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Yıl 2005,
Cilt: 29 Sayı: 29, 127 - 136, 01.06.2005
Bacon, S., Faust, R., Guerena, M. ve McDowell, D. Motivational issues. Retrieved June 13, 2004 from http://www.grossmont.kl
Chu. K. C. (2004). Gender reactions to games for learning among Şfth and eighth graders. Michigan State University. 1L, yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi.
Clemens, R. (2002). Video games — the necessity of incorporating video games as part of constructivist learning by Obe Hostetter. Retrieved June 12, 2004 from http://www. game
_Çağıltay, K.. Hotamaroğlu, A. ve Durdu, P. O. (2004). Türkiye’deki öğrencilerin bilgisayar oyunu oynama alışkanlıkları ve oyun tercihleri: ODTÜ ve Gazi Üniversitesi öğrencileri arasında bir karşılaştırma. Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Eğitim 2004. 97-101 .
Erdoğan 1. ve Alemdar, K. (2002). Öteki Kuram: Kitle iletişimine yaklaşımların tarihsel ve eleştirel bir değerlendirilmesi. Ankara: Pozitif Matbaacılık.
Facer, K. (2004). Computer games and learning. NESTA Futurelab — reasearch (discussion papers), Retreived June 13, 2004 from .htm.
Garris. R.. Ahlers, R. ve Driskell. J.E. (2002). Games. motivations, and learning: A research and practice ınodel. Simulation & Gaming. 33(4). 441 —467.
Griffin. E. (2000) A first look at communication theory. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Grow. G. (199 6). A cognitive model of learning. Retreived October 29, 2004 from
Hazar. M. (1996). Beden eğitimi ve sporda oyunla eğitim. Ankara: Tutibay Yayınları.
Jean, J. D., Upitis, R., Koch, C. and Young, J. (1999). The story of phoenix quest: how girls respond to a prototype language and mathematics computer game [Electronic version]. Gender and Education. l 1, 207-223.
Joanneum, EH. (2002). Game based learning in universities and lifelong learning. Deliveriable 1.2: Conceptual design. Retreived June 5. 2004 from
Malone, T. W. (1980). What makes things fun to learn? A study of intrinsically motivating computer games. California: Palo Alto Research Center.
Prensky. M. (2001 ). Fun, play and games: What makes games engaging [Electronic version]. Digital game-based learning.
Prensky, M. (2002). What kids learn that’s positive from playing video games. Retreived June 10, 2004 from Playing%20Video%20Games.pdf.
Roberson, M. S. (2004). Video games as an educational tools. Retreived June 13. 2004 from http://www-
Severin, W. J. ve Tankard, J. W. (1992). Communication theories: Origins, methods, and uses in the mass media. London: Longman Group Ltd.
Purdue University, 2004: Purdue Universty (2004). Curiosity and motivating. Retreived October 31, 2004 from
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