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Yeni Almanya’daki Türkler

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 14, 53 - 87, 26.04.2018


Berlin Duvarı’nın yıkılışından bir yıl sonra, göz kamaştıran heyecan
kaybolmuştu ve yeniden birleşmenin sancılı etkileri kendini hissettiriyordu.
Bir doğu Alman kabaresindeki espriler acı bir hal aldı. “Karl Marx’ımızı
aldılar; bari biraz Kapital bıraksalardı.” “Eskiden her şey daha iyiydi. En
azından kurtulabilirdik.” Avrupa da ortak ekonomik pazardan kısa süre sonra
Maastricht’te imzalanarak hayata geçirilecek bir politik-sosyal birliğe
dönüşüyordu. Aynı zamanda, yabancılar aleyhindeki milliyetçi ve kamusal
hassasiyet, Avrupa çapında yeniden yükselmiş ve şiddeti körüklemişti.

Türk kimlikleri kendi dâhilî ve haricî dinamiklerine sahip iken, şimdi, yeniden
birleşen Almanya ve yeni Avrupa çerçevesinde anlaşılmak durumundadır.
Almanya’daki farklı –fakat hiçbir şekilde rastlantısal olmayan- Türk kimlikleri
sınıfsal, etnik ve dinî bağlılıklardan; kurumsal ve (bizzat Almanlar ve Türkler
tarafından yaratılan) medya etnik-zemininden (ethnoscape); genelleştirilmiş
mütekabiliyete dair kişiler arası beklentilerin ortak düzenliliklerinden ve
Türklerin Almanlar tarafından tanımlanma (ve birleşmeden sonra
yeniden-tanımlanma) biçimlerine gösterilen tepkiden oluşmuştur. Bu son süreç
kimliğin, doğu-batı Almanya ilişkilerinin, ekonomik çöküşün ve Almanya ile
Avrupa’daki yeni Alman kimliğinin tarihsel bir unsurudur. Stuart Hall’ın (1990)
işaret ettiği üzere, tarihsel olan her şey gibi kimlikler de mütemadiyen dönüşüme
uğramakta; tarihin, kültürün ve gücün kesintisiz oyununa konu olmaktadır. Tarihsel
koşullar tarafından inşa edilen kimliğin iki boyutu olduğunu düşünüyorum. 


  • Anderson, Benedict (1991). [1883] Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso.
  • Appadurai, Arjun (1991). Global Ethnoscapes: Notes and Queries for a Trans-national Anthropology. Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present içinde. Ed. G. Fox. Ss. 191-210. Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press.
  • Berik, Gunseli (1995). Towards an Understanding of Gender Hierarchy in Turkey: A Comparative Analysis of Carpet Weaving Villages. Women in Modern Turkish Society içinde. Ed. Sirin Tekeli. Ss. 112-127. Londra: Zed Books.
  • Berliner Zeitung (1991). Rechtsextreme mehrheitlich im Ostteil. 19 Kasım.
  • Borneman, John (1992). Belonging in the Two Berlins: Kin, State, Nation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre (1977). Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cam-bridge University Press.
  • Çağlar, Ayşe Şimşek (1990). Das Kultur-Konzept als Zwangsjacke in Studien zur Arbeitsmigration. Zeitschrift für Türkeistudien 1:93-103.
  • Çağlar, Ayşe Şimşek (1994). German Turks in Berlin: Migration and Their Quest for Social Mobility. Doktora Tezi, McGill University.
  • Cavafy, Constantine P. (1975). Collected Poems. Ed. George Savidis, Çev. Ed-mund Keeley ve Philip Sherrard. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Coetzee, J. M. (1980). Waiting for the Barbarians. New York: Viking Press.
  • de Jong, Jutta (1984). Haremsdame und Heimchen am Herd: Frau und Familie im Spiegel Deutscher und Türkischer Sehweisen. Düsseldorf: Verlag Schwann-Bagel.
  • Delaney, Carol (1991). The Seed and the Soil: Gender and Cosmology in Turk-ish Village Society. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Drost, Helmar (1993). The Great Depression in East Germany: The Effects of Unification on East Germany's Economy. East European Politics and Societies 7(3):452481.
  • Faist, Thomas (1993). From School to Work: Public Policy and Underclass Formation among Young Turks in Germany during the 1980s. International Mi-gration Review 27(2):306-331.
  • Faist, Thomas (1994). How to Define a Foreigner? The Symbolic Politics of Immigration in German Partisan Discourse, 1978-1992. The Politics of Immigra-tion in Western Europe içinde. Ed. Martin Baldwin-Edwards ve M. A . Schain, ss. 50-71. Portland, OR: Frank Cass.
  • Forsythe, Diana (1989). German Identity and the Problem of History. History and Ethnicity içinde. Ed. Elizabeth Tonkin, M. McDonald ve M. Chapman. Ss. 137-156. London: Routledge.
  • Fritzsche, Karl-Peter (1994). Conditions for Xenophobia in Eastern Germany (Formerly the GDR). Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Identity: Cross National and Comparative Perspectives içinde. Ed. Russell F. Farnam, Ss. 277-284. New Bruns-wick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
  • Goldberg, Andreas (1996). Status and Problems of the Turkish Community in Germany. Essen, Almanya: Zentrum für Türkeistudien.
  • Hahn, Rola (1991). Hierl auf tja nichts ohne Abschluss! Erfahrungen von Mädchen und jungen Frauen aus der Türkei in der Berufs-ausbildung. Berlin: Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung.
  • Hall, Stuart (1990). Cultural Identity and Diaspora. Identity: Community, Cul-ture, Difference içinde. Ed. Jonathan Rutherford. ss. 222-237. London: Lawrence and Wishart.
  • Hamilton, Annette (1990). Fear and Desire: Aborigines, Asians and the Na-tional Imaginary. Australian Cultural History 9:14-35. Hannerz, Ulf (1987) The World in Creolization. Africa 57(4):54S559.
  • Heilbrunn, Jacob (1996). Germany’s New Right. Foreign Affairs 75(6):80-98.
  • Horrocks, David, ve Eva Kolinsky (1996). Migrants or Citizens? Turks in Germany between Exclusion and Acceptance. Turkish Culture in German Society Today içinde. Ed. David Horrocks ve Eva Kolinsky. Ss. x-xxviii. Oxford, İngiltere: Berghahn Books.
  • Karakaşoğlu, Yasemin (1996). Turkish Cultural Orientations in Germany and the Role of Islam. Turkish Culture in German Society Today içinde. Ed. David Horrocks ve Eva Kolinsky. Ss. 157-179. Oxford, İngiltere: Berghahn Books.
  • Kolinsky, Eva (1996). Non-German Minorities in Contemporary German Soci-ety. Turkish Culture in German Society Today içinde. Ed. David Horrocks ve Eva Kolinsky. Pp. 71-111. Oxford, İngiltere: Berghahn Books.
  • Kürsat-Ahlers, Elcin (1996). The Turkish Minority in German Society. Turkish Culture in German Society Today içinde. Ed. David Horrocks ve Eva Kolinsky. Ss. 113-156. Oxford, İngiltere: Berghahn Books.
  • Lewis, Alison (1995). Analyzing the Trauma of German Unification. New German Critique 64:135-159.
  • Lundt, Peter-Michael, A. Tolun, K. Schwarz, ve A. J. Fischer (1991). Türkische Berliner-Berlinli Türkler: Eine Minderheit stellt sich vor. Berlin: Ausländerbeauf-tragte des Senats.
  • MacEwen, Martin (1995). Tackling Racism in Europe: An Examination of Anti- Discrimination Law in Practice. Oxford, İngiltere: Berg Publishers.
  • Mandel, Ruth (1989). Turkish Headscarves and the “Foreigner Problem”: Constructing Difference through Emblems of Identity. New German Critique 46:27-46.
  • Mandel, Ruth (1994). “Fortress Europe” and the Foreigners Within: Germa-ny’s Turks. The Anthropology of Europe: Identity and Boundaries in Conflict içinde. Ed. Victoria A. Goddard, Josep R. Llobera, ve Cris Shore. ss.113-124. Ox-ford, İngiltere: Berg Publishers.
  • Mattson, Michelle (1995). Refugees in Germany: Invasion or Invention? New German Critique 64:61-85
  • Ministry for Youth, Family, Women and Health (1989). Hearing zur Situation ausländischer Frauen und Mädchen aus den Anwerbestaaten. Dokumentation. 2vols. Bonn: Ministry for Youth, Family, Women and Health.
  • Ostow, Robin (1995). “ ’Ne Art Bürgerwehr in Form von Skins": Young Ger-mans on the Streets in the Eastern and Western States of the Federal Republic. New German Critique 64:87-103.
  • Pfluger-Schindlbeck, Ingrid (1989). “Achte die Älteren, liebe die Jüngeren": So-zialisation türkischer Kinder. Frankfurt am Main: Athenäum.
  • Ruane, Joseph (1994). Nationalism and European Community Integration: The Republic of Ireland. The Anthropology of Europe: Identity and Boundaries in Conflict içinde. Ed. Victoria A. Goddard, Josep R. Llobera, ve Cris Shore. Ss. 125-141. Oxford, İngiltere: Berg Publishers.
  • Schaumann, L., I. Haller, K. F. Geiger, ve H. Hermanns (1988). Lebenssituation und Lebensentwurfe junger türkischer Frauen der Zweiten Migrantengeneration. Wies-baden, Germany: Bevollmächtigten der hessischen Landesregierung für Frauenangelegenheiten. Schiffauer, Werner (1986). Kulturelle Charakteristika als Bedingungen inter-kultureller Kommunikation. Weinheim, Almanya: Beltz Verlag.
  • Şen, Faruk (1996a). Türkische Migranten in Deutschland: Ein Überblick. In Türken als Unternehmer: Eine Gesamtdarstellung und Ergebnissen neuerer Un-tersuchungen. Ed. F. Şen ve A. Goldbert. Ss. 11-45. Opladen, Almanya: Leske und Budrich.
  • Şen, Faruk (1996b) Turkish Migrants and Migrant Workers in Germany. AGİT Gözden Geçirme Konferansı için yazılmış sunum. Viyana 1996. Ss. 1-3. Essen, Almanya: Zentrum für Türkeistudien.
  • Senat von Berlin (1994). Bericht zur Integrations- und Ausländerpolitik. Documents1 2/1315,1 2/1459, ve 1213946. Berlin: Ausländerbeauftragte des Se-nats.
  • Shore, Cris, ve A. Black (1994). Citizens’ Europe and the Construction of Eu-ropean Identity. The Anthropology of Europe: Identity and Boundaries in Con-flict içinde. Ed. Victoria A. Goddard, Josep R. Llobera, ve Cris Shore. ss. 275-298. Oxford, İngiltere: Berg Publishers.
  • SIS (Turkish State Institute of Statistics) (1990). Household Labor Force Survey Results. Ankara: SIS.
  • Soysal, Yasemin Nuhoğlu (1993). Construction of Immigrant Identities in Eu-rope. European Identity and Its Intellectual Roots başlıklı konferansta sunulmuş metin. Cambridge, İngiltere, 6-9 Mayıs.
  • Soysal, Yasemin Nuhoğlu (1994) Limits of Citizenship: Migrants and Postna-tional Membership in Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Spiegel, Der (1991). Ansprache in Babydeutsch: Black Power in der Bundesre-publik: Schwarze mit deutscher Nationalität organisieren sich gegen Rassismus. Der Spiegel 52:5S59.
  • Spiegel, Der (1992). Letzte Heimat Deutschland. Der Spiegel 12:90-97.
  • Stolcke, Verena (1995). Talking Culture: New Boundaries, New Rhetorics of Exclusion in Europe. Current Anthropology 36:1-13.
  • Tan, Dursun, ve Hans-Peter Waldhoff (1996). Turkish Everyday Culture in Germany and its Prospects. Turkish Culture in German Society Today içinde. Ed. David Horrocks ve Eva Kolinsky. Ss. 137-156. Oxford, İngiltere: Berghahn Books.
  • Tertilt, Hermann (1996). Turkish Power Boys: Ethnographie einer Jugend-bande. Frankfurt am Main, Almanya: Suhrkamp.
  • TGBA (Turkish-German Businessman's Association Berlin- Brandenburg) (1997). Türkische Unternehmen in Deutschland und in Berlin. Unpublished MS.
  • Turner, Terence (1995). Response to Verena Stolcke. Current Anthropology 36:16-18.
  • Turner, Victor (1974) Dramas, Fields and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Hu-man Society. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • von Beyme, Klaus (1992). The Effects of Reunification on German Democracy: A Preliminary Evaluation of a Great Social Experiment. Government and Opposi-tion 27(2):158-176.
  • White, Jenny B. (1994). Money Makes Us Relatives: Women’s Labor in Urban Turkey. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • White, Jenny B. (1995). Turks in Germany: Overview of the Literature. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 29:12-15.
  • White, Jenny B. (1996). Belonging to a Place: Turks in Unified Berlin. City and Society 1996:15-28.
  • Wilpert, Czarina (1993). The Ideological and Institutional Foundations of Rac-ism in the Federal Republic of Germany. Racism and Migration in Western Eu-rope içinde. Ed. John Wrench ve John Solomos. Ss. 67-81. Oxford, İngiltere: Berg Publishers.
  • Wilson, Thomas M. (1993). An Anthropology of the European Community. Cultural Change and the New Europe: Perspectives on the European Community içinde. Ed. Thomas M. Wilson ve M. E. Smith. Ss. 1-23. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
  • Wolbert, Barbara (1996). Der Getotete Pass: Ruckkehr, Symbol und Prozess. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.

Turks in New Germany

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 14, 53 - 87, 26.04.2018



  • Anderson, Benedict (1991). [1883] Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso.
  • Appadurai, Arjun (1991). Global Ethnoscapes: Notes and Queries for a Trans-national Anthropology. Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present içinde. Ed. G. Fox. Ss. 191-210. Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press.
  • Berik, Gunseli (1995). Towards an Understanding of Gender Hierarchy in Turkey: A Comparative Analysis of Carpet Weaving Villages. Women in Modern Turkish Society içinde. Ed. Sirin Tekeli. Ss. 112-127. Londra: Zed Books.
  • Berliner Zeitung (1991). Rechtsextreme mehrheitlich im Ostteil. 19 Kasım.
  • Borneman, John (1992). Belonging in the Two Berlins: Kin, State, Nation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre (1977). Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cam-bridge University Press.
  • Çağlar, Ayşe Şimşek (1990). Das Kultur-Konzept als Zwangsjacke in Studien zur Arbeitsmigration. Zeitschrift für Türkeistudien 1:93-103.
  • Çağlar, Ayşe Şimşek (1994). German Turks in Berlin: Migration and Their Quest for Social Mobility. Doktora Tezi, McGill University.
  • Cavafy, Constantine P. (1975). Collected Poems. Ed. George Savidis, Çev. Ed-mund Keeley ve Philip Sherrard. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Coetzee, J. M. (1980). Waiting for the Barbarians. New York: Viking Press.
  • de Jong, Jutta (1984). Haremsdame und Heimchen am Herd: Frau und Familie im Spiegel Deutscher und Türkischer Sehweisen. Düsseldorf: Verlag Schwann-Bagel.
  • Delaney, Carol (1991). The Seed and the Soil: Gender and Cosmology in Turk-ish Village Society. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Drost, Helmar (1993). The Great Depression in East Germany: The Effects of Unification on East Germany's Economy. East European Politics and Societies 7(3):452481.
  • Faist, Thomas (1993). From School to Work: Public Policy and Underclass Formation among Young Turks in Germany during the 1980s. International Mi-gration Review 27(2):306-331.
  • Faist, Thomas (1994). How to Define a Foreigner? The Symbolic Politics of Immigration in German Partisan Discourse, 1978-1992. The Politics of Immigra-tion in Western Europe içinde. Ed. Martin Baldwin-Edwards ve M. A . Schain, ss. 50-71. Portland, OR: Frank Cass.
  • Forsythe, Diana (1989). German Identity and the Problem of History. History and Ethnicity içinde. Ed. Elizabeth Tonkin, M. McDonald ve M. Chapman. Ss. 137-156. London: Routledge.
  • Fritzsche, Karl-Peter (1994). Conditions for Xenophobia in Eastern Germany (Formerly the GDR). Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Identity: Cross National and Comparative Perspectives içinde. Ed. Russell F. Farnam, Ss. 277-284. New Bruns-wick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
  • Goldberg, Andreas (1996). Status and Problems of the Turkish Community in Germany. Essen, Almanya: Zentrum für Türkeistudien.
  • Hahn, Rola (1991). Hierl auf tja nichts ohne Abschluss! Erfahrungen von Mädchen und jungen Frauen aus der Türkei in der Berufs-ausbildung. Berlin: Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung.
  • Hall, Stuart (1990). Cultural Identity and Diaspora. Identity: Community, Cul-ture, Difference içinde. Ed. Jonathan Rutherford. ss. 222-237. London: Lawrence and Wishart.
  • Hamilton, Annette (1990). Fear and Desire: Aborigines, Asians and the Na-tional Imaginary. Australian Cultural History 9:14-35. Hannerz, Ulf (1987) The World in Creolization. Africa 57(4):54S559.
  • Heilbrunn, Jacob (1996). Germany’s New Right. Foreign Affairs 75(6):80-98.
  • Horrocks, David, ve Eva Kolinsky (1996). Migrants or Citizens? Turks in Germany between Exclusion and Acceptance. Turkish Culture in German Society Today içinde. Ed. David Horrocks ve Eva Kolinsky. Ss. x-xxviii. Oxford, İngiltere: Berghahn Books.
  • Karakaşoğlu, Yasemin (1996). Turkish Cultural Orientations in Germany and the Role of Islam. Turkish Culture in German Society Today içinde. Ed. David Horrocks ve Eva Kolinsky. Ss. 157-179. Oxford, İngiltere: Berghahn Books.
  • Kolinsky, Eva (1996). Non-German Minorities in Contemporary German Soci-ety. Turkish Culture in German Society Today içinde. Ed. David Horrocks ve Eva Kolinsky. Pp. 71-111. Oxford, İngiltere: Berghahn Books.
  • Kürsat-Ahlers, Elcin (1996). The Turkish Minority in German Society. Turkish Culture in German Society Today içinde. Ed. David Horrocks ve Eva Kolinsky. Ss. 113-156. Oxford, İngiltere: Berghahn Books.
  • Lewis, Alison (1995). Analyzing the Trauma of German Unification. New German Critique 64:135-159.
  • Lundt, Peter-Michael, A. Tolun, K. Schwarz, ve A. J. Fischer (1991). Türkische Berliner-Berlinli Türkler: Eine Minderheit stellt sich vor. Berlin: Ausländerbeauf-tragte des Senats.
  • MacEwen, Martin (1995). Tackling Racism in Europe: An Examination of Anti- Discrimination Law in Practice. Oxford, İngiltere: Berg Publishers.
  • Mandel, Ruth (1989). Turkish Headscarves and the “Foreigner Problem”: Constructing Difference through Emblems of Identity. New German Critique 46:27-46.
  • Mandel, Ruth (1994). “Fortress Europe” and the Foreigners Within: Germa-ny’s Turks. The Anthropology of Europe: Identity and Boundaries in Conflict içinde. Ed. Victoria A. Goddard, Josep R. Llobera, ve Cris Shore. ss.113-124. Ox-ford, İngiltere: Berg Publishers.
  • Mattson, Michelle (1995). Refugees in Germany: Invasion or Invention? New German Critique 64:61-85
  • Ministry for Youth, Family, Women and Health (1989). Hearing zur Situation ausländischer Frauen und Mädchen aus den Anwerbestaaten. Dokumentation. 2vols. Bonn: Ministry for Youth, Family, Women and Health.
  • Ostow, Robin (1995). “ ’Ne Art Bürgerwehr in Form von Skins": Young Ger-mans on the Streets in the Eastern and Western States of the Federal Republic. New German Critique 64:87-103.
  • Pfluger-Schindlbeck, Ingrid (1989). “Achte die Älteren, liebe die Jüngeren": So-zialisation türkischer Kinder. Frankfurt am Main: Athenäum.
  • Ruane, Joseph (1994). Nationalism and European Community Integration: The Republic of Ireland. The Anthropology of Europe: Identity and Boundaries in Conflict içinde. Ed. Victoria A. Goddard, Josep R. Llobera, ve Cris Shore. Ss. 125-141. Oxford, İngiltere: Berg Publishers.
  • Schaumann, L., I. Haller, K. F. Geiger, ve H. Hermanns (1988). Lebenssituation und Lebensentwurfe junger türkischer Frauen der Zweiten Migrantengeneration. Wies-baden, Germany: Bevollmächtigten der hessischen Landesregierung für Frauenangelegenheiten. Schiffauer, Werner (1986). Kulturelle Charakteristika als Bedingungen inter-kultureller Kommunikation. Weinheim, Almanya: Beltz Verlag.
  • Şen, Faruk (1996a). Türkische Migranten in Deutschland: Ein Überblick. In Türken als Unternehmer: Eine Gesamtdarstellung und Ergebnissen neuerer Un-tersuchungen. Ed. F. Şen ve A. Goldbert. Ss. 11-45. Opladen, Almanya: Leske und Budrich.
  • Şen, Faruk (1996b) Turkish Migrants and Migrant Workers in Germany. AGİT Gözden Geçirme Konferansı için yazılmış sunum. Viyana 1996. Ss. 1-3. Essen, Almanya: Zentrum für Türkeistudien.
  • Senat von Berlin (1994). Bericht zur Integrations- und Ausländerpolitik. Documents1 2/1315,1 2/1459, ve 1213946. Berlin: Ausländerbeauftragte des Se-nats.
  • Shore, Cris, ve A. Black (1994). Citizens’ Europe and the Construction of Eu-ropean Identity. The Anthropology of Europe: Identity and Boundaries in Con-flict içinde. Ed. Victoria A. Goddard, Josep R. Llobera, ve Cris Shore. ss. 275-298. Oxford, İngiltere: Berg Publishers.
  • SIS (Turkish State Institute of Statistics) (1990). Household Labor Force Survey Results. Ankara: SIS.
  • Soysal, Yasemin Nuhoğlu (1993). Construction of Immigrant Identities in Eu-rope. European Identity and Its Intellectual Roots başlıklı konferansta sunulmuş metin. Cambridge, İngiltere, 6-9 Mayıs.
  • Soysal, Yasemin Nuhoğlu (1994) Limits of Citizenship: Migrants and Postna-tional Membership in Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Spiegel, Der (1991). Ansprache in Babydeutsch: Black Power in der Bundesre-publik: Schwarze mit deutscher Nationalität organisieren sich gegen Rassismus. Der Spiegel 52:5S59.
  • Spiegel, Der (1992). Letzte Heimat Deutschland. Der Spiegel 12:90-97.
  • Stolcke, Verena (1995). Talking Culture: New Boundaries, New Rhetorics of Exclusion in Europe. Current Anthropology 36:1-13.
  • Tan, Dursun, ve Hans-Peter Waldhoff (1996). Turkish Everyday Culture in Germany and its Prospects. Turkish Culture in German Society Today içinde. Ed. David Horrocks ve Eva Kolinsky. Ss. 137-156. Oxford, İngiltere: Berghahn Books.
  • Tertilt, Hermann (1996). Turkish Power Boys: Ethnographie einer Jugend-bande. Frankfurt am Main, Almanya: Suhrkamp.
  • TGBA (Turkish-German Businessman's Association Berlin- Brandenburg) (1997). Türkische Unternehmen in Deutschland und in Berlin. Unpublished MS.
  • Turner, Terence (1995). Response to Verena Stolcke. Current Anthropology 36:16-18.
  • Turner, Victor (1974) Dramas, Fields and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Hu-man Society. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • von Beyme, Klaus (1992). The Effects of Reunification on German Democracy: A Preliminary Evaluation of a Great Social Experiment. Government and Opposi-tion 27(2):158-176.
  • White, Jenny B. (1994). Money Makes Us Relatives: Women’s Labor in Urban Turkey. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • White, Jenny B. (1995). Turks in Germany: Overview of the Literature. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 29:12-15.
  • White, Jenny B. (1996). Belonging to a Place: Turks in Unified Berlin. City and Society 1996:15-28.
  • Wilpert, Czarina (1993). The Ideological and Institutional Foundations of Rac-ism in the Federal Republic of Germany. Racism and Migration in Western Eu-rope içinde. Ed. John Wrench ve John Solomos. Ss. 67-81. Oxford, İngiltere: Berg Publishers.
  • Wilson, Thomas M. (1993). An Anthropology of the European Community. Cultural Change and the New Europe: Perspectives on the European Community içinde. Ed. Thomas M. Wilson ve M. E. Smith. Ss. 1-23. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
  • Wolbert, Barbara (1996). Der Getotete Pass: Ruckkehr, Symbol und Prozess. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Jenny White Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 14

Kaynak Göster

APA White, J. (2018). Yeni Almanya’daki Türkler. İDEALKENT, 5(14), 53-87.