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A Review on Irregular Migration: Global Dynamics, Nation-States and Migrants

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 15, 22 - 39, 31.01.2015


This paper draws a general outline of irregular
migratory movements, which has been on rise in the post-1980 period.  The defining character of this type of
migration is that it does not comply with state’s rules on entry, residence
and/or work. The paper seeks to deepen the understanding on irregular migration
by providing an analysis at three different levels: First, it discusses the
relation between irregular migration and the global economic system. Then it
looks at the position of nation-state towards irregular migration and the
nature of policies towards it. Finally the paper adopts an individual level
perspective and discusses the consequences of irregular migration for migrant’s
everyday life.


  • Akbaş, E. (2012). Göçmenler arasındaki dayanışmacı ağların dönüşümü: Göçmen si-vil toplum örgütlerinin yeni misyonu. İçinde S. G. Ihlamur-Öner & N. A. Şirin Öner (Der.), Küreselleşme Çağında Göç: Kavramlar, Tartışmalar. İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Baldwin-Edwards, M. (2009). Chapter 2: Greece. İçinde M. Baldwin-Edwards & A. Kraler (Der.), REGINE: Regularisations in Europe Study on Practices in The Area of Regularisa-tion of Illegally Staying Third Country Nationals in The Member States Of The EU. Vienna: ICMPD.
  • Broeders, D. (2007). The new digital borders of Europe-Eu databases and the surveil-lance of irregular migrants. International Sociology, 22(1): 71-92.
  • Broeders, D. & Engbersen, G. (2007). The fight against illegal migration: Identification policies and immigrants’ counterstrategies. American Behavioral Scientist, 50(12): 1592-1609.
  • Cornelius, W. A. (2005). Controlling ‘unwanted’ immigration: Lessons from the unit-ed states, 1993-2004. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 31(4): 775-794.
  • Coşkun, E. (2014). Türkiye’de göçmen kadınlar ve seks ticareti. Çalışma ve Toplum: 185-206
  • EMHRN (The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network/Avrupa-Akdeniz İnsan Hakları Ağı) Politika Notu (2013): AB – Türkiye Geri Kabulş Anlaşması: Göçmenlerin, Mültecilerin ve Sığınmacıların Hakları Güvende mi?
  • Erder, S., & Kaşka, S. (2003). Düzensiz Göç ve Kadın Ticareti: Türkiye Örneği. Ankara: Uluslararası Göç Örgütü (IOM)
  • Erdemir, A. & Vasta, E. (2007). Work strategies among Turkish immigrants in Lon-don. İçinde E. Berggren, B. Likić-Brborić, G. Toksöz & N. Trimikliniotis (Der.), Irregular Migration, Informal Labour and Community in Europe. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.
  • Fargues, P. (2009). Work, refuge, transit: An emerging pattern of irregular immigra-tion South and East of the Mediterranean. International Migration Review, 43(3): 544-577.
  • Guild, E., Carrera, S. & Balzacq, T. (2008). The changing dynamics of security in an en-larged European Union. CEPS Challenge Papers, No.12:
  • Haidinger, B. (2007). Migration and irregular work in Europe: Literature review. (Un-documented Worker Transitions EU Sixth Framework Programme, Work Package 3)
  • Held, D., McGrew A., Goldblatt, D. & Perraton, J. (1999). Global Transformations: Poli-tics, Economics and Culture. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • İçduygu, A. & Aksel, D. B. (2003). Türkiye’de Düzensiz Göç. Ankara: Uluslararası Göç Örgütü (IOM)
  • King, R. (2002). Towards a new map of european migration. International Journal of Population Geography, 8: 89-106.
  • Krause, M. (2008). Undocumented migrants: an Arendtian perspective. European Journal of Political Theory 7(3): 331-348.
  • Likić-Brborić, B. (2007). Globalisation, EU enlargement and new migratory land-scapes: The challenge of the informal economy and contingencies for ‘decent work’. İçinde E. Berggren, B. Likić-Brborić, G. Toksöz & N. Trimikliniotis (Der.), Irregular Migra-tion, Informal Labour and Community in Europe. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.
  • McNevin, A. (2007). Irregular migrants, neoliberal geographies and spatial frontiers of ‘the political’. Review of International Studies 33: 655-674.
  • Overbeek, H. (2002). Globalisation and governance: Contradictions of neo-liberal migration management. (HWWA Discussion Paper 174) Hamburg: Hamburg Institute of Internatio-nal Economics.
  • Purkis, S. (2006). Modern köleler: Göçmenler. Eğitim Bilim Toplum, 4(13):44-59.
  • REGINE (Regularisations in Europe: Study on practices in the area of regularisation of illegally staying third-country nationals in the member states of the European Union) Politika Notu, 2009,
  • Samers, M. (2001). “Here to work”: Undocumented immigration in the United States and Europe. SAIS Review XXI, (1): 131-145.
  • Samers, M. (2003). Invisible capitalism: Political economy and regulation of undocu-mented immigration in France. Economy and Society, 32 (4): 555-583.
  • Samers, M. (2004). An emerging geopolitics of ‘illegal’ immigration in the European Union. European Journal of Migration and Law 6: 27-45.
  • Spijkerboer, T. (2007). The human costs of border control. European Journal of Migration and Law 9: 127-139.
  • Tapinos, G. (1999). Clandestine immigration: Economic and political issues. İçinde: OECD/Sopemi (1999): Trends in International Migration. Paris: OECD Publications, Paris
  • Taran, P. A. (2000). Human rights of migrants: Challenges of the new decade. Interna-tional Migration 38: 7-51.
  • Toksöz, G. (2007). Informal labour markets and the need for migrant workers: The case of Turkey from a Comparative Perspective. İçinde E. Berggren, B. Likić-Brborić, G. Toksöz & N. Trimikliniotis (Der.), Irregular Migration, Informal Labour and Community in Europe. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.
  • Toksöz G., Erdoğdu S., and Kaşka S. (2012). Irregular Labour Migration in Turkey and Situation of Migrant Workers in the Labour Market. Ankara: IOM.

Düzensiz Göç Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Küresel Dinamikler, Ulus-Devletler, Göçmenler

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 15, 22 - 39, 31.01.2015


Bu makalede, özellikle 1980 sonrası uluslararası göç
hareketliliklerine damgasını vuran düzensiz, ya da diğer bir tabirle
“kayıtdışı”, göçün genel çerçevesi çizilmiştir. Bu göç türüyle işaret edilen
göç edilen ülkenin ülkeye giriş, o ülkede kalış (konaklama) ve/ya çalışmaya
yönelik kurallarına uyulmamasıdır. Yazıda, düzensiz göç olgusu üç farklı
düzeyde ele alınmıştır:  İlk olarak
küresel ekonomik düzen içerisinde gelişen dinamiklerle düzensiz göçün
ilişkisine değinilmiştir. Sonrasında, devlet düzeyinden bir bakış açısıyla
düzensiz göçün devlet için ne anlama geldiği ve devletin bu göç türüne yönelik
geliştirdiği politikalar ele alınmıştır. Son olarak, bireysel düzeyden bir
bakış açısıyla düzensiz göçün göçmenin yaşamı için ne gibi sonuçlar ortaya
çıkardığı tartışılmıştır. 


  • Akbaş, E. (2012). Göçmenler arasındaki dayanışmacı ağların dönüşümü: Göçmen si-vil toplum örgütlerinin yeni misyonu. İçinde S. G. Ihlamur-Öner & N. A. Şirin Öner (Der.), Küreselleşme Çağında Göç: Kavramlar, Tartışmalar. İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Baldwin-Edwards, M. (2009). Chapter 2: Greece. İçinde M. Baldwin-Edwards & A. Kraler (Der.), REGINE: Regularisations in Europe Study on Practices in The Area of Regularisa-tion of Illegally Staying Third Country Nationals in The Member States Of The EU. Vienna: ICMPD.
  • Broeders, D. (2007). The new digital borders of Europe-Eu databases and the surveil-lance of irregular migrants. International Sociology, 22(1): 71-92.
  • Broeders, D. & Engbersen, G. (2007). The fight against illegal migration: Identification policies and immigrants’ counterstrategies. American Behavioral Scientist, 50(12): 1592-1609.
  • Cornelius, W. A. (2005). Controlling ‘unwanted’ immigration: Lessons from the unit-ed states, 1993-2004. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 31(4): 775-794.
  • Coşkun, E. (2014). Türkiye’de göçmen kadınlar ve seks ticareti. Çalışma ve Toplum: 185-206
  • EMHRN (The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network/Avrupa-Akdeniz İnsan Hakları Ağı) Politika Notu (2013): AB – Türkiye Geri Kabulş Anlaşması: Göçmenlerin, Mültecilerin ve Sığınmacıların Hakları Güvende mi?
  • Erder, S., & Kaşka, S. (2003). Düzensiz Göç ve Kadın Ticareti: Türkiye Örneği. Ankara: Uluslararası Göç Örgütü (IOM)
  • Erdemir, A. & Vasta, E. (2007). Work strategies among Turkish immigrants in Lon-don. İçinde E. Berggren, B. Likić-Brborić, G. Toksöz & N. Trimikliniotis (Der.), Irregular Migration, Informal Labour and Community in Europe. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.
  • Fargues, P. (2009). Work, refuge, transit: An emerging pattern of irregular immigra-tion South and East of the Mediterranean. International Migration Review, 43(3): 544-577.
  • Guild, E., Carrera, S. & Balzacq, T. (2008). The changing dynamics of security in an en-larged European Union. CEPS Challenge Papers, No.12:
  • Haidinger, B. (2007). Migration and irregular work in Europe: Literature review. (Un-documented Worker Transitions EU Sixth Framework Programme, Work Package 3)
  • Held, D., McGrew A., Goldblatt, D. & Perraton, J. (1999). Global Transformations: Poli-tics, Economics and Culture. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • İçduygu, A. & Aksel, D. B. (2003). Türkiye’de Düzensiz Göç. Ankara: Uluslararası Göç Örgütü (IOM)
  • King, R. (2002). Towards a new map of european migration. International Journal of Population Geography, 8: 89-106.
  • Krause, M. (2008). Undocumented migrants: an Arendtian perspective. European Journal of Political Theory 7(3): 331-348.
  • Likić-Brborić, B. (2007). Globalisation, EU enlargement and new migratory land-scapes: The challenge of the informal economy and contingencies for ‘decent work’. İçinde E. Berggren, B. Likić-Brborić, G. Toksöz & N. Trimikliniotis (Der.), Irregular Migra-tion, Informal Labour and Community in Europe. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.
  • McNevin, A. (2007). Irregular migrants, neoliberal geographies and spatial frontiers of ‘the political’. Review of International Studies 33: 655-674.
  • Overbeek, H. (2002). Globalisation and governance: Contradictions of neo-liberal migration management. (HWWA Discussion Paper 174) Hamburg: Hamburg Institute of Internatio-nal Economics.
  • Purkis, S. (2006). Modern köleler: Göçmenler. Eğitim Bilim Toplum, 4(13):44-59.
  • REGINE (Regularisations in Europe: Study on practices in the area of regularisation of illegally staying third-country nationals in the member states of the European Union) Politika Notu, 2009,
  • Samers, M. (2001). “Here to work”: Undocumented immigration in the United States and Europe. SAIS Review XXI, (1): 131-145.
  • Samers, M. (2003). Invisible capitalism: Political economy and regulation of undocu-mented immigration in France. Economy and Society, 32 (4): 555-583.
  • Samers, M. (2004). An emerging geopolitics of ‘illegal’ immigration in the European Union. European Journal of Migration and Law 6: 27-45.
  • Spijkerboer, T. (2007). The human costs of border control. European Journal of Migration and Law 9: 127-139.
  • Tapinos, G. (1999). Clandestine immigration: Economic and political issues. İçinde: OECD/Sopemi (1999): Trends in International Migration. Paris: OECD Publications, Paris
  • Taran, P. A. (2000). Human rights of migrants: Challenges of the new decade. Interna-tional Migration 38: 7-51.
  • Toksöz, G. (2007). Informal labour markets and the need for migrant workers: The case of Turkey from a Comparative Perspective. İçinde E. Berggren, B. Likić-Brborić, G. Toksöz & N. Trimikliniotis (Der.), Irregular Migration, Informal Labour and Community in Europe. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.
  • Toksöz G., Erdoğdu S., and Kaşka S. (2012). Irregular Labour Migration in Turkey and Situation of Migrant Workers in the Labour Market. Ankara: IOM.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Nazlı Şenses Özcan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 15

Kaynak Göster

APA Şenses Özcan, N. (2015). Düzensiz Göç Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Küresel Dinamikler, Ulus-Devletler, Göçmenler. İDEALKENT, 6(15), 22-39.