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Global competence scale: An adaptation to measure pre-service English teachers’ global competences

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4, 813 - 838, 23.12.2023


Global competence is a comprehensive term referring to the interconnectedness of various constructs ranging from knowledge to values required to communicate, cooperate, and work towards the well-being of not only the local but also the global community. Teacher education has an important role in preparing teachers equipped with global competences. Therefore, having tools which can validly and reliably measure if and to what extent pre-service teachers are globally competent is a requisite. Hence, this study aimed at adapting and validating the Global Competence scale developed by Liu et al. (2020) to Turkish to measure pre-service English language teachers’ global competences and to obtain evidence regarding the psychometric properties of the scale to measure global competences in teaching and teacher education. The data collected from pre-service English language teachers (N=351) studying at various universities in Türkiye was divided into two equal halves. The first part of it was used to perform exploratory factor analysis which revealed an eight-factor 29-item structure. The second half which was used for confirmatory factor analysis yielded a good fit of a 25-item, eight-factor structure scale. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient (α= .88) and McDonald’s Omega (ω = .89) which indicated good internal consistency in the CFA dataset revealed excellent internal consistency (α= .90, ω = .91) in another independent dataset. Thus, the study revealed that the Global Competence scale has a good level of psychometric properties and reliability to measure pre-service English language teachers’ global competences in the Turkish context.

Etik Beyan

Trabzon University, 2022-6/2.19

Destekleyen Kurum

TÜBİTAK (Project No 1919B012109865)

Proje Numarası



  • Acar Güvendir, M., & Özer Özkan, Y. (2022). Item removal strategies conducted in exploratory factor analysis: A comparative study. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 9(1), 165-180.
  • Alavi, M., Visentin, D.C., Thapa, D.K., Hunt, G.E., Watson, R., & Cleary, M. (2020). Chi-square for model fit in confirmatory factor analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(9), 2209-2211.
  • Altan, M.Z. (2017). Globalization, English language teaching and Turkey. International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, 5(4), 764 776.
  • Andrews, K., & Aydin, H. (2020). Pre-service teachers' perceptions of global citizenship education in the social studies curriculum. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 11(4), 84-113.
  • Baily, S., & Holmarsdottir, H.B. (2019). Fostering teacher’s global competencies: Bridging utopian expectations for internationalization through exchange. FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education, 5, 226 244.
  • Başarır, F. (2017). Examining the perceptions of English instructors regarding the incorporation of global citizenship education into ELT. International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, 5(4), 409-425.
  • Bektaş-Çetinkaya, Y., & Çelik, S. (2013). Perceptions of Turkish EFL teacher candidates on their level of intercultural competence. In H. Arslan, & G. Rata (Eds.), Multicultural education: From theory to practice, (pp. 345-362). Cambridge Scholars Press.
  • Birdman, J., Çelik, H., Pandarova, I., Barron, A., Benitt, N., & Schmidt, T. (forthcoming). Connecting sustainability and culture: Building competencies through virtual exchange. In W. Leal, J. Newman, A. Lange Salvia, & L. Viera Trevisan (Eds.), World sustainability series, North American and European perspectives on sustainability in higher education. Springer.
  • Block, D., & Cameron, D. (Eds.). (2002). Globalization and language teaching. Routledge.
  • Boateng, G.O., Neilands, T.B., Frongillo, E.A., Melgar-Quinonez, H.R., & Young, S.L. (2018). Best practices for developing and validating scales for health, social, and behavioral research: A primer. Frontiers in Public Health, 6, Article 149.
  • Boix Mansilla, V., & Jackson, A. (2011). Educating for global competence: Preparing our youth to engage the world. Council of Chief State School Officers.
  • Brantley Todd, K. (2017). Global competence survey development [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Kentucky].
  • Braskmap, L.A., Braskamp, D.C., & Engberg, M.E. (2014). Global perspective inventory (GPI): Its purpose, construction, potential uses, and psychometric characteristics. Global Perspective Institute Inc.
  • Brennan, S., & Holliday, E. (2019). Preparing globally competent teachers to address P-12 students’ needs: One university’s story. Global Education Review, 6(3), 49-64.
  • Brown, T.A. (2015). Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research. (2nd ed.). The Guilford Press.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002). Faktör analizi: Temel kavramlar ve ölçek geliştirmede kullanımı. [Key terms and use in scale development]. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 32, 470-4483.
  • Byram, M. (2009). Intercultural competence in foreign languages: The intercultural speaker and the pedagogy of foreign language education. In D.K. Deardorff (Ed.), The Sage handbook of intercultural competence (pp. 321-332). Sage.
  • Byram, M., Holmes, P., & Savvides, N. (2013). Intercultural communicative competence in foreign language education: Questions of theory, practice and research. The Language Learning Journal, 41(3), 251-253.
  • Chen, Y., & Lin, R. P. (2021). Integrating global competence into elementary school pre-service teacher education of English language in Taiwan. In A. Y. Wang (Ed.), Competency-based teacher education for English as a foreign language (pp. 156-167) Routledge.
  • Costa, V., & Sarmento, R. (2019). Confirmatory factor analysis. A case study. arXiv:1905.05598.
  • Costello, A.B., & Osborne, J. (2005). Best practices in exploratory factor analysis: Four recommendations for getting the most from your analysis. Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 10, Article 7
  • Cui, Q. (2013). Global-mindedness and intercultural competence: A quantitative study of pre-service teachers (Order No. 3589495) [Doctoral Dissertation, Indiana State University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
  • Cushner, K., & Mahon, J. (2016). Overseas student teaching: Affecting personal, professional, and global competencies in an age of globalization. Journal of Studies in International Education, 6(1), 44-58.
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Global competence scale: An adaptation to measure pre-service English teachers’ global competences

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4, 813 - 838, 23.12.2023


Global competence is a comprehensive term referring to the interconnectedness of various constructs ranging from knowledge to values required to communicate, cooperate, and work towards the well-being of not only the local but also the global community. Teacher education has an important role in preparing teachers equipped with global competences. Therefore, having tools which can validly and reliably measure if and to what extent pre-service teachers are globally competent is a requisite. Hence, this study aimed at adapting and validating the Global Competence scale developed by Liu et al. (2020) to Turkish to measure pre-service English language teachers’ global competences and to obtain evidence regarding the psychometric properties of the scale to measure global competences in teaching and teacher education. The data collected from pre-service English language teachers (N=351) studying at various universities in Türkiye was divided into two equal halves. The first part of it was used to perform exploratory factor analysis which revealed an eight-factor 29-item structure. The second half which was used for confirmatory factor analysis yielded a good fit of a 25-item, eight-factor structure scale. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient (α= .88) and McDonald’s Omega (ω = .89) which indicated good internal consistency in the CFA dataset revealed excellent internal consistency (α= .90, ω = .91) in another independent dataset. Thus, the study revealed that the Global Competence scale has a good level of psychometric properties and reliability to measure pre-service English language teachers’ global competences in the Turkish context.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



  • Acar Güvendir, M., & Özer Özkan, Y. (2022). Item removal strategies conducted in exploratory factor analysis: A comparative study. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 9(1), 165-180.
  • Alavi, M., Visentin, D.C., Thapa, D.K., Hunt, G.E., Watson, R., & Cleary, M. (2020). Chi-square for model fit in confirmatory factor analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(9), 2209-2211.
  • Altan, M.Z. (2017). Globalization, English language teaching and Turkey. International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, 5(4), 764 776.
  • Andrews, K., & Aydin, H. (2020). Pre-service teachers' perceptions of global citizenship education in the social studies curriculum. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 11(4), 84-113.
  • Baily, S., & Holmarsdottir, H.B. (2019). Fostering teacher’s global competencies: Bridging utopian expectations for internationalization through exchange. FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education, 5, 226 244.
  • Başarır, F. (2017). Examining the perceptions of English instructors regarding the incorporation of global citizenship education into ELT. International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, 5(4), 409-425.
  • Bektaş-Çetinkaya, Y., & Çelik, S. (2013). Perceptions of Turkish EFL teacher candidates on their level of intercultural competence. In H. Arslan, & G. Rata (Eds.), Multicultural education: From theory to practice, (pp. 345-362). Cambridge Scholars Press.
  • Birdman, J., Çelik, H., Pandarova, I., Barron, A., Benitt, N., & Schmidt, T. (forthcoming). Connecting sustainability and culture: Building competencies through virtual exchange. In W. Leal, J. Newman, A. Lange Salvia, & L. Viera Trevisan (Eds.), World sustainability series, North American and European perspectives on sustainability in higher education. Springer.
  • Block, D., & Cameron, D. (Eds.). (2002). Globalization and language teaching. Routledge.
  • Boateng, G.O., Neilands, T.B., Frongillo, E.A., Melgar-Quinonez, H.R., & Young, S.L. (2018). Best practices for developing and validating scales for health, social, and behavioral research: A primer. Frontiers in Public Health, 6, Article 149.
  • Boix Mansilla, V., & Jackson, A. (2011). Educating for global competence: Preparing our youth to engage the world. Council of Chief State School Officers.
  • Brantley Todd, K. (2017). Global competence survey development [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Kentucky].
  • Braskmap, L.A., Braskamp, D.C., & Engberg, M.E. (2014). Global perspective inventory (GPI): Its purpose, construction, potential uses, and psychometric characteristics. Global Perspective Institute Inc.
  • Brennan, S., & Holliday, E. (2019). Preparing globally competent teachers to address P-12 students’ needs: One university’s story. Global Education Review, 6(3), 49-64.
  • Brown, T.A. (2015). Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research. (2nd ed.). The Guilford Press.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002). Faktör analizi: Temel kavramlar ve ölçek geliştirmede kullanımı. [Key terms and use in scale development]. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 32, 470-4483.
  • Byram, M. (2009). Intercultural competence in foreign languages: The intercultural speaker and the pedagogy of foreign language education. In D.K. Deardorff (Ed.), The Sage handbook of intercultural competence (pp. 321-332). Sage.
  • Byram, M., Holmes, P., & Savvides, N. (2013). Intercultural communicative competence in foreign language education: Questions of theory, practice and research. The Language Learning Journal, 41(3), 251-253.
  • Chen, Y., & Lin, R. P. (2021). Integrating global competence into elementary school pre-service teacher education of English language in Taiwan. In A. Y. Wang (Ed.), Competency-based teacher education for English as a foreign language (pp. 156-167) Routledge.
  • Costa, V., & Sarmento, R. (2019). Confirmatory factor analysis. A case study. arXiv:1905.05598.
  • Costello, A.B., & Osborne, J. (2005). Best practices in exploratory factor analysis: Four recommendations for getting the most from your analysis. Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 10, Article 7
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Toplam 112 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

İsmail Emre Köş 0000-0003-4219-7748

Handan Çelik 0000-0001-8041-6062

Proje Numarası 1919B012109865
Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Köş, İ. E., & Çelik, H. (2023). Global competence scale: An adaptation to measure pre-service English teachers’ global competences. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 10(4), 813-838.

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