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Students’ Experiences on Using an Authentication and Authorship Checking System in E-Assessment

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 35 Sayı: Special Issue, 6 - 24, 30.09.2020


The aim of this study was to identify students’ experiences in using an authentication and authorship checking system in e-assessment. The study was carried out within the context of the TeSLA Project (an Adaptive Trust-based e-Assessment System for Learning), which was developed under a Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Commission. The TeSLA system involves several instruments such as face recognition, voice recognition, keystroke dynamics, forensic analysis, and plagiarism tools for authentication and authorship checking in e-assessment. The study was designed as a cross-sectional survey. Participants were 735 students from three universities in Spain, Bulgaria and Turkey. Students used the TeSLA system during 2018-2019 Spring Semester for their e-assessment activities in 92 undergraduate and graduate courses. Data was collected via a pre-questionnaire before the implementation of the TeSLA system in the courses and a post-questionnaire after testing the system. Descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA Test were used for data analysis. As a result, students had different perceptions and experiences in using the TeSLA system; while some students had positive views, some of them expressed contrary opinions. The findings of the study were discussed in detail in the context of relevant literature.

Destekleyen Kurum

European Commission H2020‐ICT‐2015 TeSLA project

Proje Numarası



  • Aceves, P.A., & Aceves, R.I. (2009). Student identity and authentication in distance education: A primer for distance learning administrators. Continuing Higher Education Review, 73, 143-152.
  • Adkins, J., & Kenkel, C., & Lim, C. (2005). Deterrents to online academic dishonesty. International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 1, 17-22.
  • Alruwais, N., Wills, G., & Wald, M. (2018). Advantages and challenges of using e-assessment. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 8(1), 34-37.
  • Aparicio, M., Bacao, F., & Oliveira, T. (2016). Cultural impacts on e-learning systems' success. The Internet and Higher Education, 31, 58-70.
  • Appiah, M., Van Tonder, F. (2018). E-Assessment in higher education: A review. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research(IJBMER), 9(6), 1454-1460.
  • Bahar, M., & Asil, M. (2018). Attitude towards e-assessment: Influence of gender, computer usage and level of education. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 33(3), 221-237.
  • Bailie, J. L., & Jortberg, M. A. (2009). Online learner authentication: Verifying the identity of online users. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 5(2), 197-207.
  • Brink, R., & Lautenbach, G. (2011). Electronic assessment in higher education. Educational Studies, 37(5), 503–512.
  • Carless, D. (2005). Prospects for the implementation of assessment for learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 12(1), 39-54.
  • Crisp, G. (2011). Teacher's handbook on e-assessment. Sydney: Transforming Assessment.
  • Dermo, J. (2009). E-assessment and the student learning experience: A survey of student perceptions of e-assessment. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(2), 203–214.
  • Draaijer, S., Jefferies, A., & Somers, G. (2017). Online proctoring for remote examination: A state of play in higher education in the EU. Proceedings of the International Technology Enhanced Assessment Conference (TEA 2017), 96-108. Retrieved from
  • Ferrão, M. (2010). E-assessment within the Bologna paradigm: evidence from Portugal. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35(7), 819–830.
  • Fluck, A., Pullen, D., & Harper, C. (2009). Case Study of a Computer Based Examination System. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(4), 509-523.
  • Guardia, L. (2016). Overcoming the challenges of e-assessments in 5 simple steps. E-learning Design and Development. Retrieved from
  • Guitart-Hormigo I., Rodríguez M.E., & Baró X. (2020). Design and implementation of dashboards to support teachers decision-making process in e-assessment systems. In D. Baneres, M.E. Rodríguez & A.E. Guerrero-Roldán (Eds.), Engineering data-driven adaptive trust-based e-assessment systems: Challenges and infrastructure solutions (pp. 109-132). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Halgamuge, M. (2017) The use and analysis of anti‐plagiarism software: Turnitin tool for formative assessment and feedback. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25(6), 895-909.
  • Hettiarachchi, E., Huertas, M. A., & Mor, E. (2015). E-assessment system for skill and knowledge assessment in computer engineering education. International Journal of Engineering Education, 31(2), 529-540.
  • Hillier, M. (2014). The very idea of e-exams: Student (pre) conceptions. Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference, 77–88. Retrieved from
  • Husband, R. (2017). Implementing e-tools for assessment. Journal of Initial Teacher Inquiry, 3(1), 98-101.
  • JISC (2007). Effective practice with e-assessment: An overview of technologies, policies and practices in further and higher education. Retrieved from
  • JISC (2016). Technology and tools for online learning. Retrieved from
  • JISC (2018). Effective assessment in a digital age: A guide to technology-enhanced assessment and feedback. Retrieved from
  • Jones, C. A. (2005). Assessment for Learning. Learning and Skills Development Agency: London, UK.
  • Knuth, M. (2016). D5.3 – Instruments technical description and development scheduling. TeSLA adaptive trust‐based e‐assessment. Retrieved from
  • Lee-Post, A., & Hapke, H. (2017). Online learning integrity approaches: Current practices and future solutions. Online Learning, 21(1), 135–145.
  • Levy, Y., & Ramim, M. M. (2007). A theoretical approach for biometrics authentication of e-exams. 93-101. Retrieved from URL:
  • McCabe, D. (2016). Cheating and honor: Lessons from a long-term research project. In T. Bretag (Ed.), Handbook of academic integrity (pp. 187–198). Australia: Springer Reference.
  • McNabb, L. (2010). An update on student authentication: Implementation in context. Continuing Higher Education Review, 74(1), 43-52.
  • Mellar, H., Peytcheva-Forsyth, R., Kocdar, S., Karadeniz, A., & Yovkova, B. (2018). Addressing cheating in e-assessment using student authentication and authorship checking systems: Teachers’ perspectives. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 14(2).
  • Obeidallah, R., Al Ahmad, A., Farouq, F., & Awad, S. (2015). Students authentication in e-assessment sessions: A theoretical biometric model for smartphone devices. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 19(4), 450-464.
  • Okada, A., Whitelock, D., Holmes, W., & Edwards, C. (2018). e‐Authentication for online assessment: A mixed‐method study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(2), 861-875.
  • Okada, A., Noguera, I., Alexieva, L., Rozeva, A., Kocdar, S., Brouns, F., Ladonlahti, T., Whitelock, D., & Guerrero-Roldán, A.E. (2019). Pedagogical approaches for e-assessment with authentication and authorship verification in higher education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(6), 3264–3282.
  • Peytcheva-Forsyth, R., & Aleksieva, L. (2019). Students’ authentication and authorship checking system as a factor affecting students’ trust in online assessment. Proceedings of the 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2019). doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.0531
  • Peytcheva-Forsyth R., & Mellar H. (2020). Design and execution of large-scale pilots. In D. Baneres, M.E. Rodríguez & A.E. Guerrero-Roldán (Eds.), Engineering data-driven adaptive trust-based e-assessment systems: Challenges and infrastructure solutions (pp. 159-188). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Peytcheva-Forsyth, R., Aleksieva,L., & B. Yovkova, (2018a). The impact of technology on cheating and plagiarism in the assessment – the teachers’ and students’ perspectives. Proceedings of the AIP Conference.
  • Peytcheva-Forsyth, R., Mellar, H., & Aleksieva, L. (2019). Using a student authentication and authorship checking system as a catalyst for developing an academic integrity culture: A Bulgarian case study. Journal of Academic Ethics, 17, 245–269.
  • Peytcheva-Forsyth, R., Yovkova, B. & L. Aleksieva, (2018b). Factors Affecting Students’ Attitudes Towards Online Learning - The Case of Sofia University, In: AIP Conference Proceedings 2048, 020025 (2018).
  • Peytcheva-Forsyth, R.,Yovkova, B., & Aleksieva, L. (2019). The disabled and non-disabled students' views and attitudes towards e-authentication in e-assessment. Proceedings of the 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2019). doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.0763
  • Pittam, G., Elander, J., Lusher, J., Fox, P., & Payne, N. (2009). Student beliefs and attitudes about authorial identity in academic writing. Studies in Higher Education, 34(2), 153-170.
  • QAA (2016). Plagiarism in higher education - custom essay writing services: An exploration and next steps for the UK higher education sector. Retrieved from
  • Rolim, C., & Isaias, P. (2019). Examining the use of e‐assessment in higher education: Teachers and students’ viewpoints. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(4), 1785-1800.
  • Sorensen, E. (2013). Implementation and student perceptions of e-assessment in a Chemical Engineering module. European Journal of Engineering Education, 38(2), 172–185.
  • Tapanes, M. A., Smith, G. G., & White, J. A. (2009). Cultural diversity in online learning: A study of the perceived effects of dissonance in levels of individualism/collectivism and tolerance of ambiguity. The Internet and Higher Education, 12(1), 26-34.
  • Tarhini, A., Hone, K., Liu, X., & Tarhini, T. (2017). Examining the moderating effect of individual-level cultural values on users’ acceptance of E-learning in developing countries: A structural equation modeling of an extended technology acceptance model. Interactive Learning Environments, 25(3), 306-328.

E-Değerlendirmede Kimlik Doğrulama ve Yazarlık Kontrol Sistemi Kullanımına Yönelik Öğrenci Deneyimleri

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 35 Sayı: Special Issue, 6 - 24, 30.09.2020


Bu çalışmanın amacı, e-değerlendirme sürecinde kimlik doğrulama ve yazarlık kontrol sistemi kullanımında öğrencilerin deneyimlerini belirlemektir. Çalışma, Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından finanse edilen Horizon 2020 projesi kapsamında geliştirilen TeSLA Projesi (Öğrenme için Uyarlanabilir Güvene dayalı bir e-Değerlendirme Sistemi) kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. TeSLA sistemi, e-değerlendirmede kimlik doğrulama, yüz tanıma, ses tanıma, tuş vuruşu dinamikleri, yazarlık kontrolü ve intihal araçları gibi çeşitli araçları içermektedir. Çalışma, kesitsel anket çalışması olarak tasarlanmıştır. Katılımcılar, İspanya, Bulgaristan ve Türkiye'de TeSLA sistemini kullanan üç üniversiteden toplam 735 öğrencidir. Öğrenciler, 2018-2019 Bahar Dönemi boyunca 92 lisans ve lisansüstü düzeydeki derste e-değerlendirme faaliyetleri için TeSLA sistemini kullanmışlardır. Veriler, derslerde TeSLA sisteminin uygulanmasından önce bir ön anket ve sistemi test ettikten sonra bir son anket aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Veri analizi için tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve tek yönlü ANOVA Testi kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, öğrencilerin TeSLA sistemini kullanırken farklı algıları ve deneyimleri olduğu; olumlu görüşlerin yanında olumsuz görüşlerin de ortaya çıktığı görülmüştür. Bu sonuçlara bağlı olarak elde edilen bulgular, ilgili literatür kapsamında ayrıntılı olarak tartışılmıştır.

Proje Numarası



  • Aceves, P.A., & Aceves, R.I. (2009). Student identity and authentication in distance education: A primer for distance learning administrators. Continuing Higher Education Review, 73, 143-152.
  • Adkins, J., & Kenkel, C., & Lim, C. (2005). Deterrents to online academic dishonesty. International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 1, 17-22.
  • Alruwais, N., Wills, G., & Wald, M. (2018). Advantages and challenges of using e-assessment. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 8(1), 34-37.
  • Aparicio, M., Bacao, F., & Oliveira, T. (2016). Cultural impacts on e-learning systems' success. The Internet and Higher Education, 31, 58-70.
  • Appiah, M., Van Tonder, F. (2018). E-Assessment in higher education: A review. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research(IJBMER), 9(6), 1454-1460.
  • Bahar, M., & Asil, M. (2018). Attitude towards e-assessment: Influence of gender, computer usage and level of education. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 33(3), 221-237.
  • Bailie, J. L., & Jortberg, M. A. (2009). Online learner authentication: Verifying the identity of online users. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 5(2), 197-207.
  • Brink, R., & Lautenbach, G. (2011). Electronic assessment in higher education. Educational Studies, 37(5), 503–512.
  • Carless, D. (2005). Prospects for the implementation of assessment for learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 12(1), 39-54.
  • Crisp, G. (2011). Teacher's handbook on e-assessment. Sydney: Transforming Assessment.
  • Dermo, J. (2009). E-assessment and the student learning experience: A survey of student perceptions of e-assessment. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(2), 203–214.
  • Draaijer, S., Jefferies, A., & Somers, G. (2017). Online proctoring for remote examination: A state of play in higher education in the EU. Proceedings of the International Technology Enhanced Assessment Conference (TEA 2017), 96-108. Retrieved from
  • Ferrão, M. (2010). E-assessment within the Bologna paradigm: evidence from Portugal. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35(7), 819–830.
  • Fluck, A., Pullen, D., & Harper, C. (2009). Case Study of a Computer Based Examination System. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(4), 509-523.
  • Guardia, L. (2016). Overcoming the challenges of e-assessments in 5 simple steps. E-learning Design and Development. Retrieved from
  • Guitart-Hormigo I., Rodríguez M.E., & Baró X. (2020). Design and implementation of dashboards to support teachers decision-making process in e-assessment systems. In D. Baneres, M.E. Rodríguez & A.E. Guerrero-Roldán (Eds.), Engineering data-driven adaptive trust-based e-assessment systems: Challenges and infrastructure solutions (pp. 109-132). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Halgamuge, M. (2017) The use and analysis of anti‐plagiarism software: Turnitin tool for formative assessment and feedback. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25(6), 895-909.
  • Hettiarachchi, E., Huertas, M. A., & Mor, E. (2015). E-assessment system for skill and knowledge assessment in computer engineering education. International Journal of Engineering Education, 31(2), 529-540.
  • Hillier, M. (2014). The very idea of e-exams: Student (pre) conceptions. Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference, 77–88. Retrieved from
  • Husband, R. (2017). Implementing e-tools for assessment. Journal of Initial Teacher Inquiry, 3(1), 98-101.
  • JISC (2007). Effective practice with e-assessment: An overview of technologies, policies and practices in further and higher education. Retrieved from
  • JISC (2016). Technology and tools for online learning. Retrieved from
  • JISC (2018). Effective assessment in a digital age: A guide to technology-enhanced assessment and feedback. Retrieved from
  • Jones, C. A. (2005). Assessment for Learning. Learning and Skills Development Agency: London, UK.
  • Knuth, M. (2016). D5.3 – Instruments technical description and development scheduling. TeSLA adaptive trust‐based e‐assessment. Retrieved from
  • Lee-Post, A., & Hapke, H. (2017). Online learning integrity approaches: Current practices and future solutions. Online Learning, 21(1), 135–145.
  • Levy, Y., & Ramim, M. M. (2007). A theoretical approach for biometrics authentication of e-exams. 93-101. Retrieved from URL:
  • McCabe, D. (2016). Cheating and honor: Lessons from a long-term research project. In T. Bretag (Ed.), Handbook of academic integrity (pp. 187–198). Australia: Springer Reference.
  • McNabb, L. (2010). An update on student authentication: Implementation in context. Continuing Higher Education Review, 74(1), 43-52.
  • Mellar, H., Peytcheva-Forsyth, R., Kocdar, S., Karadeniz, A., & Yovkova, B. (2018). Addressing cheating in e-assessment using student authentication and authorship checking systems: Teachers’ perspectives. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 14(2).
  • Obeidallah, R., Al Ahmad, A., Farouq, F., & Awad, S. (2015). Students authentication in e-assessment sessions: A theoretical biometric model for smartphone devices. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 19(4), 450-464.
  • Okada, A., Whitelock, D., Holmes, W., & Edwards, C. (2018). e‐Authentication for online assessment: A mixed‐method study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(2), 861-875.
  • Okada, A., Noguera, I., Alexieva, L., Rozeva, A., Kocdar, S., Brouns, F., Ladonlahti, T., Whitelock, D., & Guerrero-Roldán, A.E. (2019). Pedagogical approaches for e-assessment with authentication and authorship verification in higher education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(6), 3264–3282.
  • Peytcheva-Forsyth, R., & Aleksieva, L. (2019). Students’ authentication and authorship checking system as a factor affecting students’ trust in online assessment. Proceedings of the 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2019). doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.0531
  • Peytcheva-Forsyth R., & Mellar H. (2020). Design and execution of large-scale pilots. In D. Baneres, M.E. Rodríguez & A.E. Guerrero-Roldán (Eds.), Engineering data-driven adaptive trust-based e-assessment systems: Challenges and infrastructure solutions (pp. 159-188). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Peytcheva-Forsyth, R., Aleksieva,L., & B. Yovkova, (2018a). The impact of technology on cheating and plagiarism in the assessment – the teachers’ and students’ perspectives. Proceedings of the AIP Conference.
  • Peytcheva-Forsyth, R., Mellar, H., & Aleksieva, L. (2019). Using a student authentication and authorship checking system as a catalyst for developing an academic integrity culture: A Bulgarian case study. Journal of Academic Ethics, 17, 245–269.
  • Peytcheva-Forsyth, R., Yovkova, B. & L. Aleksieva, (2018b). Factors Affecting Students’ Attitudes Towards Online Learning - The Case of Sofia University, In: AIP Conference Proceedings 2048, 020025 (2018).
  • Peytcheva-Forsyth, R.,Yovkova, B., & Aleksieva, L. (2019). The disabled and non-disabled students' views and attitudes towards e-authentication in e-assessment. Proceedings of the 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2019). doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.0763
  • Pittam, G., Elander, J., Lusher, J., Fox, P., & Payne, N. (2009). Student beliefs and attitudes about authorial identity in academic writing. Studies in Higher Education, 34(2), 153-170.
  • QAA (2016). Plagiarism in higher education - custom essay writing services: An exploration and next steps for the UK higher education sector. Retrieved from
  • Rolim, C., & Isaias, P. (2019). Examining the use of e‐assessment in higher education: Teachers and students’ viewpoints. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(4), 1785-1800.
  • Sorensen, E. (2013). Implementation and student perceptions of e-assessment in a Chemical Engineering module. European Journal of Engineering Education, 38(2), 172–185.
  • Tapanes, M. A., Smith, G. G., & White, J. A. (2009). Cultural diversity in online learning: A study of the perceived effects of dissonance in levels of individualism/collectivism and tolerance of ambiguity. The Internet and Higher Education, 12(1), 26-34.
  • Tarhini, A., Hone, K., Liu, X., & Tarhini, T. (2017). Examining the moderating effect of individual-level cultural values on users’ acceptance of E-learning in developing countries: A structural equation modeling of an extended technology acceptance model. Interactive Learning Environments, 25(3), 306-328.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Ana Elena Guerrero-roldán Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7073-7233

M. Elena Rodríguez-gonzález Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8698-4615

Abdulkadir Karadeniz Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9364-8786

Serpil Kocdar Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9099-6312

Lyubka Aleksıeva Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7877-5792

Roumiana Peytcheva-forsyth Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3720-2242

Proje Numarası H2020‐ICT‐2015
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 35 Sayı: Special Issue

Kaynak Göster

APA Guerrero-roldán, A. E., Rodríguez-gonzález, M. E., Karadeniz, A., Kocdar, S., vd. (2020). Students’ Experiences on Using an Authentication and Authorship Checking System in E-Assessment. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(Special Issue), 6-24.