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Tarihi ve Kültürel Özellikleri Nedeniyle Koruma Altındaki Alanlarda Ulaşım Politikalarının Oluşturulmasında Veri Kaynağı Olarak Trafik Kaynaklı Titreşimler

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 12, 194 - 217, 30.04.2014


kültür ve tabiat varlıklarının ve değerlerinin korunması ve bu amaçla
destekleyici ve teşvik edici tedbirlerin alınması; Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Anayasası’nın (1982) 63. Maddesi’yle devlet tarafından güvence altına
alınmıştır. Dönemin koşullarına uygun olarak yapılaşmış eski yerleşmelerin
günümüz koşullarına adaptasyonuyla ilgili ortaya çıkan en önemli problemlerden
bir tanesi ulaşım sistemiyle ilgili problemlerdir. Ulaşım sisteminin
planlanması sürecinde duymaya alışık olduğumuz ulaşım talep modelleme yöntemine
ek olarak; yorulmuş, yıpranmış ve eskimiş kentlerdeki ulaşım analizlerine taşıt
kaynaklı titreşimler konusu da eklenmelidir. Uluslararası standartlarda da
gözlendiği gibi tarihi yapılar modern yapılara kıyasla trafik kaynaklı titreşimlerden
2,5 kat daha fazla etkilenmektedir. Dolayısıyla eski yapılar; yapısal hasarlara
neden olabilecek eşik titreşim değerlerine modern yapılardan 2,5 kat daha
yakındır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; tarihi ve kültürel özellikleri nedeniyle
korunması gerekli alanlarda ulaşım politikalarını belirlerken; taşıtlardan
kaynaklanan sarsıntılara karşı yapılardan alınan yanıtların şehir planlama disiplininde
kullanımını tariflemektir. Bugüne kadar şehir planlama çalışmalarıyla ve
özellikle koruma alanlarının planlanması süreciyle ilişkilendirilmemiş bir konu
olarak trafik kaynaklı titreşimlerin ulaşım politikalarıyla doğrudan ilişkisini
kurması; bu çalışmanın bilime katkısını oluşturacaktır.


  • Ayhan Selçuk, İ. (2013). Tarihi yapıların korunmasında ve koruma amaçlı imar planlarının hazırlanmasında bir belirleyici olarak trafik kaynaklı titreşimlerin ölçülmesi ve modellenmesi (Doktora Tezi). Erişim adresi: Search.aspx?Type=Thesis. Yayın No. 843.
  • Candemir, I. (2005). Yapılarda ve raylı sistemlerde elastikiyet ve titreşim kontrolü.
  • İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası (İMO) İzmir Şubesi Haber Bülteni, 123, 34-39.
  • Candemir, I. (2008). Raylı sistemlerde elastikiyet ve titreşim kontrolü. I. Kent İçi Raylı Sistemler, Teknik-Eğitim-Kültür Haber Bülteni, 9, 33-42.
  • Clemente, P., & Rinaldis, D. (1998). Protection of a monumental building against traffic-induced vibrations. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 17, 289-296.
  • Crispino, M., & D’Apuzzo, M. (2001). Measurement and prediction of traffic-induced vibrations in a heritage building. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 246 (2), 319-335.
  • D’Apuzzo, M. (2007). Some remarks on the prediction of road traffic induced ground-borne vibrations. 4th International SIIV Congress-Palermo (Italy).
  • Hajek, J. J., Blaney, C. T., & Hein, D. K. (2006). Mitigation of highway traffic-induced vibration, session on quiet pavements: reducing noise and vibration. 2006 Annual Conference of The Transportation.
  • Hendriks, R. (2002). Transportation related earthborne vibrations, technical advisory, vibration. California Department of Transportation, Division of Environmental Analysis.
  • Henwood, J. T., & Haramy, K. Y. (2002). Vibrations induced by construction traffic: a historic case study. Geophysics 2002. The 2nd Annual Conference on the Application of Geophysical and NDT Methodologies to Transportation Facilities and Infrastructure.
  • Hunaidi, O. (1996). Traffic vibrations in buildings. Construction Technology Update No.39, Institute for Research in Construction.
  • Hunaidi, O., & Gallagher, J. F. (2000). Traffic vibrations in houses. National Research Council Canada (NRC-CNRC).
  • Hunaidi, O., & Tremblay, M. (1997). Traffic-induced building vibrations in Montreal. Canada Journal of Civil Engineering, 24, 736-753.
  • Kliukas, R., & Jaras, A., Kacianauskas, R. (2008). Investigation of traffic-induced vibration in Vilnius Arch-Cathedral Belfry. Transport, 23 (4), 323-329.
  • Korkmaz, K. A., Ay, Z., Keskin, S. N., & Ceditoğlu, D. (2010). Investigation of traffic induced vibrations on masonry buildings in Turkey and Countermeasures. Journal of Vibration and Control, 000 (00), 1-8.
  • Koruma Amaçlı İmar Planı Teknik Şartnamesi, (bt). 08.05.2013,,44296/koruma-amacli-imar-plani-teknik-sartnamesi.html
  • Koruma Amaçlı İmar Planları ve Çevre Düzenleme Projelerinin Hazırlanması, Gösterimi, Uygulaması, Denetimi, Müelliflerine İlişkin Usul ve Esaslara Dair Yönetmelik, (2005). 22.03.2013,
  • Kuter, N., & Erdoğan, E. (2008). Çankırı kentsel sit alanı kaynak potansiyelinin saptanmasında bir yöntem. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 5 (1), 35-44.
  • Lay, M. G. (1992). Ways of the world, a history of the world’s roads and of the vehicles that used them. Ruthers University Press: New Jersey.
  • Li, B., Zou, T., & Omenzetter, P. (2009). Investigation of traffic-induced floor vibrations in a building. 2009 NZSEE Conference. 13.06.2013, http://www.nzsee.
  • Lombaert, G., & Degrande, G. (2001). Study of determining factors for traffic induced vibrations in buildings. DWTC Research Programme Sustainable Mobility Research Project MD/01/040: Belçika.
  • Michael D’estries, (bt). car-free-cities/independent-of-the-auto, 27 kasım 2011.
  • Nawrotzki, P. (2007). Elastic support systems for the preservation of cultural heritage. International Symposium on Studies on Historical Heritage.
  • Öztürk, Z., Öztürk, T., & Arlı, V. (bt). Yüksek hızlı demiryolu köprülerinde rezonans olayı. 15.06.2013,
  • Pau, A., De Sortis, A., Marzelotta, R., & Vestroni, F. (2005). Health monitoring of cultural heritage using ambient and forced vibrations. The First International Conference on Safety and Security Engineering (SAFE/05).
  • Pau, A., & Vestroni, F. (2008). Vibration analysis and dynamic characterization of the colosseum. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 15, 1105-1121.
  • Penton, S., & Taylor, N. (2008). Flamborough quarry Haul Route study. Haul Route Vibration Report: Kanada.
  • Pyl, L., Degrande, G., & Lombaert, G. (2002). Numerical modelling of traffic induced vibrations in buildings based on a dynamic soil-structure interaction formulation. 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference.
  • Suandi, A. (2010). The study on vibrations which is caused by the road traffic activities along several main streets in Jakarta. Jurnal Standardisasi, 12 (3), 143-148.
  • Tomazevic, M., Znidaric, A., Klemenc, I., & Lavric, I. (2006). The influence of traffic induced vibrations on historic stone masonry buildings. Conference: 38th Commission Meeting.
  • Traffic Advisory Leaflet, (1996). Road humps and ground-borne vibrations. Department for Transport (3). 20.06.2013, publications/traffic-advisory-leaflets-1996.
  • Tucholka, P., Kielbasinski, K., & Mieszkowski, R. (2008). Tracing seismic surface waves induced by road traffic in urban environment: example of St. Catherine’s Church Hill in Warsaw. Geologija, 5, 79-84.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası, (1982). 13.06.2013, http://www.anayasa.
  • Wang, D. J., Wang, J., Wang, J. P., Chen, J. R., & Chang, H.P. (2006). Ground vibration measurement at NSRRC Site. Proceedings of EPAC 2006.
  • Watts, G. R. (1990). Traffic induced vibrations in buildings (Research Report No. 246). Transport and Road Research Laboratory: UK. Watts, G. R., & Krylov, V. V. (2000). Ground-borne vibration generated by vehicles crossing road humps and speed control cushions. Applied Acoustics, 59, 221-236.
  • Yıldız, F. (2006). İmar bilgisi, planlama uygulama mevzuat. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.

Due to Historical and Cultural Features in the Development of Transport Policies in Protected Areas; Traffic Induced Vibrations as a Source of Data

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 12, 194 - 217, 30.04.2014


One of the most important problems arising about
adaptation of old cities structured according to the circumstances of its
period to the present is related to the transportation system problems. In
addition to the transportation demand modelling studies during transportation
planning process; traffic induced vibration subject must be added in tired,
worn and outdated urban transportation analysis. As observed in international
standards; compared to modern buildings; historic buildings are affected more
than two and a half times from traffic-induced vibrations. Hence the old
structures are close to 2,5 times higher than modern buildings to threshold
values of vibration that can cause structural damage. The aim of this study is;
giving recipe about the use of response of the structures against vibrations
caused by vehicles in urban planning disciplines; in the process of deciding
politics of transportation at areas to be protected due to their historical and
cultural characteristics. The contribution of this study is establishing direct
relations between traffic-induced vibrations and transport policy.


  • Ayhan Selçuk, İ. (2013). Tarihi yapıların korunmasında ve koruma amaçlı imar planlarının hazırlanmasında bir belirleyici olarak trafik kaynaklı titreşimlerin ölçülmesi ve modellenmesi (Doktora Tezi). Erişim adresi: Search.aspx?Type=Thesis. Yayın No. 843.
  • Candemir, I. (2005). Yapılarda ve raylı sistemlerde elastikiyet ve titreşim kontrolü.
  • İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası (İMO) İzmir Şubesi Haber Bülteni, 123, 34-39.
  • Candemir, I. (2008). Raylı sistemlerde elastikiyet ve titreşim kontrolü. I. Kent İçi Raylı Sistemler, Teknik-Eğitim-Kültür Haber Bülteni, 9, 33-42.
  • Clemente, P., & Rinaldis, D. (1998). Protection of a monumental building against traffic-induced vibrations. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 17, 289-296.
  • Crispino, M., & D’Apuzzo, M. (2001). Measurement and prediction of traffic-induced vibrations in a heritage building. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 246 (2), 319-335.
  • D’Apuzzo, M. (2007). Some remarks on the prediction of road traffic induced ground-borne vibrations. 4th International SIIV Congress-Palermo (Italy).
  • Hajek, J. J., Blaney, C. T., & Hein, D. K. (2006). Mitigation of highway traffic-induced vibration, session on quiet pavements: reducing noise and vibration. 2006 Annual Conference of The Transportation.
  • Hendriks, R. (2002). Transportation related earthborne vibrations, technical advisory, vibration. California Department of Transportation, Division of Environmental Analysis.
  • Henwood, J. T., & Haramy, K. Y. (2002). Vibrations induced by construction traffic: a historic case study. Geophysics 2002. The 2nd Annual Conference on the Application of Geophysical and NDT Methodologies to Transportation Facilities and Infrastructure.
  • Hunaidi, O. (1996). Traffic vibrations in buildings. Construction Technology Update No.39, Institute for Research in Construction.
  • Hunaidi, O., & Gallagher, J. F. (2000). Traffic vibrations in houses. National Research Council Canada (NRC-CNRC).
  • Hunaidi, O., & Tremblay, M. (1997). Traffic-induced building vibrations in Montreal. Canada Journal of Civil Engineering, 24, 736-753.
  • Kliukas, R., & Jaras, A., Kacianauskas, R. (2008). Investigation of traffic-induced vibration in Vilnius Arch-Cathedral Belfry. Transport, 23 (4), 323-329.
  • Korkmaz, K. A., Ay, Z., Keskin, S. N., & Ceditoğlu, D. (2010). Investigation of traffic induced vibrations on masonry buildings in Turkey and Countermeasures. Journal of Vibration and Control, 000 (00), 1-8.
  • Koruma Amaçlı İmar Planı Teknik Şartnamesi, (bt). 08.05.2013,,44296/koruma-amacli-imar-plani-teknik-sartnamesi.html
  • Koruma Amaçlı İmar Planları ve Çevre Düzenleme Projelerinin Hazırlanması, Gösterimi, Uygulaması, Denetimi, Müelliflerine İlişkin Usul ve Esaslara Dair Yönetmelik, (2005). 22.03.2013,
  • Kuter, N., & Erdoğan, E. (2008). Çankırı kentsel sit alanı kaynak potansiyelinin saptanmasında bir yöntem. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 5 (1), 35-44.
  • Lay, M. G. (1992). Ways of the world, a history of the world’s roads and of the vehicles that used them. Ruthers University Press: New Jersey.
  • Li, B., Zou, T., & Omenzetter, P. (2009). Investigation of traffic-induced floor vibrations in a building. 2009 NZSEE Conference. 13.06.2013, http://www.nzsee.
  • Lombaert, G., & Degrande, G. (2001). Study of determining factors for traffic induced vibrations in buildings. DWTC Research Programme Sustainable Mobility Research Project MD/01/040: Belçika.
  • Michael D’estries, (bt). car-free-cities/independent-of-the-auto, 27 kasım 2011.
  • Nawrotzki, P. (2007). Elastic support systems for the preservation of cultural heritage. International Symposium on Studies on Historical Heritage.
  • Öztürk, Z., Öztürk, T., & Arlı, V. (bt). Yüksek hızlı demiryolu köprülerinde rezonans olayı. 15.06.2013,
  • Pau, A., De Sortis, A., Marzelotta, R., & Vestroni, F. (2005). Health monitoring of cultural heritage using ambient and forced vibrations. The First International Conference on Safety and Security Engineering (SAFE/05).
  • Pau, A., & Vestroni, F. (2008). Vibration analysis and dynamic characterization of the colosseum. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 15, 1105-1121.
  • Penton, S., & Taylor, N. (2008). Flamborough quarry Haul Route study. Haul Route Vibration Report: Kanada.
  • Pyl, L., Degrande, G., & Lombaert, G. (2002). Numerical modelling of traffic induced vibrations in buildings based on a dynamic soil-structure interaction formulation. 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference.
  • Suandi, A. (2010). The study on vibrations which is caused by the road traffic activities along several main streets in Jakarta. Jurnal Standardisasi, 12 (3), 143-148.
  • Tomazevic, M., Znidaric, A., Klemenc, I., & Lavric, I. (2006). The influence of traffic induced vibrations on historic stone masonry buildings. Conference: 38th Commission Meeting.
  • Traffic Advisory Leaflet, (1996). Road humps and ground-borne vibrations. Department for Transport (3). 20.06.2013, publications/traffic-advisory-leaflets-1996.
  • Tucholka, P., Kielbasinski, K., & Mieszkowski, R. (2008). Tracing seismic surface waves induced by road traffic in urban environment: example of St. Catherine’s Church Hill in Warsaw. Geologija, 5, 79-84.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası, (1982). 13.06.2013, http://www.anayasa.
  • Wang, D. J., Wang, J., Wang, J. P., Chen, J. R., & Chang, H.P. (2006). Ground vibration measurement at NSRRC Site. Proceedings of EPAC 2006.
  • Watts, G. R. (1990). Traffic induced vibrations in buildings (Research Report No. 246). Transport and Road Research Laboratory: UK. Watts, G. R., & Krylov, V. V. (2000). Ground-borne vibration generated by vehicles crossing road humps and speed control cushions. Applied Acoustics, 59, 221-236.
  • Yıldız, F. (2006). İmar bilgisi, planlama uygulama mevzuat. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

İrem Ayhan Selçuk

K. Mert Çubukçu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 12

Kaynak Göster

APA Ayhan Selçuk, İ., & Çubukçu, K. M. (2014). Tarihi ve Kültürel Özellikleri Nedeniyle Koruma Altındaki Alanlarda Ulaşım Politikalarının Oluşturulmasında Veri Kaynağı Olarak Trafik Kaynaklı Titreşimler. İDEALKENT, 5(12), 194-217.