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Effects of Free-Range and Deep Litter Housing System on Growth Performance and Production Economics of Slow and Fast-Growing Broiler

Yıl 2020, , 118 - 125, 23.12.2020


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of free-range housing system on growth performance and production economics of slow and fast-growing broiler. In the study, slow-growing and fast-growing broilers with slatted floor and deep litter were used, so there were four main groups (2x2), and each main group was consisted of 5 replicates. Each replicates was consisted of 10 male day-old ages chicks so 200 birds were used in total. The experiment lasted in 56 days. In the study, live weight gain, feed consumption, and death of birds were recorded throughout the experiment. Variable costs of each group and their percentages within total costs were calculated, gross profit and profitability were calculated to analyze economic performance. As expected, the body weight and feed conversion ratio of fast-growing broiler was found to be better than slower growings (P<0.001, P<0.006), and the effect of the housing system on live body weight and feed conversion ratio was found to be significantly important (P<0.009, P<0.01). In general, the growth and economic performance of both slow and fast-growing broilers in free-range housing were higher than those raised in conventional deep litter system. According to the results, the use of fast-growing broilers in free-range production and the use of slow-growing broilers in conventional production can be expected to become widespread.


  • 1. Almasi A, Andrassyne BG, Milisits G, Kustosne PO, Suto Z, 2015: Effects of different rearing systems on muscle and meat quality traits of slow- and medium-growing male chickens. Br Poult Sci, 56, 320–324.
  • 2. Almeida EA, Souza LFA, Anna ACS, Bahiense RN, Macari M, Furlan RL, 2017: Poultry rearing on perforated plastic floors and the effect on air quality, growth performance, and carcass injuries-Experiment 1: Thermal Comfort. Poult Sci, 0, 1-8.
  • 3. Anderle V, Lichovníková M, Nevrkla P, Kupcikova L, 2016: The effect of grass pasture on the performance of slowly growing chickens. Acta universitatis Agriculturae Et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. 64(5): 158.
  • 4. Anonim, 1980: Muestreo de pastos. Taller IV Seminario Científico de la EEPF “Indio Hatuey”, Matanzas, Cuba.
  • 5. Anonim, 2007: Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.
  • 6. Appleby MC, Hughes BO, Elson HA, 1992: Poultry Production Systems. CABI Publishing. UK.
  • 7. Bird HR (1955) “Performance index” of growing chickens. Poult Sci, 34:1163–1164.
  • 8. Bokkers EAM, De Boer IJM, 2009: Economic, ecological, and social performance of conventional and organic broiler production in the Netherlands. Br Poult Sci 50: 546-557.
  • 9. Branciari R, Mugnai C, Mammoli R, Miraglia D, Ranucci D, Dal Bosco A, Castellini C, 2009: Effect of genotype and rearing system on chicken behavior and muscle fiber characteristics1. J Anim Sci 87(12).
  • 10. British Poultry Council (2017) In praise of free range. British Poultry Council. Son erişim TARİHİ; 15.06.2020).
  • 11. Ceylan N (2018): Organik ve Geleneksel(Konvansiyonel) Üretilmiş Tavuk Eti (Yanlış Bilinenler ve Gerçekler) pluginfile.php/ 69120/mod_resource/content/0/KB10__10Hafta_Organik_Modelde_Kanatl%C4%B1_besleme_2018.pdf (Son erişim tarihi; 19 Mart 2019).
  • 12. Çelik A (2015) Ankara’da otlanan ve otlanmayan iki meranın botanik kompozisyonu ile ot veriminin Karşılaştırılması. Yüksek lisans tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • 13. Çelik S, Özmelioğlu K, Kararali A, Özdemir V (2007) Etlik Piliç Yetiştiriciliği. (Son erişim tarihi; 20.06.2020).
  • 14. Çiçekgil Z (2019) Tarım Ürünleri Piyasaları Tavuk Eti. Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü (TEPGE).ım%20Ürünleri%20Piyasaları/2019-Ocak%20Tarım%20Ürünleri%20Raporu/2019-Ocak%20Tavuk%20Eti.pdf (Son erişim tarihi 20.06.2020)
  • 15. Çobanoğlu F, Kucukyimaz K, Cinar M, Bozkurt M, Catlı AU, Bintaş E 2014: Comparing the Profitability of Organic and Conventional Broiler Production. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola, 16, 89-96.
  • 16. Da Silva PV, Van der Werf HM, Soares SR, Corson MS, 2014: Environmental impacts of French and Brazilian broiler chicken production scenarios: an LCA approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 133, 222-231.
  • 17. Dal Bosco A, Mugnai C, Rosati A, Paoletti A, Caporali S, Castellini C, 2014: Effect of range enrichment on performance, behavior, and forage intake of free-range chickens. The J App Poult Res, 23, 137–145.
  • 18. Diktaş M, Şekeroğlu A, Duman M, Yıldırım A, 2015: Effect of Different Housing Systems on Production and Blood Profile of Slow-Growing Broilers. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 4, 521-526.
  • 19. Fanatico A, Pillai PB, Cavitt LC, Emmert JL, Meulllent JF, Owens CM (2006) Evaluation of Slower-Growing Broiler Genotypes Grown with and Without Outdoor Access: Sensory Attributes. Poult Sci, 85, 337–343.
  • 20. Fanatico A, 2007: Specialty poultry production: Impact of alternative genotype, production system, and nutrition on performance, meat quality and sensory attributes of meat chickens for free range and organic markets. PhD Diss., Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville.
  • 21. Fanatico AC, Pillai PB, Hester PY, Falcobne C, Mench JA, Owens CM, Emmert JL, 2008: Performance, Livability, and Carcass Yield of Slow- and Fast-Growing Chicken Genotypes Fed Low-Nutrient or Standard Diets and Raised Indoors or with Outdoor Access. Poult Sci 87, 1012–1021.
  • 22. Fouad MA, Abdelrazek AH, Badaway ESM, 2008: Bird welfare and economics under two management alternatives on commercial scales. Int J Poult Sci, 7, 1167-1173.
  • 23. Gocsik É, Brooshooft SD, De Jong IC, Saatkamp HW, 2016: Cost-efficiency of animal welfare in broiler production systems: A pilot study using the Welfare Quality® assessment protocol. Agric Sys, 146, 55-69.
  • 24. Grandin T, 2015: Improving Animal Welfare: A Practical Approach. 2nd Edition, CABI, Colorado State University, USA, pp: 255.
  • 25. Harlander-MA, Häusler K, 2009: Understanding feather eating behaviour in laying hens. Appl. Animal Behav Sci, 117, 35–41.
  • 26. Husak R, Sebranek J, Bregendahl K, 2008: A survey of commercially available broilers marketed as organic, free-range, and conventional broilers for cooked meat yields, meat composition, and relative value. Poult Sci, 87, 2367-2376.
  • 27. Jones Ta, Berk J, 2012: Alternative systems for meat chcikens and turkeys:Production, health and welfare, chapter 14: CAB International (Ed. V.Sand.lans, PM Hocking). Poultry Science Symposium seires 3, 250-272.
  • 28. Karaarslan S, 2015: Etlik piliçlerde refah kriteri olarak bacak sağlığı, korku ve stres parametreleri üzerine aydınlatma, yerleşim sıklığı ve tünek kullanımının etkileri. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Zootekni Anabilim Dalı, Doktora tezi.
  • 29. Koçer B, Bozkurt M, Ege, Tüzün AE, Konak R, Olgun O, 2018: Effects of a meal feeding regimen and the availability of fresh alfalfa on growth performance and meat and bone quality of broiler genotypes. Br Poult Sci, 59, 318-329.
  • 30. Kryeziu AJ, Mestani N, Berisha Sh, Kamberi MA, 2018: The European performance indicators of broiler chickens as influenced by stocking density and sex. Agronomy Research, 16, 483 491.
  • 31. Kutsal A, Alpan O, Arpacık R, 1990: İstatistik Uygulamalar. Ankara.
  • 32. Legrand A, Ajuda I, Locqueville J, Pencalet E, 2017: Developing higher welfare broiler production in France: a case study from a French cooperative . Xth European Symposium on Poultry Welfare. 19-22 June 2017, Ploufragan, France.
  • 33. Li Y, Luo C, Wang J, Guo F, 2017: Effects of different raising systems on growth performance, carcass, and meat quality of medium-growing chickens. J App Anim Res, 45, 326-330.
  • 34. Li H, Wen X, Alphin R, Zhou Z, 2017: Effects of two different broiler flooring systems on production performances, welfare, and environment under commercial production conditions. Poult Sci, 96, 1108-1119.
  • 35. Miao ZH, Glatz PC, Ru YJ, 2005: “Free-range Poultry Production - A Review.” Asian-Australasian J Anim Sci, 18, 113-132.
  • 36. Mikulski D, Celej J, Jankowski J, Majewska T, Mikulska M, 2011: Growth Performance, Carcass Traits and Meat Quality of Slower-growing and Fast-growing Chickens Raised with and without Outdoor Access. Asian-Australasian J Anim Sci, 24, 1407-1416.
  • 37. Moyle JR, Arsi K, Woo-Ming, Arambel H, Fanatico A, Blore PJ, Clark FD, Donoghue DJ, Donoghue AM, 2014: Growth performance of fast-growing broilers reared under different types of production systems with outdoor access: Implications for organic and alternative production systems. The J App Poult Res, 23, 1-9.
  • 38. Ohara A, Oyakawa C, Yoshihara Y, Ninomiya S, Sato S, 2015: Effect of Environmental Enrichment on the Behavior and Welfare of Japanese Broilers at a Commercial Farm. The J Poult Sci, 52, 323-330.
  • 39. Pavlovski Z, Skrbic Z, Lukic M, 2009: The effect of genotype and housing system on production results of fattening chickens. Biotech In Anim Husband, 25, 221-229.
  • 40. Petek M, 1999: Bursa il merkezine yakın çevre broyler işletmelerinde farklı genotiplerin üretim parametreleri ve ekonomik verimlilik. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araş Enst Derg, 39, 61- 72.
  • 41. Poltowicz K, Doktor J, 2011: The effect of free-range raising on performance, carcass attributes and meat quality of broiler chickens. Anim Sci Papers and Rep, 29, 139-149.
  • 42. Ponte PIP, 2008: Effect of pasture biomass intake on growth performance and meat quality of free-range broilers. Tese de Doutoramento em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal, Lisboa.
  • 43. Ponte PIP, Alves SP, Bessa RJB et al (2008) Influence of Pasture Intake on the Fatty Acid Composition, and Cholesterol, Tocopherols, and Tocotrienols Content in Meat from Free-Range Broilers. Poult Sci 87: 80–88.
  • 44. Poultry Performance Plus, 2019: Performance Index. (Son erişim tarihi. 09.04.2019).
  • 45. Quentin M, Bouvarel I, Berri C, Le Bihan-Duval E, Baeza E, Jego Y, Picard M, 2003: Growth, carcass composition and meat quality response to dietary concentrations in fast-, medium- and slow-growing commercial broilers. Anim Res, 52, 65-77.
  • 46. Rizzi C, Marangon A, Chiericato GM, 2007: Effect of genotype of slaughtering performance and meat physical and sensory characteristics of organic laying hens. Poult Sci, 86, 128-135.
  • 47. Sarıca M, Ceyhan V, Yamak US, 2014: Yavaş Gelişen Sentetik Etlik Piliç Genotipleri ile Ticari Etlik Piliçlerin Büyüme, Karkas Özellikleri ve Bazı Ekonomik Parametreler Bakımından Karşılaştırılması. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22, 20-31.
  • 48. Sarıca M, Yamak US, 2010: Yavaş gelişen etlik piliçlerin özellikleri ve geliştirilmesi. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25, 61-67.
  • 49. Snedecor GW, Cochran, WG, 1989: Statistical Methods. Eighth Edition, Iowa State University Press.
  • 50. SPSS Inc. Released, 2009: PASW Statistics for Windows, Version 18.0. Chicago: SPSS Inc.
  • 51. Stadig LM, Rodenburg TB, Reubens B, Aerts J, Duquane B, Tuyttens FAM, 2016: Effects of free-range access on production parameters and meat quality, composition and taste in slow-growing broiler chickens. Poult Sci, 5, 2971–2978.
  • 52. Sun T, Long RJ, Liu ZY, 2013: The effect of a diet containing grasshoppers and access to free-range on carcase and meat physicochemical and sensory characteristics in broilers. Br Poult Sci, 54, 130-137.
  • 53. Şenköylü N, 1991: Modern Tavuk Üretimi. Anadolu Matbaa ve Ticaret Koll. Sti. İstanbul.
  • 54. Taylor PS, Hemsworth PH, Groves PJ, Gebhardt-Henrich SG, Loup Rault J, 2018: Ranging behavior relates to welfare indicators pre- and post-range access in commercial free-range broilers. Poult Sci, 97, 1861–1871.
  • 55. Tong HB, Wang Q, Lu J, Zou JM, Chang LL, Fu SY, 2014: Effect of free-range days on a local chicken breed: Growth performance, carcass yield, meat quality, and lymphoid organ index1. Poult Sci, 93, 1883–1889.
  • 56. Wang KH, Shi SR, Dou TC, Sun HJ, 2009: Effect of a free-range raising system on growth performance, carcass yield, and meat quality of slow-growing chicken. Poult Sci, 88, 2219–2223.
  • 57. Westgren RE, 1999: Delivering Food Safety, Food Quality, and Sustainable Production Practices: The Label Rouge Poultry System in France. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 81, 1107.
  • 58. Van Horne PLM, Achterbosch TJ, 2008: Animal Welfare in Poultry Production Systems: Impact of EU Standards on World Trade. World’s Poult Sci J, 64, 40-52.
  • 59. Yenilmez F, Uruk E, 2016: Free-Range Sistemi, Avantaj ve Dezavantajları. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi TARGİD DOI: 10.17100/nevbiltek.62680.
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Serbest Dolaşımlı (Free Range) ve Derin Altlık Barındırma Sisteminin Yavaş ve Hızlı Gelişen Etlik Piliçlerde Büyüme Performansı ve Ekonomik Verimlilik Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2020, , 118 - 125, 23.12.2020


Bu çalışma, serbest dolaşımlı (free-range) barındırma sisteminin yavaş ve hızlı gelişen etlik piliçlerde büyüme performansı ve ekonomik verimlilik üzerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada yavaş ve hızlı gelişen iki ayrı etlik piliç genotipi ile serbest dolaşımlı (free range) ve geleneksel derin altlık zemin sistemi olmak üzere dört ana grup yer almış (2x2) ve her ana grup 5 tekrarlı gruptan oluşmuştur. Her tekrarlı grupta 10 adet civciv olmak üzere çalışmada toplamda 200 adet günlük yaşta erkek civciv kullanılmış, gruplarda canlı ağırlık, yem tüketimi ve ölenler kaydedilmiş, değişken giderler ve bu giderlerin toplam içindeki payları belirlenmiş, brüt kar ve karlılık oranı hesaplanmıştır. Araştırma sonu (56 günlük yaş) canlı ağırlık (P<0.009) ve yemden yararlanma oranı (P<0.01) bakımından barındırma sisteminin etkisi önemli bulunmuş, hızlı gelişen genotiplerin deneme sonu canlı ağırlık (P<0.001) ve yemden yararlanma yeteneği (P<0.006) yavaş gelişenlere göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Genel olarak, serbest dolaşımlı (free-range) barındırmada yavaş ve hızlı gelişen piliçlerin her ikisinin de büyüme ve ekonomik performansı derin altlık sistemde yetiştirilenlere göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, hızlı gelişen piliçlerin serbest dolaşımlı free-range piliç eti üretiminde, yavaş gelişen piliçlerin konvansiyonel piliç eti üretiminde kullanımının giderek yaygınlaşacağı beklenebilir.


  • 1. Almasi A, Andrassyne BG, Milisits G, Kustosne PO, Suto Z, 2015: Effects of different rearing systems on muscle and meat quality traits of slow- and medium-growing male chickens. Br Poult Sci, 56, 320–324.
  • 2. Almeida EA, Souza LFA, Anna ACS, Bahiense RN, Macari M, Furlan RL, 2017: Poultry rearing on perforated plastic floors and the effect on air quality, growth performance, and carcass injuries-Experiment 1: Thermal Comfort. Poult Sci, 0, 1-8.
  • 3. Anderle V, Lichovníková M, Nevrkla P, Kupcikova L, 2016: The effect of grass pasture on the performance of slowly growing chickens. Acta universitatis Agriculturae Et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. 64(5): 158.
  • 4. Anonim, 1980: Muestreo de pastos. Taller IV Seminario Científico de la EEPF “Indio Hatuey”, Matanzas, Cuba.
  • 5. Anonim, 2007: Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.
  • 6. Appleby MC, Hughes BO, Elson HA, 1992: Poultry Production Systems. CABI Publishing. UK.
  • 7. Bird HR (1955) “Performance index” of growing chickens. Poult Sci, 34:1163–1164.
  • 8. Bokkers EAM, De Boer IJM, 2009: Economic, ecological, and social performance of conventional and organic broiler production in the Netherlands. Br Poult Sci 50: 546-557.
  • 9. Branciari R, Mugnai C, Mammoli R, Miraglia D, Ranucci D, Dal Bosco A, Castellini C, 2009: Effect of genotype and rearing system on chicken behavior and muscle fiber characteristics1. J Anim Sci 87(12).
  • 10. British Poultry Council (2017) In praise of free range. British Poultry Council. Son erişim TARİHİ; 15.06.2020).
  • 11. Ceylan N (2018): Organik ve Geleneksel(Konvansiyonel) Üretilmiş Tavuk Eti (Yanlış Bilinenler ve Gerçekler) pluginfile.php/ 69120/mod_resource/content/0/KB10__10Hafta_Organik_Modelde_Kanatl%C4%B1_besleme_2018.pdf (Son erişim tarihi; 19 Mart 2019).
  • 12. Çelik A (2015) Ankara’da otlanan ve otlanmayan iki meranın botanik kompozisyonu ile ot veriminin Karşılaştırılması. Yüksek lisans tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • 13. Çelik S, Özmelioğlu K, Kararali A, Özdemir V (2007) Etlik Piliç Yetiştiriciliği. (Son erişim tarihi; 20.06.2020).
  • 14. Çiçekgil Z (2019) Tarım Ürünleri Piyasaları Tavuk Eti. Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü (TEPGE).ım%20Ürünleri%20Piyasaları/2019-Ocak%20Tarım%20Ürünleri%20Raporu/2019-Ocak%20Tavuk%20Eti.pdf (Son erişim tarihi 20.06.2020)
  • 15. Çobanoğlu F, Kucukyimaz K, Cinar M, Bozkurt M, Catlı AU, Bintaş E 2014: Comparing the Profitability of Organic and Conventional Broiler Production. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola, 16, 89-96.
  • 16. Da Silva PV, Van der Werf HM, Soares SR, Corson MS, 2014: Environmental impacts of French and Brazilian broiler chicken production scenarios: an LCA approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 133, 222-231.
  • 17. Dal Bosco A, Mugnai C, Rosati A, Paoletti A, Caporali S, Castellini C, 2014: Effect of range enrichment on performance, behavior, and forage intake of free-range chickens. The J App Poult Res, 23, 137–145.
  • 18. Diktaş M, Şekeroğlu A, Duman M, Yıldırım A, 2015: Effect of Different Housing Systems on Production and Blood Profile of Slow-Growing Broilers. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 4, 521-526.
  • 19. Fanatico A, Pillai PB, Cavitt LC, Emmert JL, Meulllent JF, Owens CM (2006) Evaluation of Slower-Growing Broiler Genotypes Grown with and Without Outdoor Access: Sensory Attributes. Poult Sci, 85, 337–343.
  • 20. Fanatico A, 2007: Specialty poultry production: Impact of alternative genotype, production system, and nutrition on performance, meat quality and sensory attributes of meat chickens for free range and organic markets. PhD Diss., Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville.
  • 21. Fanatico AC, Pillai PB, Hester PY, Falcobne C, Mench JA, Owens CM, Emmert JL, 2008: Performance, Livability, and Carcass Yield of Slow- and Fast-Growing Chicken Genotypes Fed Low-Nutrient or Standard Diets and Raised Indoors or with Outdoor Access. Poult Sci 87, 1012–1021.
  • 22. Fouad MA, Abdelrazek AH, Badaway ESM, 2008: Bird welfare and economics under two management alternatives on commercial scales. Int J Poult Sci, 7, 1167-1173.
  • 23. Gocsik É, Brooshooft SD, De Jong IC, Saatkamp HW, 2016: Cost-efficiency of animal welfare in broiler production systems: A pilot study using the Welfare Quality® assessment protocol. Agric Sys, 146, 55-69.
  • 24. Grandin T, 2015: Improving Animal Welfare: A Practical Approach. 2nd Edition, CABI, Colorado State University, USA, pp: 255.
  • 25. Harlander-MA, Häusler K, 2009: Understanding feather eating behaviour in laying hens. Appl. Animal Behav Sci, 117, 35–41.
  • 26. Husak R, Sebranek J, Bregendahl K, 2008: A survey of commercially available broilers marketed as organic, free-range, and conventional broilers for cooked meat yields, meat composition, and relative value. Poult Sci, 87, 2367-2376.
  • 27. Jones Ta, Berk J, 2012: Alternative systems for meat chcikens and turkeys:Production, health and welfare, chapter 14: CAB International (Ed. V.Sand.lans, PM Hocking). Poultry Science Symposium seires 3, 250-272.
  • 28. Karaarslan S, 2015: Etlik piliçlerde refah kriteri olarak bacak sağlığı, korku ve stres parametreleri üzerine aydınlatma, yerleşim sıklığı ve tünek kullanımının etkileri. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Zootekni Anabilim Dalı, Doktora tezi.
  • 29. Koçer B, Bozkurt M, Ege, Tüzün AE, Konak R, Olgun O, 2018: Effects of a meal feeding regimen and the availability of fresh alfalfa on growth performance and meat and bone quality of broiler genotypes. Br Poult Sci, 59, 318-329.
  • 30. Kryeziu AJ, Mestani N, Berisha Sh, Kamberi MA, 2018: The European performance indicators of broiler chickens as influenced by stocking density and sex. Agronomy Research, 16, 483 491.
  • 31. Kutsal A, Alpan O, Arpacık R, 1990: İstatistik Uygulamalar. Ankara.
  • 32. Legrand A, Ajuda I, Locqueville J, Pencalet E, 2017: Developing higher welfare broiler production in France: a case study from a French cooperative . Xth European Symposium on Poultry Welfare. 19-22 June 2017, Ploufragan, France.
  • 33. Li Y, Luo C, Wang J, Guo F, 2017: Effects of different raising systems on growth performance, carcass, and meat quality of medium-growing chickens. J App Anim Res, 45, 326-330.
  • 34. Li H, Wen X, Alphin R, Zhou Z, 2017: Effects of two different broiler flooring systems on production performances, welfare, and environment under commercial production conditions. Poult Sci, 96, 1108-1119.
  • 35. Miao ZH, Glatz PC, Ru YJ, 2005: “Free-range Poultry Production - A Review.” Asian-Australasian J Anim Sci, 18, 113-132.
  • 36. Mikulski D, Celej J, Jankowski J, Majewska T, Mikulska M, 2011: Growth Performance, Carcass Traits and Meat Quality of Slower-growing and Fast-growing Chickens Raised with and without Outdoor Access. Asian-Australasian J Anim Sci, 24, 1407-1416.
  • 37. Moyle JR, Arsi K, Woo-Ming, Arambel H, Fanatico A, Blore PJ, Clark FD, Donoghue DJ, Donoghue AM, 2014: Growth performance of fast-growing broilers reared under different types of production systems with outdoor access: Implications for organic and alternative production systems. The J App Poult Res, 23, 1-9.
  • 38. Ohara A, Oyakawa C, Yoshihara Y, Ninomiya S, Sato S, 2015: Effect of Environmental Enrichment on the Behavior and Welfare of Japanese Broilers at a Commercial Farm. The J Poult Sci, 52, 323-330.
  • 39. Pavlovski Z, Skrbic Z, Lukic M, 2009: The effect of genotype and housing system on production results of fattening chickens. Biotech In Anim Husband, 25, 221-229.
  • 40. Petek M, 1999: Bursa il merkezine yakın çevre broyler işletmelerinde farklı genotiplerin üretim parametreleri ve ekonomik verimlilik. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araş Enst Derg, 39, 61- 72.
  • 41. Poltowicz K, Doktor J, 2011: The effect of free-range raising on performance, carcass attributes and meat quality of broiler chickens. Anim Sci Papers and Rep, 29, 139-149.
  • 42. Ponte PIP, 2008: Effect of pasture biomass intake on growth performance and meat quality of free-range broilers. Tese de Doutoramento em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal, Lisboa.
  • 43. Ponte PIP, Alves SP, Bessa RJB et al (2008) Influence of Pasture Intake on the Fatty Acid Composition, and Cholesterol, Tocopherols, and Tocotrienols Content in Meat from Free-Range Broilers. Poult Sci 87: 80–88.
  • 44. Poultry Performance Plus, 2019: Performance Index. (Son erişim tarihi. 09.04.2019).
  • 45. Quentin M, Bouvarel I, Berri C, Le Bihan-Duval E, Baeza E, Jego Y, Picard M, 2003: Growth, carcass composition and meat quality response to dietary concentrations in fast-, medium- and slow-growing commercial broilers. Anim Res, 52, 65-77.
  • 46. Rizzi C, Marangon A, Chiericato GM, 2007: Effect of genotype of slaughtering performance and meat physical and sensory characteristics of organic laying hens. Poult Sci, 86, 128-135.
  • 47. Sarıca M, Ceyhan V, Yamak US, 2014: Yavaş Gelişen Sentetik Etlik Piliç Genotipleri ile Ticari Etlik Piliçlerin Büyüme, Karkas Özellikleri ve Bazı Ekonomik Parametreler Bakımından Karşılaştırılması. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22, 20-31.
  • 48. Sarıca M, Yamak US, 2010: Yavaş gelişen etlik piliçlerin özellikleri ve geliştirilmesi. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25, 61-67.
  • 49. Snedecor GW, Cochran, WG, 1989: Statistical Methods. Eighth Edition, Iowa State University Press.
  • 50. SPSS Inc. Released, 2009: PASW Statistics for Windows, Version 18.0. Chicago: SPSS Inc.
  • 51. Stadig LM, Rodenburg TB, Reubens B, Aerts J, Duquane B, Tuyttens FAM, 2016: Effects of free-range access on production parameters and meat quality, composition and taste in slow-growing broiler chickens. Poult Sci, 5, 2971–2978.
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Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Makaleler

İbrahima Mahamane Abdourhamane Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-8789-3101

Metin Petek 0000-0003-4560-2438

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Aralık 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Haziran 2020
Kabul Tarihi 2 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Abdourhamane, İ. M., & Petek, M. (2020). Serbest Dolaşımlı (Free Range) ve Derin Altlık Barındırma Sisteminin Yavaş ve Hızlı Gelişen Etlik Piliçlerde Büyüme Performansı ve Ekonomik Verimlilik Üzerine Etkisi. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 9(2), 118-125.
AMA Abdourhamane İM, Petek M. Serbest Dolaşımlı (Free Range) ve Derin Altlık Barındırma Sisteminin Yavaş ve Hızlı Gelişen Etlik Piliçlerde Büyüme Performansı ve Ekonomik Verimlilik Üzerine Etkisi. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. Aralık 2020;9(2):118-125. doi:10.31196/huvfd.753460
Chicago Abdourhamane, İbrahima Mahamane, ve Metin Petek. “Serbest Dolaşımlı (Free Range) Ve Derin Altlık Barındırma Sisteminin Yavaş Ve Hızlı Gelişen Etlik Piliçlerde Büyüme Performansı Ve Ekonomik Verimlilik Üzerine Etkisi”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 9, sy. 2 (Aralık 2020): 118-25.
EndNote Abdourhamane İM, Petek M (01 Aralık 2020) Serbest Dolaşımlı (Free Range) ve Derin Altlık Barındırma Sisteminin Yavaş ve Hızlı Gelişen Etlik Piliçlerde Büyüme Performansı ve Ekonomik Verimlilik Üzerine Etkisi. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 9 2 118–125.
IEEE İ. M. Abdourhamane ve M. Petek, “Serbest Dolaşımlı (Free Range) ve Derin Altlık Barındırma Sisteminin Yavaş ve Hızlı Gelişen Etlik Piliçlerde Büyüme Performansı ve Ekonomik Verimlilik Üzerine Etkisi”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, c. 9, sy. 2, ss. 118–125, 2020, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.753460.
ISNAD Abdourhamane, İbrahima Mahamane - Petek, Metin. “Serbest Dolaşımlı (Free Range) Ve Derin Altlık Barındırma Sisteminin Yavaş Ve Hızlı Gelişen Etlik Piliçlerde Büyüme Performansı Ve Ekonomik Verimlilik Üzerine Etkisi”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 9/2 (Aralık 2020), 118-125.
JAMA Abdourhamane İM, Petek M. Serbest Dolaşımlı (Free Range) ve Derin Altlık Barındırma Sisteminin Yavaş ve Hızlı Gelişen Etlik Piliçlerde Büyüme Performansı ve Ekonomik Verimlilik Üzerine Etkisi. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2020;9:118–125.
MLA Abdourhamane, İbrahima Mahamane ve Metin Petek. “Serbest Dolaşımlı (Free Range) Ve Derin Altlık Barındırma Sisteminin Yavaş Ve Hızlı Gelişen Etlik Piliçlerde Büyüme Performansı Ve Ekonomik Verimlilik Üzerine Etkisi”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, c. 9, sy. 2, 2020, ss. 118-25, doi:10.31196/huvfd.753460.
Vancouver Abdourhamane İM, Petek M. Serbest Dolaşımlı (Free Range) ve Derin Altlık Barındırma Sisteminin Yavaş ve Hızlı Gelişen Etlik Piliçlerde Büyüme Performansı ve Ekonomik Verimlilik Üzerine Etkisi. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2020;9(2):118-25.