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Investigation the Exsistence of European Foulbrood Disease in Larvae and Adult Honeybees in Some Regions of Turkey with Conventional PCR Methot

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 56 - 59, 22.06.2021


European foulbrood disease caused by Melissoccocus plutonius which gram-positive bacterium that leads to larval deaths with its worldwide prevalence, paving the way for beehives to die away over time. It causes economic losses in honey production. Bee breeding and honey production are economically pivotal in Turkey, and it is vital to analyze the prevalence of this disease. This study aims to identify M. plutonius from the honeycombs suspected of European foulbrood and dead bee samples from the beehives (11 hives in total) that contain honeycombs collected from Cankırı, Hatay, Kars and Konya via conventional PCR method. In this study two samples DNA identified as M. plutonius (18% of total hives).


Great thanks to Kafkas University of Veterinary Faculty Microbiology Department for all of their support and contribution.


  • Alippi AMA, 1991: Comparison of Laboratory Techniques for the Detection of Significant Bacteria of the Honey bee, Apis mellifera, in Argentina. J. Apicult. Res, 30 (2), 75-80.
  • Arai R, Tominaga K, Wu M, Okura M, Ito K, Okamura, N, Takamatsu D, 2010: Diversity of Melissococcus plutonius from Honeybee Larvae in Japan and Experimental Reproduction of European Foulbrood with Cultured Atypical Isolates. PLoS ONE, 7(3), 1-10.
  • Barganska Z, Slebioda M, Namiesnik J, 2011: Determination of antibiotic residues in honey. Trends Analyt Chem, 30 (7), 1035-1041.
  • Belloy L, Imdorf A, Fries I, Forsgren E, Berthoud H, Kuhn R, Charriere JD, 2007: Spatial distribution of Melissococcus plutonius in adult honey bees collected from apiaries and colonies with and without symptoms of European foulbrood. Apidologie, 2 (38 ), 136-140.
  • Borum AE, Özakın C, Güneş E, Aydın L, Ülgen M, Çakmak İ, 2015: The Investigation by PCR and Culture Methods of Foulbrood Diseases in Honey Bees in South Marmara Region. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 21 (1): 95-99.
  • Budge GE, Barrett B, Jones B, Pietravalle S, Marris G, Chantawannakul P, Thwaites R, Hall J, Cuthbertson AGS, Brown MA, 2010: The occurrence of Melissococcus plutonius in healthy colonies of Apis mellifera and the efficacy of European foulbrood control measures. J Invertebr Patho, 105 (2):164-70.
  • Forsgren E, Cassel L, Imdorf A, Fries I. 2005. Distribution of Melissococcus Plutonius in Honeybee Colonies With and Without Symptoms of European Foulbrood. Microb Ecol, 50 (3):369-74.
  • Govan VA, Brozel V, Allsopp MH, Davidson SA, 1998: PCR Detection Method for Rapid Identification of Melissococcus pluton in Honeybee Larvae. APPL. Environ Microbiol, 64 (5), 1983-1985.
  • Grossar D, Kilchenmannb V, Forsgren E, Charrière JD, Gauthierb L, Ma MC, Dietemann V, 2020: Putative determinants of virulence in Melissococcus plutonius, the bacterial. Virulance, 11(1), 554-567.
  • Jyothis PJ and Amritha VS, 2019: Survey and etiology of bacterial brood disease infecting Indian honey bees (Apis cerana indica F.) in Southern Kerala. J Apic Sci, 59 (4), 519-527.
  • Lewkowski O, and Erler S, 2018: Virulence of Melissococcus plutonius and secondary invaders associated with European foulbrood disease of the honey bee. Microbiology Open, 8 (3), 1-9.
  • McKEE BA, Goodman RD, Hortnitzk MA, 2004: The transmission of European foulbrood (Melissococcus plutonius) to artificially reared honey bee larvae (Apis mellifera). J Apic Sci, 43 (3): 93-100.
  • Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü, 2020: Tarım Ürünleri Piyasaları, Arıcılık. Ocak 2020, No. Hü-01. Erişim: Tibata VM, Junca H, Sanchez A, Corona M, Botero FA, Figuero J, 2018: Molecular detection of Melissococcus plutonius assessed in Africanized honey bee populations (Apis mellifera) in three regions of Colombia, J Apic Sci, 57 (3), 418-424.
  • Waite R, Jackson S, Thompson H, 2003: Preliminary investigations into possible resistance to oxytetracycline in Melissococcus plutonius, a pathogen of honeybee larvae. Lett Appl Microbiol, 36 (1), 20-24.

Türkiye’nin Bazı Bölgelerindeki Larva ve Yetişkin Bal Arılarında Avrupa Yavru Çürüklüğü Hastalığı Varlığının Konvansiyonel PCR Yöntemi ile Araştırılması

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 56 - 59, 22.06.2021


Avrupa yavru çürüklüğü hastalığı Melissoccocus plutonius Gram-pozitif bakteri etkenli bir hastalık olup dünya çapında yaygınlığıyla larva ölümlerine yol açmakta, arı kovanlarının zamanla sönmesine ve bal üretiminde ekonomik kayıplara yol açmaktadır. Özellikle arı yetiştiriciliği ve bal üretiminin ekonomik olarak önem arz ettiği ülkemizde bu hastalığın yaygınlığının araştırılması önemini korumaktadır. Bu araştırmada Çankırı, Hatay, Kars ve Konya illerinden toplanan Avrupa yavru çürüklüğü şüpheli petek ve bu petekleri içeren kovanların (toplam 11 kovan) önünden alınan ölü arı örneklerinden konvansiyonel PCR yöntemiyle bu hastalık etkeni M. plutonius’un varlığı tespit edilmeye çalışıldı. Alınan kovanlara ait örneklerin 2’sinde (toplam kovanların %18’inde) M. plutonius varlığı tespit edildi.


  • Alippi AMA, 1991: Comparison of Laboratory Techniques for the Detection of Significant Bacteria of the Honey bee, Apis mellifera, in Argentina. J. Apicult. Res, 30 (2), 75-80.
  • Arai R, Tominaga K, Wu M, Okura M, Ito K, Okamura, N, Takamatsu D, 2010: Diversity of Melissococcus plutonius from Honeybee Larvae in Japan and Experimental Reproduction of European Foulbrood with Cultured Atypical Isolates. PLoS ONE, 7(3), 1-10.
  • Barganska Z, Slebioda M, Namiesnik J, 2011: Determination of antibiotic residues in honey. Trends Analyt Chem, 30 (7), 1035-1041.
  • Belloy L, Imdorf A, Fries I, Forsgren E, Berthoud H, Kuhn R, Charriere JD, 2007: Spatial distribution of Melissococcus plutonius in adult honey bees collected from apiaries and colonies with and without symptoms of European foulbrood. Apidologie, 2 (38 ), 136-140.
  • Borum AE, Özakın C, Güneş E, Aydın L, Ülgen M, Çakmak İ, 2015: The Investigation by PCR and Culture Methods of Foulbrood Diseases in Honey Bees in South Marmara Region. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 21 (1): 95-99.
  • Budge GE, Barrett B, Jones B, Pietravalle S, Marris G, Chantawannakul P, Thwaites R, Hall J, Cuthbertson AGS, Brown MA, 2010: The occurrence of Melissococcus plutonius in healthy colonies of Apis mellifera and the efficacy of European foulbrood control measures. J Invertebr Patho, 105 (2):164-70.
  • Forsgren E, Cassel L, Imdorf A, Fries I. 2005. Distribution of Melissococcus Plutonius in Honeybee Colonies With and Without Symptoms of European Foulbrood. Microb Ecol, 50 (3):369-74.
  • Govan VA, Brozel V, Allsopp MH, Davidson SA, 1998: PCR Detection Method for Rapid Identification of Melissococcus pluton in Honeybee Larvae. APPL. Environ Microbiol, 64 (5), 1983-1985.
  • Grossar D, Kilchenmannb V, Forsgren E, Charrière JD, Gauthierb L, Ma MC, Dietemann V, 2020: Putative determinants of virulence in Melissococcus plutonius, the bacterial. Virulance, 11(1), 554-567.
  • Jyothis PJ and Amritha VS, 2019: Survey and etiology of bacterial brood disease infecting Indian honey bees (Apis cerana indica F.) in Southern Kerala. J Apic Sci, 59 (4), 519-527.
  • Lewkowski O, and Erler S, 2018: Virulence of Melissococcus plutonius and secondary invaders associated with European foulbrood disease of the honey bee. Microbiology Open, 8 (3), 1-9.
  • McKEE BA, Goodman RD, Hortnitzk MA, 2004: The transmission of European foulbrood (Melissococcus plutonius) to artificially reared honey bee larvae (Apis mellifera). J Apic Sci, 43 (3): 93-100.
  • Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü, 2020: Tarım Ürünleri Piyasaları, Arıcılık. Ocak 2020, No. Hü-01. Erişim: Tibata VM, Junca H, Sanchez A, Corona M, Botero FA, Figuero J, 2018: Molecular detection of Melissococcus plutonius assessed in Africanized honey bee populations (Apis mellifera) in three regions of Colombia, J Apic Sci, 57 (3), 418-424.
  • Waite R, Jackson S, Thompson H, 2003: Preliminary investigations into possible resistance to oxytetracycline in Melissococcus plutonius, a pathogen of honeybee larvae. Lett Appl Microbiol, 36 (1), 20-24.
Toplam 14 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştıma

Serdal Tarhane 0000-0003-0806-7659

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Haziran 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Şubat 2021
Kabul Tarihi 12 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Tarhane, S. (2021). Investigation the Exsistence of European Foulbrood Disease in Larvae and Adult Honeybees in Some Regions of Turkey with Conventional PCR Methot. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 10(1), 56-59.
AMA Tarhane S. Investigation the Exsistence of European Foulbrood Disease in Larvae and Adult Honeybees in Some Regions of Turkey with Conventional PCR Methot. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. Haziran 2021;10(1):56-59. doi:10.31196/huvfd.881082
Chicago Tarhane, Serdal. “Investigation the Exsistence of European Foulbrood Disease in Larvae and Adult Honeybees in Some Regions of Turkey With Conventional PCR Methot”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10, sy. 1 (Haziran 2021): 56-59.
EndNote Tarhane S (01 Haziran 2021) Investigation the Exsistence of European Foulbrood Disease in Larvae and Adult Honeybees in Some Regions of Turkey with Conventional PCR Methot. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10 1 56–59.
IEEE S. Tarhane, “Investigation the Exsistence of European Foulbrood Disease in Larvae and Adult Honeybees in Some Regions of Turkey with Conventional PCR Methot”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, c. 10, sy. 1, ss. 56–59, 2021, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.881082.
ISNAD Tarhane, Serdal. “Investigation the Exsistence of European Foulbrood Disease in Larvae and Adult Honeybees in Some Regions of Turkey With Conventional PCR Methot”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10/1 (Haziran 2021), 56-59.
JAMA Tarhane S. Investigation the Exsistence of European Foulbrood Disease in Larvae and Adult Honeybees in Some Regions of Turkey with Conventional PCR Methot. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2021;10:56–59.
MLA Tarhane, Serdal. “Investigation the Exsistence of European Foulbrood Disease in Larvae and Adult Honeybees in Some Regions of Turkey With Conventional PCR Methot”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, c. 10, sy. 1, 2021, ss. 56-59, doi:10.31196/huvfd.881082.
Vancouver Tarhane S. Investigation the Exsistence of European Foulbrood Disease in Larvae and Adult Honeybees in Some Regions of Turkey with Conventional PCR Methot. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2021;10(1):56-9.