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Okul Yöneticilerinin Liderlik Stilleri ile Yıldırma Arasındaki İlişki

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 33, 77 - 87, 01.06.2007


Bu araştırmanın amacı, okul yöneticilerinin liderlik stillerinin, öğretmenlere yönelik işyeri yıldırmasının (workplace bullying) yordayıcısı olup olmadığını saptamaktır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, 2005-2006 eğitim-öğretim yılında random tekniği ile seçilen Ankara, Yozgat, Kastamonu ve Van illerinde devlete bağlı 25 ilköğretim ve ortaöğretim okulunda görev yapan toplam 500 öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada, ilköğretim okulu yöneticilerinin dönüşümcü ve işlemci liderlik stilini belirlemek için Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire 5 – x short (MLQ) kullanıldı. Yıldırma davranışlarına maruz kalma durumu, olumsuz davranış sorularını içeren Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ) kullanılarak ölçüldü. Verilerin hesaplanmasında Pearson Momentler Çarpımı Korelasyon Katsayısı ve Çoklu Regresyon Analizi tekniklerinden yararlanıldı. Araştırmanın sonucunda, okul yöneticilerinin liderlik stillerini düşük düzeyde gerçekleştirdikleri, okulda öğretmenlerin orta düzeyde yıldırma (bullying, mobbing) mağduru olduğu, okul yöneticilerinin laissez-faire liderlik davranışlarını gerçekleştirdikçe, öğretmenlere yönelik yıldırmanın gerçekleşme düzeyinde artış yaşandığı, telkinle güdüleme ile laissezfaire liderliğin yıldırma üzerinde anlamlı bir yordayıcı özellik taşıdığı sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır


  • Agervold, M. ve Mikkelsen, E.G. (2004). Relationships between bullying psychosocial work environment and individual reactions. Work and Stres, 18, 336-351.
  • Akçamete, G., Kaner, S. ve Sucuoğlu, B. (2001). Öğretmenlerde tükenmişlik iş doyumu ve kişilik. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Ashkanasy, N. M. ve Tse, B. (2000). Transformational leadership as management of emotion: A conceptual review, CT. Westport: Quorom Books/Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Bakker, A.B., Killmer, C.H., Siegriest J. ve Schaufeli, W.B. (2000). Effort-reward imbalance and burnout among nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 31, 884-891.
  • Baltaş, Z. ve Baltaş, A. (1998). Stres ve başa çıkma yolları. İstanbul: Remzi Yayınları
  • Bass, B.M. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.
  • Bass, B. M. ve Avolio, B.J. (1995). The multifactor leadership questionnaire form 5x. Palo Alto, CA: Mind Garden.
  • Bass, B.(1998). Current developments in transformational leadership: Research and applications. Invited address to the American Psychological Assocciation, San Francisco.
  • Bass, B.M. (1990). Editorial. Toward a meeting of minds. Leadership Quarterly 1.
  • Beugré, C.D, Acar, W. ve Braun, W. (2006). Transformational leadership in organizations: an environment – induced model. International Journal of Manpower, 27, 52-62.
  • Brodsky, C. (1976). The harassed worker. Toronto: Lexington Books, DC: Heath and Company.
  • Brookover, W. B., Switzer, J. H., Scheinder, J. M., Brady, C. H., Flood, P. K., ve Wiesenbaker, J. M. (1987). Elementary school climate and school achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 15, 301-318.
  • Bryman, A. (1992). Charisma and leadersip in organizations. London: Sage.
  • Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper ve Row.
  • Carmeli, A., Meiter, R. ve Weisberg, J. (2006a). Self-leadership skills and innovative behavior at work. International Journal of Manpower, 27, 75-90.
  • Carmeli, A. ve Tishler, A. (2006b). The relative importance of the top management team’s managerial skills. International Journal of Manpower, 27, 9-36.
  • Çelik, V. (1998). Eğitimde dönüşümcü liderlik. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi. 16, 423-442.
  • Davenport, N., Schwart, R.D. ve Eliot, G.P. (2003). Mobbing: Emotional abuse in the American workplace. (Çev. Osman Cem ÖNERTOY). İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık.
  • Dick, R. V. ve Wagner, U. (2001). Stres and strain in teaching: A structural equation approach. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 71, 243-259.
  • Duxbury, M.L., Armstrong, G.D., Drew, D.J. ve Henly, S.J. (1984). Head nurse leadership style with staff nurse burnout and job satisfaction in neonatal intensive care units. Nursing Research 33, 97-101.
  • Einarsen, S. ve Raknes, B.I., Matthiesen, S. B. ve Hellesǿy, O. H. (1994). Bullying and interpersonnal conflicts: Unhealthy interaction at work. Bergen, Norway: Sigma Forlag.
  • Einarsen, S. ve Skogstad, A. (1996). Bullying at work: Epidemiolo-gical findings in public and private organizations. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5, 185-201.
  • Einarsen, S., Raknes, B.I., Matthiesen, S.B. ve Hellesİy, O.H. (1996). Helsemessige aspekter ved mobbing i arbeidslivet.
  • Modererende effekter av social stİtte og personlighet. (Bullying at work and its relationships with
  • health complaints – moderating effects of social support and personality). Nordisk Psykologi, 48, 116-137.
  • Einarsen, S. ve Raknes, B.I. (1997). Harassment in the workplace and the victimization of men. Violence and Victims, 12, 247-263.
  • Einarsen, S., Matthiesen, S. B. ve Skogstad, A. (1998). Bullying, burnout and well-being among assistant nurses. Journal of Occupational Health and Safely - Australia and New Zealand, 14, 563-568.
  • Einarsen, S. (1999). The nature and causes of bullying at work.International Journal of Manpower. 20, ( ½), 16-26
  • Einarsen, S. (2000). Harassment and bullying at work: A review of the Scandinavian approach. Aggression and Violent Behavior a Review Journal, 4, 371-401.
  • Golembiewski, R.T., Munzenrider R.. F ve Stevenson J.G. (1986). Stres in organizations: Toward a phase model of burnout. New York: Praeger Publisher.
  • Gökçe, A. T. (2006). İşyerinde yıldırma: Özel ve resmi ilköğretim okullarında yapılan bir araştırma. (Workplace bullying: the research of the publich and private schools). Unpublished PhD. Dissertation, Ankara: Ankara University, The Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Halbur, K. V. (2005). Bullying in the academic workplace. Academic leader, 21, 3-7.
  • Hartog, D. N., Muijen, J. V. ve Koopman, P. L. (1997). Transactional versus transformational leadership: An analysis of the MLQ. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 70, 19-34.
  • Hartsfield, M.K (2003). The internal dynamics of transformational leadership: effects of spirituality, emotional intelligence, and self-efficacy, Dissertation Abstract International Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 64, 240.
  • Hater J.J ve Bass, B.M. (1988). Superior’s evaluations and subordinates’ perceptions of transformational and transactional leadeship. Journal of Applied Psychology, 73, 695-702.
  • Hoel, H., Rayner, C. ve Cooper, C. L. (1999). Workplace bullying. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 14. 195-230.
  • Hoel, H., Cooper, C.L. ve Faragher, B. (2001). The Experience of bullying at work in Great Britain: The impact of organisational
  • Hoffman, B. J. ve Frost, B. J. (2006). Multiple intelligences of transformational leaders: an empirical examination. status.
  • European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, 10, 4, 414-425.
  • International Journal of Manpower, 27, 37-51.
  • Howell, J. M. ve Avolio, B. J. (1993). Transformational leadership, transactional leadership, Locus of control and support
  • for innovation: Key predictors of consolidated business-unit performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 891-902.
  • Hubert, A. ve Veldhoven, M. (2001). Risk sector for undesirable behavior and mobbing. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10, 415-424.
  • Işıkhan, V. (2004). Çalışma hayatında stres ve başa çıkma yolları. Ankara: Sandal Yayınları.
  • Jennifer, D., Cowie, H. ve Ananiadou, K. (2003). Perception and experience of workplace bullying in five different working populations. Aggressive Behavior, 2, 489-496.
  • Kabadayı, R. (1982). Okul yöneticilerinin liderlik davranışları ve öğretmenlerin güdülenmesi. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi,Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Karip, E. (1998). Dönüşümcü liderlik. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi. 16, 443-465.
  • Kozlowski S. ve Doherty, M. (1989). Integration of climate and leadership: examination of a neglegted issue. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, 546-553.
  • Kuhnhert, K. W. ve Lewis, P. (1987). Transactional and transformational leadership: a constructive/developmental analysis. Academy of Management Review, 12, 648-657.
  • Leithwood K., Menzies T., Jantzi D. ve Leithwood., J. (1996). School restructuring, transformational leadeship and the amelioration of teacher burnout. Anxiety, Stres and Coping 9, 199-215.
  • Leymann, H. (1993). Mobbing. Hamburg: Rowohlt. Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5, 165-184.
  • Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work.European Journal of Work andOrganizational Psychology, 5, 165 -184.
  • Mandell, B.ve Pherwari, S. (2003). Relationship between emotional leadership styles: a gender comparison. Journal of Business and Psychology, 17, 402-410.
  • McCall, M. ve Lombardo, M. (1983). Off the track: Why and how successful executives get derailed, Technical Report no. 21Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC.
  • Mikkelsen. E.G. ve Einarsen, S. (2001). Bullying in Danish work-life: Prevalence and health correlates. European Journal of
  • Work and Organisational Psychology, 10, 393-413.
  • Mikkelsen. E.G. ve Einarsen, S. (2002a). Basic assumptions and symptoms of post-traumatic stress among victims of bullying
  • Mikkelsen, E.G. ve Einarsen, S. (2002b). Relationships between exposure to bullying at work and psychological and
  • psychosomatic health complaints: The role of state negative affectivity and generalised self-efficacy.
  • Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, In press.
  • Numerof R. E. (1983). Managing stres: A Guide for Health Professionals. Apsen Systems Corporation: USA. Rockville.
  • O’Driscoll M.P. ve Beehr, T.A (1994). Supervisor behaviors, role stressors and uncertainty as predictors of personal outcomes for subordinates. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15, 141-155.
  • Perlman B. ve Hortman E.A. (1982). Burnout: summary and future research. Human Relations, 35, 283-305.
  • Sabuncuoğlu, Z. ve Tüz, M. (2001). Örgütsel psikoloji. Bursa: Ezgi Kitabevi.
  • Sosik, J.J. ve Megerian, L. E. (1999). Understanding leader emotional intelligence and performance: the role of self-other agreement on transformational leadership perceptions. Group and Organization Management, 24, 367-390.
  • Stashevsky, S. ve Koslowsky, M. (2006), Leadership team cohesiveness and team performance. International Journal of Manpower, 27, 63-74.
  • Stordeur, S., D’hoore ve Vanderberghe, C. (2001). Leadership, organizational stres, and emotional exhaustion among hospital nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 35, 533-542.
  • Strorey, A. (2004). The problem of distributed leadeship in schools. School Leadership veManagement. 24, 249-265.
  • Tınaz, P. (2006). İşyerinde psikolojik taciz. İstanbul: Beta yayıncılık.
  • Türk, A. (2004). Öğretmenlerde Tükenmişlik. Internet’ten 24 Aralık 2004’de elde edilmiştir: http: //www.egitim1@mynet.com
  • Uppal, S. (2005). Disability, workplace characteristics and job satisfaction. International Journal of Manpower, 26, 336-351.
  • Vartia, M. (1996). The sources of bullying-psychological work environment and organisational climate'. The European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, 5, 203-14.
  • Waldman, D., D. Bass., ve Yammarino, F. (1990). Adding to contingent-reward behavior. The augmenting effect of charismatic leadership. Group and Organizational Studies, 15, 381-394.
  • Westhues, K. (2004). Administrative mobbing at the university of Toronto. Ontario; The Edwin Melen Press.
  • Zapf, D. ve Osterwalder, P. (1998). Organizational causes of workplace harassment, Department of psychology, J. W. Goethe-University Frankfurt.
  • Zapf, D. (1999). Organizational, work group related and personal causes of mobbing/bullying at work. International Journal Manpower, I, 70-85.
  • Zapf, D., Knorz, C. ve Kulla, M. (1996). On the relationship between mobbing factors, and job content, social work environment and health outcomes. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5, 215-237.
Yıl 2007, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 33, 77 - 87, 01.06.2007



  • Agervold, M. ve Mikkelsen, E.G. (2004). Relationships between bullying psychosocial work environment and individual reactions. Work and Stres, 18, 336-351.
  • Akçamete, G., Kaner, S. ve Sucuoğlu, B. (2001). Öğretmenlerde tükenmişlik iş doyumu ve kişilik. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Ashkanasy, N. M. ve Tse, B. (2000). Transformational leadership as management of emotion: A conceptual review, CT. Westport: Quorom Books/Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Bakker, A.B., Killmer, C.H., Siegriest J. ve Schaufeli, W.B. (2000). Effort-reward imbalance and burnout among nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 31, 884-891.
  • Baltaş, Z. ve Baltaş, A. (1998). Stres ve başa çıkma yolları. İstanbul: Remzi Yayınları
  • Bass, B.M. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.
  • Bass, B. M. ve Avolio, B.J. (1995). The multifactor leadership questionnaire form 5x. Palo Alto, CA: Mind Garden.
  • Bass, B.(1998). Current developments in transformational leadership: Research and applications. Invited address to the American Psychological Assocciation, San Francisco.
  • Bass, B.M. (1990). Editorial. Toward a meeting of minds. Leadership Quarterly 1.
  • Beugré, C.D, Acar, W. ve Braun, W. (2006). Transformational leadership in organizations: an environment – induced model. International Journal of Manpower, 27, 52-62.
  • Brodsky, C. (1976). The harassed worker. Toronto: Lexington Books, DC: Heath and Company.
  • Brookover, W. B., Switzer, J. H., Scheinder, J. M., Brady, C. H., Flood, P. K., ve Wiesenbaker, J. M. (1987). Elementary school climate and school achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 15, 301-318.
  • Bryman, A. (1992). Charisma and leadersip in organizations. London: Sage.
  • Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper ve Row.
  • Carmeli, A., Meiter, R. ve Weisberg, J. (2006a). Self-leadership skills and innovative behavior at work. International Journal of Manpower, 27, 75-90.
  • Carmeli, A. ve Tishler, A. (2006b). The relative importance of the top management team’s managerial skills. International Journal of Manpower, 27, 9-36.
  • Çelik, V. (1998). Eğitimde dönüşümcü liderlik. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi. 16, 423-442.
  • Davenport, N., Schwart, R.D. ve Eliot, G.P. (2003). Mobbing: Emotional abuse in the American workplace. (Çev. Osman Cem ÖNERTOY). İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık.
  • Dick, R. V. ve Wagner, U. (2001). Stres and strain in teaching: A structural equation approach. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 71, 243-259.
  • Duxbury, M.L., Armstrong, G.D., Drew, D.J. ve Henly, S.J. (1984). Head nurse leadership style with staff nurse burnout and job satisfaction in neonatal intensive care units. Nursing Research 33, 97-101.
  • Einarsen, S. ve Raknes, B.I., Matthiesen, S. B. ve Hellesǿy, O. H. (1994). Bullying and interpersonnal conflicts: Unhealthy interaction at work. Bergen, Norway: Sigma Forlag.
  • Einarsen, S. ve Skogstad, A. (1996). Bullying at work: Epidemiolo-gical findings in public and private organizations. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5, 185-201.
  • Einarsen, S., Raknes, B.I., Matthiesen, S.B. ve Hellesİy, O.H. (1996). Helsemessige aspekter ved mobbing i arbeidslivet.
  • Modererende effekter av social stİtte og personlighet. (Bullying at work and its relationships with
  • health complaints – moderating effects of social support and personality). Nordisk Psykologi, 48, 116-137.
  • Einarsen, S. ve Raknes, B.I. (1997). Harassment in the workplace and the victimization of men. Violence and Victims, 12, 247-263.
  • Einarsen, S., Matthiesen, S. B. ve Skogstad, A. (1998). Bullying, burnout and well-being among assistant nurses. Journal of Occupational Health and Safely - Australia and New Zealand, 14, 563-568.
  • Einarsen, S. (1999). The nature and causes of bullying at work.International Journal of Manpower. 20, ( ½), 16-26
  • Einarsen, S. (2000). Harassment and bullying at work: A review of the Scandinavian approach. Aggression and Violent Behavior a Review Journal, 4, 371-401.
  • Golembiewski, R.T., Munzenrider R.. F ve Stevenson J.G. (1986). Stres in organizations: Toward a phase model of burnout. New York: Praeger Publisher.
  • Gökçe, A. T. (2006). İşyerinde yıldırma: Özel ve resmi ilköğretim okullarında yapılan bir araştırma. (Workplace bullying: the research of the publich and private schools). Unpublished PhD. Dissertation, Ankara: Ankara University, The Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Halbur, K. V. (2005). Bullying in the academic workplace. Academic leader, 21, 3-7.
  • Hartog, D. N., Muijen, J. V. ve Koopman, P. L. (1997). Transactional versus transformational leadership: An analysis of the MLQ. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 70, 19-34.
  • Hartsfield, M.K (2003). The internal dynamics of transformational leadership: effects of spirituality, emotional intelligence, and self-efficacy, Dissertation Abstract International Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 64, 240.
  • Hater J.J ve Bass, B.M. (1988). Superior’s evaluations and subordinates’ perceptions of transformational and transactional leadeship. Journal of Applied Psychology, 73, 695-702.
  • Hoel, H., Rayner, C. ve Cooper, C. L. (1999). Workplace bullying. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 14. 195-230.
  • Hoel, H., Cooper, C.L. ve Faragher, B. (2001). The Experience of bullying at work in Great Britain: The impact of organisational
  • Hoffman, B. J. ve Frost, B. J. (2006). Multiple intelligences of transformational leaders: an empirical examination. status.
  • European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, 10, 4, 414-425.
  • International Journal of Manpower, 27, 37-51.
  • Howell, J. M. ve Avolio, B. J. (1993). Transformational leadership, transactional leadership, Locus of control and support
  • for innovation: Key predictors of consolidated business-unit performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 891-902.
  • Hubert, A. ve Veldhoven, M. (2001). Risk sector for undesirable behavior and mobbing. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10, 415-424.
  • Işıkhan, V. (2004). Çalışma hayatında stres ve başa çıkma yolları. Ankara: Sandal Yayınları.
  • Jennifer, D., Cowie, H. ve Ananiadou, K. (2003). Perception and experience of workplace bullying in five different working populations. Aggressive Behavior, 2, 489-496.
  • Kabadayı, R. (1982). Okul yöneticilerinin liderlik davranışları ve öğretmenlerin güdülenmesi. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi,Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Karip, E. (1998). Dönüşümcü liderlik. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi. 16, 443-465.
  • Kozlowski S. ve Doherty, M. (1989). Integration of climate and leadership: examination of a neglegted issue. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, 546-553.
  • Kuhnhert, K. W. ve Lewis, P. (1987). Transactional and transformational leadership: a constructive/developmental analysis. Academy of Management Review, 12, 648-657.
  • Leithwood K., Menzies T., Jantzi D. ve Leithwood., J. (1996). School restructuring, transformational leadeship and the amelioration of teacher burnout. Anxiety, Stres and Coping 9, 199-215.
  • Leymann, H. (1993). Mobbing. Hamburg: Rowohlt. Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5, 165-184.
  • Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work.European Journal of Work andOrganizational Psychology, 5, 165 -184.
  • Mandell, B.ve Pherwari, S. (2003). Relationship between emotional leadership styles: a gender comparison. Journal of Business and Psychology, 17, 402-410.
  • McCall, M. ve Lombardo, M. (1983). Off the track: Why and how successful executives get derailed, Technical Report no. 21Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC.
  • Mikkelsen. E.G. ve Einarsen, S. (2001). Bullying in Danish work-life: Prevalence and health correlates. European Journal of
  • Work and Organisational Psychology, 10, 393-413.
  • Mikkelsen. E.G. ve Einarsen, S. (2002a). Basic assumptions and symptoms of post-traumatic stress among victims of bullying
  • Mikkelsen, E.G. ve Einarsen, S. (2002b). Relationships between exposure to bullying at work and psychological and
  • psychosomatic health complaints: The role of state negative affectivity and generalised self-efficacy.
  • Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, In press.
  • Numerof R. E. (1983). Managing stres: A Guide for Health Professionals. Apsen Systems Corporation: USA. Rockville.
  • O’Driscoll M.P. ve Beehr, T.A (1994). Supervisor behaviors, role stressors and uncertainty as predictors of personal outcomes for subordinates. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15, 141-155.
  • Perlman B. ve Hortman E.A. (1982). Burnout: summary and future research. Human Relations, 35, 283-305.
  • Sabuncuoğlu, Z. ve Tüz, M. (2001). Örgütsel psikoloji. Bursa: Ezgi Kitabevi.
  • Sosik, J.J. ve Megerian, L. E. (1999). Understanding leader emotional intelligence and performance: the role of self-other agreement on transformational leadership perceptions. Group and Organization Management, 24, 367-390.
  • Stashevsky, S. ve Koslowsky, M. (2006), Leadership team cohesiveness and team performance. International Journal of Manpower, 27, 63-74.
  • Stordeur, S., D’hoore ve Vanderberghe, C. (2001). Leadership, organizational stres, and emotional exhaustion among hospital nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 35, 533-542.
  • Strorey, A. (2004). The problem of distributed leadeship in schools. School Leadership veManagement. 24, 249-265.
  • Tınaz, P. (2006). İşyerinde psikolojik taciz. İstanbul: Beta yayıncılık.
  • Türk, A. (2004). Öğretmenlerde Tükenmişlik. Internet’ten 24 Aralık 2004’de elde edilmiştir: http: //www.egitim1@mynet.com
  • Uppal, S. (2005). Disability, workplace characteristics and job satisfaction. International Journal of Manpower, 26, 336-351.
  • Vartia, M. (1996). The sources of bullying-psychological work environment and organisational climate'. The European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, 5, 203-14.
  • Waldman, D., D. Bass., ve Yammarino, F. (1990). Adding to contingent-reward behavior. The augmenting effect of charismatic leadership. Group and Organizational Studies, 15, 381-394.
  • Westhues, K. (2004). Administrative mobbing at the university of Toronto. Ontario; The Edwin Melen Press.
  • Zapf, D. ve Osterwalder, P. (1998). Organizational causes of workplace harassment, Department of psychology, J. W. Goethe-University Frankfurt.
  • Zapf, D. (1999). Organizational, work group related and personal causes of mobbing/bullying at work. International Journal Manpower, I, 70-85.
  • Zapf, D., Knorz, C. ve Kulla, M. (1996). On the relationship between mobbing factors, and job content, social work environment and health outcomes. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5, 215-237.
Toplam 77 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Necati Cemaloğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 33

Kaynak Göster

APA Cemaloğlu, N. (2007). Okul Yöneticilerinin Liderlik Stilleri ile Yıldırma Arasındaki İlişki. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(33), 77-87.