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Validity and Reliability of The Cancer Loneliness and The Cancer-Related Negative Social Expectations Scale

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 392 - 403, 15.09.2020


There is a need for cancer-specific tools to evaluate loneliness and cancer-related negative social expectations before developing interventions for cancer patients. The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Cancer Loneliness and the Cancer-related Negative Social Expectations Scale. Data were collected from 300 cancer patients registered to an oncology outpatient clinic of a University Hospital for this methodological study. In the data collection, Patient Information Form, Cancer Loneliness Scale and Cancer-related Negative Social Expectations Scale and the General Loneliness Scale were used. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of the Cancer Loneliness Scale was found to be .88, Spearman-Brown correlation value was found to be .81, CFI, .98, GFI, .96, 𝑋2/SD, 2.99 and RMSEA .08. As for the Negative Social Expectations Scale, Cronbach alpha value was found as .82, Spearman-Brown correlation value .86, CFI 1.00, GFI 1.00, 𝑋2/SD 1.33 and RMSEA .02. The study revealed those both scales were highly reliable and indices of fit showed perfect fit. These scales are highly valid and reliable instruments for the Turkish society.

Destekleyen Kurum

Pamukkale University Scientific Research Projects

Proje Numarası

2018 SABE020


  • Adams, R.N. (2016). Measures of Cancer-Related Loneliness and Negative Social Expectations: Development and Preliminary Validation, in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Doctoral dissertation). Indiana, Purdue University, 2016.
  • Adams, R.N., Mosher, C.E., Rand, K.L., Hirsh, A.T., Monahan, P.O., Abonour, R. & Kroenke, K. (2017). The Cancer Loneliness Scale and Cancer-Related Negative Social Expectations Scale: Development and validation. Qual Life Res., 26(7), 1901 1913.
  • Adams, R.N., Mosher, C.E., Winger, J.G., Abonour, R., & Kroenke, K. (2018). Cancer-related loneliness mediates the relationships between social constraints and symptoms among cancer patients, J Behav Med., 41(2), 243–252.
  • Boyle, G. J., Saklofske, D. H., & Matthews, G. (2015). Criteria for Selection and Evaluation of Scales and Measures. In G. J. Boyle, D. H. Saklofske, & G. Matthews (Eds.), Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs (p. 3–15). Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Bray, F., Ferlay, J., Soerjomataram, I., Siegel, R.L., Torre, L.A., & Jemal, A. (2018). Global cancer statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality World wide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA Cancer J Clin., 68(6), 394 424.
  • Brintzenhofe-Szoc, K.M., Levin, T.T., Li, Y., Kissane, D.W., & Zabora, J.R. (2009). Mixed anxiety/depression symptoms in a large cancer cohort: Prevalence by cancer type. Psychosomatics, 50(4), 383-391.
  • Can, A. (2018). SPSS ile Bilimsel Araştırma Sürecinde Nicel Veri Analizi, Bir Ölçme Aracı ile Yapılan Ölçümün Güvenirliliğini Belirleme (p. 385-394). Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık.
  • Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G., & Büyüköztürk, Ş. (Eds). (2014). Sosyal Bilimler için Çok Değişkenli İstatistik SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları, Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli (p 251-407). Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık.
  • Davis, L. (1992). Instrument Review: Getting the Most From a Panel of Experts, Clinical Methods. Appl Nurs Res, 5(4), 194-197.
  • Deckx, L., Akker, M., & Buntinx, F. (2014). Risk factors for loneliness in patients with cancer: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Eur. J. Oncol. Nurs., 18(5), 466-477.
  • Demir, A. (1988). UCLA Yalnızlık Ölçeğinin Geçerlik ve Güvenirliği [Validity and Reliability of UCLA Loneliness Scale] Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 6(23),14-18.
  • Dodds, S.E., Pace, T.W., Bell, M.L., Fiero, M., Negi, L.T., Raison, C.L., & Weihs, K.L. (2015). Feasibility of Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT) for breast cancer survivors: a randomized, wait list controlled pilot study. Support Care Cancer, 23(12), 3599-3608.
  • Erdoğan, S., Nahcivan, N., & Esin, M. (Eds) (2017). Hemşirelikte Araştırma, Süreç Uygulama ve Kritik, Veri Toplama Yöntem ve Araçları &Veri Toplama araçlarının Güvenirlik ve Geçerliliği (p. 195-232). İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri
  • Fanakidou, I., Zyga, S., Alikari, V., Tsironi, M., Stathoulis, J., & Theofilou, P. (2018). Mental health, loneliness, and illness perception out comes in quality of life among young breast cancer patient safter mastectomy: the role of breast reconstruction. Qual Life Res,, 27(2), 539–543.
  • International Test Commission (ITC) (2018) Guidelines for translating and adaptation tests. International Journal of testing, 18:101-134. Retrevied July 31, 2019, from
  • Jaremka, L.M., Andridge, R.R., Fagundes, C.P., Alfano, C.M., Povoski, S.P., Lipari, A.M. Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K. (2014a). Pain, depression, and fatigue: Loneliness as a longitudinal risk factor. Health Psychol, 33(9), 948-957.
  • Jaremka, L.M., Fagundes, C.P., Glaser, R., Bennet, J.M., Malarkey, W.B., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K. (2013). Loneliness Predicts pain, depression, and fatigue: Understanding the role of immune dysregulation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38(8), 1310 1317.
  • Jaremka, L.M., Peng, J., Bornstein, R., Alfano, C.M., Andridge, R.R., Povoski, S.P. …Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K. (2014b). Cognitive problems among breast cancer survivors: Loneliness enhances risk. Psycho-Oncology, 23(12), 1356-1364.
  • Kara, E. (2019). Kanser Yanlızlık Ölçeği ve Kansere İlişkin Negatif Soyal Beklentiler Ölçeğinin Türkçe Geçerlilik ve Güvenirliği. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Türkiye, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Kroenke, K., Johns, S.A., Theobald, D., Wu, J., & Tu, W. (2013). Somatic symptoms in cancer patient straje ctoryover 12 months and impact on functional status and disability. Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC), 21(3), 765–773.
  • Macmillan Cancer Support. Jones C. (2014). Lonely cancer patients three times more likely to struggle with treatment.
  • Marcoulides, G.A., & Schumacker, R.E. (Ed.). (2014). New Developments and Techniques in Structural Equation Modeling. New Developments and Techniques in Structural Equation Modeling. Psychology Press.
  • Pehlivan, S., Ovayolu, O., Ovayolu, N., Sevinç, A., & Camcı, C. (2012). Relationship between hopelessness, loneliness, and perceived social support from family in Turkish patients with cancer. Support Care Cancer, 20(4), 733-739.
  • Russell, D.W. (1996). UCLA Loneliness Scale (Version 3): Reliability, validity, and factor structure. J Pers Assess, 66(1), 20-40.
  • Seçer, İ. (2017). SPSS ve LISREL ile Pratik Veri Analizi, (p. 211-222). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Seçer, İ. (2018). Psikolojik Test Geliştirme ve Uyarlama Süreci, (p.18-104). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Streiner, D.L., & Kottner, J. (2014). Recommendations for Reporting the Results of Studies of Instrument and Scale Development and Testing. J. Adv. Nurs., 70(9), 1970–1979.
  • Tabrizi, F.M., Radfar, M., & Taei, Z. (2016). Effects of supportive-expressive discussion groups on loneliness, hope and quality of life in breast cancer survivors: a randomized control trial. Psycho-Oncology, 25(9), 057-1063.
  • Tavşancıl, E. (2014). Tutumların Ölçülmesi ve SPSS ile Veri Analizi, Ölçme ile ilgili Temel Kavramlar (p.3-58). 5. Baskı, Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Wells, M., & Kelly, D. (2008). The loneliness of cancer. Eur. J. Oncol. Nurs., 12(5), 410– 411.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2017). Process of translation and adaptation of instruments. Retrieved July 10, 2019, from http://www.who.Int/subtance_abuse/research_tools/translation/en/
  • World Health Organization. Early Detection of Cancer. World Health Organization; 2019. Retrieved July 31, 2019, from

Validity and Reliability of The Cancer Loneliness and The Cancer-Related Negative Social Expectations Scale

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 392 - 403, 15.09.2020


There is a need for cancer-specific tools to evaluate loneliness and cancer-related negative social expectations before developing interventions for cancer patients. The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Cancer Loneliness and the Cancer-related Negative Social Expectations Scale. Data were collected from 300 cancer patients registered to an oncology outpatient clinic of a University Hospital for this methodological study. In the data collection, Patient Information Form, Cancer Loneliness Scale and Cancer-related Negative Social Expectations Scale and the General Loneliness Scale were used. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of the Cancer Loneliness Scale was found to be .88, Spearman-Brown correlation value was found to be .81, CFI, .98, GFI, .96, 𝑋2/SD, 2.99 and RMSEA .08. As for the Negative Social Expectations Scale, Cronbach alpha value was found as .82, Spearman-Brown correlation value .86, CFI 1.00, GFI 1.00, 𝑋2/SD 1.33 and RMSEA .02. The study revealed those both scales were highly reliable and indices of fit showed perfect fit. These scales are highly valid and reliable instruments for the Turkish society.

Proje Numarası

2018 SABE020


  • Adams, R.N. (2016). Measures of Cancer-Related Loneliness and Negative Social Expectations: Development and Preliminary Validation, in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Doctoral dissertation). Indiana, Purdue University, 2016.
  • Adams, R.N., Mosher, C.E., Rand, K.L., Hirsh, A.T., Monahan, P.O., Abonour, R. & Kroenke, K. (2017). The Cancer Loneliness Scale and Cancer-Related Negative Social Expectations Scale: Development and validation. Qual Life Res., 26(7), 1901 1913.
  • Adams, R.N., Mosher, C.E., Winger, J.G., Abonour, R., & Kroenke, K. (2018). Cancer-related loneliness mediates the relationships between social constraints and symptoms among cancer patients, J Behav Med., 41(2), 243–252.
  • Boyle, G. J., Saklofske, D. H., & Matthews, G. (2015). Criteria for Selection and Evaluation of Scales and Measures. In G. J. Boyle, D. H. Saklofske, & G. Matthews (Eds.), Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs (p. 3–15). Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Bray, F., Ferlay, J., Soerjomataram, I., Siegel, R.L., Torre, L.A., & Jemal, A. (2018). Global cancer statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality World wide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA Cancer J Clin., 68(6), 394 424.
  • Brintzenhofe-Szoc, K.M., Levin, T.T., Li, Y., Kissane, D.W., & Zabora, J.R. (2009). Mixed anxiety/depression symptoms in a large cancer cohort: Prevalence by cancer type. Psychosomatics, 50(4), 383-391.
  • Can, A. (2018). SPSS ile Bilimsel Araştırma Sürecinde Nicel Veri Analizi, Bir Ölçme Aracı ile Yapılan Ölçümün Güvenirliliğini Belirleme (p. 385-394). Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık.
  • Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G., & Büyüköztürk, Ş. (Eds). (2014). Sosyal Bilimler için Çok Değişkenli İstatistik SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları, Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli (p 251-407). Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık.
  • Davis, L. (1992). Instrument Review: Getting the Most From a Panel of Experts, Clinical Methods. Appl Nurs Res, 5(4), 194-197.
  • Deckx, L., Akker, M., & Buntinx, F. (2014). Risk factors for loneliness in patients with cancer: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Eur. J. Oncol. Nurs., 18(5), 466-477.
  • Demir, A. (1988). UCLA Yalnızlık Ölçeğinin Geçerlik ve Güvenirliği [Validity and Reliability of UCLA Loneliness Scale] Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 6(23),14-18.
  • Dodds, S.E., Pace, T.W., Bell, M.L., Fiero, M., Negi, L.T., Raison, C.L., & Weihs, K.L. (2015). Feasibility of Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT) for breast cancer survivors: a randomized, wait list controlled pilot study. Support Care Cancer, 23(12), 3599-3608.
  • Erdoğan, S., Nahcivan, N., & Esin, M. (Eds) (2017). Hemşirelikte Araştırma, Süreç Uygulama ve Kritik, Veri Toplama Yöntem ve Araçları &Veri Toplama araçlarının Güvenirlik ve Geçerliliği (p. 195-232). İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri
  • Fanakidou, I., Zyga, S., Alikari, V., Tsironi, M., Stathoulis, J., & Theofilou, P. (2018). Mental health, loneliness, and illness perception out comes in quality of life among young breast cancer patient safter mastectomy: the role of breast reconstruction. Qual Life Res,, 27(2), 539–543.
  • International Test Commission (ITC) (2018) Guidelines for translating and adaptation tests. International Journal of testing, 18:101-134. Retrevied July 31, 2019, from
  • Jaremka, L.M., Andridge, R.R., Fagundes, C.P., Alfano, C.M., Povoski, S.P., Lipari, A.M. Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K. (2014a). Pain, depression, and fatigue: Loneliness as a longitudinal risk factor. Health Psychol, 33(9), 948-957.
  • Jaremka, L.M., Fagundes, C.P., Glaser, R., Bennet, J.M., Malarkey, W.B., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K. (2013). Loneliness Predicts pain, depression, and fatigue: Understanding the role of immune dysregulation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38(8), 1310 1317.
  • Jaremka, L.M., Peng, J., Bornstein, R., Alfano, C.M., Andridge, R.R., Povoski, S.P. …Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K. (2014b). Cognitive problems among breast cancer survivors: Loneliness enhances risk. Psycho-Oncology, 23(12), 1356-1364.
  • Kara, E. (2019). Kanser Yanlızlık Ölçeği ve Kansere İlişkin Negatif Soyal Beklentiler Ölçeğinin Türkçe Geçerlilik ve Güvenirliği. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Türkiye, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Kroenke, K., Johns, S.A., Theobald, D., Wu, J., & Tu, W. (2013). Somatic symptoms in cancer patient straje ctoryover 12 months and impact on functional status and disability. Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC), 21(3), 765–773.
  • Macmillan Cancer Support. Jones C. (2014). Lonely cancer patients three times more likely to struggle with treatment.
  • Marcoulides, G.A., & Schumacker, R.E. (Ed.). (2014). New Developments and Techniques in Structural Equation Modeling. New Developments and Techniques in Structural Equation Modeling. Psychology Press.
  • Pehlivan, S., Ovayolu, O., Ovayolu, N., Sevinç, A., & Camcı, C. (2012). Relationship between hopelessness, loneliness, and perceived social support from family in Turkish patients with cancer. Support Care Cancer, 20(4), 733-739.
  • Russell, D.W. (1996). UCLA Loneliness Scale (Version 3): Reliability, validity, and factor structure. J Pers Assess, 66(1), 20-40.
  • Seçer, İ. (2017). SPSS ve LISREL ile Pratik Veri Analizi, (p. 211-222). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Seçer, İ. (2018). Psikolojik Test Geliştirme ve Uyarlama Süreci, (p.18-104). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Streiner, D.L., & Kottner, J. (2014). Recommendations for Reporting the Results of Studies of Instrument and Scale Development and Testing. J. Adv. Nurs., 70(9), 1970–1979.
  • Tabrizi, F.M., Radfar, M., & Taei, Z. (2016). Effects of supportive-expressive discussion groups on loneliness, hope and quality of life in breast cancer survivors: a randomized control trial. Psycho-Oncology, 25(9), 057-1063.
  • Tavşancıl, E. (2014). Tutumların Ölçülmesi ve SPSS ile Veri Analizi, Ölçme ile ilgili Temel Kavramlar (p.3-58). 5. Baskı, Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Wells, M., & Kelly, D. (2008). The loneliness of cancer. Eur. J. Oncol. Nurs., 12(5), 410– 411.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2017). Process of translation and adaptation of instruments. Retrieved July 10, 2019, from http://www.who.Int/subtance_abuse/research_tools/translation/en/
  • World Health Organization. Early Detection of Cancer. World Health Organization; 2019. Retrieved July 31, 2019, from
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Ebru Kara Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-0326-8734

İlgün Özen Çınar 0000-0001-5774-5108

Proje Numarası 2018 SABE020
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Kara, E., & Özen Çınar, İ. (2020). Validity and Reliability of The Cancer Loneliness and The Cancer-Related Negative Social Expectations Scale. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 7(3), 392-403.

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