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A Model Proposal for Solving Problems Encountered in Performance Tasks

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4, 593 - 610, 16.12.2018


This study aims to establish a model proposal for solving problems in the
use of performance tasks at the high school level. The study which adopted qualitative
research method was planned in two stages. First, the problems faced by high school
teachers (n = 40) using performance tasks
were determined, and for the second stage the opinions of academicians (n = 8) related to the solution of the determined
problems were consulted. Three stakeholders were identified in solving the problems
identified during the first step of the study; those being the university, the Ministry
of National Education
(MoNE), and the teachers. Although the perceptions
of the teachers’ use of performance tasks in general were positive, it was seen
that there problems were experienced in their application. Emphasis was placed on
the importance of communication between the university, the MoNE and the teachers
in order to overcome these problems. For the effective function of performance tasks,
points such as diversity in classroom practices, attention to the characteristics
of students and environmental conditions, and the use of rubrics were emphasised.


  • Ak, S. (2013). The evaluation of performance tasks given at primary education according to students’, teachers’, and parents’ opinions (Unpublished Master's thesis). Çağ University, Mersin.
  • Akdağ, H., & Çoklar, A.N. (2009). İlköğretim 6. ve 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin sosyal bilgiler dersi proje ve performans görevlerini hazırlarken yararlandıkları kaynaklar, internetin yeri ve karşıklaştıkları güçlükler [The resources 6th and 7th grade students use while preparing projects and performance tasks for social studies course, use of the internet as a resource, and the difficulties that they experience]. Adıyaman University Journal of Social Sciences, 2 (2), 1-16.
  • Arı, A. (2010). Öğretmenlere göre proje ve performans görevlerinin uygulanmasında karşılaşılan sorunlar [Difficulties which teachers face in implementing projects and performance tasks]. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 9(34), 32-55.
  • Arslan, A. (2013). Türkçe öğretmenlerinin proje ve performans ödevleri ile ilgili görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi [Assessment of views of turkish teachers concerning projects and performance assignments]. Journal of Language and Literature Education, 2(6), 11-22.
  • Aslan Yolcu, F. (2013). İlköğretim düzeyinde performans görevi ve proje uygulamaları sürecinde disiplinler arası yaklaşımın etkililiği üzerine bir çalışma [Effectiveness of the ınterdisciplinary approach on process of performance task and project implementation at primary level] (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Aydın, H., Yörek, N., & Uğulu, İ. (2015). Lise öğrencilerinin performans ödevlerine karşı tutumlarının bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi [An investigation of some variables related students’ attitudes towards performance assignments]. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences, 12(31), 211-229.
  • Bal, A. P. (2012). İlköğretim öğrencilerinin matematik dersi performans görevi hazırlama sürecine ilişkin görüşleri ve yaşadıkları sorunlar [Primary school students’ views and challenges on performance task preparation process in mathematics course]. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 2(1), 11-23.
  • Bayrakçı, Ö. (2010). İlköğretim sosyal bilgiler dersindeki araştırma ödevlerinin (etkinlik, performans ve proje) öğrencilerin sosyalleşmesine katkısı [The contribution of the research tasks (projects, performances and activities) in social sciences to the socialization of the students] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Sakarya University, Sakarya.
  • Benli, N. (2010). İlköğretim I. kademede verilen performans görevlerinin öğretmen ve veli görüşleri açısından değerlendirilmesi [The evaluation of performance tasks’ given in elementary education according to teachers’ and parents’ views] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay.
  • Cargas, S., Williams, S., & Rosenberg, M. (2017). An approach to teaching critical thinking across disciplines using performance tasks with a common rubric. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 26, 24-37.
  • Chappuis, J., Stiggins, R., Chappuis, S., & Arter, J. (2014). Classroom assessment for student learning: Doing it right - Using it well. Second Edition. Pearson
  • Çiftçi, S. (2010). İlköğretim birinci kademe 4. ve 5. sınıf öğretmenlerinin performans görevlerine ilişkin görüşleri [The opinions of the teachers in upper primary classes concerning the student performance tasks]. Elementary Education Online, 9(3), 934-951.
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (1994). Performance-based assessment and educational equity. Harvard Educational Review, 64(1), 5-30.
  • Dilekmen, M., & Aydoğdu, F. (2015). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin performans görevlerine ilişkin algılarının değerlendirilmesi [The evaluation of primary- school teachers’ perceptions about performance tasks]. Erzincan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1), 51-62.
  • Ekici, E. (2016). Görsel sanatlar eğitiminin öğrencilerin performans görevlerine katkılarına ilişkin öğrenci görüşleri [About the contribution of visual art education to the performance duties of students] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Furat, E. (2009). Performans görevlerinin öğrencielrin fen ve teknoloji dersine ilişkin tutumlarına ve eleştirel düşünme eğilimlerine etkisi [Influence of the performance assignments on attitudes of the students towards science and technology courses and their tendencies to critical thinking] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Gelbal, S., & Kelecioğlu, H. (2007). Öğretmenlerin ölçme ve değerlendirme yöntemleri hakkındaki yeterlik algıları ve karşılaştıkları sorunlar [Teachers’ proficiency perceptions of about the measurement and evaluation techniques and the problems they confront]. H. U. Journal of Education, 33, 135-145.
  • Göçgen, S. (2016). Ortaokul 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin sosyal bilgiler dersinde performans görevi hazırlarken karşılaştıkları sorunların incelenmesi [Examination of the problems 7th grade secondary school students encounter when they are preparing their performance mission] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Atatürk University, Erzurum.
  • Gürel, N. (2012). Performans görevlerinin öğrencilerin matematik başarısına ve tutumuna etkisi [The effects of performance task on students’ math achievement and attitude towards mathematics] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur.
  • Güvey, E. (2009). İlköğretim 1-5. sınıf öğretim programlarında yer alan proje ve performans görevlerine ilişkin öğretmen ve veli görüşleri [Opinions of teachers and parents related to projects and performance tasks which take part in primary school 1-5 grade education programs] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir.
  • Hacısalihoğlu, M. (2013). 6. sınıf öğrencilerinin proje ve performans görevleriyle ilgili görüşleri ve karşılaştıkları güçlükler [6th grade students’ opinions and encountered difficulties in project and performance tasks] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon.
  • Herman, J., Aschbacher, P., & Winters, L. (1992). A practical guide to alternative assessment. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Karakuş, M., & Karakoç Öztürk, B. (2016). İlköğretim Türkçe öğretmenlerinin performans değerlendirmeye yönelik görüşlerinin incelenmesi [A study of elementary school Turkish language teachers’ views on performance evaluation]. Journal of Çukurova University Institute of Social Sciences, 25(1), 283-302.
  • Kutlu, Ö., Doğan, C. D., & Karakaya, İ. (2009). Öğrenci başarısının belirlenmesi performansa ve portfolyoya dayalı durum belirleme. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., & McTighe, J. (1993). Assessing student outcomes; performance assessment using the dimensions of learning model. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • McTighe, J. (2016). Designing authentic performance tasks and rubrics. Retrieved 16 May, 2018 from
  • McTighe, J., & Ferrara, S. (1994). Performance-based assessment in the classroom. Retrieved 13 October, 2017 from
  • McTighe, J., & Ferrara, S. (1998). Assessing Learning in the Classroom: Student Assessment Series. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
  • Messick, S. (1994). The interplay of evidence and consequences in validation of performance assessment. Educational Researcher, 23(2), 13-23.
  • Metin, M. (2013). Öğretmenlerin performans görevlerini hazırlarken ve uygularken karşılaştığı sorunlar [Teachers’ difficulties in preparation and implementation of performance task]. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 13(3), 1645-1673.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2013). Milli eğitim bakanlığı ortaöğretim kurumları yönetmeliği. Retrieved 05 December, 2017 from
  • OECD. (2012). Better skills, better jobs, better lives: a strategic approach to skills policies. Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • OECD. (2017). Pedagogical knowledge and the changing nature of the teaching profession. Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • Orhan, A.T. (2007). Fen eğitiminde alternatif ölçme ve değerlendirme yöntemlerinin ilköğretim öğretmen adayı, öğretmen ve öğrenci boyutu dikkate alınarak incelenmesi [Exploring the alternative assessment strategies by considering primary school pre-service teachers and students dimensions]. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Gazi University, Ankara.
  • O’Sullivan, M. K., & Dallas, K. B. (2010). A Collaborative approach to implementing 21st Century skills in a high school senior research class . Education Libraries, 33(1), 3-9.
  • Öztürk, P. (2010). İlköğretim II. kademe Türkçe dersi performans görevi başarı puanları ile akademik başarı ve derse yönelik tutum arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi [The evaluation of relation between success grades of Turkish lesson performance task and academic success and attitude to lesson in primary education school level] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon.
  • P21Skills. (2007). 21st Century skills assessment: A partnership for 21st century skills e-paper. Retrieved 12 October, 2017, from
  • Palaz, T., Kılcan, B., Akbaba, B., & Çepni, O. (2015). Sosyal bilgiler dersinde verilen performans görevlerinin muhatapları tarafından değerlendirilmesi [The evaluation of performance homeworks assigned in social studies courses by respondents]. International Journal of Turkish Education Sciences, 5, 248-264. Pellegrino, J. W. (2017). Teaching, learning and assessing 21st century skills. In S. G. (Ed.), Pedagogical knowledge and the changing nature of the teaching profession (pp. 223-251). Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • Perlman, C. C. (2003). Performance Assessment: Designing Appropriate Performance Tasks and Scoring Rubrics. In Wall, J.E., & Walz. G.R. (Ed.), Measuring Up: Assessment Issues for Teachers, Counselors, and Administrators (pp. 497-506). Greensboro, NC: CAPS Press.
  • Sarı, F. (2014). İlköğretim birinci kademe performans görevlerinin öğretmen ve veli görüşleri açısından değerlendirilmesi [An evaluation of elementary school performance tasks from teachers and parents’ point of views] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun.
  • Seyhan, A. (2017). Ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin performans görevlerine ilişkin görüşleri [View of the secondary school student related to performance task]. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 16(60), 60-75.
  • Sözer, E. (2015). Çok seçenekli performans görevlerinin öğrencilerin akademik başarı, özgüven ve derse karşı tutumlarına etkisi [Influence of the multiple choice performance tasks on students’ academic achievement, selfconfidence and attitudes of the students towards] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Şeker, M. (2009). İlköğretim 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin performans görevindeki başarıları ile ailelerinin eğitim-öğretim çalışmalarına katılım düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi [An investigation on the relation between the success of fifth class' students' on performance works and the rate of their family support on educational -teaching works]. (Unpublished Master's thesis). Çukurova University, Adana.
  • Tanrıverdi, T. (2012). İlköğretim dördüncü ve beşinci sınıf öğretmen ve öğrencilerinin sosyal bilgiler dersinde performans görevine yönelik görüşleri [Fourth and fifth grade primary school teachers’ and students’ views about performance tasks in social studies course]. (Unpublished Master's thesis). Çukurova University, Adana.
  • Tavşancıl, E., & Aslan, E. (2001). Sözel, yazılı ve diğer materyaller için içerik analizi ve uygulama örnekleri. İstanbul: Epsilon Yayınevi.
  • Türk Eğitim Derneği [TED]. (2014). TEDMEM 2014 Eğitim Değerlendirme Raporu. Retrieved 10 December, 2017 from
  • Tüysüz, C., Karakuyu, Y., & Tatar, E. (2010). Fen ve teknoloji dersindeki performans görevlerine yönelik veli tutumlarının belirlenmesi [Opinions of students’ parents about performance task in science and technology class]. Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(1), 108-122
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2008). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları.
  • Yıldırım, K. (2010). Nitel araştırmalarda niteliği arttırma [Raising the quality in qualitative research]. Elementary Education Online, 9(1), 79-92.

A Model Proposal for Solving Problems Encountered in Performance Tasks

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4, 593 - 610, 16.12.2018


This study aims to establish a model proposal for solving problems in the use of performance tasks at the high school level. The study which adopted qualitative research method was planned in two stages. First, the problems faced by high school teachers (n = 40) using performance tasks were determined, and for the second stage the opinions of academicians (n = 8) related to the solution of the determined problems were consulted. Three stakeholders were identified in solving the problems identified during the first step of the study; those being the university, the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), and the teachers. Although the perceptions of the teachers’ use of performance tasks in general were positive, it was seen that there problems were experienced in their application. Emphasis was placed on the importance of communication between the university, the MoNE and the teachers in order to overcome these problems. For the effective function of performance tasks, points such as diversity in classroom practices, attention to the characteristics of students and environmental conditions, and the use of rubrics were emphasised.


  • Ak, S. (2013). The evaluation of performance tasks given at primary education according to students’, teachers’, and parents’ opinions (Unpublished Master's thesis). Çağ University, Mersin.
  • Akdağ, H., & Çoklar, A.N. (2009). İlköğretim 6. ve 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin sosyal bilgiler dersi proje ve performans görevlerini hazırlarken yararlandıkları kaynaklar, internetin yeri ve karşıklaştıkları güçlükler [The resources 6th and 7th grade students use while preparing projects and performance tasks for social studies course, use of the internet as a resource, and the difficulties that they experience]. Adıyaman University Journal of Social Sciences, 2 (2), 1-16.
  • Arı, A. (2010). Öğretmenlere göre proje ve performans görevlerinin uygulanmasında karşılaşılan sorunlar [Difficulties which teachers face in implementing projects and performance tasks]. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 9(34), 32-55.
  • Arslan, A. (2013). Türkçe öğretmenlerinin proje ve performans ödevleri ile ilgili görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi [Assessment of views of turkish teachers concerning projects and performance assignments]. Journal of Language and Literature Education, 2(6), 11-22.
  • Aslan Yolcu, F. (2013). İlköğretim düzeyinde performans görevi ve proje uygulamaları sürecinde disiplinler arası yaklaşımın etkililiği üzerine bir çalışma [Effectiveness of the ınterdisciplinary approach on process of performance task and project implementation at primary level] (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Aydın, H., Yörek, N., & Uğulu, İ. (2015). Lise öğrencilerinin performans ödevlerine karşı tutumlarının bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi [An investigation of some variables related students’ attitudes towards performance assignments]. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences, 12(31), 211-229.
  • Bal, A. P. (2012). İlköğretim öğrencilerinin matematik dersi performans görevi hazırlama sürecine ilişkin görüşleri ve yaşadıkları sorunlar [Primary school students’ views and challenges on performance task preparation process in mathematics course]. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 2(1), 11-23.
  • Bayrakçı, Ö. (2010). İlköğretim sosyal bilgiler dersindeki araştırma ödevlerinin (etkinlik, performans ve proje) öğrencilerin sosyalleşmesine katkısı [The contribution of the research tasks (projects, performances and activities) in social sciences to the socialization of the students] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Sakarya University, Sakarya.
  • Benli, N. (2010). İlköğretim I. kademede verilen performans görevlerinin öğretmen ve veli görüşleri açısından değerlendirilmesi [The evaluation of performance tasks’ given in elementary education according to teachers’ and parents’ views] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay.
  • Cargas, S., Williams, S., & Rosenberg, M. (2017). An approach to teaching critical thinking across disciplines using performance tasks with a common rubric. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 26, 24-37.
  • Chappuis, J., Stiggins, R., Chappuis, S., & Arter, J. (2014). Classroom assessment for student learning: Doing it right - Using it well. Second Edition. Pearson
  • Çiftçi, S. (2010). İlköğretim birinci kademe 4. ve 5. sınıf öğretmenlerinin performans görevlerine ilişkin görüşleri [The opinions of the teachers in upper primary classes concerning the student performance tasks]. Elementary Education Online, 9(3), 934-951.
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (1994). Performance-based assessment and educational equity. Harvard Educational Review, 64(1), 5-30.
  • Dilekmen, M., & Aydoğdu, F. (2015). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin performans görevlerine ilişkin algılarının değerlendirilmesi [The evaluation of primary- school teachers’ perceptions about performance tasks]. Erzincan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1), 51-62.
  • Ekici, E. (2016). Görsel sanatlar eğitiminin öğrencilerin performans görevlerine katkılarına ilişkin öğrenci görüşleri [About the contribution of visual art education to the performance duties of students] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Furat, E. (2009). Performans görevlerinin öğrencielrin fen ve teknoloji dersine ilişkin tutumlarına ve eleştirel düşünme eğilimlerine etkisi [Influence of the performance assignments on attitudes of the students towards science and technology courses and their tendencies to critical thinking] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Gelbal, S., & Kelecioğlu, H. (2007). Öğretmenlerin ölçme ve değerlendirme yöntemleri hakkındaki yeterlik algıları ve karşılaştıkları sorunlar [Teachers’ proficiency perceptions of about the measurement and evaluation techniques and the problems they confront]. H. U. Journal of Education, 33, 135-145.
  • Göçgen, S. (2016). Ortaokul 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin sosyal bilgiler dersinde performans görevi hazırlarken karşılaştıkları sorunların incelenmesi [Examination of the problems 7th grade secondary school students encounter when they are preparing their performance mission] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Atatürk University, Erzurum.
  • Gürel, N. (2012). Performans görevlerinin öğrencilerin matematik başarısına ve tutumuna etkisi [The effects of performance task on students’ math achievement and attitude towards mathematics] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur.
  • Güvey, E. (2009). İlköğretim 1-5. sınıf öğretim programlarında yer alan proje ve performans görevlerine ilişkin öğretmen ve veli görüşleri [Opinions of teachers and parents related to projects and performance tasks which take part in primary school 1-5 grade education programs] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir.
  • Hacısalihoğlu, M. (2013). 6. sınıf öğrencilerinin proje ve performans görevleriyle ilgili görüşleri ve karşılaştıkları güçlükler [6th grade students’ opinions and encountered difficulties in project and performance tasks] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon.
  • Herman, J., Aschbacher, P., & Winters, L. (1992). A practical guide to alternative assessment. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Karakuş, M., & Karakoç Öztürk, B. (2016). İlköğretim Türkçe öğretmenlerinin performans değerlendirmeye yönelik görüşlerinin incelenmesi [A study of elementary school Turkish language teachers’ views on performance evaluation]. Journal of Çukurova University Institute of Social Sciences, 25(1), 283-302.
  • Kutlu, Ö., Doğan, C. D., & Karakaya, İ. (2009). Öğrenci başarısının belirlenmesi performansa ve portfolyoya dayalı durum belirleme. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., & McTighe, J. (1993). Assessing student outcomes; performance assessment using the dimensions of learning model. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • McTighe, J. (2016). Designing authentic performance tasks and rubrics. Retrieved 16 May, 2018 from
  • McTighe, J., & Ferrara, S. (1994). Performance-based assessment in the classroom. Retrieved 13 October, 2017 from
  • McTighe, J., & Ferrara, S. (1998). Assessing Learning in the Classroom: Student Assessment Series. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
  • Messick, S. (1994). The interplay of evidence and consequences in validation of performance assessment. Educational Researcher, 23(2), 13-23.
  • Metin, M. (2013). Öğretmenlerin performans görevlerini hazırlarken ve uygularken karşılaştığı sorunlar [Teachers’ difficulties in preparation and implementation of performance task]. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 13(3), 1645-1673.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2013). Milli eğitim bakanlığı ortaöğretim kurumları yönetmeliği. Retrieved 05 December, 2017 from
  • OECD. (2012). Better skills, better jobs, better lives: a strategic approach to skills policies. Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • OECD. (2017). Pedagogical knowledge and the changing nature of the teaching profession. Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • Orhan, A.T. (2007). Fen eğitiminde alternatif ölçme ve değerlendirme yöntemlerinin ilköğretim öğretmen adayı, öğretmen ve öğrenci boyutu dikkate alınarak incelenmesi [Exploring the alternative assessment strategies by considering primary school pre-service teachers and students dimensions]. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Gazi University, Ankara.
  • O’Sullivan, M. K., & Dallas, K. B. (2010). A Collaborative approach to implementing 21st Century skills in a high school senior research class . Education Libraries, 33(1), 3-9.
  • Öztürk, P. (2010). İlköğretim II. kademe Türkçe dersi performans görevi başarı puanları ile akademik başarı ve derse yönelik tutum arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi [The evaluation of relation between success grades of Turkish lesson performance task and academic success and attitude to lesson in primary education school level] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon.
  • P21Skills. (2007). 21st Century skills assessment: A partnership for 21st century skills e-paper. Retrieved 12 October, 2017, from
  • Palaz, T., Kılcan, B., Akbaba, B., & Çepni, O. (2015). Sosyal bilgiler dersinde verilen performans görevlerinin muhatapları tarafından değerlendirilmesi [The evaluation of performance homeworks assigned in social studies courses by respondents]. International Journal of Turkish Education Sciences, 5, 248-264. Pellegrino, J. W. (2017). Teaching, learning and assessing 21st century skills. In S. G. (Ed.), Pedagogical knowledge and the changing nature of the teaching profession (pp. 223-251). Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • Perlman, C. C. (2003). Performance Assessment: Designing Appropriate Performance Tasks and Scoring Rubrics. In Wall, J.E., & Walz. G.R. (Ed.), Measuring Up: Assessment Issues for Teachers, Counselors, and Administrators (pp. 497-506). Greensboro, NC: CAPS Press.
  • Sarı, F. (2014). İlköğretim birinci kademe performans görevlerinin öğretmen ve veli görüşleri açısından değerlendirilmesi [An evaluation of elementary school performance tasks from teachers and parents’ point of views] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun.
  • Seyhan, A. (2017). Ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin performans görevlerine ilişkin görüşleri [View of the secondary school student related to performance task]. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 16(60), 60-75.
  • Sözer, E. (2015). Çok seçenekli performans görevlerinin öğrencilerin akademik başarı, özgüven ve derse karşı tutumlarına etkisi [Influence of the multiple choice performance tasks on students’ academic achievement, selfconfidence and attitudes of the students towards] (Unpublished Master's thesis). Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Şeker, M. (2009). İlköğretim 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin performans görevindeki başarıları ile ailelerinin eğitim-öğretim çalışmalarına katılım düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi [An investigation on the relation between the success of fifth class' students' on performance works and the rate of their family support on educational -teaching works]. (Unpublished Master's thesis). Çukurova University, Adana.
  • Tanrıverdi, T. (2012). İlköğretim dördüncü ve beşinci sınıf öğretmen ve öğrencilerinin sosyal bilgiler dersinde performans görevine yönelik görüşleri [Fourth and fifth grade primary school teachers’ and students’ views about performance tasks in social studies course]. (Unpublished Master's thesis). Çukurova University, Adana.
  • Tavşancıl, E., & Aslan, E. (2001). Sözel, yazılı ve diğer materyaller için içerik analizi ve uygulama örnekleri. İstanbul: Epsilon Yayınevi.
  • Türk Eğitim Derneği [TED]. (2014). TEDMEM 2014 Eğitim Değerlendirme Raporu. Retrieved 10 December, 2017 from
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Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Melek Gülşah Şahin 0000-0001-5139-9777

Nagihan Boztunç Öztürk 0000-0002-2777-5311

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Şubat 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, M. G., & Boztunç Öztürk, N. (2018). A Model Proposal for Solving Problems Encountered in Performance Tasks. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 5(4), 593-610.

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