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Determination of Resistance in Winter Wheat Genotypes to the Dryland Root Rots caused by Fusarium culmorum in Turkey

Yıl 2018, , 193 - 202, 30.12.2018


dryland root rot (foot/crown) caused by Fusarium spp. attacks cereals
especially wheat and causes severe yield loss by reducing both grain quantity
and quality. Among those Fusarium species attacking wheat crop is the Fusarium culmorum species which has been
reported as the main crown rot causal agent in Turkey. Unfortunately,
up-to-date, there is only some wheat genotypes with partial resistant to
Fusarium spp. Therefore, this study was carried out to find new sources of
resistance in diverse wheat genotypes to limit the damage caused by Fusarium
disease. In this study, a  total of 141
genotypes and breeding lines were obtained from 19 different countries,
provided via the International Winter Wheat Improvement Program (IWWIP) and
screened for their resistance reactions to a local isolate of Fusarium culmorum under three different
environmental conditions (growth room, greenhouse and field) in Turkey in 2012.
The best performed genotypes in terms of resistant were then rescreened in 2013
for data validation. Out of the 141 phenotyped wheat genotypes, 17 genotypes
(12 %) ranked as moderately resistant (MR) at seedling and/or adult growth
stage. The genotypes from Mexico seemed to have adult plant resistant rather
than seedling resistance which was higher in the USA genotypes. Winter bread
wheats PATWIN YR5 and
which possess high level of resistance seem promising for
breeding for foot rot.


  • Akgül DS., 2008. The status of the root, crown and foot rot disease in wheat growing areas of Cukurova region, determination of cultivar reactions, effect of some fertilization and fungicide applications on disease development, PhD Thesis, Cukurova University Institute of Science, Adana.
  • Aktas H., Kinaci E., Yildirim AF., Sayin L and Kural A., 1999. Determination of root and foot rot pathogens which are problems in Konya province and research and solution. Central Anatolia Cereal Agriculture Problems and Solutions Symposium, 8-11 Haziran, Konya.
  • Alexandratos N and Bruinsma J., 2012. World agriculture towards 2030/2050: the 2012 Revision. FAO, Agricultural Development Economics Division, ESA Working Paper No. 12-03. [Access: April 9, 2018].
  • Bagci SA., Hekimhan H., Mergoum M., Aktas H., Taner S., Tulukcu E and Ekiz H, 2001. Effects of foot and root rot pathogens on yields of some cereal genotypes and determination of resistance sources. 4th Field crops Congress, 17-21 September, Tekirdağ, Turkey.
  • Benli B., Pala M., Stockle C and Oweis T., 2007. Assessment of winter wheat production under early sowing with supplemental irrigation in a cold highland environment using CropSyst simulation model. Agricultural Water Management, 93: 45-53.
  • Bentley AR., Tunali B., Nicol JM., Burgess LW and Summerell BA., 2006. A survey of Fusarium species associated with wheat and grass stem bases in northern Turkey. Sydowia, 58: 163-177.
  • Bovill WD., Ma W., Ritter K., Collard BCY., Davis M., Wildermuth GB and Sutherland MW., 2006. Identification of novel QTL for resistance to crown rot in the doubled haploid wheat population ‘W21MMT70’ x ‘Mendos’. Plant Breeding, 125: 538-543.
  • Braun HJ, Zencirci N, Altay F, Atli A, Muzaffer A, Esser V, Kambertay M and TS Payne, 2001. Turkish wheat pool. The world wheat book: A history of wheat breeding (Eds. AP Bonjean and Angus WJ), Lavoisier Press, pp. 851-879.
  • Braun HJ, Atlin G and Payne T. 2010. Multi-location testing as a tool to identify plant response to global climate change. Climate Change and Crop Production (Ed. Reynolds MP), CABI Press, pp. 115-138.
  • Burgess LW., Backhouse D., Summerell BA and Swan J., 2001. Crown Rot of Wheat. Fusarium (Eds. Summerell BA., Leslie JF., Backhouse D., Bryden WL and Burgess LW), Fusarium Paul E Nelson Memorial Symposium. APS Press, pp. 271-294.
  • Chakraborty S., Obanor F., Westecott R and Abeywickrama K., 2010. Wheat crown rot pathogens Fusarium graminearum and F. pseudograminearum lack specialization. The American Phytopathological Society, 100: 1057-165.
  • Burgess LW., Bentley AR., Purs GS., Wildermuth GB and Dodman RL., 2012. Crown rot of wheat and barley caused by Fusarium Pseudograminearum: A stress-related disease. First International Crown Rot workshop for wheat Improvement, 22-23 October, Narrabri, Ew South Wales, Australia.
  • Chekali S., Gargouri S., Rezgui M and Paulitz T., and Nasraoui B. (2016). Impacts of previous crops on Fusarium foot and root rot, and on yields of durum wheat in north West Tunisia. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 55: 253-261.
  • Cook RJ., 1980. Fusarium foot rot of wheat and its control in the Pacific Northwest. Plant Disease, 64: 1061-1066.
  • Collard BCY., Grams RA., Bovill CD., Percy CD., Jolley R., Lehmensiek A.,Wildermuth G and Sutherland MW., 2005. Development of molecular markers for crown rot resistance in wheat: mapping of QTL for seedling resistance in a ‘2-49’ x ‘Janz’ population. Plant Breeding, 124: 532-537. Erginbas-Orakci G., Yamac M., Amoroso MJ and Cuozzo SA., 2010. Selection of antagonistic actinomycete isolates as biocontrol agents against root-rot fungi. Fresenius Environmetal Bulletin, 19(3): 417-424.
  • Erginbas-Orakci G., Dababat AA., Nicol JM and Bolat N., 2012. Screening methods to identify and validate moderately resistant wheat germplasm against the dryland crown rot (Fusarium culmorum) used by CIMMYT-Turkey under field and controlled conditions. First International Crown Rot workshop for Wheat Improvement, 22-23 October, Narrabri, New South Wales, Australia.
  • Erginbas-Orakci G., Dababat AA., Morgounov A and Braun HJ., 2013a. Identifying new sources of resistant in wheat germplasms for dryland crown rot caused by Fusarium culmorum. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 43: 512-513.
  • Erginbas-Orakci G., Dababat AA., Morgounov A and Braun HJ., 2013b. The dryland crown rot disease: status of control options. Technical Innovation Brief. No:19 [Access: January 10, 2018].
  • Erginbas-Orakci G., Poole G. Nicol JM., Paulitz T, Dababat AA and Campbell K., 2016. Assessment of inoculation methods to identify resistance to Fusarium crown rot in wheat. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 123: 19-27.
  • FAO 2018. [Access: April 9, 2018].
  • Hekimhan H., Bagci SA., Nicol J., Arisoy RZ and Taner S., 2004. Dryland Root Rot : a major threat to winter cereal production under sub-optimal growing conditions. 4th International Crop Science Congress, 27 September-01 October, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Klein TA., Burgess W and Ellison FW., 1991. The incidence and spatial patterns of wheat plants infected by Fusarium graminearum Group 1 and the effect of crown rot on yield. Australian Journal Agriculture Research, 42: 399-407.
  • Li HB., Xie GQ., Ma J., Liu GR., Wen SM., Ban T., Chakraborty S and Liu CJ., 2010. Genetic relationships between resistances to Fusarium head blight and crown rot in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 121: 941-950.
  • Li HB., Zhou M.X., Liu CJ., 2012. Development and validation of markers closely linked to crown rot resistance in wheat and barley. Molecular Plant Breeding, 3: 80-90.
  • Ma J., Li H., Zhang C., Yang X., Liu Y., Yan G and Liu C., 2009. Identification and validation of a major QTL conferring crown rot resistance in hexaploid wheat. Theoritical Applied Genetics, 6: 1119-1128.
  • Mitter V., Zhang MC., Liu C.J., Ghosh R., Ghosh M and Chakraborty SA., 2006. High-throughput bioassay to detect crown rot resistance in wheat germplasm. Plant Pathology, 55: 433-441.
  • Nicol J., Bagci S.A., Hekimhan H., Tunali B., Bolat N., Braun HJ and Trethowan R., 2004. Strategy for the identification and breeding of resistance to Dryland root rot complex for international spring and winter wheat breeding programs. 4th International Crop Science Congress, 26 September-01 October, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Nicholson P., Simpson DR., Weston G., Rezanoor HN., Lees AK., Parry DW and Oyce DE., 1998. Detection and quantification of Fusarium culmorum and Fusarium graminearum in cereals using PCR assays. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 53: 17-37.
  • Shikur ES., Sharma-Poudyal D., Paulitz TC., Erginbas-Orakci G., Karakaya A and Dababat AA., 2017. Identity and pathogenicity of Fusarium species associated with crown rot on wheat (Triticum spp.) in Turkey. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 150(2): 387-399.
  • Smiley RW., Gourlie JA., Easley SA, Patterson LM and Whittaker RG., 2005. Crop damage estimates for crown rot of wheat and barley in the Pacific Northwest. Plant Disease, 89: 595-604.
  • Smiley RW and Yan H., 2009. Variability of FCR tolerances among cultivars of spring and winter wheat. Plant Disease, 93: 954-961.
  • Statler GD and Darlington LC., 1972. Resistance of hard red spring wheat and durum wheat to seedling blight and crown rot. Plant Disease Reporter, 56: 788-791.
  • Tunali B., Nicol JM., Hodson D., Uçkun Z., Büyük O., Erdurmuş D., Hekimhan H., Aktaş H., Akbudak MA and Bağcı, SA., 2008. Root and crown rot fungi associated with spring, facultative, and winter wheat in Turkey. Plant Disease, 92: 1299-1306.
  • Wallwork H., Butt M., Cheong JPE., Williams KJ., 2004. Resistance to crown rot in wheat identified through an improved method for screening adult plants. Australian Plant Pathology, 33: 1-7.
  • Wildermuth GB and McNamara RB., 1994. Testing wheat seedlings for resistance to crown rot caused by Fusarium graminearum Group 1. Plant Disease, 78: 949-953.

Kışlık Buğday Genotiplerinin Türkiye’ de Kök Çürüklüğü Etmeni Fusarium culmorum’a Karşı Dayanıklılığı’nın Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2018, , 193 - 202, 30.12.2018


Kuru alan
kök (kökboğazı/dip) çürüklükleri’ne neden olan Fusarium türleri tahıllara
özellikle buğdaya zarar vermekte, tane sayı ve kalitesini azaltarak önemli
verim kaybına neden olmaktadır. Türkiye’de kök çürüklüğü hastalık etmeni
Fusarium türleri içinde buğday bitkisine zarar veren başlıca etmen olarak rapor
edilen tür Fusarium culmorum’dur.
Maalesef, günümüze kadar Fusarium türlerine karşı sadece birkaç kısmi dayanıklı
buğday genotipi bulunmuştur. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma Fusarium hastalığının neden
olduğu zararı sınırlandırmak amacıyla çeşitli buğday genotiplerinde yeni
dayanıklılık kaynaklarının bulunması amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada,
Uluslararası Kışlık Buğday Geliştirme Programı (IWWIP) aracılığıyla 19 farklı
Ülke’den toplam 141 ıslah materyali (hat ve çeşit) sağlanmıştır ve Türkiye’de 3
farklı ortamda (büyütme odası,sera, tarla) yerel izolat Fusarium culmorum’a karşı dayanıklılıklarının belirlenmesi amacıyla
2012 yılında test edilmiştir. Dayanıklılık bakımından en iyi performansı
gösteren genotipler verilerin doğrulanması amacıyla 2013 yılında tekrar test
edilmiştir. Fenotiplendirme yapılan 141 genotip içinden toplam materyalin %12’
lik kısmını oluşturan 17 genotip fide ve/veya yetişkin dönemde orta dayanıklı
olarak gruplandırılmıştır. Meksika kaynaklı genotipler, fide dayanıklılığı daha
fazla gösteren Amerika kaynaklı genotiplerin aksine yetişkin dönem
dayanıklılığı göstermiştir. Yüksek dayanıklılık gösteren kışlık buğdaylar
3/4/PPB8-68/CHRC/3/PYN//TAM101/AMIGO kök çürüklüğü’ ne karşı ıslahta ümitvar
olarak görülmektedir.


  • Akgül DS., 2008. The status of the root, crown and foot rot disease in wheat growing areas of Cukurova region, determination of cultivar reactions, effect of some fertilization and fungicide applications on disease development, PhD Thesis, Cukurova University Institute of Science, Adana.
  • Aktas H., Kinaci E., Yildirim AF., Sayin L and Kural A., 1999. Determination of root and foot rot pathogens which are problems in Konya province and research and solution. Central Anatolia Cereal Agriculture Problems and Solutions Symposium, 8-11 Haziran, Konya.
  • Alexandratos N and Bruinsma J., 2012. World agriculture towards 2030/2050: the 2012 Revision. FAO, Agricultural Development Economics Division, ESA Working Paper No. 12-03. [Access: April 9, 2018].
  • Bagci SA., Hekimhan H., Mergoum M., Aktas H., Taner S., Tulukcu E and Ekiz H, 2001. Effects of foot and root rot pathogens on yields of some cereal genotypes and determination of resistance sources. 4th Field crops Congress, 17-21 September, Tekirdağ, Turkey.
  • Benli B., Pala M., Stockle C and Oweis T., 2007. Assessment of winter wheat production under early sowing with supplemental irrigation in a cold highland environment using CropSyst simulation model. Agricultural Water Management, 93: 45-53.
  • Bentley AR., Tunali B., Nicol JM., Burgess LW and Summerell BA., 2006. A survey of Fusarium species associated with wheat and grass stem bases in northern Turkey. Sydowia, 58: 163-177.
  • Bovill WD., Ma W., Ritter K., Collard BCY., Davis M., Wildermuth GB and Sutherland MW., 2006. Identification of novel QTL for resistance to crown rot in the doubled haploid wheat population ‘W21MMT70’ x ‘Mendos’. Plant Breeding, 125: 538-543.
  • Braun HJ, Zencirci N, Altay F, Atli A, Muzaffer A, Esser V, Kambertay M and TS Payne, 2001. Turkish wheat pool. The world wheat book: A history of wheat breeding (Eds. AP Bonjean and Angus WJ), Lavoisier Press, pp. 851-879.
  • Braun HJ, Atlin G and Payne T. 2010. Multi-location testing as a tool to identify plant response to global climate change. Climate Change and Crop Production (Ed. Reynolds MP), CABI Press, pp. 115-138.
  • Burgess LW., Backhouse D., Summerell BA and Swan J., 2001. Crown Rot of Wheat. Fusarium (Eds. Summerell BA., Leslie JF., Backhouse D., Bryden WL and Burgess LW), Fusarium Paul E Nelson Memorial Symposium. APS Press, pp. 271-294.
  • Chakraborty S., Obanor F., Westecott R and Abeywickrama K., 2010. Wheat crown rot pathogens Fusarium graminearum and F. pseudograminearum lack specialization. The American Phytopathological Society, 100: 1057-165.
  • Burgess LW., Bentley AR., Purs GS., Wildermuth GB and Dodman RL., 2012. Crown rot of wheat and barley caused by Fusarium Pseudograminearum: A stress-related disease. First International Crown Rot workshop for wheat Improvement, 22-23 October, Narrabri, Ew South Wales, Australia.
  • Chekali S., Gargouri S., Rezgui M and Paulitz T., and Nasraoui B. (2016). Impacts of previous crops on Fusarium foot and root rot, and on yields of durum wheat in north West Tunisia. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 55: 253-261.
  • Cook RJ., 1980. Fusarium foot rot of wheat and its control in the Pacific Northwest. Plant Disease, 64: 1061-1066.
  • Collard BCY., Grams RA., Bovill CD., Percy CD., Jolley R., Lehmensiek A.,Wildermuth G and Sutherland MW., 2005. Development of molecular markers for crown rot resistance in wheat: mapping of QTL for seedling resistance in a ‘2-49’ x ‘Janz’ population. Plant Breeding, 124: 532-537. Erginbas-Orakci G., Yamac M., Amoroso MJ and Cuozzo SA., 2010. Selection of antagonistic actinomycete isolates as biocontrol agents against root-rot fungi. Fresenius Environmetal Bulletin, 19(3): 417-424.
  • Erginbas-Orakci G., Dababat AA., Nicol JM and Bolat N., 2012. Screening methods to identify and validate moderately resistant wheat germplasm against the dryland crown rot (Fusarium culmorum) used by CIMMYT-Turkey under field and controlled conditions. First International Crown Rot workshop for Wheat Improvement, 22-23 October, Narrabri, New South Wales, Australia.
  • Erginbas-Orakci G., Dababat AA., Morgounov A and Braun HJ., 2013a. Identifying new sources of resistant in wheat germplasms for dryland crown rot caused by Fusarium culmorum. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 43: 512-513.
  • Erginbas-Orakci G., Dababat AA., Morgounov A and Braun HJ., 2013b. The dryland crown rot disease: status of control options. Technical Innovation Brief. No:19 [Access: January 10, 2018].
  • Erginbas-Orakci G., Poole G. Nicol JM., Paulitz T, Dababat AA and Campbell K., 2016. Assessment of inoculation methods to identify resistance to Fusarium crown rot in wheat. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 123: 19-27.
  • FAO 2018. [Access: April 9, 2018].
  • Hekimhan H., Bagci SA., Nicol J., Arisoy RZ and Taner S., 2004. Dryland Root Rot : a major threat to winter cereal production under sub-optimal growing conditions. 4th International Crop Science Congress, 27 September-01 October, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Klein TA., Burgess W and Ellison FW., 1991. The incidence and spatial patterns of wheat plants infected by Fusarium graminearum Group 1 and the effect of crown rot on yield. Australian Journal Agriculture Research, 42: 399-407.
  • Li HB., Xie GQ., Ma J., Liu GR., Wen SM., Ban T., Chakraborty S and Liu CJ., 2010. Genetic relationships between resistances to Fusarium head blight and crown rot in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 121: 941-950.
  • Li HB., Zhou M.X., Liu CJ., 2012. Development and validation of markers closely linked to crown rot resistance in wheat and barley. Molecular Plant Breeding, 3: 80-90.
  • Ma J., Li H., Zhang C., Yang X., Liu Y., Yan G and Liu C., 2009. Identification and validation of a major QTL conferring crown rot resistance in hexaploid wheat. Theoritical Applied Genetics, 6: 1119-1128.
  • Mitter V., Zhang MC., Liu C.J., Ghosh R., Ghosh M and Chakraborty SA., 2006. High-throughput bioassay to detect crown rot resistance in wheat germplasm. Plant Pathology, 55: 433-441.
  • Nicol J., Bagci S.A., Hekimhan H., Tunali B., Bolat N., Braun HJ and Trethowan R., 2004. Strategy for the identification and breeding of resistance to Dryland root rot complex for international spring and winter wheat breeding programs. 4th International Crop Science Congress, 26 September-01 October, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Nicholson P., Simpson DR., Weston G., Rezanoor HN., Lees AK., Parry DW and Oyce DE., 1998. Detection and quantification of Fusarium culmorum and Fusarium graminearum in cereals using PCR assays. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 53: 17-37.
  • Shikur ES., Sharma-Poudyal D., Paulitz TC., Erginbas-Orakci G., Karakaya A and Dababat AA., 2017. Identity and pathogenicity of Fusarium species associated with crown rot on wheat (Triticum spp.) in Turkey. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 150(2): 387-399.
  • Smiley RW., Gourlie JA., Easley SA, Patterson LM and Whittaker RG., 2005. Crop damage estimates for crown rot of wheat and barley in the Pacific Northwest. Plant Disease, 89: 595-604.
  • Smiley RW and Yan H., 2009. Variability of FCR tolerances among cultivars of spring and winter wheat. Plant Disease, 93: 954-961.
  • Statler GD and Darlington LC., 1972. Resistance of hard red spring wheat and durum wheat to seedling blight and crown rot. Plant Disease Reporter, 56: 788-791.
  • Tunali B., Nicol JM., Hodson D., Uçkun Z., Büyük O., Erdurmuş D., Hekimhan H., Aktaş H., Akbudak MA and Bağcı, SA., 2008. Root and crown rot fungi associated with spring, facultative, and winter wheat in Turkey. Plant Disease, 92: 1299-1306.
  • Wallwork H., Butt M., Cheong JPE., Williams KJ., 2004. Resistance to crown rot in wheat identified through an improved method for screening adult plants. Australian Plant Pathology, 33: 1-7.
  • Wildermuth GB and McNamara RB., 1994. Testing wheat seedlings for resistance to crown rot caused by Fusarium graminearum Group 1. Plant Disease, 78: 949-953.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Bitki Koruma

Gül Erginbaş Orakcı 0000-0003-2734-4316

Alexey Morgounov Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7082-5655

Abdelfattah Adnan Dababat 0000-0002-3172-0452

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Nisan 2018
Kabul Tarihi 11 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Erginbaş Orakcı, G., Morgounov, A., & Dababat, A. A. (2018). Kışlık Buğday Genotiplerinin Türkiye’ de Kök Çürüklüğü Etmeni Fusarium culmorum’a Karşı Dayanıklılığı’nın Belirlenmesi. International Journal of Agricultural and Wildlife Sciences, 4(2), 193-202.

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