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Etlik Piliçlerde Işık Şiddeti ve Tüneğin Korku ve Stres Reaksiyonları ile Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 37 - 42, 15.05.2022


Bu çalışmada, ışık şiddeti ve tünek kullanımının etlik piliçlerde korku ve stres reaksiyonları ile bazı et kalite özellikleri üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada, 3 farklı ışık şiddetine (5, 20 ve 80 lüks) göre üç grup, tünek kullanımına (tünek var ve yok) göre iki grup ve her grupta da üç tekerrür grubu olmak üzere toplam 270 adet etlik piliç kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada, etlik piliçlerde hareketsiz kalma süresi ile L* (parlaklık), a* (kırmızılık) ve b* (sarılık) renk özellikleri üzerine ışık şiddeti ve tünek kulanımının etkisi istatistiksel bakımdan önemsiz bulunmuştur. Heterofil/lenfosit oranı üzerine ışık şiddeti bakımından gruplar arasındaki fark önemli (P<0,01) bulunurken; tünek kullanımın etkisi önemsiz bulunmuştur (P>0,05). Et kalite özelliklerinden pH15 değeri 5, 20 ve 80 lükste sırasıyla 6,04, 5,97 ve 5,92 olarak saptanmıştır (P<0,05). Pişirme kaybı üzerine tünek kullanımının etkisi istatistiksel olarak önemsiz bulunurken; ışık şiddetinin etkisi ise önemli bulunmuştur (P<0,001). Araştırma sonunda, ışık şiddetinin ve tünek uygulamasının su tutma kapasitesi üzerine etkisinin önemli (sırasıyla P<0,05 ve P<0,001) olduğu gözlenmiştir. Etlik piliçlerde 20 lüks ışık şiddeti kullanımının heterofil/lenfosit oranı ve pişirme kaybını düşürdüğü ve bu durumun hayvanların refahını olumlu yönde etkilediği görülmüştür.

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Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi

Proje Numarası



Bu çalışmanın TI süresi ile ilgili verileri Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi BAP (VTF-19035) tarafından desteklenen yüksek lisans tezinden alınmıştır.


  • Abdourhamane İM, 2019: Serbest dolaşımlı (free range) barındırma sistemi ve yavaş gelişen etlik piliç genotiplerinin büyüme performansı, hayvan refahı ve davranışları ile ayak sağlığı ve ekonomik verimlilik üzerine etkileri. Doktora Tezi, UÜ, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa.
  • Albrecht A, Hebel M, Heinemann C, Herbert U, Miskel D, Saremi B, Kreyenschmidt J, 2019: Assessment of meat quality and shelf life from broilers fed with different sources and concentrations of methionine. J Food Qual, 1, 1-10.
  • Alvino GM, Archer GS, Mench JA, 2009: Behavioural time budgets of broiler chickens reared in varying light intensities. Appl Anim Behav Sci, 118(1-2), 54-61.
  • Anadon HLS, 2002: Biological, Nnutritional, and Processing Factors Affecting Breast Meat Quality of Broilers. PhD Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia.
  • Anderson MG, Campbell AM, Crump A, Arnott G, Newberry RC, Jacobs L, 2021: Effect of environmental complexity and stocking density on fear and anxiety in broiler chickens affiliations. Animals, 11(8), 2383.
  • Bennato F, Ianni A, Martino C, Grotta L, Martino G, 2021: Evaluation of chemical composition and meat quality of breast muscle in broilers reared under light-emitting diode. Animals, 11, 1505.
  • Bizeray D, Estevez I, Leterrier C, Faure JM, (2002): Influence of increased environmental complexity on leg condition, performance, and level of fearfulness in broilers. Poult Sci, 81(6), 767-773.
  • Campo JL, Davila SG, 2002: Effect of photoperiod on heterophil to lymphocyte ratio and tonic immobility duration of chickens. Poult Sci, 81(11), 1637-1639.
  • Cornforth DP, 1994: Color and Its Importance. Pearson AM and Dutson TR (Ed), 34-78. In: Quality Attributes and Their Measurement in Meat, Poultry, and Fish Products. Chapman and Hall, London, UK.
  • Debut M, Berri C, Baeza E, Sellier N, Arnould C, Guemene D, Jehl N, Boutten B, Jego Y, Beaumont C, Le Bihan-Duval E, 2003: Variation of chicken technological meat quality in relation to genotype and preslaughter stress conditions. Poult Sci, 82, 1829-1838.
  • Dereli Fidan E, Kaya M, Nazligul A, Türkyilmaz MK, 2020b: The Effects of Perch Cooling on Behavior, Welfare Criteria, Performance, and Litter Quality of Broilers Reared at High Temperatures with Different Litter Thicknesses. Braz J Poultry Sci, 22(3), 1-12.
  • Dereli Fidan E, Nazlıgül A, Türkyılmaz MK, Karaarslan S, Kaya M, 2017a: Effects of photoperiod length and light intensity on performance, carcass characteristics and heterophil to lymphocyte ratio in broilers. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 23, 39-45.
  • Dereli Fidan E, Türkyılmaz MK, Nazlıgül A, Kaya M, 2020a: The effects of perch cooling on performance, carcass, and meat quality characteristics and behaviour of broilers reared at high temperatures with different litter thicknesses. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, 67(4), 373-379.
  • Dereli Fidan E, Türkyılmaz MK, Nazlıgül A, Ünübol Aypak S, Karaarslan S, 2015: Effect of preslaughter shackling on stress, meat quality traits, and glycolytic potential in broilers. J Agr Sci Tech, 17, 1141-1150.
  • Dereli Fidan, E., Nazlıgül, A., Türkyılmaz, M. K., Aypak, S. Ü., Kilimci, F. S., Karaarslan, S., Kaya, M. (2017b). Effect of photoperiod length and light intensity on some welfare criteria, carcass, and meat quality characteristics in broilers. R Bras de Zootec, 46(3), 202-210.
  • EU, 2007: Council of the European Communities, 2007/43/EC, Council Directive. Laying Down Minimum Rules for the Protection of Chickens Kept for Meat Production, Off. J.L., 182, 19-28.
  • Froning GW, Babji AS, Mather FB, 1978: The effect of preslaughter temperature, stress, struggle and anesthetizationon color and textural characteristic of turkey muscle. Poult Sci, 57, 630-633.
  • Gao J, Lin H, Song ZG, Jiao HC, 2008: Corticosterone alters meat quality by changing pre-and postslaughter muscle metabolism. Poult Sci, 87, 1609-1617.
  • Gross WB, Siegel HS, 1983: Evaluation of heterophyl/lymphocyte as a measurement of stress in chickens. Avian Dis, 27, 972-979.
  • Gross WB, Siegel HS, 1993: General principles of stress and welfare. In: Livestock, Handling and Tranport, p. 21- 34. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
  • Güler HC, 2011: Etlik piliçlerde fizyolojik stresin kan parametreleri ile et kalitesi üzerine etkileri ve ilgili özelliklerin kalıtımı. EÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, İzmir.
  • Heckert RA, Estevez I, Russek-Cohen E, Pettit-Riley R, 2002: Effects of density and perch availability on the immune status of broilers. Poult Sci, 81:451-457.
  • Honikel KO, 1998: Reference methods for the assessment of physical characteristics of meat. Meat Sci, 49, 447-457.
  • Jones RB, Faure JM. 1980: Tonic immobility (righting time) in the domestic fowl: Effects of various methods of induction. IRSC Medical Science, 8:184-185.
  • Karaarslan S, 2015: Etlik piliçlerde refah kriteri olarak bacak sağlığı, korku ve stres parametreleri üzerine aydınlatma, yerleşim sıklığı ve tünek kullanımının etkileri. Doktora Tezi, ADÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Aydın.
  • Lien RJ, Hess JB, McKee SR, Bilgili SF, Townsend JC, 2007: Impact of light intensity and photoperiod on live performance, heterophil to lymphocyte ratio, and processing yields of broilers. Poult Sci, 86:1287-1293.
  • Mancini RA, Hunt MC, 2005: Current research in meat color. Meat Sci, 71, 100-121.
  • McKee SR, Sams AR, 1997: The effect of seasonal heat tres on rigor development and the incidence of pale, exudative turkey meat. Poult Sci, 76, 1616-1620.
  • Olanrewaju HA, Miller WW, Maslin WR, Collier SD, Purswell JL, Branton SL, 2015: Influence of photoperiod, light intensity and their interaction on health indices of modern broilers grown to heavy weights. Int J Poult Sci, 14:183-190.
  • Olanrewaju HA, Purswell JL, Collier SD, Branton SL, 2010: Effect of ambient temperature and light intensity on growth performance and carcass characteristics of heavy broiler chickens at 56 days of age. Int J Poult Sci, 8:138-144.
  • Owens CM, Sams AR, 2000: The influence of transportation on turkey meat quality. Poult Sci, 79, 1204-1207. Schneider BL, Renema RA, Betti M, Carney VL, Zuidhof MJ, 2012: Effect of holding temperature, shackling, sex, and age on broiler breast meat quality. Poult Sci, 91:468–477.
  • Snedecor GW and Cochran WG, 1989: Statistical Methods, Eighth Edition, Iowa State University Press.
  • Son J, 2013: The effect of stocking density on the behaviour and welfare indexes of broiler chickens. J Agric Sci Technol, 3, 307, 311.
  • Ventura BA, 2009: Effects of barrier perches and stocking density on the behavior, space use, and leg health of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus). PhD Thesis, University of Maryland, Maryland.
  • Wu Y, Wang Y, Wu W, Yin D, Sun X, Guo X, Chen J, Mahmood T, Yan L, Yuan J, 2020: Effects of nicotinamide and sodium butyrate on meat quality and muscle ubiquitination degradation genes in broilers reared at a high stocking density. Poult Sci, 99(3), 1462-1470.
  • Zhao JP, Jiao HC, Jiang YB, Song ZG, Wang XJ, Lin H, 2012: Cool perch availability improves the performance and welfare status of broiler chickens in hot weather. Poult Sci, 91(8), 1775-1784.
  • Zhuang H, Savage EM, 2009: Variation and pearson correlation coefficients of warner-bratzler shear force measurements within broiler breast fillets. Poult Sci, 88, 214-220.

Effect of Light Intensity and Perch on Fear and Stress Reactions and Some Meat Quality Characteristics in Broilers

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 37 - 42, 15.05.2022


The present study aimed to determine the effect of light intensity and perch use of broiler on fear and stress reactions and some meat quality characteristics in broilers. A total of 270 one-day-old male broiler chicks were randomly assigned to groups based on the three different light intensity (5, 20, and 80 lux) and perch use (perch and no perch) with three replicates. In the study, it has been determined that there was statistically no significant difference between light intensity and perch on tonic immobility duration, L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness) color traits. While the difference between the groups of light intensity was significant (P<0.01), the effect of perch was not significant on heterophil/lymphocyte ratio (P>0.05). pH15 value from meat quality characteristics was detected as 6,04, 5,97, and 5,92 at 5, 20 and 80 lux respectively (P<0.05). While the effect of perch use was not significant, light intensity was significant on cooking loss (P<0.001). At the end of the study, it is indicated that a significant effect of light intensity and perch on water holding capacity from meat quality traits (respectively, P<0.05 and P<0.001). It has been observed that the use of 20 lux light intensity in broilers reduces the heterophile/lymphocyte ratio and cooking loss, and this situation positively affects the welfare of the animals.

Proje Numarası



  • Abdourhamane İM, 2019: Serbest dolaşımlı (free range) barındırma sistemi ve yavaş gelişen etlik piliç genotiplerinin büyüme performansı, hayvan refahı ve davranışları ile ayak sağlığı ve ekonomik verimlilik üzerine etkileri. Doktora Tezi, UÜ, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa.
  • Albrecht A, Hebel M, Heinemann C, Herbert U, Miskel D, Saremi B, Kreyenschmidt J, 2019: Assessment of meat quality and shelf life from broilers fed with different sources and concentrations of methionine. J Food Qual, 1, 1-10.
  • Alvino GM, Archer GS, Mench JA, 2009: Behavioural time budgets of broiler chickens reared in varying light intensities. Appl Anim Behav Sci, 118(1-2), 54-61.
  • Anadon HLS, 2002: Biological, Nnutritional, and Processing Factors Affecting Breast Meat Quality of Broilers. PhD Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia.
  • Anderson MG, Campbell AM, Crump A, Arnott G, Newberry RC, Jacobs L, 2021: Effect of environmental complexity and stocking density on fear and anxiety in broiler chickens affiliations. Animals, 11(8), 2383.
  • Bennato F, Ianni A, Martino C, Grotta L, Martino G, 2021: Evaluation of chemical composition and meat quality of breast muscle in broilers reared under light-emitting diode. Animals, 11, 1505.
  • Bizeray D, Estevez I, Leterrier C, Faure JM, (2002): Influence of increased environmental complexity on leg condition, performance, and level of fearfulness in broilers. Poult Sci, 81(6), 767-773.
  • Campo JL, Davila SG, 2002: Effect of photoperiod on heterophil to lymphocyte ratio and tonic immobility duration of chickens. Poult Sci, 81(11), 1637-1639.
  • Cornforth DP, 1994: Color and Its Importance. Pearson AM and Dutson TR (Ed), 34-78. In: Quality Attributes and Their Measurement in Meat, Poultry, and Fish Products. Chapman and Hall, London, UK.
  • Debut M, Berri C, Baeza E, Sellier N, Arnould C, Guemene D, Jehl N, Boutten B, Jego Y, Beaumont C, Le Bihan-Duval E, 2003: Variation of chicken technological meat quality in relation to genotype and preslaughter stress conditions. Poult Sci, 82, 1829-1838.
  • Dereli Fidan E, Kaya M, Nazligul A, Türkyilmaz MK, 2020b: The Effects of Perch Cooling on Behavior, Welfare Criteria, Performance, and Litter Quality of Broilers Reared at High Temperatures with Different Litter Thicknesses. Braz J Poultry Sci, 22(3), 1-12.
  • Dereli Fidan E, Nazlıgül A, Türkyılmaz MK, Karaarslan S, Kaya M, 2017a: Effects of photoperiod length and light intensity on performance, carcass characteristics and heterophil to lymphocyte ratio in broilers. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 23, 39-45.
  • Dereli Fidan E, Türkyılmaz MK, Nazlıgül A, Kaya M, 2020a: The effects of perch cooling on performance, carcass, and meat quality characteristics and behaviour of broilers reared at high temperatures with different litter thicknesses. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, 67(4), 373-379.
  • Dereli Fidan E, Türkyılmaz MK, Nazlıgül A, Ünübol Aypak S, Karaarslan S, 2015: Effect of preslaughter shackling on stress, meat quality traits, and glycolytic potential in broilers. J Agr Sci Tech, 17, 1141-1150.
  • Dereli Fidan, E., Nazlıgül, A., Türkyılmaz, M. K., Aypak, S. Ü., Kilimci, F. S., Karaarslan, S., Kaya, M. (2017b). Effect of photoperiod length and light intensity on some welfare criteria, carcass, and meat quality characteristics in broilers. R Bras de Zootec, 46(3), 202-210.
  • EU, 2007: Council of the European Communities, 2007/43/EC, Council Directive. Laying Down Minimum Rules for the Protection of Chickens Kept for Meat Production, Off. J.L., 182, 19-28.
  • Froning GW, Babji AS, Mather FB, 1978: The effect of preslaughter temperature, stress, struggle and anesthetizationon color and textural characteristic of turkey muscle. Poult Sci, 57, 630-633.
  • Gao J, Lin H, Song ZG, Jiao HC, 2008: Corticosterone alters meat quality by changing pre-and postslaughter muscle metabolism. Poult Sci, 87, 1609-1617.
  • Gross WB, Siegel HS, 1983: Evaluation of heterophyl/lymphocyte as a measurement of stress in chickens. Avian Dis, 27, 972-979.
  • Gross WB, Siegel HS, 1993: General principles of stress and welfare. In: Livestock, Handling and Tranport, p. 21- 34. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
  • Güler HC, 2011: Etlik piliçlerde fizyolojik stresin kan parametreleri ile et kalitesi üzerine etkileri ve ilgili özelliklerin kalıtımı. EÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, İzmir.
  • Heckert RA, Estevez I, Russek-Cohen E, Pettit-Riley R, 2002: Effects of density and perch availability on the immune status of broilers. Poult Sci, 81:451-457.
  • Honikel KO, 1998: Reference methods for the assessment of physical characteristics of meat. Meat Sci, 49, 447-457.
  • Jones RB, Faure JM. 1980: Tonic immobility (righting time) in the domestic fowl: Effects of various methods of induction. IRSC Medical Science, 8:184-185.
  • Karaarslan S, 2015: Etlik piliçlerde refah kriteri olarak bacak sağlığı, korku ve stres parametreleri üzerine aydınlatma, yerleşim sıklığı ve tünek kullanımının etkileri. Doktora Tezi, ADÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Aydın.
  • Lien RJ, Hess JB, McKee SR, Bilgili SF, Townsend JC, 2007: Impact of light intensity and photoperiod on live performance, heterophil to lymphocyte ratio, and processing yields of broilers. Poult Sci, 86:1287-1293.
  • Mancini RA, Hunt MC, 2005: Current research in meat color. Meat Sci, 71, 100-121.
  • McKee SR, Sams AR, 1997: The effect of seasonal heat tres on rigor development and the incidence of pale, exudative turkey meat. Poult Sci, 76, 1616-1620.
  • Olanrewaju HA, Miller WW, Maslin WR, Collier SD, Purswell JL, Branton SL, 2015: Influence of photoperiod, light intensity and their interaction on health indices of modern broilers grown to heavy weights. Int J Poult Sci, 14:183-190.
  • Olanrewaju HA, Purswell JL, Collier SD, Branton SL, 2010: Effect of ambient temperature and light intensity on growth performance and carcass characteristics of heavy broiler chickens at 56 days of age. Int J Poult Sci, 8:138-144.
  • Owens CM, Sams AR, 2000: The influence of transportation on turkey meat quality. Poult Sci, 79, 1204-1207. Schneider BL, Renema RA, Betti M, Carney VL, Zuidhof MJ, 2012: Effect of holding temperature, shackling, sex, and age on broiler breast meat quality. Poult Sci, 91:468–477.
  • Snedecor GW and Cochran WG, 1989: Statistical Methods, Eighth Edition, Iowa State University Press.
  • Son J, 2013: The effect of stocking density on the behaviour and welfare indexes of broiler chickens. J Agric Sci Technol, 3, 307, 311.
  • Ventura BA, 2009: Effects of barrier perches and stocking density on the behavior, space use, and leg health of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus). PhD Thesis, University of Maryland, Maryland.
  • Wu Y, Wang Y, Wu W, Yin D, Sun X, Guo X, Chen J, Mahmood T, Yan L, Yuan J, 2020: Effects of nicotinamide and sodium butyrate on meat quality and muscle ubiquitination degradation genes in broilers reared at a high stocking density. Poult Sci, 99(3), 1462-1470.
  • Zhao JP, Jiao HC, Jiang YB, Song ZG, Wang XJ, Lin H, 2012: Cool perch availability improves the performance and welfare status of broiler chickens in hot weather. Poult Sci, 91(8), 1775-1784.
  • Zhuang H, Savage EM, 2009: Variation and pearson correlation coefficients of warner-bratzler shear force measurements within broiler breast fillets. Poult Sci, 88, 214-220.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştıma

Evrim Dereli Fidan 0000-0002-9805-6162

Erdi Ziya Okur Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-0963-781X

Proje Numarası VTF-19035
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 15 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mayıs 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Aralık 2021
Kabul Tarihi 10 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Dereli Fidan, E., & Okur, E. Z. (2022). Etlik Piliçlerde Işık Şiddeti ve Tüneğin Korku ve Stres Reaksiyonları ile Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 11(1), 37-42. https://doi.org/10.31196/huvfd.1050266
AMA Dereli Fidan E, Okur EZ. Etlik Piliçlerde Işık Şiddeti ve Tüneğin Korku ve Stres Reaksiyonları ile Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. Mayıs 2022;11(1):37-42. doi:10.31196/huvfd.1050266
Chicago Dereli Fidan, Evrim, ve Erdi Ziya Okur. “Etlik Piliçlerde Işık Şiddeti Ve Tüneğin Korku Ve Stres Reaksiyonları Ile Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 11, sy. 1 (Mayıs 2022): 37-42. https://doi.org/10.31196/huvfd.1050266.
EndNote Dereli Fidan E, Okur EZ (01 Mayıs 2022) Etlik Piliçlerde Işık Şiddeti ve Tüneğin Korku ve Stres Reaksiyonları ile Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 11 1 37–42.
IEEE E. Dereli Fidan ve E. Z. Okur, “Etlik Piliçlerde Işık Şiddeti ve Tüneğin Korku ve Stres Reaksiyonları ile Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, c. 11, sy. 1, ss. 37–42, 2022, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.1050266.
ISNAD Dereli Fidan, Evrim - Okur, Erdi Ziya. “Etlik Piliçlerde Işık Şiddeti Ve Tüneğin Korku Ve Stres Reaksiyonları Ile Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 11/1 (Mayıs 2022), 37-42. https://doi.org/10.31196/huvfd.1050266.
JAMA Dereli Fidan E, Okur EZ. Etlik Piliçlerde Işık Şiddeti ve Tüneğin Korku ve Stres Reaksiyonları ile Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2022;11:37–42.
MLA Dereli Fidan, Evrim ve Erdi Ziya Okur. “Etlik Piliçlerde Işık Şiddeti Ve Tüneğin Korku Ve Stres Reaksiyonları Ile Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, c. 11, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 37-42, doi:10.31196/huvfd.1050266.
Vancouver Dereli Fidan E, Okur EZ. Etlik Piliçlerde Işık Şiddeti ve Tüneğin Korku ve Stres Reaksiyonları ile Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2022;11(1):37-42.