Aim: The aim of this study is to understand the difficulties of tinnitus with the application of the Tinnitus Disability Questionnaire (Appendix 1) and to observe how they feel with the Beck Depression Scale (Appendix 2).
Methods: 30 individuals aged 18 and over, who do not have a problem preventing cognitive, sensory and verbal communication, who have mild to moderate hearing loss, and who have tinnitus in the 125-8000 Hz frequency range participated in the study. Tinnitus Disability Questionnaire and Beck Depression Inventory used in the study. It repeated to patients at the first administration and at the third and sixth weeks after treatment. The results analyzed with SPSS.
Results: There is a significant difference between the scores of theTinnitus Disability Questionnaire administered to the participants before therapy, the Tinnitus Disability Questionnaire administered at the third week after starting therapy, and Tinnitus Disability Questionnaire administered at the sixth week after starting therapy (ChiSquare=55,838, p=0.000). The therapy applied contributed to the recovery of the people. There is a significant difference between the scores of the Beck Depression Scale administered to the participants before therapy, the Beck Depression Scale administered at the third week after starting therapy, and the Beck Depression Scale administered at the sixth week after starting therapy (Chi-Square=52,680, p=0.000). The therapy applied is effective in reducing the level of depression in people.
Conclusion: In the statistical results obtained for the Tinnitus Disability Questionnaire, it was observed that Notch Therapy and Beck Depression Scale subjectively reduced the effect of tinnitus in daily life, socially, cognitively and emotionally.