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Piyasa Reformu ve Yeni Kent Yoksulluğu: Çin Kentlerinin Yeniden Yapılan(dırıl)masının Ekonomi Politiği

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 16, 71 - 106, 31.05.2015


Çin 1978 yılından bu yana sahne olduğu ekonomik reform ve
dışa açıklık politikası sonucunda kent toplumu olma yolunda ilerlemektedir.
Değişen iktisadi yapı üretim ilişkilerinde ve bunun doğal sonucu olarak çalışma
ilişkilerinde dramatik değişikliklere yol açmıştır. Kent mekânı bu değişikliklerin
doğrudan görüldüğü bir alan olarak dikkatleri çekmektedir. Bu çalışmada ilk
olarak kapitalist reformların yol açtığı gelir dağılımı eşitsizlikleri üzerinde
durulacaktır. Bunun ardından eskisine kıyasla çok daha dinamik ve bir o kadar
da eşitsiz iktisadi-sosyal görünüm kazanan Çin kentlerinde ortaya çıkan yeni
kent yoksulluğu olgusu ele alınacaktır.


  • Bai, X. (2012) “The Urban Transition in China: Trends,Consequences and Policy Implications”, The New Global Frontier içinde, Eds. G.Martine vd., London: Earthscan, 335-351.
  • Bingqi, X. (2011) “The Financial Crisis and Education in China”, The China Educational Development Yearbook Vol.3 içinde, Ed. Y. Dongping, Leiden: Brill, 169-194.
  • Cai F. (2012) “Growing Pains: What Employment Dilemma Does China Face at Its Lewis Turning Point”, The China Population and Labor Yearbook Vol.3 içinde, Eds. F. Cai; M. Wang, Leiden: Brill, 113-134.
  • Chan K.W. (2010) “The Global Financial Crisis and Migrant Workers in China: ‘There is No Future as a Labourer; Returning to the Village has No Meaning’”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 34,3, 659-677.
  • Chan K. W. ve Zhang L. (1999) “The Hukou System and Rural-Urban Migration in China: Processes and Changes”, The China Quarterly, 160, 818-855.
  • Chen J. (2013) Unfinished Reforms in the Chinese Economy, SGP: World Scientific Company. Field, J. vd. (2006) “Chinese Township and Village Enterprises: A Model for Other Developing Countries”, University of Michigan, 1-23.
  • Forrest R.; Hirayama Y. (2009) “The Uneven Impact of Neoliberalism on Housing Opportunities”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33, 4, 998-1013.
  • Fu, X. ; Balasubramanyam, V.N. (2003) “Township and Village Enterprises in China”, Journal of Development Studies, 39, 4, 27–46.
  • Gabriel, S.J. (1998) “The Structure of a Post-Revolutionary Economic Transformation: The Chinese Economy from the 1949 Revolution to the Great Leap Forward”, China Essay Series, No.3, (Erişim), 5.11.2014
  • Gabriel, S. J.; Chinese Capitalism and the Modernist Vision, London&New York: Routledge, 2006.
  • Gökten, K. (2012a) Çin Yüzyılını Anlamak, Ankara: Notabene.
  • Gökten, K. (2012b) “Kapitalizm için Çalışmak: Çin’de İşgücü Piyasasının İnşası”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 35, 4, 99-120.
  • Hart-Landsberg, M., Burkett, P. (2006) “China and the Dynamics of Transnational Accumulation: Causes and Consequances of Global Restructuring”, Historical Materialism,14, 3, 3-43.
  • Harvey, D. (2008) “The Right to the City”, New Left Review, 53, 23-40.
  • Harvey, D. (2012) Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution, London&New York: Verso.
  • Ho, Samuel P. S. vd. (2003) “’Letting Go of the Small’: An Analysis of the Privatization of Rural Enterprises in Jiangsu and Shandong”, Journal of Development Studies, 39, 4, 1-26.
  • Huang Y. (2012) “Low income Housing in Chinese Cities: Policies and Practices”, The China Quarterly, 212, 941-964.
  • Kochhar, G. (2008) “China’s Urban Poor: An Expanding Social Stratum”, Discussion Paper 37, The University of Nottingham China Policy Centre, 1-47.
  • Lau, R.W.K. (1997) “China: Labour Reform and the Challenge Facing the Working Class”, Capital&Class, 61, 45-80.
  • Li J. vd. (2008) “China’s New Social Security System in the Making: Problems and Prospects”, International Journal of Public Administration, 31, 5-23.
  • Liu Y. vd. (2008) “Urban Pauperization Under China’s Social Exclusion: A Case Study of Nanjing”, Journal of Urban Affairs, 30,1, 21-36.
  • Lippit, V. (1975) “The Great Leap Forward Reconsidered”, Modern China, Vol.1, No.1, 92-115.
  • MacFarquar, R. (1987) The Origins of the Cultural Revolution: Volume II, the Great Leap Forward 1958—1960, New York: Columbia University Press.
  • NBSC (2007) China Statistical Yearbook, Beijing: China Statistical Press.
  • NBSC (2012) China Statistical Yearbook, China Statistical Press, (Erişim), 07.08.2014.
  • NBSC (2013) China Statistical Yearbook, China Statistical Press, (Erişim), 05.08.2014.
  • OECD (2002) China in the World Economy: The Domestic Policy Challenges, Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • OECD (2005) OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: China, Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • Qi, H. (2014) “The Labor Share Question in China”, Monthly Review, 65, 8, 23-35.
  • Peng Z.; Ding Y. (2012) “Tackling urban poverty in China: the Minimum Living Standart Scheme and its limitations”, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 20, 3, 261-276.
  • Solinger D.J. (2002) “Labour Market Reform and the Plight of the Laid-off Proletariat”, The China Quarterly, 170, 304-326.
  • Song, S. Vd. (2009) “Urban Poor in China”, The Chinese Economy, 42.4.44-62.
  • Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (2012), China Household Finance Survey, (Erişim),28-56.html, 12.09.2014.
  • Taylor, B. vd. (2003) Industrial Relations in China, Chelentam&Northampton: Edward Elgar.
  • UNCTAD (2014) UnctadStat Database, (Erişim) /TableViewer/tableView.aspx, 05.09.2014.
  • UNDP; Human Development Report 2007/2008, New York: UNDP, 2007.
  • Wang Y.P. (2000) “Housing Reform and its Impacts on the Urban Poor in China”, Housing Studies, 15,6, 845-864.
  • Wang, Y.P. (2004) Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Change in China. London: Routledge.
  • Wang Y.P. (2012) “Housing the Urban Poor in a Marketised System in China”, Urban Policy and Research, 30,4, 423-441.
  • Wang Y.P.; Murie, A. (1996) “The Process of Commercialisation of Urban Housing in China”, Urban Studies, 33, 6, 971-989.
  • Wang Y.P.; Murie A. (2011) “The New Affordable and Social Housing Provision System in China: Implications for Comparative Housing Studies”, International Journal of Housing Policy, 11,3, 237-254.
  • Wang Y.P. vd. (2012) “The Maturation of the Neo-liberal Housing Market in Urban China”, Housing Studies, 27, 3, 343-359.
  • Williams, H. (2001) “Socialism and the End of the Perpetual Reform State in China” Journal of Contemporary Asia”, 31, 2, 161-195.
  • World Bank (2014a) China Economic Update-June 2014, (Erişim), 10.11.2014.
  • World Bank (2014b) PovcalNet: an online poverty analysis tool, (Erişim), 10.08.2014.
  • World Bank (2014c) Database, (Erişim), 11.09.2014.
  • World Bank (2014d) World DataBank Poverty and Inequality Database, (Erişim), 12.09.2014.
  • Wu, F.; Huang, N. (2007) “New Urban Poverty in China: Economic restructuring and transformation of welfare provision”, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 48, 2, 168-185.
  • Xu J. vd. 2009 “Land Commodification: New Land Development and Politics in China sinde thr Late 1990s”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33,4, 890-913.
  • Yongnian Z. (2009) “Economic Reform, Social Policy and Political Transition in China”, L. T. Seng; Z. Litao (eds.), China's New Social Policy: Initiatives for a Harmonious Society içinde, NJ&London: World Scientific, 11-21.
  • Zhu, Y. (2000) “In Situ Urbanization in Rural China: Case Studies from Fujian Province”, Development and Change, 31, 2, 413-434.

Market Reform and the New Urban Poverty: The Political Economy of Restructuring the Chinese City

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 16, 71 - 106, 31.05.2015


As a result of economic reform and openness policy
China is moving towards becoming the urban society since 1978. Changing
economic structure has led to dramatic changes in the relations of production
and naturally in labour relations. Urban space has drawn attention as an area
which has seen these changes directly. This study will initially focus on
income inequality caused by capitalist reforms. After that the new urban
poverty that emerged in Chinese cities, which have much more dynamic and
unequal economic and social appearance compared to the past, will be addressed.


  • Bai, X. (2012) “The Urban Transition in China: Trends,Consequences and Policy Implications”, The New Global Frontier içinde, Eds. G.Martine vd., London: Earthscan, 335-351.
  • Bingqi, X. (2011) “The Financial Crisis and Education in China”, The China Educational Development Yearbook Vol.3 içinde, Ed. Y. Dongping, Leiden: Brill, 169-194.
  • Cai F. (2012) “Growing Pains: What Employment Dilemma Does China Face at Its Lewis Turning Point”, The China Population and Labor Yearbook Vol.3 içinde, Eds. F. Cai; M. Wang, Leiden: Brill, 113-134.
  • Chan K.W. (2010) “The Global Financial Crisis and Migrant Workers in China: ‘There is No Future as a Labourer; Returning to the Village has No Meaning’”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 34,3, 659-677.
  • Chan K. W. ve Zhang L. (1999) “The Hukou System and Rural-Urban Migration in China: Processes and Changes”, The China Quarterly, 160, 818-855.
  • Chen J. (2013) Unfinished Reforms in the Chinese Economy, SGP: World Scientific Company. Field, J. vd. (2006) “Chinese Township and Village Enterprises: A Model for Other Developing Countries”, University of Michigan, 1-23.
  • Forrest R.; Hirayama Y. (2009) “The Uneven Impact of Neoliberalism on Housing Opportunities”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33, 4, 998-1013.
  • Fu, X. ; Balasubramanyam, V.N. (2003) “Township and Village Enterprises in China”, Journal of Development Studies, 39, 4, 27–46.
  • Gabriel, S.J. (1998) “The Structure of a Post-Revolutionary Economic Transformation: The Chinese Economy from the 1949 Revolution to the Great Leap Forward”, China Essay Series, No.3, (Erişim), 5.11.2014
  • Gabriel, S. J.; Chinese Capitalism and the Modernist Vision, London&New York: Routledge, 2006.
  • Gökten, K. (2012a) Çin Yüzyılını Anlamak, Ankara: Notabene.
  • Gökten, K. (2012b) “Kapitalizm için Çalışmak: Çin’de İşgücü Piyasasının İnşası”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 35, 4, 99-120.
  • Hart-Landsberg, M., Burkett, P. (2006) “China and the Dynamics of Transnational Accumulation: Causes and Consequances of Global Restructuring”, Historical Materialism,14, 3, 3-43.
  • Harvey, D. (2008) “The Right to the City”, New Left Review, 53, 23-40.
  • Harvey, D. (2012) Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution, London&New York: Verso.
  • Ho, Samuel P. S. vd. (2003) “’Letting Go of the Small’: An Analysis of the Privatization of Rural Enterprises in Jiangsu and Shandong”, Journal of Development Studies, 39, 4, 1-26.
  • Huang Y. (2012) “Low income Housing in Chinese Cities: Policies and Practices”, The China Quarterly, 212, 941-964.
  • Kochhar, G. (2008) “China’s Urban Poor: An Expanding Social Stratum”, Discussion Paper 37, The University of Nottingham China Policy Centre, 1-47.
  • Lau, R.W.K. (1997) “China: Labour Reform and the Challenge Facing the Working Class”, Capital&Class, 61, 45-80.
  • Li J. vd. (2008) “China’s New Social Security System in the Making: Problems and Prospects”, International Journal of Public Administration, 31, 5-23.
  • Liu Y. vd. (2008) “Urban Pauperization Under China’s Social Exclusion: A Case Study of Nanjing”, Journal of Urban Affairs, 30,1, 21-36.
  • Lippit, V. (1975) “The Great Leap Forward Reconsidered”, Modern China, Vol.1, No.1, 92-115.
  • MacFarquar, R. (1987) The Origins of the Cultural Revolution: Volume II, the Great Leap Forward 1958—1960, New York: Columbia University Press.
  • NBSC (2007) China Statistical Yearbook, Beijing: China Statistical Press.
  • NBSC (2012) China Statistical Yearbook, China Statistical Press, (Erişim), 07.08.2014.
  • NBSC (2013) China Statistical Yearbook, China Statistical Press, (Erişim), 05.08.2014.
  • OECD (2002) China in the World Economy: The Domestic Policy Challenges, Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • OECD (2005) OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: China, Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • Qi, H. (2014) “The Labor Share Question in China”, Monthly Review, 65, 8, 23-35.
  • Peng Z.; Ding Y. (2012) “Tackling urban poverty in China: the Minimum Living Standart Scheme and its limitations”, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 20, 3, 261-276.
  • Solinger D.J. (2002) “Labour Market Reform and the Plight of the Laid-off Proletariat”, The China Quarterly, 170, 304-326.
  • Song, S. Vd. (2009) “Urban Poor in China”, The Chinese Economy, 42.4.44-62.
  • Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (2012), China Household Finance Survey, (Erişim),28-56.html, 12.09.2014.
  • Taylor, B. vd. (2003) Industrial Relations in China, Chelentam&Northampton: Edward Elgar.
  • UNCTAD (2014) UnctadStat Database, (Erişim) /TableViewer/tableView.aspx, 05.09.2014.
  • UNDP; Human Development Report 2007/2008, New York: UNDP, 2007.
  • Wang Y.P. (2000) “Housing Reform and its Impacts on the Urban Poor in China”, Housing Studies, 15,6, 845-864.
  • Wang, Y.P. (2004) Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Change in China. London: Routledge.
  • Wang Y.P. (2012) “Housing the Urban Poor in a Marketised System in China”, Urban Policy and Research, 30,4, 423-441.
  • Wang Y.P.; Murie, A. (1996) “The Process of Commercialisation of Urban Housing in China”, Urban Studies, 33, 6, 971-989.
  • Wang Y.P.; Murie A. (2011) “The New Affordable and Social Housing Provision System in China: Implications for Comparative Housing Studies”, International Journal of Housing Policy, 11,3, 237-254.
  • Wang Y.P. vd. (2012) “The Maturation of the Neo-liberal Housing Market in Urban China”, Housing Studies, 27, 3, 343-359.
  • Williams, H. (2001) “Socialism and the End of the Perpetual Reform State in China” Journal of Contemporary Asia”, 31, 2, 161-195.
  • World Bank (2014a) China Economic Update-June 2014, (Erişim), 10.11.2014.
  • World Bank (2014b) PovcalNet: an online poverty analysis tool, (Erişim), 10.08.2014.
  • World Bank (2014c) Database, (Erişim), 11.09.2014.
  • World Bank (2014d) World DataBank Poverty and Inequality Database, (Erişim), 12.09.2014.
  • Wu, F.; Huang, N. (2007) “New Urban Poverty in China: Economic restructuring and transformation of welfare provision”, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 48, 2, 168-185.
  • Xu J. vd. 2009 “Land Commodification: New Land Development and Politics in China sinde thr Late 1990s”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33,4, 890-913.
  • Yongnian Z. (2009) “Economic Reform, Social Policy and Political Transition in China”, L. T. Seng; Z. Litao (eds.), China's New Social Policy: Initiatives for a Harmonious Society içinde, NJ&London: World Scientific, 11-21.
  • Zhu, Y. (2000) “In Situ Urbanization in Rural China: Case Studies from Fujian Province”, Development and Change, 31, 2, 413-434.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Kerem Gökten

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 16

Kaynak Göster

APA Gökten, K. (2015). Piyasa Reformu ve Yeni Kent Yoksulluğu: Çin Kentlerinin Yeniden Yapılan(dırıl)masının Ekonomi Politiği. İDEALKENT, 6(16), 71-106.