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Corporate Identity Structure in Hotels: An Exploratory Study

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 20 - 39, 30.06.2022


Corporate identity is regarded as a critical element of competitiveness in a dynamic business environment. Effective management of corporate identity is vital to demonstrate the strengths of the company to internal and external stakeholders. It is therefore necessary to define and clarify corporate identity and to reveal its dimensions, and more so for hotels operating in a highly competitive international market.
The paper aims to find out which dimensions construct the corporate identity in hotel establishments, through a holistic and multidisciplinary approach. Hence, the main aim of this study is to explore and conceptualize the dimensions of a holistic corporate identity structure in hotels via an exploratory method and a multidisciplinary approach based on the conceptual corporate identity dimensions put forward in the light of different disciplines and different paradigms existing in relevant literature. Research sample consists of the managers of 5-star hotels operating in İzmir. The research was designed with a qualitative approach, a field research has been conducted and semi-structured, in depth interviews were used to gather data. Research findings point out 8 dimensions that make up the corporate identity structure in hotels. Considering the themes and codes that were revealed according to the content analysis, the dimensions that constitute the corporate identity in hotels are determined as corporate culture, corporate structure, corporate strategy, corporate design, corporate communication, corporate behaviour, destination identity and industrial identity. Based on the emerging dimensions, the definition of corporate identity has been developed in the conclusion section.


  • Abratt, R. (1989). A New approach to the corporate image management process. Journal of Marketing Management, 5(1), 63-76.
  • Ackerman, L. D. (1988). Identity strategies that make a difference. The Journal of Business Strategy, May/June, 28-32.
  • Ackerman, L. D. (1990). Identity in action. Communication World, 7(September), 33-35.
  • Alessandri, S. W. (2001). Modeling corporate identity: A concept explication and theoretical explanation. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 6(4), 173 - 182.
  • Ambler, T. & Barrow, S. (1996). The employer brands. Journal of Brand Management, 4(3), 185–206.
  • Aşkın, M. (2007). Kimlik ve giydirilmiş kimlikler. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(2), 213-220.
  • Baker, M. J. & Balmer, J. M. (1997). Visual identity: Trappings or substance? European Journal of Marketing, 31 (5/6), 366 – 382.
  • Balmer, J. M. (1995). Corporate branding and connoisseurship. Journal of General Management, 21(1), 24–46.
  • Balmer, J. M. (2001a). Corporate identity, corporate branding and corporate marketing seeing through the fog. European Journal of Marketing, 35(3/4), 248-291.
  • Balmer, J. M. (2001b). From the Pentagon: A new identity framework. Corporate Reputation Review, 4(1), 11-22.
  • Balmer, J. M. (1998). Corporate identity and the advent of corporate marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(8), 963-996.
  • Balmer, J. M. (2014). Wally Olins (1930–2014), Corporate identity ascendancy and corporate brand hegemony. Celebrating the life of Wally Olins: Leading corporate identity exponent and prominent brand proponent. Journal of Brand Management, 21(6), 459–468.
  • Balmer, J. M. (2015). Corporate identity, corporate identity scholarship and Wally Olins (1930-2014). Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 20(1), 4-10.
  • Balmer, J. M. (2017). The Corporate identity, total corporate communications, stakeholders’ attributed identities, identifications and behaviors continuum. European Journal of Marketing, August, 1-35.
  • Balmer, J. M. & Gray, E. (2000). Corporate identity and corporate communications: Creating a competitive advantage. Industrial and Commercial Training, 32(7), 256 - 262.
  • Balmer, J. M. & Greyser, S. (2002). Managing the multiple identities of the corporation. California Management Review, 44(3), 72-86.
  • Balmer, J. M. & Greyser, S. (2003). Revealing the Corporation: Perspectives on Identity, Image, Reputation, Corporate Branding, and Corporate-level Marketing. London: Routledge.
  • Balmer, J. M. & Soenen, G. (1999). The Acid Test of Corporate Identity Management. Journal of Marketing Management, 15(1/3), 69-92.
  • Balmer, J. M. & Wilson, A. (1998). Corporate identity: There is more to it than meets the eye. International Studies of Management & Organization, 28(3), 12-31.
  • Balmer, J., M. (2005). Corporate brands: A strategic management framework. Working Paper Series, No: 05/43.
  • Buhalis, D. (2000). Marketing the competitive destination of the future. Tourism Management, 21(1), 97-116.
  • Burgess, C., Hampton, A., Price, L. & Roper, A. (1995). International hotel groups what makes them successful. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 7(2/3), 74 - 80.
  • Chamchong, A. & Wonglorsaichon, P. (undate). The Definition, development, and dimensions of corporate identity. (U. A. Week, Dü.) 5252, 525-534., (13.11.2015).
  • Cornelissen, J. (2011). Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. London: Sage Publication. Daft, R. L. (2008). Management. USA: Thomson South Western.
  • Gegez, A.E. (2005). Pazarlama araştırmaları. Istanbul: BetaBasımYayım A.Ş.
  • Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M., Donnelly, J. H. & Konopaske, R. (2011). Organizations: Behavior, structure, processes (14. b.). Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill.
  • Gray, E. R. & Balmer, J. M. (1998). Managing corporate image and corporate reputation. Long Range Planning, 31(5), 695-702.
  • Güvenç, B. (1993). Türk Kimliği. Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları.
  • Harris, F. & de Chernatony, L. (2001). Corporate branding and corporate brand performance. European Journal of Marketing, 35 (3/4), 441 - 456.
  • He, H. W. & Balmer, J. M. (2007). Identity studies: Multiple perspectives and implications for corporate-level marketing. European Journal of Marketing, 41(7/8), 765-785.
  • He, H., & Brown, A. D. (2013). Organizational identity and organizational identification: A review of the literature and suggestions for future research. Group Organization Management, 38, 1 3-35.
  • Jenny, M. (1999). Exporting corporate culture. Management Review, 88(11), 52-56.
  • Kandampully, J. & Hu, H.-H. (2007). Do hoteliers need to manage image to retain loyal customers? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19(6), 435-443.
  • Kedidi, S. & Torfve, C. (2005). Communicating corporate identity in international hospitality organizations: Case studies of Scandic hotels and Radisson SAS [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Sweden: Lulea University of Technology, Department of Business Administration and Social Sciences.
  • Kiriakidou, O. & Millward, L. J. (2000). Corporate identity: External reality or internal fit? Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 5(1), 49 - 58.
  • Knox, S. & Bickerton, D. (2003). The six conventions of corporate branding. European Journal of Marketing, 37(7/8), 998 - 1016.
  • Koskimies, V. (2011). Corporate identity and internal implementation of a corporate brand [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Tourula: University of Jyväskylä, Department of Communication.
  • Lawler, S. (2008). Sociological perspectives. UK.: Polity Press.
  • Leontiades, J. C. (1985). Multinational corporate strategy: Planning for World markets. New York, London, Toronto: Lexington Books.
  • Lyamabo, J., Owolawi, S., Otubanjo, O. & Balogun, T. (2013). Corporate identity: Identifying dominant elements in CI models. Journal of Management Research, 5(3), 28-43.
  • Margulies, W. (1977). Make the most of your corporate image. Harvard Business Review, 55(July/August), 66-74.
  • Markwick, N. & Fill, C. (1997). Towards a framework for managing corporate identity. European Journal of Marketing, 31(5/6), 396-409.
  • Mead, G. H. (1913). The social self. Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 10, 374- 380.
  • Melewar, T. C. (2003). Determinants of the corporate identity construct: A review of the literature. Journal of Marketing Communications, 9(4), 195-220.
  • Melewar, T. C. & Karaosmanoğlu, E. (2006). Seven dimensions of corporate identity: A categorization from the practitioners' perspectives. European Journal of Marketing, 40(7/8), 846 - 869.
  • Mirze, S. K. (2013). Kurumsal stratejiler. In C. Koparal & N. Şakar (Eds.), Stratejik yönetim II (pp. 2-22). Eşkişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Mohammed, I., Denizci Guillet, B., Schuckert, M. & Law, B. (2016). An empirical investigation of corporate identity communication on Hong Kong hotel's websites. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25, 676-705.
  • Moingeon, B. & Ramanantsoa, B. (1997). Understanding corporate identity: The French school of thought. European Journal of Marketing, 31(5/6), 383 - 395.
  • Motion, J. & Leitch, S. (2002). The technologies of corporate identity. International Studies of Management & Organization, 32(3), 45-64.
  • Nyman, J. (2013). Building a coherent corporate identity in startups - Is it and should it be important? [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Helsinki: Hanken School of Economics, Department of Marketing.
  • Okay, A. (2013). Kurum kimliği. İstanbul: Derin Yayınları.
  • Olins, W. (2002). Corporate identity – The Ultimate Resource.
  • Otubanjo, B. O. (2008). Industry construction of the meaning of corporate identity in nigeria's banking services sector: An interpretive analysis of corporate advertisements, 1970-2005 [Unpublished PhD Thesis]. London: Brunel Business School, Brunel University.
  • Otubanjo, B. O. & Melewar, T. C. (2007). Understanding the meaning of corporate identity: A conceptual and semi logical approach. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 12(4), 414 – 432.
  • Özel, Ç. (2012). Otelcilik endüstrisi. In M. Akoğlan Kozak (Ed.), Otel işletmeciliği (pp. 1-28). Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Pardo, M. A. (2014). Towards an integrative conception of corporate identity [Unpublished Master Thesis]. New York, The City University of New York Weissman School of Arts and Sciences.
  • Pedersen, T. (2013). Cross media communication in corporate identity construction: When media becomes more than a communication channel – a case study of Burberry [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Aarhus, Aarhus University, Department of Business Communication.
  • Reisinger, Y. (2009). International tourism: Cultures and behavior. UK: Butteworth-Heinemann.
  • Rızaoğlu, B. (2007). Turizm pazarlaması. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T. A. (2012). Organizational behavior (15. b.). Boston: Pearson Education.
  • Schein, E. H. (2009). The corporate culture survival guide. USA: Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint.
  • Schmidt, K. (1997). Corporate identity: An evolving discipline. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 2(1): 40-45.
  • Schmitt, B. H., Simonson, A. & Marcus, J. (1995). Managing corporate image and identity. Long Range Planning. 28(5): 82-92.
  • Siegel, A. (1988). Common sense on corporate identity. Across the Boad. 25(6): 27-32.
  • Stuart, H. (1999). Towards a definitive model of the corporate identity management process. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 4(4): 200- 207.
  • Sutton, J. (1980). Economics and corporate strategy. London, New York: Cambridge University Press. Suvatjis, J. & de Chernatony, L. (2005). Corporate identity modeling: A review and presentation of a new multi-dimensional model. Journal of Marketing Management. 21(7/8): 809-834.
  • Tanova, C. & Karadal, H. (2004). Kurumsal strateji ve insan kaynakları politikaları arasındaki ilişkinin analizi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi. 19(2): 123-136.
  • Timurturkan, K. (2010). Örgütsel yapının örgütsel değişime direnç üzerindeki etkisi: İzmir tapu ve kadastro bölge müdürlüğü’nde bir uygulama [Unpublished PhD Thesis]. İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Tuna, M. & Akbaş Tuna, A. (2007). Kurumsal kimlik yönetimi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Ülgen, H. & Mirze, K. (2010). İşletmelerde stratejik yönetim. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayın.
  • van den Bosch, A. L., Elving, W. J. & de Jong, M. D. (2006a). The impact of organizational characteristics on corporate visual identity. European Journal of Marketing, 40(7/8): 870 - 885.
  • van Rekom, J. (1997). Deriving an operational measure of corporate identity. European Journal of Marketing, 31(5/6): 410 - 422.
  • van Riel, C. B. (1995). Principles of corporate communication. Essex, UK: Pearson Education Limited.
  • van Riel, C. B. & Balmer, J. M. (1997). Corporate identity: The concept, its measurement and management. European Journal of Marketing, 31 (5/6): 340 - 355.
  • van Riel, C. B. & Fombrun, C. (2007). Essentials of corporate communication. London: Routledge.
  • van Tonder, C.L. & Lessing, B.C (2003). From identity to organisation identity: The evolution of a concept. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 29(2): 20-28.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2005). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
Yıl 2022, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 20 - 39, 30.06.2022



  • Abratt, R. (1989). A New approach to the corporate image management process. Journal of Marketing Management, 5(1), 63-76.
  • Ackerman, L. D. (1988). Identity strategies that make a difference. The Journal of Business Strategy, May/June, 28-32.
  • Ackerman, L. D. (1990). Identity in action. Communication World, 7(September), 33-35.
  • Alessandri, S. W. (2001). Modeling corporate identity: A concept explication and theoretical explanation. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 6(4), 173 - 182.
  • Ambler, T. & Barrow, S. (1996). The employer brands. Journal of Brand Management, 4(3), 185–206.
  • Aşkın, M. (2007). Kimlik ve giydirilmiş kimlikler. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(2), 213-220.
  • Baker, M. J. & Balmer, J. M. (1997). Visual identity: Trappings or substance? European Journal of Marketing, 31 (5/6), 366 – 382.
  • Balmer, J. M. (1995). Corporate branding and connoisseurship. Journal of General Management, 21(1), 24–46.
  • Balmer, J. M. (2001a). Corporate identity, corporate branding and corporate marketing seeing through the fog. European Journal of Marketing, 35(3/4), 248-291.
  • Balmer, J. M. (2001b). From the Pentagon: A new identity framework. Corporate Reputation Review, 4(1), 11-22.
  • Balmer, J. M. (1998). Corporate identity and the advent of corporate marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(8), 963-996.
  • Balmer, J. M. (2014). Wally Olins (1930–2014), Corporate identity ascendancy and corporate brand hegemony. Celebrating the life of Wally Olins: Leading corporate identity exponent and prominent brand proponent. Journal of Brand Management, 21(6), 459–468.
  • Balmer, J. M. (2015). Corporate identity, corporate identity scholarship and Wally Olins (1930-2014). Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 20(1), 4-10.
  • Balmer, J. M. (2017). The Corporate identity, total corporate communications, stakeholders’ attributed identities, identifications and behaviors continuum. European Journal of Marketing, August, 1-35.
  • Balmer, J. M. & Gray, E. (2000). Corporate identity and corporate communications: Creating a competitive advantage. Industrial and Commercial Training, 32(7), 256 - 262.
  • Balmer, J. M. & Greyser, S. (2002). Managing the multiple identities of the corporation. California Management Review, 44(3), 72-86.
  • Balmer, J. M. & Greyser, S. (2003). Revealing the Corporation: Perspectives on Identity, Image, Reputation, Corporate Branding, and Corporate-level Marketing. London: Routledge.
  • Balmer, J. M. & Soenen, G. (1999). The Acid Test of Corporate Identity Management. Journal of Marketing Management, 15(1/3), 69-92.
  • Balmer, J. M. & Wilson, A. (1998). Corporate identity: There is more to it than meets the eye. International Studies of Management & Organization, 28(3), 12-31.
  • Balmer, J., M. (2005). Corporate brands: A strategic management framework. Working Paper Series, No: 05/43.
  • Buhalis, D. (2000). Marketing the competitive destination of the future. Tourism Management, 21(1), 97-116.
  • Burgess, C., Hampton, A., Price, L. & Roper, A. (1995). International hotel groups what makes them successful. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 7(2/3), 74 - 80.
  • Chamchong, A. & Wonglorsaichon, P. (undate). The Definition, development, and dimensions of corporate identity. (U. A. Week, Dü.) 5252, 525-534., (13.11.2015).
  • Cornelissen, J. (2011). Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. London: Sage Publication. Daft, R. L. (2008). Management. USA: Thomson South Western.
  • Gegez, A.E. (2005). Pazarlama araştırmaları. Istanbul: BetaBasımYayım A.Ş.
  • Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M., Donnelly, J. H. & Konopaske, R. (2011). Organizations: Behavior, structure, processes (14. b.). Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill.
  • Gray, E. R. & Balmer, J. M. (1998). Managing corporate image and corporate reputation. Long Range Planning, 31(5), 695-702.
  • Güvenç, B. (1993). Türk Kimliği. Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları.
  • Harris, F. & de Chernatony, L. (2001). Corporate branding and corporate brand performance. European Journal of Marketing, 35 (3/4), 441 - 456.
  • He, H. W. & Balmer, J. M. (2007). Identity studies: Multiple perspectives and implications for corporate-level marketing. European Journal of Marketing, 41(7/8), 765-785.
  • He, H., & Brown, A. D. (2013). Organizational identity and organizational identification: A review of the literature and suggestions for future research. Group Organization Management, 38, 1 3-35.
  • Jenny, M. (1999). Exporting corporate culture. Management Review, 88(11), 52-56.
  • Kandampully, J. & Hu, H.-H. (2007). Do hoteliers need to manage image to retain loyal customers? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19(6), 435-443.
  • Kedidi, S. & Torfve, C. (2005). Communicating corporate identity in international hospitality organizations: Case studies of Scandic hotels and Radisson SAS [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Sweden: Lulea University of Technology, Department of Business Administration and Social Sciences.
  • Kiriakidou, O. & Millward, L. J. (2000). Corporate identity: External reality or internal fit? Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 5(1), 49 - 58.
  • Knox, S. & Bickerton, D. (2003). The six conventions of corporate branding. European Journal of Marketing, 37(7/8), 998 - 1016.
  • Koskimies, V. (2011). Corporate identity and internal implementation of a corporate brand [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Tourula: University of Jyväskylä, Department of Communication.
  • Lawler, S. (2008). Sociological perspectives. UK.: Polity Press.
  • Leontiades, J. C. (1985). Multinational corporate strategy: Planning for World markets. New York, London, Toronto: Lexington Books.
  • Lyamabo, J., Owolawi, S., Otubanjo, O. & Balogun, T. (2013). Corporate identity: Identifying dominant elements in CI models. Journal of Management Research, 5(3), 28-43.
  • Margulies, W. (1977). Make the most of your corporate image. Harvard Business Review, 55(July/August), 66-74.
  • Markwick, N. & Fill, C. (1997). Towards a framework for managing corporate identity. European Journal of Marketing, 31(5/6), 396-409.
  • Mead, G. H. (1913). The social self. Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 10, 374- 380.
  • Melewar, T. C. (2003). Determinants of the corporate identity construct: A review of the literature. Journal of Marketing Communications, 9(4), 195-220.
  • Melewar, T. C. & Karaosmanoğlu, E. (2006). Seven dimensions of corporate identity: A categorization from the practitioners' perspectives. European Journal of Marketing, 40(7/8), 846 - 869.
  • Mirze, S. K. (2013). Kurumsal stratejiler. In C. Koparal & N. Şakar (Eds.), Stratejik yönetim II (pp. 2-22). Eşkişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Mohammed, I., Denizci Guillet, B., Schuckert, M. & Law, B. (2016). An empirical investigation of corporate identity communication on Hong Kong hotel's websites. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25, 676-705.
  • Moingeon, B. & Ramanantsoa, B. (1997). Understanding corporate identity: The French school of thought. European Journal of Marketing, 31(5/6), 383 - 395.
  • Motion, J. & Leitch, S. (2002). The technologies of corporate identity. International Studies of Management & Organization, 32(3), 45-64.
  • Nyman, J. (2013). Building a coherent corporate identity in startups - Is it and should it be important? [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Helsinki: Hanken School of Economics, Department of Marketing.
  • Okay, A. (2013). Kurum kimliği. İstanbul: Derin Yayınları.
  • Olins, W. (2002). Corporate identity – The Ultimate Resource.
  • Otubanjo, B. O. (2008). Industry construction of the meaning of corporate identity in nigeria's banking services sector: An interpretive analysis of corporate advertisements, 1970-2005 [Unpublished PhD Thesis]. London: Brunel Business School, Brunel University.
  • Otubanjo, B. O. & Melewar, T. C. (2007). Understanding the meaning of corporate identity: A conceptual and semi logical approach. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 12(4), 414 – 432.
  • Özel, Ç. (2012). Otelcilik endüstrisi. In M. Akoğlan Kozak (Ed.), Otel işletmeciliği (pp. 1-28). Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Pardo, M. A. (2014). Towards an integrative conception of corporate identity [Unpublished Master Thesis]. New York, The City University of New York Weissman School of Arts and Sciences.
  • Pedersen, T. (2013). Cross media communication in corporate identity construction: When media becomes more than a communication channel – a case study of Burberry [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Aarhus, Aarhus University, Department of Business Communication.
  • Reisinger, Y. (2009). International tourism: Cultures and behavior. UK: Butteworth-Heinemann.
  • Rızaoğlu, B. (2007). Turizm pazarlaması. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T. A. (2012). Organizational behavior (15. b.). Boston: Pearson Education.
  • Schein, E. H. (2009). The corporate culture survival guide. USA: Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint.
  • Schmidt, K. (1997). Corporate identity: An evolving discipline. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 2(1): 40-45.
  • Schmitt, B. H., Simonson, A. & Marcus, J. (1995). Managing corporate image and identity. Long Range Planning. 28(5): 82-92.
  • Siegel, A. (1988). Common sense on corporate identity. Across the Boad. 25(6): 27-32.
  • Stuart, H. (1999). Towards a definitive model of the corporate identity management process. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 4(4): 200- 207.
  • Sutton, J. (1980). Economics and corporate strategy. London, New York: Cambridge University Press. Suvatjis, J. & de Chernatony, L. (2005). Corporate identity modeling: A review and presentation of a new multi-dimensional model. Journal of Marketing Management. 21(7/8): 809-834.
  • Tanova, C. & Karadal, H. (2004). Kurumsal strateji ve insan kaynakları politikaları arasındaki ilişkinin analizi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi. 19(2): 123-136.
  • Timurturkan, K. (2010). Örgütsel yapının örgütsel değişime direnç üzerindeki etkisi: İzmir tapu ve kadastro bölge müdürlüğü’nde bir uygulama [Unpublished PhD Thesis]. İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Tuna, M. & Akbaş Tuna, A. (2007). Kurumsal kimlik yönetimi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Ülgen, H. & Mirze, K. (2010). İşletmelerde stratejik yönetim. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayın.
  • van den Bosch, A. L., Elving, W. J. & de Jong, M. D. (2006a). The impact of organizational characteristics on corporate visual identity. European Journal of Marketing, 40(7/8): 870 - 885.
  • van Rekom, J. (1997). Deriving an operational measure of corporate identity. European Journal of Marketing, 31(5/6): 410 - 422.
  • van Riel, C. B. (1995). Principles of corporate communication. Essex, UK: Pearson Education Limited.
  • van Riel, C. B. & Balmer, J. M. (1997). Corporate identity: The concept, its measurement and management. European Journal of Marketing, 31 (5/6): 340 - 355.
  • van Riel, C. B. & Fombrun, C. (2007). Essentials of corporate communication. London: Routledge.
  • van Tonder, C.L. & Lessing, B.C (2003). From identity to organisation identity: The evolution of a concept. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 29(2): 20-28.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2005). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
Toplam 77 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Özgün Bilimsel Makale

Pınar Işıldar 0000-0001-7667-9951

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Işıldar, P. (2022). Corporate Identity Structure in Hotels: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research, 6(1), 20-39.