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Yıl 1992, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1-2, 0 - 0, 31.12.1992


Makaleye ait öz bulunmamaktadır.


  • BALASSA, Bela 1982 'Structural Adjustment Policies in Developing Economies" World Development X, l, January: 23-38.
  • BARLETTA, N. Ä., M.I. BLESER and L. LANDAU (Eds.) 1983 Economic Liberalization and Stabilization Policies in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay Washington D.C.: The World Bank, (A World Bank Symposium, 21-22, 1983).
  • CA-LVO, Guillermo A. 1983 "Commentary on Evaluation and Experience." in N.A BARLETPA, M.I. BLF-JER and L. LANDAU (Eds.), 124-127
  • CRANE, A HAVENNER and J. BERRY 1978 "Fixed Rules vs. Activism in the Conduct of Monetary Policy".American. Economic Review LXVIII, 5, December: 769-783-
  • DALE, William B. 1983 "Financing and Adjustment of Payments Imbalances." J. WILLIAMSON (Ed.) IMF Conditionality Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economies, 3-16.
  • DIAZ-ALEJANDRO, Carlos F. 1981 "Southern Cone Stabilization Plans." R. CLINE and S. WEINTRAUB (Eds.) Economic Stabilization in Developing Countries Washington D.C.:'Phe Brooking Institution,
  • DORNBUSCH, Rudiger 1983a "Remarks on the Southern Cone" IMF Staff Papers 30 March 1983: 173-176. 1983b "Commentary on Evaluation and Experience. t'in N.A. BARLETTA, M.I. BLEJER and L. IANDAU (Eds.), 116-26.
  • DORNBUSCH, R. and S. FISCHER 1990 Macroeconomics. 5th ed., Singapore: McGraw-Hill Publisching Company.
  • EDWARDS, Sebastian 1984a Order of Liberalization of the Balance of Payments, Should the Current Account Be Opened up First. Washington D.C.: World Bank Staff Working Papers Number 710.
  • 1984b The Order of Liberalization of the. External Sector in Developing Countries Princeton: Princeton University, International Finance Section.
  • FINCH, C. David 1983 '*Adjustment Policies and Conditionality." J. WILLIAMSON (Ed.) IMF Conditionality Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economies, 75-86.
  • FRENKEL, Jacob A. 1983a "Economic Liberalization and Stabilization Programs." in N.A. BARLETTA, M.I. BLEJER and L.LANDAU (EdsJ: 12-17.
  • 1983b "Remars on the Southern Cone" IMF Staff Papers 30 March 1983: 164-173.
  • FRÖBEL, Folker, Jürgen HEINRICHS and Otto KREYE 1978 "ExportOriented Industrialization of Underdeveloped Countries" Monthly Review 6, November: 22-27. GILLIS, M., D. H. PERKINS, M. ROEMER and Dr. SNODGRASS 1983 Economic Development New York: W. W. Norton and Company ("Trade Strategies: Import Subsititution" Chapter 16 and "Outward-Looking Development" Chapter 17).
  • HANSON, James A. 1983a "Policy Implication of the Monetary Approach and-of Experiences in the Southern Cone." in N.A. BARLVITA, M.I.BLEJER and L. LANDAU (Eds.), 109-115. 1983b "Commentary on Evoluation and Experience." in N.A. BARLEITA, M.I. BLEJER and L. LANDAU (Eds.), 147-149.
  • HARBERGER, Arnold C. 1984 for Debtor Country Managers and Policy Workers." Paper presented at World Bank Conference.
  • HARBERGER, A.C. and S. EDWARDS 1982 "International Sources of Inflation: Some New Results." Los Angeles: University of California,Working Paper.
  • HELLEINER, G. K. 1990 "Trade Strategy in Medium-Term Adjustment" World Development Will; 6: 879-897.
  • KAPLINSKY, Raphael 1984 "The International Context for Industrialisation in the Coming Decade" The Journal of Development Studies October; 75-96.
  • KEBSCHULL, D. and C. WILHELMS 1974 "Conditions for the Suscess of Import Substitution and Export Diversification as a Development Strategy in Latin America." H. GIERSCH Ed.): 237-262.
  • KEESING, Donald B. 1967 "Outward-Looking Policies and Economic Development" The Economic Journal I-XXVII, 306. June: 303-320.
  • KIRKPATRICK* Colin 1989 'Trade Policy and Industrialization in LDCs" N. GEMMELL (Ed.) Surveys in Development Economics Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd., 56-89.
  • KNALL, Bruno 1974 "Conditions for the Success of Import Substitution and Export Diversification as Development Strategies in South and Southeast Asia." in H. GIERSCH (Ed.): 266-296. KOHSAKA, Akira 1987 "Financial Liberalization in Asian NICs: A Comparative Study of Korea and Taiwan in the 1980s" The Developing Economies XXV, 4, December: 325-345.
  • LAL, Deepak 1984 "The Real Aspects of Stabilization and Structural Adjustment Policies: An Extension of the Australian Adjustment Model" World Bank Saff Working Paper, No: 636.
  • RODRJGUBZ Carlos A. 1983 "Poliücas de Estebilizacion en la Economia Argentina 1978-1982' Cuaderncs de Bconomia 19, April: 322-340.
  • SCHMIIZ, Hubert 1984 "Industrialisation Strategies in Less Developed Counüries: Some Lessons of Historical Experience” The Jouxnal of Development Studieg, XXI, l, October: 1-21.
  • STBRN, Ernest 1983 "World Bank Financing of Structural Adjustment” J. WİLLIAMSON (Ed.) IMF Conditionality Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economies, 87-108.
  • ŞANLI, Mustafa 1991 Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Liberal Ekonomiye Etkin Geçiş Sorunu: Güney Kore, Brezilya ve Türkiye Deneyimleri. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • THE WORLD BANK (İBRD) 1987 World Development Report, Washington D. C. : Oxford Univ. Press/1BRD.
  • TÜRKKAN, Erdal 1987 'Türk Sanayiinin Dışa Açılması" 1986 t aan 1987'ye Türkiye Ekonomisi Semineri Ankara: Ankara Sanayi Odası Yayını No.' 35, 95-140. (13-14 Mart, Ankara),
  • WHİTE. Lawrence 1-1, 1987 "Privatization of Financial Sectors” S. H.
  • HANKE (Ed.) Privatization and Development California: ICS Press, 149160,
  • WILLLAMSON, Johnl 983 'Commentary on Evaluation and Experience." in ıv.A BARLEITAI M.ı. BLEJER , and L. IANDAU (Eds.): 127-30.
  • WRICHTSMAN, Dwayne 1983 An Introduction to Monetary Theory and Policy (3.rd ed.) New York: The Free Press. ZAHTER, Roberto 1983 'A Regional View” in N.A. BARLEITA, M.ı. BLEJER and L.LANDAU (Eds.), 72-79.
Yıl 1992, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1-2, 0 - 0, 31.12.1992



  • BALASSA, Bela 1982 'Structural Adjustment Policies in Developing Economies" World Development X, l, January: 23-38.
  • BARLETTA, N. Ä., M.I. BLESER and L. LANDAU (Eds.) 1983 Economic Liberalization and Stabilization Policies in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay Washington D.C.: The World Bank, (A World Bank Symposium, 21-22, 1983).
  • CA-LVO, Guillermo A. 1983 "Commentary on Evaluation and Experience." in N.A BARLETPA, M.I. BLF-JER and L. LANDAU (Eds.), 124-127
  • CRANE, A HAVENNER and J. BERRY 1978 "Fixed Rules vs. Activism in the Conduct of Monetary Policy".American. Economic Review LXVIII, 5, December: 769-783-
  • DALE, William B. 1983 "Financing and Adjustment of Payments Imbalances." J. WILLIAMSON (Ed.) IMF Conditionality Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economies, 3-16.
  • DIAZ-ALEJANDRO, Carlos F. 1981 "Southern Cone Stabilization Plans." R. CLINE and S. WEINTRAUB (Eds.) Economic Stabilization in Developing Countries Washington D.C.:'Phe Brooking Institution,
  • DORNBUSCH, Rudiger 1983a "Remarks on the Southern Cone" IMF Staff Papers 30 March 1983: 173-176. 1983b "Commentary on Evaluation and Experience. t'in N.A. BARLETTA, M.I. BLEJER and L. IANDAU (Eds.), 116-26.
  • DORNBUSCH, R. and S. FISCHER 1990 Macroeconomics. 5th ed., Singapore: McGraw-Hill Publisching Company.
  • EDWARDS, Sebastian 1984a Order of Liberalization of the Balance of Payments, Should the Current Account Be Opened up First. Washington D.C.: World Bank Staff Working Papers Number 710.
  • 1984b The Order of Liberalization of the. External Sector in Developing Countries Princeton: Princeton University, International Finance Section.
  • FINCH, C. David 1983 '*Adjustment Policies and Conditionality." J. WILLIAMSON (Ed.) IMF Conditionality Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economies, 75-86.
  • FRENKEL, Jacob A. 1983a "Economic Liberalization and Stabilization Programs." in N.A. BARLETTA, M.I. BLEJER and L.LANDAU (EdsJ: 12-17.
  • 1983b "Remars on the Southern Cone" IMF Staff Papers 30 March 1983: 164-173.
  • FRÖBEL, Folker, Jürgen HEINRICHS and Otto KREYE 1978 "ExportOriented Industrialization of Underdeveloped Countries" Monthly Review 6, November: 22-27. GILLIS, M., D. H. PERKINS, M. ROEMER and Dr. SNODGRASS 1983 Economic Development New York: W. W. Norton and Company ("Trade Strategies: Import Subsititution" Chapter 16 and "Outward-Looking Development" Chapter 17).
  • HANSON, James A. 1983a "Policy Implication of the Monetary Approach and-of Experiences in the Southern Cone." in N.A. BARLVITA, M.I.BLEJER and L. LANDAU (Eds.), 109-115. 1983b "Commentary on Evoluation and Experience." in N.A. BARLEITA, M.I. BLEJER and L. LANDAU (Eds.), 147-149.
  • HARBERGER, Arnold C. 1984 for Debtor Country Managers and Policy Workers." Paper presented at World Bank Conference.
  • HARBERGER, A.C. and S. EDWARDS 1982 "International Sources of Inflation: Some New Results." Los Angeles: University of California,Working Paper.
  • HELLEINER, G. K. 1990 "Trade Strategy in Medium-Term Adjustment" World Development Will; 6: 879-897.
  • KAPLINSKY, Raphael 1984 "The International Context for Industrialisation in the Coming Decade" The Journal of Development Studies October; 75-96.
  • KEBSCHULL, D. and C. WILHELMS 1974 "Conditions for the Suscess of Import Substitution and Export Diversification as a Development Strategy in Latin America." H. GIERSCH Ed.): 237-262.
  • KEESING, Donald B. 1967 "Outward-Looking Policies and Economic Development" The Economic Journal I-XXVII, 306. June: 303-320.
  • KIRKPATRICK* Colin 1989 'Trade Policy and Industrialization in LDCs" N. GEMMELL (Ed.) Surveys in Development Economics Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd., 56-89.
  • KNALL, Bruno 1974 "Conditions for the Success of Import Substitution and Export Diversification as Development Strategies in South and Southeast Asia." in H. GIERSCH (Ed.): 266-296. KOHSAKA, Akira 1987 "Financial Liberalization in Asian NICs: A Comparative Study of Korea and Taiwan in the 1980s" The Developing Economies XXV, 4, December: 325-345.
  • LAL, Deepak 1984 "The Real Aspects of Stabilization and Structural Adjustment Policies: An Extension of the Australian Adjustment Model" World Bank Saff Working Paper, No: 636.
  • RODRJGUBZ Carlos A. 1983 "Poliücas de Estebilizacion en la Economia Argentina 1978-1982' Cuaderncs de Bconomia 19, April: 322-340.
  • SCHMIIZ, Hubert 1984 "Industrialisation Strategies in Less Developed Counüries: Some Lessons of Historical Experience” The Jouxnal of Development Studieg, XXI, l, October: 1-21.
  • STBRN, Ernest 1983 "World Bank Financing of Structural Adjustment” J. WİLLIAMSON (Ed.) IMF Conditionality Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economies, 87-108.
  • ŞANLI, Mustafa 1991 Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Liberal Ekonomiye Etkin Geçiş Sorunu: Güney Kore, Brezilya ve Türkiye Deneyimleri. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • THE WORLD BANK (İBRD) 1987 World Development Report, Washington D. C. : Oxford Univ. Press/1BRD.
  • TÜRKKAN, Erdal 1987 'Türk Sanayiinin Dışa Açılması" 1986 t aan 1987'ye Türkiye Ekonomisi Semineri Ankara: Ankara Sanayi Odası Yayını No.' 35, 95-140. (13-14 Mart, Ankara),
  • WHİTE. Lawrence 1-1, 1987 "Privatization of Financial Sectors” S. H.
  • HANKE (Ed.) Privatization and Development California: ICS Press, 149160,
  • WILLLAMSON, Johnl 983 'Commentary on Evaluation and Experience." in ıv.A BARLEITAI M.ı. BLEJER , and L. IANDAU (Eds.): 127-30.
  • WRICHTSMAN, Dwayne 1983 An Introduction to Monetary Theory and Policy (3.rd ed.) New York: The Free Press. ZAHTER, Roberto 1983 'A Regional View” in N.A. BARLEITA, M.ı. BLEJER and L.LANDAU (Eds.), 72-79.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi

Mustafa Şanlı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 1992
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 1992
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1992 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Şanlı, M. (1992). LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1-2).
AMA Şanlı M. LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. Aralık 1992;10(1-2).
Chicago Şanlı, Mustafa. “LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 10, sy. 1-2 (Aralık 1992).
EndNote Şanlı M (01 Aralık 1992) LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 10 1-2
IEEE M. Şanlı, “LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 1-2, 1992.
ISNAD Şanlı, Mustafa. “LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 10/1-2 (Aralık 1992).
JAMA Şanlı M. LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 1992;10.
MLA Şanlı, Mustafa. “LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 1-2, 1992.
Vancouver Şanlı M. LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 1992;10(1-2).

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