Yıl 2023,
, 204 - 219, 31.08.2023
Gökçen Şahin
Hasan Özyıldırım
Anıl Şahin
Bu çalışmada, 3 boyutlu (3B) yazıcılarda kullanılan poli(laktik asit) (PLA) filamentlerinin ve Eriyik Yığma Modelleme (EYM) esaslı 3B yazıcı kullanılarak üretilen PLA standart çekme numunelerinin mekanik ve baskı özelliklerinin nemli ortamlarda nasıl değiştiği incelenmiştir. Filamentler 25 °C sıcaklık ve %80 bağıl nemli ortama 5, 10, 15, 20 gün süreler ile maruz bırakılarak şartlandırılmış numuneler üretilmiştir. Bu filamentlere ve üretilen standart çekme numunelerine çekme testi uygulanmış, FTIR spektrometresi ile analizleri yapılmış ve kırılma yüzeylerinin taramalı elektron mikroskopu (SEM) görüntüleri alınmıştır. Şartlandırılmış filament ve standart çekme numunelerinin çekme dayanımları 20. günde sırası ile 3,7 MPa (%6,8) ve 3,6 MPa (%6,8) düştüğü fakat bekletme süresinin çekme dayanımları üzerinde önemli bir etkisinin olmadığı görülmüştür. Şartlandırılmış filamentten basılan standart çekme numunelerinin çekme dayanımları bekletme gün sayısı ile orantılı olarak azalmış ve çekme dayanımındaki en büyük düşüş 11,6 MPa (%29,5) değerinde 15. günde gerçekleşmiştir.
Destekleyen Kurum
TÜBAP-T.C. Trakya Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi
TÜBAP birimine destekleri için teşekkür ederiz.
- Baran, E.H., Erbil, H.Y., “Surface Modification of 3D Printed PLA Objects by Fused Deposition Modeling: A Review”, Colloids and Interfaces, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Page 43, 2019.
- Musa, L., Kumar, N.K., Rahim, S.Z.A., Rasidi, M.S.M., Rennie, A.E.W., Rahman, R., Kanani, A. Y., Azmi, A.A., “A review on the potential of polylactic acid based thermoplastic elastomer as filament material for fused deposition modelling” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 20, Pages 2841-2858, 2022.
- Lopes, M.S., Jardini, A.L., Filho, R.M., “Poly (Lactic Acid) Production for Tissue Engineering Applications”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 42, Pages 1402-1413, 2012.
- Low, Z., Chua, Y.T., Ray, B.M., Mattia, D., Metcalfe, I.S., Patterson, D.A., “Perspective on 3D printing of separation membranes and comparison to related unconventional fabrication techniques”, Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 523, Pages 596-613, 2017.
- Savini, A., Savini, G.G., “A short history of 3D printing, a technological revolution just started”, 2015 ICOHTEC/IEEE International History of High-Technologies and their Socio-Cultural Contexts Conference, Pages 1-8, Tel-Aviv, 2015.
- Atakok, G., Kam, M., Koc, H.B., “Tensile, three-point bending and impact strength of 3D printed parts using PLA and recycled PLA filaments: A statistical investigation”, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 18, Pages 1542-1554, 2022.
- Lohar, D.V., Nikalje, A.M., Damle, P.G., “Development and testing of hybrid green polymer composite (HGPC) filaments of PLA reinforced with waste bio fillers”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 62, Part 2, Pages 818-824, 2022.
- Allthat3d, “18 3D Printer Filament Types And Uses Comparison Guide”, https://www.allthat3d. com/3d-printer-filament, November 15, 2021.
- All3dp, “The 7 Main Types of 3D Printing Technology in 2022”, https://all3dp.com/1/types-of-3d-printers-3d-printing-technology, November 15, 2021.
- Martin, “3D Printer Filament Types | Properties, Uses & Comparison”, https://the3dprinterbee. com/3d-printing-filament-guide-properties-uses, November 15, 2021.
- MatterHackers, “3d Printer Filament Comparison Guide”, https://www.matterhackers. com/3d-printer-filament-compare, November 15, 2021.
- 3dinsider, “16 Different Types of 3D Printing Materials”, https://3dinsider.com/3d-printing-materials, November 15, 2021.
- Kalinke C., Oliveira, P.R., Neumsteir, N.V., Henriques, B.F., Aparecido, G.O., Loureiro, H.C., Janegitz, B.C., Bonacin, J.A., “Influence of filament aging and conductive additive in 3D printed sensors”, Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 1191, Page 339228, 2022.
- Harris, A.M., Lee, E.C., “Heat and Humidity Performance of Injection Molded PLA for Durable Applications” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 115, Issue 3, Pages 1380-1389, 2010.
- Porfyris, A., Vasilakos, S., Zotiadis, C., Papaspyrides, C., Moser, K., Schueren, L., Buyle, G., Pavlidou, S., Vouyiouka, S., “Accelerated ageing and hydrolytic stabilization of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) under humidity and temperature conditioning” Polymer Testing, Vol. 68, Pages 315-332, 2018.
- Kamau-Devers, K., Kortum, Z., Miller, S.A., “Hydrothermal aging of bio-based poly(lactic acid) (PLA) wood polymer composites: Studies on sorption behavior, morphology, and heat conductance”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 214, Pages 290-302, 2019.
- Sajna, V., Nayak, S.K., Mohanty, S., “Weathering and Biodegradation Study on Graft Copolymer Compatibilized Hybrid Bionanocomposites of Poly(Lactic Acid)”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 25, Pages 2895–2906, 2016.
- ASTM Standard D638-14, “Standard test method for tensile properties of plastics”, 2014.
- Letcher, T., Waytashek, M., “Material Property Testing of 3D-Printed Specimen in PLA on an Entry-Level 3D Printer”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Montreal, 2014.
- Przekop, R.E., Kujawa, M., Pawlak, W., Dobrosielska, M., Sztorch, B., Wieleba, W., “Graphite Modified Polylactide (PLA) for 3D Printed (FDM/FFF) Sliding Elements” Polymers, Vol. 12(6):1250, Pages 1-22, 2020
Yıl 2023,
, 204 - 219, 31.08.2023
Gökçen Şahin
Hasan Özyıldırım
Anıl Şahin
- Baran, E.H., Erbil, H.Y., “Surface Modification of 3D Printed PLA Objects by Fused Deposition Modeling: A Review”, Colloids and Interfaces, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Page 43, 2019.
- Musa, L., Kumar, N.K., Rahim, S.Z.A., Rasidi, M.S.M., Rennie, A.E.W., Rahman, R., Kanani, A. Y., Azmi, A.A., “A review on the potential of polylactic acid based thermoplastic elastomer as filament material for fused deposition modelling” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 20, Pages 2841-2858, 2022.
- Lopes, M.S., Jardini, A.L., Filho, R.M., “Poly (Lactic Acid) Production for Tissue Engineering Applications”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 42, Pages 1402-1413, 2012.
- Low, Z., Chua, Y.T., Ray, B.M., Mattia, D., Metcalfe, I.S., Patterson, D.A., “Perspective on 3D printing of separation membranes and comparison to related unconventional fabrication techniques”, Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 523, Pages 596-613, 2017.
- Savini, A., Savini, G.G., “A short history of 3D printing, a technological revolution just started”, 2015 ICOHTEC/IEEE International History of High-Technologies and their Socio-Cultural Contexts Conference, Pages 1-8, Tel-Aviv, 2015.
- Atakok, G., Kam, M., Koc, H.B., “Tensile, three-point bending and impact strength of 3D printed parts using PLA and recycled PLA filaments: A statistical investigation”, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 18, Pages 1542-1554, 2022.
- Lohar, D.V., Nikalje, A.M., Damle, P.G., “Development and testing of hybrid green polymer composite (HGPC) filaments of PLA reinforced with waste bio fillers”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 62, Part 2, Pages 818-824, 2022.
- Allthat3d, “18 3D Printer Filament Types And Uses Comparison Guide”, https://www.allthat3d. com/3d-printer-filament, November 15, 2021.
- All3dp, “The 7 Main Types of 3D Printing Technology in 2022”, https://all3dp.com/1/types-of-3d-printers-3d-printing-technology, November 15, 2021.
- Martin, “3D Printer Filament Types | Properties, Uses & Comparison”, https://the3dprinterbee. com/3d-printing-filament-guide-properties-uses, November 15, 2021.
- MatterHackers, “3d Printer Filament Comparison Guide”, https://www.matterhackers. com/3d-printer-filament-compare, November 15, 2021.
- 3dinsider, “16 Different Types of 3D Printing Materials”, https://3dinsider.com/3d-printing-materials, November 15, 2021.
- Kalinke C., Oliveira, P.R., Neumsteir, N.V., Henriques, B.F., Aparecido, G.O., Loureiro, H.C., Janegitz, B.C., Bonacin, J.A., “Influence of filament aging and conductive additive in 3D printed sensors”, Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 1191, Page 339228, 2022.
- Harris, A.M., Lee, E.C., “Heat and Humidity Performance of Injection Molded PLA for Durable Applications” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 115, Issue 3, Pages 1380-1389, 2010.
- Porfyris, A., Vasilakos, S., Zotiadis, C., Papaspyrides, C., Moser, K., Schueren, L., Buyle, G., Pavlidou, S., Vouyiouka, S., “Accelerated ageing and hydrolytic stabilization of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) under humidity and temperature conditioning” Polymer Testing, Vol. 68, Pages 315-332, 2018.
- Kamau-Devers, K., Kortum, Z., Miller, S.A., “Hydrothermal aging of bio-based poly(lactic acid) (PLA) wood polymer composites: Studies on sorption behavior, morphology, and heat conductance”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 214, Pages 290-302, 2019.
- Sajna, V., Nayak, S.K., Mohanty, S., “Weathering and Biodegradation Study on Graft Copolymer Compatibilized Hybrid Bionanocomposites of Poly(Lactic Acid)”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 25, Pages 2895–2906, 2016.
- ASTM Standard D638-14, “Standard test method for tensile properties of plastics”, 2014.
- Letcher, T., Waytashek, M., “Material Property Testing of 3D-Printed Specimen in PLA on an Entry-Level 3D Printer”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Montreal, 2014.
- Przekop, R.E., Kujawa, M., Pawlak, W., Dobrosielska, M., Sztorch, B., Wieleba, W., “Graphite Modified Polylactide (PLA) for 3D Printed (FDM/FFF) Sliding Elements” Polymers, Vol. 12(6):1250, Pages 1-22, 2020
Yıl 2023,
, 204 - 219, 31.08.2023
Gökçen Şahin
Hasan Özyıldırım
Anıl Şahin
In this study, it was investigated how the mechanical and printing properties of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) filaments used in 3D printers and PLA standard tensile samples produced using 3D printer based on Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) change in humid environments. Conditioned samples were produced by exposing the filaments to 25 °C temperature and 80% relative humidity for 5, 10, 15, 20 days. Tensile test was applied to these filaments and produced standard tensile samples, analyzed with FTIR spectrometer and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of fracture surfaces were taken. The tensile strengths of the conditioned filament and standard tensile samples decreased by 3.7 MPa (6.8%) and 3.6 MPa (6.8%) on the 20th day, respectively, but the holding time did not have a significant effect on the tensile strengths. The tensile strength of standard tensile specimens printed from conditioned filament decreased in proportion to the number of days of holding, and the greatest decrease in tensile strength occurred on the 15th day at a value of 11.6 MPa (29.5%).
- Baran, E.H., Erbil, H.Y., “Surface Modification of 3D Printed PLA Objects by Fused Deposition Modeling: A Review”, Colloids and Interfaces, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Page 43, 2019.
- Musa, L., Kumar, N.K., Rahim, S.Z.A., Rasidi, M.S.M., Rennie, A.E.W., Rahman, R., Kanani, A. Y., Azmi, A.A., “A review on the potential of polylactic acid based thermoplastic elastomer as filament material for fused deposition modelling” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 20, Pages 2841-2858, 2022.
- Lopes, M.S., Jardini, A.L., Filho, R.M., “Poly (Lactic Acid) Production for Tissue Engineering Applications”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 42, Pages 1402-1413, 2012.
- Low, Z., Chua, Y.T., Ray, B.M., Mattia, D., Metcalfe, I.S., Patterson, D.A., “Perspective on 3D printing of separation membranes and comparison to related unconventional fabrication techniques”, Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 523, Pages 596-613, 2017.
- Savini, A., Savini, G.G., “A short history of 3D printing, a technological revolution just started”, 2015 ICOHTEC/IEEE International History of High-Technologies and their Socio-Cultural Contexts Conference, Pages 1-8, Tel-Aviv, 2015.
- Atakok, G., Kam, M., Koc, H.B., “Tensile, three-point bending and impact strength of 3D printed parts using PLA and recycled PLA filaments: A statistical investigation”, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 18, Pages 1542-1554, 2022.
- Lohar, D.V., Nikalje, A.M., Damle, P.G., “Development and testing of hybrid green polymer composite (HGPC) filaments of PLA reinforced with waste bio fillers”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 62, Part 2, Pages 818-824, 2022.
- Allthat3d, “18 3D Printer Filament Types And Uses Comparison Guide”, https://www.allthat3d. com/3d-printer-filament, November 15, 2021.
- All3dp, “The 7 Main Types of 3D Printing Technology in 2022”, https://all3dp.com/1/types-of-3d-printers-3d-printing-technology, November 15, 2021.
- Martin, “3D Printer Filament Types | Properties, Uses & Comparison”, https://the3dprinterbee. com/3d-printing-filament-guide-properties-uses, November 15, 2021.
- MatterHackers, “3d Printer Filament Comparison Guide”, https://www.matterhackers. com/3d-printer-filament-compare, November 15, 2021.
- 3dinsider, “16 Different Types of 3D Printing Materials”, https://3dinsider.com/3d-printing-materials, November 15, 2021.
- Kalinke C., Oliveira, P.R., Neumsteir, N.V., Henriques, B.F., Aparecido, G.O., Loureiro, H.C., Janegitz, B.C., Bonacin, J.A., “Influence of filament aging and conductive additive in 3D printed sensors”, Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 1191, Page 339228, 2022.
- Harris, A.M., Lee, E.C., “Heat and Humidity Performance of Injection Molded PLA for Durable Applications” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 115, Issue 3, Pages 1380-1389, 2010.
- Porfyris, A., Vasilakos, S., Zotiadis, C., Papaspyrides, C., Moser, K., Schueren, L., Buyle, G., Pavlidou, S., Vouyiouka, S., “Accelerated ageing and hydrolytic stabilization of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) under humidity and temperature conditioning” Polymer Testing, Vol. 68, Pages 315-332, 2018.
- Kamau-Devers, K., Kortum, Z., Miller, S.A., “Hydrothermal aging of bio-based poly(lactic acid) (PLA) wood polymer composites: Studies on sorption behavior, morphology, and heat conductance”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 214, Pages 290-302, 2019.
- Sajna, V., Nayak, S.K., Mohanty, S., “Weathering and Biodegradation Study on Graft Copolymer Compatibilized Hybrid Bionanocomposites of Poly(Lactic Acid)”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 25, Pages 2895–2906, 2016.
- ASTM Standard D638-14, “Standard test method for tensile properties of plastics”, 2014.
- Letcher, T., Waytashek, M., “Material Property Testing of 3D-Printed Specimen in PLA on an Entry-Level 3D Printer”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Montreal, 2014.
- Przekop, R.E., Kujawa, M., Pawlak, W., Dobrosielska, M., Sztorch, B., Wieleba, W., “Graphite Modified Polylactide (PLA) for 3D Printed (FDM/FFF) Sliding Elements” Polymers, Vol. 12(6):1250, Pages 1-22, 2020