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State Politics and Islam in the Netherlands and Germany: The Case of Milli Görüş

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 14, 88 - 123, 26.04.2018


This article examines how European state authorities
are taking part in the shaping of Islam in Europe by comparing the impact of
German and Dutch state policies on Islamic organisations such as Milli Görüş¸ a
Turkish-origin political Islamic organisation. Milli Görüş ¸ in the Netherlands
has cooperated with Dutch authorities and developed liberal Islamic
interpretations, while German authorities list Milli Görüş¸ among the top
threats to the constitution. The difference between German and Dutch Milli
Görüş¸ has been created through the partially-exclusivist policies of Germany
and the multicultural policies of the Netherlands. I suggest that, on the one
hand, the Dutch socio-political system and multicultural policies actively
promote public recognition of the Muslim community, provide for a transparent
relationship between the state and Islamic organisations and make cooperation a
more rewarding strategy for Islamic organisations to attain their goals. On the
other hand, the German socio-political system and partially exclusivist
policies provide limited venues for participation and recognition, promote
distrust between political authority and Islamic organisations, and make court
cases a more rewarding strategy for public recognition. This comparison may
provide insights for European states on how to develop policies conducive to
Muslim incorporation.


  • Abadan-Unat, N. ve Neşe Kemiksiz. (1986). Türk Dış Göçü (1960-1984). Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Andeweg B. Rudy ve Galen A. Irwin. (2002). Governance and Politics of the Netherlands. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bowen, R. John. (2006). Why the French Don’t Like Headscarves: Islam, the State, and Public Space. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Cohen, Roger. (2001). “How Open to Immigrants Should Germany Be?” New York Times, Mayıs 13, p.11.
  • Dowes, D., de Koning, M. and Boender, W. (2005). Nederlandse Moslims: Van Migrant tot Burger. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
  • Dros, L. (2007). ‘AIVD wist van coup Milli Görüş,’ Trouw, 6 June, online at Eickelman, D. (1976) Moroccan Islam. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Ewing, K.P. (2003). ‘Living Islam in the diaspora: between Turkey and Germany’, South Atlantic Quarterly, 102(2-3): 405-31.
  • Fetzer, S.J. and Soper, J.C. (2005). Muslims and the State in Britain, France, and Germany. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Geertz, C. (1968). Islam Observed: Religious Development in Morocco and Indonesia. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • German Federal Ministry of the Interior. (2004). “Annual Report of the Office for Protection of the Constitution 2003.” s. 190. sitesinden 6 Haziran 2005’te alındı.
  • Giordano, R. (2007). ‘Nein und dreimal nein!’, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 1 June, online at
  • Hoffman, L. (1991). Das ‘‘Volk’’Zur ideologischen Struktur eines unvermeidbaren Begriffs’, Zeitschrift fu¨r Soziologie, 20(3): 191-208.
  • Islamiche Föderation in Berlin. (2005). “Schuljahr 2004-05”. http://www. sitesinden 2 Şubat 2005’te alındı.
  • Jacobs, Dirk. (1998). “Discourse, politics and policy: the Dutch parliamentary debate about voting right for foreign residents.” The International Migration Review, 32, no. 2: 350-73.
  • Johnson, I. (2004). ‘Litigation suits groups of Muslims who seek legitimacy in Germany’, Wall Street Journal, 30 March, A1, A6.
  • Jonker, G. (2002). Eine Wellenlange zu Gott: der ‘‘Verband der Islamischen Kulturzentren’’ in Europa. Bielefeld: Transcript.
  • Kaya, Ayhan ve Ferhat Kentel. (2005). Euro-Turks a Bridge or a Breach between Turkey and the European Union?. Istanbul: Bilgi Yayınevi.
  • Klopp, B. (2002) ‘The political incorporation of EU foreigners before and after Maastricht: the new local politics in Germany’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28(2): 239-57.
  • Knubbertz, A. (2000) ‘‘‘Das Berliner Modell’’ oder: die andere Art, Religionsunterricht zu organisieren’, in Fetzer, S.J. and Soper, J.C. (eds) Islamisher Religionsunterricht an staatlichen Schulen in Deutschland: Praxis-Konzepte-Perspektiven; Dokumnetation eines Fachgespraches. Berlin and Bonn: Beauftragte der Bundesregierung fur Auslanderfrage, 18-24.
  • Landman, N. (2001). ‘Dutch responses to Muslim religious practices’. Presentation for the Fachtagung der Katholische Akademie/Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 9-10 February.
  • Landman, N. (1997). “The Islamic Broadcasting Foundation in the Netherlands: Platform or Arena?” Islam in Europe: The Politics of Religion and Community yazısından, Steven Vertovec ve Ceri Peach tarafından düzenlenmiştir, 224-43. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Lijphart, A. (1968). Verzuiling, pacificatie en kentering in de Nederlandse politiek. Amsterdam: DeBussy.
  • Lindo, F. (1999). Heilige wijsheid in Amsterdam: Ayasofia, stadsdeel De Baarsjes en de strijd om het Riva-terrein. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
  • Pfaff, Steven ve Anthony J. Gill. (2006). “Will a Million Muslims March? Muslim Interest Organizations and Political Integration in Europe.” Comparative Political Studies 39, no. 7: 803-28.
  • Phalet, K. and Ter Wal. J. (eds) (2004). Moslim in Nederland. The Hague: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.
  • Rath, P., Groenendijk, K. and Meyer, A. (eds) (2001). Western Europe and its Islam. Leiden: Brill. Schiffauer, W. (2000) Die Gottesmanner: Turkische Islamisten in Deutschland. Frankfurt-am-Main:Suhrkamp Taschenbuch.
  • Schiffauer, W. (2006). ‘Verfassungsschutz und islamische Gemeinden’, in Kemmesies, U.E. (ed.) Terrorismus und Extremismus: der Zukunft auf der Spur. Munich: Luchterhand, 237-54.
  • Schiffauer, W. (2000). Die Gottesmanner: Turkische Islamisten in Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch.
  • Spuler-Stegemann, U. (2002). Muslime in Deutschland: Nebeneinander oder Miteinander? Freiburg: Herder.
  • Sunier, Thijl ve A. Meyer. (1995). “Chapter IV: Religion” in Immigrant Policy for a Multicultural Society: A Comparative Study of Integration, Language, and Religious Policy in Five Western European Countries, Hans Vermeulen tarafından düzenlenmiştir. Brussels: Migration Policy Group.
  • Tas, R. (2004). ‘Bijna een miljoen islamieten in Nederland’, Web Magazine, 20 September. Online at
  • Ter Wal, J. (2005). Active Civil Participation of Immigrants in the Netherlands. Oldenburg: European Research Project POLITIS, online at
  • Van Bommel, A. (1992). “The History of Muslim Umbrella Organizations.” In Islam in Dutch Society: Current Developments and Future Prospects, W.A.R. Shadid ve P.S. Koningsveld tarafından düzenlenmiştir, 124-43. Kampen, Netherlands: Kok Pharos.
  • Van Herten, M. (2007). “More than 850 thousand Muslims in the Netherlands,” Central Bureau voor de Statistiek, sitesinden 16 Nisan 2010’da alındı.
  • Van Mierlo, J.G.A. (1986). ‘Depillarisation and the decline of consociationalism in the Netherlands:1970-1985’, West European Politics, 9(1): 97-119.
  • Van Heelsum, A. (2002). ‘The relationship between political participation and civic community of migrants’, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 3(2): 179-200.
  • Van Westerloo, G. (2004). ‘Zwartekousen Moslims’, M Magazine. NRC Handelsblad, February.
  • Vasta, E. (2007). ‘From ethnic minorities to ethnic majority policy: multiculturalism and the shift to assimilationism in the Netherlands’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30(5): 713-40.
  • Weber, B. (1995). ‘Immigration and politics in Germany’, The Journal of the International Institute, 2(3); online at, Wolschner, K. (2003) ‘Was ist die Alternative zum Dialog?’, Tageszeitung Bremen, 12 June.
  • Wolschner, Klaus. (2003). “Was ist die Alternative zum Dialog?” Tageszeitung Bremen. Haziran 12.

Hollanda ve Almanya’da Devlet Politikaları ve İslam: Milli Görüş Örneği

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 14, 88 - 123, 26.04.2018


Bu makale Avrupa devleti yetkililerinin Avrupa’da
İslam’ın şekillenmesinde nasıl rol aldıklarını Alman ve Hollandalı devlet
politikalarının Milli Görüş gibi bir Türk kökenli siyasal İslamcı örgüt
üzerindeki etkilerini karşılaştırarak inceliyor. Hollanda'daki Milli Görüş
Hollanda devletiyle işbirliği içerisine girdi ve liberal İslam yorumları
geliştirdi ancak Alman yetkililer Milli Görüş’ü anayasayı en çok tehdit eden
örgütler arasında listeliyor. Alman ve Hollanda Milli Görüş arasındaki fark Almanya’nın
kısmen dışlayıcı ve Hollanda’nın çok kültürlülük politikalarının birer sonucu.
Hollanda’nın sosyo-politik sistemi ve çok kültürlü politikaları Müslümanların
tanınmasını aktif olarak teşvik ediyor; devlet ve İslami kuruluşlar arasında
şeffaf bir ilişki sağlıyor ve işbirliğini İslami kuruluşların hedeflerine
ulaşmaları için daha ödüllendirici bir strateji haline getiriyor. Öte yandan,
Alman sosyo-politik sistem ve kısmen dışlayıcı politikaları katılım ve tanınma
için kısıtlı bir alan sağlarken, siyasi otorite ve İslami kuruluşlar arasında
karşılıklı güvensizliği teşvik ediyor ve mahkemelerde dava açmayı kamusal
tanınma için daha ödüllendirici bir strateji haline getiriyor. Bu karşılaştırma
Avrupa devletlerinin Müslümanları topluma entegre etmelerine yönelik
politikaları nasıl geliştirebileceklerine ilişkin yollar gösteriyor.


  • Abadan-Unat, N. ve Neşe Kemiksiz. (1986). Türk Dış Göçü (1960-1984). Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Andeweg B. Rudy ve Galen A. Irwin. (2002). Governance and Politics of the Netherlands. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bowen, R. John. (2006). Why the French Don’t Like Headscarves: Islam, the State, and Public Space. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Cohen, Roger. (2001). “How Open to Immigrants Should Germany Be?” New York Times, Mayıs 13, p.11.
  • Dowes, D., de Koning, M. and Boender, W. (2005). Nederlandse Moslims: Van Migrant tot Burger. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
  • Dros, L. (2007). ‘AIVD wist van coup Milli Görüş,’ Trouw, 6 June, online at Eickelman, D. (1976) Moroccan Islam. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Ewing, K.P. (2003). ‘Living Islam in the diaspora: between Turkey and Germany’, South Atlantic Quarterly, 102(2-3): 405-31.
  • Fetzer, S.J. and Soper, J.C. (2005). Muslims and the State in Britain, France, and Germany. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Geertz, C. (1968). Islam Observed: Religious Development in Morocco and Indonesia. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • German Federal Ministry of the Interior. (2004). “Annual Report of the Office for Protection of the Constitution 2003.” s. 190. sitesinden 6 Haziran 2005’te alındı.
  • Giordano, R. (2007). ‘Nein und dreimal nein!’, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 1 June, online at
  • Hoffman, L. (1991). Das ‘‘Volk’’Zur ideologischen Struktur eines unvermeidbaren Begriffs’, Zeitschrift fu¨r Soziologie, 20(3): 191-208.
  • Islamiche Föderation in Berlin. (2005). “Schuljahr 2004-05”. http://www. sitesinden 2 Şubat 2005’te alındı.
  • Jacobs, Dirk. (1998). “Discourse, politics and policy: the Dutch parliamentary debate about voting right for foreign residents.” The International Migration Review, 32, no. 2: 350-73.
  • Johnson, I. (2004). ‘Litigation suits groups of Muslims who seek legitimacy in Germany’, Wall Street Journal, 30 March, A1, A6.
  • Jonker, G. (2002). Eine Wellenlange zu Gott: der ‘‘Verband der Islamischen Kulturzentren’’ in Europa. Bielefeld: Transcript.
  • Kaya, Ayhan ve Ferhat Kentel. (2005). Euro-Turks a Bridge or a Breach between Turkey and the European Union?. Istanbul: Bilgi Yayınevi.
  • Klopp, B. (2002) ‘The political incorporation of EU foreigners before and after Maastricht: the new local politics in Germany’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28(2): 239-57.
  • Knubbertz, A. (2000) ‘‘‘Das Berliner Modell’’ oder: die andere Art, Religionsunterricht zu organisieren’, in Fetzer, S.J. and Soper, J.C. (eds) Islamisher Religionsunterricht an staatlichen Schulen in Deutschland: Praxis-Konzepte-Perspektiven; Dokumnetation eines Fachgespraches. Berlin and Bonn: Beauftragte der Bundesregierung fur Auslanderfrage, 18-24.
  • Landman, N. (2001). ‘Dutch responses to Muslim religious practices’. Presentation for the Fachtagung der Katholische Akademie/Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 9-10 February.
  • Landman, N. (1997). “The Islamic Broadcasting Foundation in the Netherlands: Platform or Arena?” Islam in Europe: The Politics of Religion and Community yazısından, Steven Vertovec ve Ceri Peach tarafından düzenlenmiştir, 224-43. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Lijphart, A. (1968). Verzuiling, pacificatie en kentering in de Nederlandse politiek. Amsterdam: DeBussy.
  • Lindo, F. (1999). Heilige wijsheid in Amsterdam: Ayasofia, stadsdeel De Baarsjes en de strijd om het Riva-terrein. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
  • Pfaff, Steven ve Anthony J. Gill. (2006). “Will a Million Muslims March? Muslim Interest Organizations and Political Integration in Europe.” Comparative Political Studies 39, no. 7: 803-28.
  • Phalet, K. and Ter Wal. J. (eds) (2004). Moslim in Nederland. The Hague: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.
  • Rath, P., Groenendijk, K. and Meyer, A. (eds) (2001). Western Europe and its Islam. Leiden: Brill. Schiffauer, W. (2000) Die Gottesmanner: Turkische Islamisten in Deutschland. Frankfurt-am-Main:Suhrkamp Taschenbuch.
  • Schiffauer, W. (2006). ‘Verfassungsschutz und islamische Gemeinden’, in Kemmesies, U.E. (ed.) Terrorismus und Extremismus: der Zukunft auf der Spur. Munich: Luchterhand, 237-54.
  • Schiffauer, W. (2000). Die Gottesmanner: Turkische Islamisten in Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch.
  • Spuler-Stegemann, U. (2002). Muslime in Deutschland: Nebeneinander oder Miteinander? Freiburg: Herder.
  • Sunier, Thijl ve A. Meyer. (1995). “Chapter IV: Religion” in Immigrant Policy for a Multicultural Society: A Comparative Study of Integration, Language, and Religious Policy in Five Western European Countries, Hans Vermeulen tarafından düzenlenmiştir. Brussels: Migration Policy Group.
  • Tas, R. (2004). ‘Bijna een miljoen islamieten in Nederland’, Web Magazine, 20 September. Online at
  • Ter Wal, J. (2005). Active Civil Participation of Immigrants in the Netherlands. Oldenburg: European Research Project POLITIS, online at
  • Van Bommel, A. (1992). “The History of Muslim Umbrella Organizations.” In Islam in Dutch Society: Current Developments and Future Prospects, W.A.R. Shadid ve P.S. Koningsveld tarafından düzenlenmiştir, 124-43. Kampen, Netherlands: Kok Pharos.
  • Van Herten, M. (2007). “More than 850 thousand Muslims in the Netherlands,” Central Bureau voor de Statistiek, sitesinden 16 Nisan 2010’da alındı.
  • Van Mierlo, J.G.A. (1986). ‘Depillarisation and the decline of consociationalism in the Netherlands:1970-1985’, West European Politics, 9(1): 97-119.
  • Van Heelsum, A. (2002). ‘The relationship between political participation and civic community of migrants’, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 3(2): 179-200.
  • Van Westerloo, G. (2004). ‘Zwartekousen Moslims’, M Magazine. NRC Handelsblad, February.
  • Vasta, E. (2007). ‘From ethnic minorities to ethnic majority policy: multiculturalism and the shift to assimilationism in the Netherlands’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30(5): 713-40.
  • Weber, B. (1995). ‘Immigration and politics in Germany’, The Journal of the International Institute, 2(3); online at, Wolschner, K. (2003) ‘Was ist die Alternative zum Dialog?’, Tageszeitung Bremen, 12 June.
  • Wolschner, Klaus. (2003). “Was ist die Alternative zum Dialog?” Tageszeitung Bremen. Haziran 12.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ahmet Yükleyen Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 14

Kaynak Göster

APA Yükleyen, A. (2018). Hollanda ve Almanya’da Devlet Politikaları ve İslam: Milli Görüş Örneği. İDEALKENT, 5(14), 88-123.