Employee satisfaction is considered to be a critical success factor for organizations. The concept of employee satisfaction has gained a special concern from both academicians and practitioners. This study aims to provide a framework for employee satisfaction and determine the critical factors of employee satisfaction and to measure their effects on performance. A regression analysis is conducted based on data collected from the financial institutions in Turkey. The main assumption of the study is that there is a positive direct relationship between employee satisfaction and individual performance
Arshadi, Nasrin (2010), “Basic Need Satisfaction, Work Motivation, and Job Performance in An Industrial Company in Iran”, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol: 5, pp.1267–1272.
Aydınlı, Fulya (2010), "Converging Human resource Management: A Comparative Analysis of Hungary and Turkey", The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol: 21, No:9, pp.1490-1511.
Aysan, Ahmet, Faruk, Ceyhan, Şanlı Pınar (2008), "What Determines the Banking Sector Performance in Globalized Financial Markets? The case of Turkey", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol: 387, No:7, pp.1593-1602.
Bowling, Nathan A. (2007), “Is The Job Satisfaction–Job Performance Relationship Spurious? A Meta Analytic Examination”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol: 71, pp. 167-185.
Brown, Steven P., Lam, Son K., (2008) “A Meta-Analysis of Relationships Linking Employee Satisfaction to Customer Responses”, Journal of Retailing, Vol: 84, pp.243– 255.
Bygren, Magnus (2004), “Pay Reference Standards and Pay Satisfaction: What Do Workers Evaluate Their Pay Against?”, Social Science Research, Vol:33, pp.206–224.
Chi, Christina, Gursoy, Dogan, (2009), “Employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and financial performance:An empirical examination”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol. 28, pp. 245–253
Colquitt, Jason, A., LePine, Jeffery A., Wesson, Michael J., (2010), Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill, New York.
Dormann, Chiristian, Zapf, Dieter (2001), “Job Satisfaction And Meta Analysis”, Journal of Organizational behavior, No: 22, pp.483-504.
Edwards, Bryan. D., Bell, Suzanne,T., Jr., Arthur, Winfred, Decuir, Arlette D. (2008), “Relationships Between Facets of Job Satisfaction and Task and Contextual Performance”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Vol: 57, No:3, pp.441- 465.
Employee Job Satisfaction Survey Report, (2011), Society for Human Resource Management, <www.shrm.org>.
Fields, Dail L., Blum, Terry C. (1997), “ Employee Satisfaction in Work Group with Different Gender Composition”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol: 18, No: 2, pp.181-196.
Gu, Zheng, Siu, Ricardo Chi Sen Siu, (2009), ” Drivers of Job Satisfaction as Related to Work Performance in Macao casino Hotels An Investigation Based on Employee Survey”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol: 21, No: 5, pp.561-578.
Harris, Kenneth, J., Wheeler, Anthony R., Kacmar, K. Michele (2009), “Leader–member exchange and empowerment: Direct and interactive effects on job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and performance”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol: 20, pp.371–382.
Hsu, Sheng -Hsun , Wang,Yu - Che (2008), “The Development and Empirical Validation of Employee Satisfaction Index”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol:19, No: 4, pp.353 — 366.
Hu, Xiaoxiao, Kaplan, Seth, Dalal, Reeshad S. (2010), “An Examination of Blue- Versus White-Collar Workers’ Conceptualizations of Job Satisfaction Facets”, Journal of Vocational Behavior , Vol:76, pp. 317–325.
Hwang, EuiGab (2008),” Determinants of Job Satisfaction Among South Korean Police Officers The Effect of Urbanization in a Rapidly Developing Nation”, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Vol: 31, No: 4, pp. 694-714.
Ivancevich, Jhon, Konopaske, Robert, Matteson, Michael T. (2011), Organizational Behavior and Management, ninth edition, McGraw Hill, International ed., New York.
Jain, Ajay K., Giga,Sabir I., Cooper Cary L. (2009), “Employee Wellbeing, Control and Organizational Commitment”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal , Vol: 30, No: 3, pp.256-273.
Judge, Timothy A., Piccolo, Ronald F., Podsakoff , Nathan P., Shaw, Jhon C., Rich, Bruce L. (2010), “The Relationship Between Pay and Job Satisfaction: A Meta-Analysis of the Literature”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol: 77, pp.157–167.
Judge, Timothy A., Thoresen, Carl, J., Bono, Joyce, E., Patton, Gegory, K. (2001), “The job satisfaction–job performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review”, Psychological Bulletin, Vol: 127, No:3, pp.376-407.
Karatepe, Osman M., Uludag, Orhan, Menevis, Ismet, Hadzimehmedagic,Lejla, Baddar, Lulu (2006), “The Effects of Selected Individual Characteristics on Frontline Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction”, Tourism Management, Vol: 27, pp.547–560.
Kaplan, Seth A., Warren, Christopher R., Barsky, Adam P., Therosen, Carl J. (2008), “A Note on The Relationship Affect(ivity) and Differing Conceptualizations of Job Satisfaction: Some Unexpected Meta – Analytic Findings”, Euroean Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol: 18, No:1, pp. 29-54.
Kaya, Nihat, Koç, Erdoğan, Topçu, Demet (2010), "An Exploratory Analysis of the Influence of Human Resource Management Activities and Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction in Turkish Banks", The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol: 21, No:11, pp. 2031-2051.
Kim, Woo Gon, Brymer, Robert A. (2011), “The Effects of Ethical Leadership on Manager Job Satisfaction, Commitment, Behavioral Outcomes, and Firm Performance”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol:30, pp.1020– 1026.
Locke, Edvin A. (1976), “The Nature and Causes of Job Satisfaction”, in Dunette, M. (Ed.), Handbook of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, Consulting Psychologists Press, Palo Alto, CA.
Maarleveld, Maartje, Volker, Leentje, Voordt, Theo J.M. (2009), “Measuring Employee Satisfaction in New Offices – The WODI Toolkit”, Journal of Facilities Management, Vol:7, No: 3, pp. 181-197.
Mani, Vijaya, (2010), “Development of Employee Satisfaction Index Scorecard”, European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol:15, No: 1.
Newstrom, John, W. (2011), Human Behavior at Work, McGraw Hill, thirteenth ed., New York.
Nielsen, Ingrid, Smyth, Russell (2008), “Job Satisfaction and Response to Incentives Among China’s Urban Workforce”, The Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol: 37, pp.1921– 1936.
Öztürk, Ahmet, Bülent, Hancer, Murat (2011), “The Effect of Demographics on Job Satisfaction: A Study of Hotel Managers in Turkey”, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, Vol:12, pp.189–201.
Park, Jeong, Eun, Deitz, George D. (2006), “The Effect of Working Relationship Quality on Salesperson Performance and Job Satisfaction: Adaptive Selling Behavior in Korean Automobile Sales Representatives”, Journal of Business Research , Vol:59, pp.204 – 213.
Petrescu, Alina, Ileana, Simmons, Rob (2008), “Human Resource Management Practices and Workers’ Job Satisfaction”, International Journal of Manpower, Vol: 29, No: 7, pp.651-667.
Poggi, Ambra (2010), “Job Satisfaction, Working Conditions and Aspirations”, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol:31, pp.936–949.
Rehman, Muhammed, Zia, Ur , Khan, Muhammed, Riaz, Lashari, Ziauddin, Javed Ali (2010), “Effect of Job Rewards on Job Satisfaction, Moderating Role of Age Differences: An Empirical Evidence From Pakistan”, African Journal of Business Management, Vol: 4, No:6, pp.1131-1139.
Rutherford, Brian, Boles, James, Hamwi, G. Alexander, Madupalli, Ramana, Rutherford, Leann, (2009), “The role of the seven dimensions of job satisfaction in salesperson's attitudes and behaviors”, Dimension Job Satisfaction Scale is Imperative. Of the earlier mentioned multi-dimensional scales, Journal of Business Research, Vol:62, pp. 1146-1151.
Rynes, Sara L., Gerhart, Barry, Minette, Kathleen A. (2004),”The Importance of Pay In Employee Motivation: Discrepancies Between What People Say And What They Do”, Human Resource Management, Vol: 43, No: 4, pp.381–394.
Saari, Lise M., Judge, Timothy A. (2004), “Employee Attitudes and Job Satisfaction”, Human Resource Management, Vol: 43, No: 4, pp. 395–407.
Smith, Patricia, Cain (1969), The Measurement of Satisfaction in Work and Retirement: A Strategy for the Study of Attitudes, Rand McNally and Company, Chicago.
Snipes, Robin L., Oswald, Sharon L., LaTour, Michael, Armenakis, Achilles A. (2005), “The effects of specific job satisfaction facets on customer perceptions of service quality: an employee-level analysis”, Journal of Business Research, Vol: 58, pp.1330– 1339.
Spagnoli, Paola, Caetano, Antonio, Santos, Susana, Correia (2012), “ Satisfaction with Job Aspects: Do Patterns Change Over Time?”, Journal of Business Research No: 65, pp. 609–616.
Spreitzer, Gretchen, M. (1995), “ Psychological Empowerment In The Workplace: Dimensions, Measurement, And Validation”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol: 38, No:5, pp.1442-1465.
Sy, Thomas, Tram, Susanna, O’ Hara, Linda A. (2006), “Relation of Employee and Manager Emotional Intelligence to Job Satisfaction and Performance”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol:68, pp.461-473.
Weiss, D. J., Dawis, R. V., England, G. W., & Lofquist, L. H. (1967). Manual for the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
Wickramasinghe, Vathsala (2009), “Predictors of Job Satisfaction Among IT Graduates in Offshore Outsourced IT Firms”, Personnel Review, Vol:38, No:4, pp.413-431.
Willemse, B. M., Jonge, J., Smit, D., Depla, M. F.I.A., Pot, A. M., (2012), “The Moderating Role of Decision Authority and Coworker- and Supervisor Support on The Impact of Job Demands in Nursing Homes: A Cross-Sectional Study”, International Journal of Nursing Studies, International Journal of Nursing Studies, pp. 12.
Zaim Halil, Zaim, Selim (2007), "Measuring Employee Satisfaction in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises", 4th International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Athens, Greece
Zaim, Halil, Orhan Koçak, (2010), "Bilgi Çalışanının Memnuniyeti", Journal of Yasar University, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 2985-2994
Zeffane, Rachid, Ibrahim, Mohammed E., Al Mehairi, Rashid, ( 2008), “ Exploring The Differential Impact of Job Satisfaction on Employee Attendance and Conduct The Case of A Utility Company in the United Arab Emirates”, Employee Relations, Vol: 30, No: 3, pp. 237-250.
Arshadi, Nasrin (2010), “Basic Need Satisfaction, Work Motivation, and Job Performance in An Industrial Company in Iran”, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol: 5, pp.1267–1272.
Aydınlı, Fulya (2010), "Converging Human resource Management: A Comparative Analysis of Hungary and Turkey", The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol: 21, No:9, pp.1490-1511.
Aysan, Ahmet, Faruk, Ceyhan, Şanlı Pınar (2008), "What Determines the Banking Sector Performance in Globalized Financial Markets? The case of Turkey", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol: 387, No:7, pp.1593-1602.
Bowling, Nathan A. (2007), “Is The Job Satisfaction–Job Performance Relationship Spurious? A Meta Analytic Examination”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol: 71, pp. 167-185.
Brown, Steven P., Lam, Son K., (2008) “A Meta-Analysis of Relationships Linking Employee Satisfaction to Customer Responses”, Journal of Retailing, Vol: 84, pp.243– 255.
Bygren, Magnus (2004), “Pay Reference Standards and Pay Satisfaction: What Do Workers Evaluate Their Pay Against?”, Social Science Research, Vol:33, pp.206–224.
Chi, Christina, Gursoy, Dogan, (2009), “Employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and financial performance:An empirical examination”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol. 28, pp. 245–253
Colquitt, Jason, A., LePine, Jeffery A., Wesson, Michael J., (2010), Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill, New York.
Dormann, Chiristian, Zapf, Dieter (2001), “Job Satisfaction And Meta Analysis”, Journal of Organizational behavior, No: 22, pp.483-504.
Edwards, Bryan. D., Bell, Suzanne,T., Jr., Arthur, Winfred, Decuir, Arlette D. (2008), “Relationships Between Facets of Job Satisfaction and Task and Contextual Performance”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Vol: 57, No:3, pp.441- 465.
Employee Job Satisfaction Survey Report, (2011), Society for Human Resource Management, <www.shrm.org>.
Fields, Dail L., Blum, Terry C. (1997), “ Employee Satisfaction in Work Group with Different Gender Composition”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol: 18, No: 2, pp.181-196.
Gu, Zheng, Siu, Ricardo Chi Sen Siu, (2009), ” Drivers of Job Satisfaction as Related to Work Performance in Macao casino Hotels An Investigation Based on Employee Survey”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol: 21, No: 5, pp.561-578.
Harris, Kenneth, J., Wheeler, Anthony R., Kacmar, K. Michele (2009), “Leader–member exchange and empowerment: Direct and interactive effects on job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and performance”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol: 20, pp.371–382.
Hsu, Sheng -Hsun , Wang,Yu - Che (2008), “The Development and Empirical Validation of Employee Satisfaction Index”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol:19, No: 4, pp.353 — 366.
Hu, Xiaoxiao, Kaplan, Seth, Dalal, Reeshad S. (2010), “An Examination of Blue- Versus White-Collar Workers’ Conceptualizations of Job Satisfaction Facets”, Journal of Vocational Behavior , Vol:76, pp. 317–325.
Hwang, EuiGab (2008),” Determinants of Job Satisfaction Among South Korean Police Officers The Effect of Urbanization in a Rapidly Developing Nation”, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Vol: 31, No: 4, pp. 694-714.
Ivancevich, Jhon, Konopaske, Robert, Matteson, Michael T. (2011), Organizational Behavior and Management, ninth edition, McGraw Hill, International ed., New York.
Jain, Ajay K., Giga,Sabir I., Cooper Cary L. (2009), “Employee Wellbeing, Control and Organizational Commitment”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal , Vol: 30, No: 3, pp.256-273.
Judge, Timothy A., Piccolo, Ronald F., Podsakoff , Nathan P., Shaw, Jhon C., Rich, Bruce L. (2010), “The Relationship Between Pay and Job Satisfaction: A Meta-Analysis of the Literature”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol: 77, pp.157–167.
Judge, Timothy A., Thoresen, Carl, J., Bono, Joyce, E., Patton, Gegory, K. (2001), “The job satisfaction–job performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review”, Psychological Bulletin, Vol: 127, No:3, pp.376-407.
Karatepe, Osman M., Uludag, Orhan, Menevis, Ismet, Hadzimehmedagic,Lejla, Baddar, Lulu (2006), “The Effects of Selected Individual Characteristics on Frontline Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction”, Tourism Management, Vol: 27, pp.547–560.
Kaplan, Seth A., Warren, Christopher R., Barsky, Adam P., Therosen, Carl J. (2008), “A Note on The Relationship Affect(ivity) and Differing Conceptualizations of Job Satisfaction: Some Unexpected Meta – Analytic Findings”, Euroean Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol: 18, No:1, pp. 29-54.
Kaya, Nihat, Koç, Erdoğan, Topçu, Demet (2010), "An Exploratory Analysis of the Influence of Human Resource Management Activities and Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction in Turkish Banks", The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol: 21, No:11, pp. 2031-2051.
Kim, Woo Gon, Brymer, Robert A. (2011), “The Effects of Ethical Leadership on Manager Job Satisfaction, Commitment, Behavioral Outcomes, and Firm Performance”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol:30, pp.1020– 1026.
Locke, Edvin A. (1976), “The Nature and Causes of Job Satisfaction”, in Dunette, M. (Ed.), Handbook of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, Consulting Psychologists Press, Palo Alto, CA.
Maarleveld, Maartje, Volker, Leentje, Voordt, Theo J.M. (2009), “Measuring Employee Satisfaction in New Offices – The WODI Toolkit”, Journal of Facilities Management, Vol:7, No: 3, pp. 181-197.
Mani, Vijaya, (2010), “Development of Employee Satisfaction Index Scorecard”, European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol:15, No: 1.
Newstrom, John, W. (2011), Human Behavior at Work, McGraw Hill, thirteenth ed., New York.
Nielsen, Ingrid, Smyth, Russell (2008), “Job Satisfaction and Response to Incentives Among China’s Urban Workforce”, The Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol: 37, pp.1921– 1936.
Öztürk, Ahmet, Bülent, Hancer, Murat (2011), “The Effect of Demographics on Job Satisfaction: A Study of Hotel Managers in Turkey”, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, Vol:12, pp.189–201.
Park, Jeong, Eun, Deitz, George D. (2006), “The Effect of Working Relationship Quality on Salesperson Performance and Job Satisfaction: Adaptive Selling Behavior in Korean Automobile Sales Representatives”, Journal of Business Research , Vol:59, pp.204 – 213.
Petrescu, Alina, Ileana, Simmons, Rob (2008), “Human Resource Management Practices and Workers’ Job Satisfaction”, International Journal of Manpower, Vol: 29, No: 7, pp.651-667.
Poggi, Ambra (2010), “Job Satisfaction, Working Conditions and Aspirations”, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol:31, pp.936–949.
Rehman, Muhammed, Zia, Ur , Khan, Muhammed, Riaz, Lashari, Ziauddin, Javed Ali (2010), “Effect of Job Rewards on Job Satisfaction, Moderating Role of Age Differences: An Empirical Evidence From Pakistan”, African Journal of Business Management, Vol: 4, No:6, pp.1131-1139.
Rutherford, Brian, Boles, James, Hamwi, G. Alexander, Madupalli, Ramana, Rutherford, Leann, (2009), “The role of the seven dimensions of job satisfaction in salesperson's attitudes and behaviors”, Dimension Job Satisfaction Scale is Imperative. Of the earlier mentioned multi-dimensional scales, Journal of Business Research, Vol:62, pp. 1146-1151.
Rynes, Sara L., Gerhart, Barry, Minette, Kathleen A. (2004),”The Importance of Pay In Employee Motivation: Discrepancies Between What People Say And What They Do”, Human Resource Management, Vol: 43, No: 4, pp.381–394.
Saari, Lise M., Judge, Timothy A. (2004), “Employee Attitudes and Job Satisfaction”, Human Resource Management, Vol: 43, No: 4, pp. 395–407.
Smith, Patricia, Cain (1969), The Measurement of Satisfaction in Work and Retirement: A Strategy for the Study of Attitudes, Rand McNally and Company, Chicago.
Snipes, Robin L., Oswald, Sharon L., LaTour, Michael, Armenakis, Achilles A. (2005), “The effects of specific job satisfaction facets on customer perceptions of service quality: an employee-level analysis”, Journal of Business Research, Vol: 58, pp.1330– 1339.
Spagnoli, Paola, Caetano, Antonio, Santos, Susana, Correia (2012), “ Satisfaction with Job Aspects: Do Patterns Change Over Time?”, Journal of Business Research No: 65, pp. 609–616.
Spreitzer, Gretchen, M. (1995), “ Psychological Empowerment In The Workplace: Dimensions, Measurement, And Validation”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol: 38, No:5, pp.1442-1465.
Sy, Thomas, Tram, Susanna, O’ Hara, Linda A. (2006), “Relation of Employee and Manager Emotional Intelligence to Job Satisfaction and Performance”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol:68, pp.461-473.
Weiss, D. J., Dawis, R. V., England, G. W., & Lofquist, L. H. (1967). Manual for the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
Wickramasinghe, Vathsala (2009), “Predictors of Job Satisfaction Among IT Graduates in Offshore Outsourced IT Firms”, Personnel Review, Vol:38, No:4, pp.413-431.
Willemse, B. M., Jonge, J., Smit, D., Depla, M. F.I.A., Pot, A. M., (2012), “The Moderating Role of Decision Authority and Coworker- and Supervisor Support on The Impact of Job Demands in Nursing Homes: A Cross-Sectional Study”, International Journal of Nursing Studies, International Journal of Nursing Studies, pp. 12.
Zaim Halil, Zaim, Selim (2007), "Measuring Employee Satisfaction in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises", 4th International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Athens, Greece
Zaim, Halil, Orhan Koçak, (2010), "Bilgi Çalışanının Memnuniyeti", Journal of Yasar University, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 2985-2994
Zeffane, Rachid, Ibrahim, Mohammed E., Al Mehairi, Rashid, ( 2008), “ Exploring The Differential Impact of Job Satisfaction on Employee Attendance and Conduct The Case of A Utility Company in the United Arab Emirates”, Employee Relations, Vol: 30, No: 3, pp. 237-250.
Zaim, H., Kurt, İ., & Tetik, S. (2012). CASUAL ANALYSIS OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION AND PERFORMANCE: A FIELD STUDY IN THE FINANCE SECTOR. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 4(1), 31-42.
Zaim, Halil, İrfan Kurt, ve Selman Tetik. “CASUAL ANALYSIS OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION AND PERFORMANCE: A FIELD STUDY IN THE FINANCE SECTOR”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 4, sy. 1 (Haziran 2012): 31-42.
Zaim H, Kurt İ, Tetik S (01 Haziran 2012) CASUAL ANALYSIS OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION AND PERFORMANCE: A FIELD STUDY IN THE FINANCE SECTOR. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 4 1 31–42.
Zaim, Halil vd. “CASUAL ANALYSIS OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION AND PERFORMANCE: A FIELD STUDY IN THE FINANCE SECTOR”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 4/1 (Haziran 2012), 31-42.
Zaim, Halil vd. “CASUAL ANALYSIS OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION AND PERFORMANCE: A FIELD STUDY IN THE FINANCE SECTOR”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, c. 4, sy. 1, 2012, ss. 31-42.