. Onocak). İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Singh, D., Dixson, B. J., Jessop, T. S., Morgan, B., Dixson, A. F. (2010). Cross-cultural consensus for waist–hip ratio and women’s attractiveness. Evolution & Human Behavior, 31(3), 176-181.
  • Styhre, A. (2004). The (re)embodied organization: four perspectives on the body in organizations. Human Resources Development International, 7(1), 101-116.
  • Tashakkori, A., & Teddlie, C. (1998). Mixed methodology: Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Turner, B. S. (1992). Regulating bodies: Essays in medical sociology. London: Routledge.
  • TÜİK. (21/04/2017). İşgücü istatistikleri dönemsel sonuçları: 2014 ve sonrasına ilişkin sonuçlar. (Erişim tarihi: 21/04/2017)
  • Wolf, N. (1991). The beauty myth: How images of beauty are used against women. London: Vintage.
  • Wolkowitz, C. (2006). Bodies at work. London: Sage.
  • Yin, R.K. (2011). Qualitative research from start to finish. New York: The Guilford.

Modern Agoraların Işıltılı Yüzü: Estetik Emek

Yıl 2019, , 222 - 242, 15.10.2019


Bu çalışmada; İzmir’de farklı semtlerde konumlanmış alışveriş merkezlerinde çalışan satış görevlilerinin çalışma hayatlarının görünür yüzünü oluşturan estetik emek olgusu mercek altına alınmaktadır. Son on senede popüler yaşam alanları hâline gelen—alışveriş, yemek, eğlence, spor, eğitim, hobi ve iş olanakları sunan—alışveriş merkezlerinin çalışanlar üzerindeki etkilerinin ortaya konulması birçok akademik disiplin açısından önem taşımaktadır. Karma araştırma metodolojisinden yararlanılan bu çalışmada, sekiz farklı AVM’de çalışan satış görevlileri ile anketler doldurulmuş ve derinlemesine görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıntılı analizler sonucunda estetik emek olgusunun çalışanların birçoğu tarafından olumsuz olarak algılanmadığı bulgulanmıştır. Estetik emek, işe ilişkin deneyimlenen dezavantajlar arasında son sırada yer almaktadır. Buna karşın; olumsuz olarak görülen estetik emek unsurları, zorunlu kıyafetin fonksiyonel yetersizliği ve çalışana getirdiği ekstra maliyetler ve çalışanın kişisel tarzına yapılan müdahaleler olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Estetik denetimin sadece işverenden çalışana doğru değil, çalışanlar arasında da yoğun bir şekilde uygulanan bir pratik olduğu anlaşılmaktadır


  • Bardack, N. R. & McAndrew, F. T. (1985). The influence of physical attractiveness and manner of dress on success in a simulated personnel decision. The Journal of Social Psychology, 125(6), 777-778.
  • Barthes, R. (1996). Çağdaş söylenler. (Çev: T. Yücel). İstanbul: Metis. (Orijinal metin 1957 yılında yayınlanmıştır)
  • Baudrillard, J. (2013). Tüketim toplumu. İstanbul: Ayrıntı. (Orijinal metin 1970 yılında yayınlanmıştır)
  • Bauman, Z. (2001). Parçalanmış hayat. (Çev: İ. Türkmen). İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Çabuklu, Y. (2004). Postmodern toplumda kriz ve siyaset. İstanbul: Kanat.
  • Çetin, E. (2009). Çalışma yaşamında bedenin değişen görünümü. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), 73-83.
  • Denscombe, M. (2008). Communities of practice: A research paradigm for the mixed methods approach. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 2(3), 270-283.
  • Dixson, B. J., Sulikowski, D., Gouda-Vossos, A., Rantala, M. J., Brooks, R. C. (2016). The masculinity paradox: Facial masculinity and beardedness interact to determine women’s ratings of men’s facial attractiveness. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29(11), 2311-2320.
  • Entwistle, J. & Wissinger, E. (2006). Keeping up appearances: aesthetic labour in the fashion modelling industries of London and New York. The Sociological Review, 54(4), 774-794.
  • Featherstone, M. (1994). The body in consumer culture. M. Featherstone, M. Heyworth & B. S. Turner (Der.), The body: social process and cultural theory içinde (ss. 170-196). London: Sage.
  • Fink, B., Grammer, K. & Matts, P. J. (2006). Visible skin color distribution plays a role in the perception of age, attractiveness, and health in female faces. Evolution & Human Behavior, 27(6), 433-442.
  • Foucault, M. (1998). The history of sexuality Volume I: The will to knowledge. London: Penguin. (Orijinal olarak 1984 yılında basılmıştır)
  • Gimlin, D. (2007). What is ‘Body Work’?. A review of the literature. Sociology Compass, 1(1), 353-370.
  • Gueguen, N. (2011). Brief report: Women’s hair color and donations: Blonds receive more money. North American Journal of Psychology, 13(3), 367-372.
  • Hamermesh, D. & Biddle, J. (1994). Beauty and the labor market. American Economic Review, 84(5), 1174-1194.
  • Hancock, P. & Tyler, M. (2000). ‘The look of love’: Gender and the organisation of aesthetics. J. Hassard, R. Holliday & H. Willmott (Der.), Body and organization içinde (ss. 108-129). London: Sage.
  • Harper, B. (2000). Beauty, stature and the labour market: A British cohort study. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 62(0), 771-800.
  • Jenkins, R. (2002). Pierre Bourdieu. (Second Edition). London: Routledge.
  • Johnston, A. & Sandberg, J. (2005). ‘Looking good, feeling better’: Aesthetics and exclusivity in the service encounter. 4th International Critical Management Studies Conference Proceedings. U.K.: University of Cambridge.
  • Kalfa Topateş, A. (2015). Tüketim toplumunda tükenen bedenler: Kozmetik reyonu çalışanları ve estetik emek. Çalışma İlişkileri Dergisi, 6(2), 32-54.
  • Kemaloğlu, K. (23/03/2016). İzmir’e 12 yeni AVM geliyor. Yeni Asır Gazetesi Web Sitesi. (Erişim tarihi: 04/03 /2017)
  • Krupp, D. B., DeBruine, L. M. & Jones, B. C. (2011). Apparent health encourages reciprocity. Evolution & Human Behavior, 32(3), 198-203.
  • Lan, P. (2001). The body as a contested terrain for labor control: cosmetics retailers in department stores and direct selling. R. Baldoz, C. Koeber & P. Kraft (Der.), The critical study of work: Labor, technology, and global production içinde (ss. 83-105). Philadelphia: Temple University.
  • Langman, L. (1992). Neon cages: Shopping for subjectivity. R. Shields (Der.), Lifestyle shopping: The subject of consumption içinde (ss. 41-81). New York: Routledge.
  • Lynn, M. (2009). Determinants and consequences of female attractiveness and sexiness: Realistic tests with restaurant waitresses. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38(5), 737-745.
  • Miller, G. (2012). Tüketimin evrimi: Cinsiyet, statü ve tüketim. (Çev: G. Vardar). İstanbul: Alfa.
  • Morrow, P., McElroy, J., Stamper, B., Wilson, M. (1990). The effects of physical attractiveness and other demographic characteristics on promotion decisions. Journal of Management, 16(4), 723-736.
  • Peiss, K. (2001). On beauty,… and the history of business. P. Scranton (Der.), Beauty and business: commerce, gender, and culture in modern America içinde (ss. 7-22). London: Routledge.
  • Price, M. K. (2008). Fund-raising success and a solicitor’s beauty capital: Do blondes raise more funds?. Economics Letters, 100(3), 351-354.
  • Reekie, G. (1993). Temptations: Sex, selling and the department store. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
  • Roscoe, P. (2013). Harcıyorum öyleyse varım. (Çev: A. Çavdar). İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Salzinger, L. (2003). Making workers in Mexico’s global factories. Berkeley: University of California.
  • Samuda, C. (22/10/2014). Korean beauty and their obsession with blepharoplasty. http://cardisa., (Erişim tarihi: 20/12/2014)
  • Sennett, R. (2015). Yeni kapitalizmin kültürü. (3. Basım). (Çev: A. Onocak). İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Singh, D., Dixson, B. J., Jessop, T. S., Morgan, B., Dixson, A. F. (2010). Cross-cultural consensus for waist–hip ratio and women’s attractiveness. Evolution & Human Behavior, 31(3), 176-181.
  • Styhre, A. (2004). The (re)embodied organization: four perspectives on the body in organizations. Human Resources Development International, 7(1), 101-116.
  • Tashakkori, A., & Teddlie, C. (1998). Mixed methodology: Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Turner, B. S. (1992). Regulating bodies: Essays in medical sociology. London: Routledge.
  • TÜİK. (21/04/2017). İşgücü istatistikleri dönemsel sonuçları: 2014 ve sonrasına ilişkin sonuçlar. (Erişim tarihi: 21/04/2017)
  • Wolf, N. (1991). The beauty myth: How images of beauty are used against women. London: Vintage.
  • Wolkowitz, C. (2006). Bodies at work. London: Sage.
  • Yin, R.K. (2011). Qualitative research from start to finish. New York: The Guilford.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Tüm Sayı

Emre Başcı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Başcı, E. (2019). Modern Agoraların Işıltılı Yüzü: Estetik Emek. HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(14), 222-242.