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Bilgi Teknolojileri Dış Kaynak Kullanımı Başarısında Biçimsel ve İlişkisel Yönetişimin Rolü: Havacılık Sektöründe Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2020, , 221 - 239, 29.06.2020


Örgütler arası ilişkilerde biçimsel yönetişim taraflara yasal bir koruma mekanizması oluştururken, ilişkisel yönetişim ise bir ilişkide öngörülemeyen durumlar oluştuğunda örgütlerin daha esnek tepkiler verebilmesini sağlamaktadır. Bu araştırmada bilgi teknolojileri dış kaynak kullanımı ilişkisinde biçimsel (sözleşme) ve ilişkisel (esneklik, bilgi paylaşımı ve dayanışma) yönetişim mekanizmalarının rolünün ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla özellikli bir sektör olan havacılık sektörüne odaklanılmış ve bu alanda ampirik bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucuna göre Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren havacılık işletmelerinin BT dış kaynak kullanımı başarısında sözleşmeler ve ilişki normları ayrı ayrı etkili olmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra biçimsel ve ilişkisel yönetişim mekanizmalarının birbirinin ikamesi değil tamamlayıcısı olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


Bu çalışma doktora tezinden üretilmiş olup, Anadolu Üniversitesi 1601E035 BAP projesi kapsamında desteklenmiştir.


  • Achrol, R. S. ve Gundlach, G. T. (1999), “Legal and Social Safeguards Against Opportunism in Exchange”, Journal of Retailing, 75(1), 107-124.
  • Alborz, S., Seddon, P., Scheepers, R. (2003), “A Model for Studying IT Outsourcing Relationships”, PACIS 2003 Proceedings, 1297-1312.
  • Alpar, R. (2011), Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatiksel Yöntemler, Detay Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Anderson, E. ve Weitz, B. (1992), “The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution Channels”, Journal of Marketing Research, 70 (2),18-34.
  • Ang, S., Straub, D. W. (1998), “Production and Transaction Economies and IS Outsourcing: A Study of The US Banking Industry”, MIS Quarterly, 22 (4), 535-552.
  • Applegate, L. ve Montealegre, R. (1991), “Eastman Kodak Company: Managing Information Systems Through Strategic Alliances”, Harvard Business School Case, 9, 192-230.
  • Airline It Survey, (2016), SITA and Airline Business Paper,,(10.10.2015).
  • Barthelemy, J. (2003), “The Hard and Soft Sides of IT Outsourcing Management”, European Management Journal, 21(5), 539-548.
  • Barthelemy, J. (2003a), “The Seven Deadly Sins of Outsourcing”, The Academy of Management Executive, 17(2), 87-98.
  • Barthelemy, J. ve Quelin, B. V. (2006), “Complexity of Outsourcing Contracts and Ex Post Transaction Costs: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Management Studies, 43(8), 1775-1797.
  • Beaumont, N., Costa, C. (2002), “Information Technology Outsourcing in Australia”, Advanced Topics in Information Resources Management, 2, 192-215.
  • Beulen, E., Ribbers, P., Roos, J. (2006), Managing IT Outsourcing, Routledge, London and New York.
  • Blois, K. J. ve Ivens, B. S. (2006), “Measuring Relational Norms: Some Methodological Issues”, European Journal of Marketing, 40(3/4), 352-365.
  • Boyer, K. K. ve Pagell, M. (2000), “Measurement issues in Empirical Research: Improving Measures of Operations Strategy and Advanced Manufacturing Technology”, Journal of Operations Management, 18(3), 361-374.
  • Cannon, J. P., Achrol, R. S., Gundlach, G. T. (2000), “Contracts, Norms, and Plural Form Governance”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(2), 180-194.
  • Carson, S. J., Madhok, A., Wu, T. (2006), “Uncertainty, Opportunism, and Governance: The Effects of Volatility and Ambiguity on Formal and Relational Contracting”, Academy of Management Journal, 49(5), 1058-1077.
  • Clemons, E. K., Row, M. C. (1991), “Sustaining IT Advantage: The Role of Structural Differences”, MIS Quarterly, 15 (3), 275-292.
  • Dibbern, J., Goles, T., Hirschheim, R., Jayatilaka, B. (2004), “Information Systems Outsourcing: A Survey and Analysis of the Literature”, ACM Sigmis Database, 35(4), 6-102.
  • Erdoğan, D. (2017), “Bilgi teknolojileri dış kaynak kullanımında biçimsel ve ilişkisel yönetişimin yeri: Havacılık sektöründe bir araştırma”, (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Eskişehir.
  • Field, A. (2009), Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Sage, London.
  • Goles, T. (2003), “Vendor Capabilities and Outsourcing Success: A Resource-Based View”, Wirtsc-haftsinformatik, 45(2), 199-206.
  • Gonzalez, R., Gasco, J., Llopis, J. (2010), “Information Systems Outsourcing Reasons and Risks: A New Assessment”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 110(2), 284-303.
  • Goo, J., Huang, C. D., Hart, P. (2008), “A Path to Successful IT Outsourcing: Interaction Between Service‐Level Agreements and Commitment”, Decision Sciences, 39(3), 469-506.
  • Goo, J., Kishore, R., Nam, K., Rao, H. R., Song, Y. (2007), “An Investigation of Factors That Influence the Duration of IT Outsourcing Relationships”, Decision Support Systems, 42(4), 2107-2125.
  • Goo, J., Kishore, R., Rao, H. R., Nam, K. (2009), “The Role of Service Level Agreements in Relational Management of Information Technology Outsourcing: An Empirical Study”, MIS Quarterly, 33(1), 119-145.
  • Gottschalk, P. ve Solli-Sæther, H. (2006), Managing Successful IT Outsourcing Relationship, IRM Press, Hershey.
  • Grover, V., Cheon, M. J., Teng, J. (1996), “The Effect of Service Quality and Partnership on the Outsourcing of Information Systems Functions”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 12(4), 89-116.
  • Gürçaylilar, T. (2011), “Tedarik şebekelerinde biçimsel ve ilişkisel yönetişim: Türk otomotiv endüstrisinde bir araştırma”, (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Akdeniz Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Antalya.
  • Hansman, R. J. (2005), “The Impact of Information Technologies on Air Transportation”, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Conference, Reno, Navada.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2017). PROCESS macro for SPSS and SAS, (Erişim tarihi: 20.04. 2017).
  • Heide, J. B. (1994), “Interorganizational Governance in Marketing Channels”, The Journal of Marketing, 58(1), 71-85.
  • Heide, J. B. ve John, G. (1992), “Do Norms Matter in Marketing Relationships?” The Journal of Marketing, 56(2), 32-44.
  • Hofstede, G. (2003), Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions nd Organizations Across Nations, Sage Publications, England.
  • Huber, T. L., Fischer, T. A., Dibbern, J., Hirschheim, R. (2013), “A Process Model of Complementarity and Substitution of Contractual and Relational Governance in IS Outsourcing”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 30(3), 81-114.
  • Hung Lau, K. ve Zhang, J. (2006), “Drivers and Obstacles of Outsourcing Practices in China”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 36(10), 776-792.
  • Ivens, B. S. ve Blois, K. J. (2004), “Relational Exchange Norms in Marketing: A Critical Review of Macneil’s Contribution”, Marketing Theory, 4(3), 239-263.
  • Jonsson, P., Zineldin, M. (2003), “Achieving High Satisfaction İn Supplier-Dealer Working Relationships”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 8(3), 224-240.
  • Joshi, A. W. ve Stump, R. L. (1999), “The Contingent Effect of Specific Asset Investments On Joint Action İn Manufacturer-Supplier Relationships: An Empirical Test Of The Moderating Role Of Reciprocal Asset ınvestments, Uncertainty, and Trust”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27(3), 291-305.
  • Kern, T. ve Willcocks, L. (2000), “Exploring Information Technology Outsourcing Relationships: Theory and Practice”, The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 9(4), 321-350.
  • Kim, H. J., Shin, B., Lee, H. (2013), “The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract Breach İn IS Outsourcing: Interfirm Governance Perspective”, European Journal of Information Systems, 22(5), 529-547.
  • Kim, S. ve Young-Soo, C. (2003), “Critical Success Factors for IS Outsourcing Implementation from an Interorganizational Relationship Perspective”, The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 43(4), 81-90.
  • Lacity, M. ve Willcocks, L. P. (2008), Information Systems and Outsourcing: Studies in Theory and Practice, Palgrave, New York.
  • Lacity, M. C., Khan, S., Yan, A., Willcocks, L. P. (2010), “A Review of the IT Outsourcing Empirical Literature and Future Research Directions”, Journal of Information Technology, 25(4), 395-433.
  • Lacity, M. C. ve Willcocks, L. P. (1998), “An Empirical Investigation of Information Technology Sourcing Practices: Lessons from Experience”, MIS Quarterly, 363-408.
  • Lee, J. ve Kim, Y., (1999), “Effect of Partnership Quality On IS Outsourcing Success: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Validation”, Journal of Management Information Systems,15(4), 29-61.
  • Lioliou, E., Zimmermann, A., Willcocks, L., Gao, L. (2014), “Formal and Relational Governance in IT Outsourcing: Substitution, Complementarity and the Role of the Psychological Contract”, Information Systems Journal, 24(6), 503-535.
  • Loh, L. ve Venkatraman, N. (1992), “Determinants of Information Technology Outsourcing: A Cross-Sectional Analysis”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 9(2), 7-24.
  • Luo, Y. (2002), “Contract, Cooperation, and Performance in İnternational Joint Ventures”, Strategic Management Journal, 23(10), 903-919.
  • Ma, J., Li, J., Chen, W., Conradi, R., Ji, J., Liu, C. (2008), “A State‐of‐the‐Practice Study on Communication and Coordination Between Chinese Software Suppliers and Their Global Outsourcers”, Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 13(3), 233-247.
  • Macneil, I. R. (1977), “Contracts: Adjustment of Longterm Economic Relations Under Classical, Neoclassical, and Relational Contract Law”, Nw. UL Rev., 72, 854-904.
  • Macneil, I. R. (1985), “Relational Contract: What We Do and Do Not Know”, Wis. L. Rev., 483-525.
  • Park, B. K. (1995), “An Emprical Study of Partnership Success Between Just in Time Manufacturers and Suppliers”, (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi), University of Nebreska, Lincoln.
  • Poppo, L. ve Zenger, T. (2002), Do Formal Contracts and Relational Governance Function As Substitutes Or Complements? Strategic Management Journal, 23(8), 707-725.
  • Purnell, J., Hough, R. (2012), “Information Technology Systems at Airports: A Primer (59)”, Transportation Research Board.
  • Qi, C. ve Chau, P. Y. (2012), “Relationship, Contract and IT Outsourcing Success: Evidence Ffom Two Descriptive Case Studies”, Decision Support Systems, 53(4), 859-869.
  • Qi, C. ve Chau, P. Y. (2015), “Relationship or Contract? Exploring the Key Factor Leading to IT Outsourcing Success in China”, Information Technology & People, 28(3), 466-499.
  • Rai, A., Keil, M., Hornyak, R., Wüllenweber, K. (2012), “Hybrid Relational-Contractual Governance for Business Process Outsourcing”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 29(2), 213-256.
  • Ramnath, R. ve Landsbergen, D. (2005), “IT-Enabled Sense-and-Respond Strategies in Complex Public Organizations”, Communications of the ACM, 48 (5), 58-65.
  • Rustagi, S., King, W. R., Kirsch, L. J. (2008), “Predictors of Formal Control Usage in IT Outsourcing Partnerships”, Information Systems Research, 19(2), 126-143.
  • Roberts, V. (2001), “Managing Strategic Outsourcing in the Healthcare Industry”, Journal of Healthcare Management, 46, 239-249.
  • Sargut, S. (2001), Kültürler Arası Farklılaşma ve Yönetim, İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara.
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  • Simon, H. A. (1957), Models of Man: Social and Rational: Mathematical Essays on Rational Human Behavior in a Social Setting, Wiley, New York.
  • Solli-Sæther, H. ve Gottschalk, P. (2010), Managing IT Outsourcing Performance, Business Science Reference, New York.
  • Tatlidil, H. (1996). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Analiz, Cem Web Ofset, Ankara.
  • Tokgoz, N, Erdogan, D. (2016), “ Information technology outsourcing reasons in aviation industry”, Proceedings of 39th International Business Research Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Vandaele, D., Rangarajan, D., Gemmel, P., Lievens, A. (2007), “How to Govern Business Services Exchanges: Contractural and Relational Issues”, International Journal of Management Reviews, 9(3), 237-258.
  • Walters, B. A., Tang, Z. (2006). IT-Enabled Strategic Management: Increasing Returns for The Organization, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey.
  • Willcocks, L. P., Lacity, M. C. (1999), “IT Outsourcing in Insurance Services: Risk, Creative Contracting and Business Advantage”, Information Systems Journal, 9(3), 163-180.
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The Role of Formal and Relational Governance in Information Technology Outsourcing Success: A Research in Aviation Industry

Yıl 2020, , 221 - 239, 29.06.2020


While formal governance in inter-organizational relations creates a legal control mechanism for parties, relational governance enables organizations to give more flexible responses when unforeseen situations occur in a relationship. In this research, it is aimed to reveal the role of formal (contract) and relational (flexibility, information sharing and solidarity) governance mechanisms in the relation of information technology outsourcing. For this purpose, we focused on aviation sector which is a special sector and empirical research has been carried out in this field. According to the results of the research, both contracts and relationship norms affect the success of IT outsourcing. Another conclusion is that formal and relational governance mechanisms are complementary mechanisms, not substitutes.


  • Achrol, R. S. ve Gundlach, G. T. (1999), “Legal and Social Safeguards Against Opportunism in Exchange”, Journal of Retailing, 75(1), 107-124.
  • Alborz, S., Seddon, P., Scheepers, R. (2003), “A Model for Studying IT Outsourcing Relationships”, PACIS 2003 Proceedings, 1297-1312.
  • Alpar, R. (2011), Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatiksel Yöntemler, Detay Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Anderson, E. ve Weitz, B. (1992), “The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution Channels”, Journal of Marketing Research, 70 (2),18-34.
  • Ang, S., Straub, D. W. (1998), “Production and Transaction Economies and IS Outsourcing: A Study of The US Banking Industry”, MIS Quarterly, 22 (4), 535-552.
  • Applegate, L. ve Montealegre, R. (1991), “Eastman Kodak Company: Managing Information Systems Through Strategic Alliances”, Harvard Business School Case, 9, 192-230.
  • Airline It Survey, (2016), SITA and Airline Business Paper,,(10.10.2015).
  • Barthelemy, J. (2003), “The Hard and Soft Sides of IT Outsourcing Management”, European Management Journal, 21(5), 539-548.
  • Barthelemy, J. (2003a), “The Seven Deadly Sins of Outsourcing”, The Academy of Management Executive, 17(2), 87-98.
  • Barthelemy, J. ve Quelin, B. V. (2006), “Complexity of Outsourcing Contracts and Ex Post Transaction Costs: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Management Studies, 43(8), 1775-1797.
  • Beaumont, N., Costa, C. (2002), “Information Technology Outsourcing in Australia”, Advanced Topics in Information Resources Management, 2, 192-215.
  • Beulen, E., Ribbers, P., Roos, J. (2006), Managing IT Outsourcing, Routledge, London and New York.
  • Blois, K. J. ve Ivens, B. S. (2006), “Measuring Relational Norms: Some Methodological Issues”, European Journal of Marketing, 40(3/4), 352-365.
  • Boyer, K. K. ve Pagell, M. (2000), “Measurement issues in Empirical Research: Improving Measures of Operations Strategy and Advanced Manufacturing Technology”, Journal of Operations Management, 18(3), 361-374.
  • Cannon, J. P., Achrol, R. S., Gundlach, G. T. (2000), “Contracts, Norms, and Plural Form Governance”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(2), 180-194.
  • Carson, S. J., Madhok, A., Wu, T. (2006), “Uncertainty, Opportunism, and Governance: The Effects of Volatility and Ambiguity on Formal and Relational Contracting”, Academy of Management Journal, 49(5), 1058-1077.
  • Clemons, E. K., Row, M. C. (1991), “Sustaining IT Advantage: The Role of Structural Differences”, MIS Quarterly, 15 (3), 275-292.
  • Dibbern, J., Goles, T., Hirschheim, R., Jayatilaka, B. (2004), “Information Systems Outsourcing: A Survey and Analysis of the Literature”, ACM Sigmis Database, 35(4), 6-102.
  • Erdoğan, D. (2017), “Bilgi teknolojileri dış kaynak kullanımında biçimsel ve ilişkisel yönetişimin yeri: Havacılık sektöründe bir araştırma”, (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Eskişehir.
  • Field, A. (2009), Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Sage, London.
  • Goles, T. (2003), “Vendor Capabilities and Outsourcing Success: A Resource-Based View”, Wirtsc-haftsinformatik, 45(2), 199-206.
  • Gonzalez, R., Gasco, J., Llopis, J. (2010), “Information Systems Outsourcing Reasons and Risks: A New Assessment”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 110(2), 284-303.
  • Goo, J., Huang, C. D., Hart, P. (2008), “A Path to Successful IT Outsourcing: Interaction Between Service‐Level Agreements and Commitment”, Decision Sciences, 39(3), 469-506.
  • Goo, J., Kishore, R., Nam, K., Rao, H. R., Song, Y. (2007), “An Investigation of Factors That Influence the Duration of IT Outsourcing Relationships”, Decision Support Systems, 42(4), 2107-2125.
  • Goo, J., Kishore, R., Rao, H. R., Nam, K. (2009), “The Role of Service Level Agreements in Relational Management of Information Technology Outsourcing: An Empirical Study”, MIS Quarterly, 33(1), 119-145.
  • Gottschalk, P. ve Solli-Sæther, H. (2006), Managing Successful IT Outsourcing Relationship, IRM Press, Hershey.
  • Grover, V., Cheon, M. J., Teng, J. (1996), “The Effect of Service Quality and Partnership on the Outsourcing of Information Systems Functions”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 12(4), 89-116.
  • Gürçaylilar, T. (2011), “Tedarik şebekelerinde biçimsel ve ilişkisel yönetişim: Türk otomotiv endüstrisinde bir araştırma”, (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Akdeniz Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Antalya.
  • Hansman, R. J. (2005), “The Impact of Information Technologies on Air Transportation”, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Conference, Reno, Navada.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2017). PROCESS macro for SPSS and SAS, (Erişim tarihi: 20.04. 2017).
  • Heide, J. B. (1994), “Interorganizational Governance in Marketing Channels”, The Journal of Marketing, 58(1), 71-85.
  • Heide, J. B. ve John, G. (1992), “Do Norms Matter in Marketing Relationships?” The Journal of Marketing, 56(2), 32-44.
  • Hofstede, G. (2003), Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions nd Organizations Across Nations, Sage Publications, England.
  • Huber, T. L., Fischer, T. A., Dibbern, J., Hirschheim, R. (2013), “A Process Model of Complementarity and Substitution of Contractual and Relational Governance in IS Outsourcing”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 30(3), 81-114.
  • Hung Lau, K. ve Zhang, J. (2006), “Drivers and Obstacles of Outsourcing Practices in China”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 36(10), 776-792.
  • Ivens, B. S. ve Blois, K. J. (2004), “Relational Exchange Norms in Marketing: A Critical Review of Macneil’s Contribution”, Marketing Theory, 4(3), 239-263.
  • Jonsson, P., Zineldin, M. (2003), “Achieving High Satisfaction İn Supplier-Dealer Working Relationships”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 8(3), 224-240.
  • Joshi, A. W. ve Stump, R. L. (1999), “The Contingent Effect of Specific Asset Investments On Joint Action İn Manufacturer-Supplier Relationships: An Empirical Test Of The Moderating Role Of Reciprocal Asset ınvestments, Uncertainty, and Trust”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27(3), 291-305.
  • Kern, T. ve Willcocks, L. (2000), “Exploring Information Technology Outsourcing Relationships: Theory and Practice”, The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 9(4), 321-350.
  • Kim, H. J., Shin, B., Lee, H. (2013), “The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract Breach İn IS Outsourcing: Interfirm Governance Perspective”, European Journal of Information Systems, 22(5), 529-547.
  • Kim, S. ve Young-Soo, C. (2003), “Critical Success Factors for IS Outsourcing Implementation from an Interorganizational Relationship Perspective”, The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 43(4), 81-90.
  • Lacity, M. ve Willcocks, L. P. (2008), Information Systems and Outsourcing: Studies in Theory and Practice, Palgrave, New York.
  • Lacity, M. C., Khan, S., Yan, A., Willcocks, L. P. (2010), “A Review of the IT Outsourcing Empirical Literature and Future Research Directions”, Journal of Information Technology, 25(4), 395-433.
  • Lacity, M. C. ve Willcocks, L. P. (1998), “An Empirical Investigation of Information Technology Sourcing Practices: Lessons from Experience”, MIS Quarterly, 363-408.
  • Lee, J. ve Kim, Y., (1999), “Effect of Partnership Quality On IS Outsourcing Success: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Validation”, Journal of Management Information Systems,15(4), 29-61.
  • Lioliou, E., Zimmermann, A., Willcocks, L., Gao, L. (2014), “Formal and Relational Governance in IT Outsourcing: Substitution, Complementarity and the Role of the Psychological Contract”, Information Systems Journal, 24(6), 503-535.
  • Loh, L. ve Venkatraman, N. (1992), “Determinants of Information Technology Outsourcing: A Cross-Sectional Analysis”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 9(2), 7-24.
  • Luo, Y. (2002), “Contract, Cooperation, and Performance in İnternational Joint Ventures”, Strategic Management Journal, 23(10), 903-919.
  • Ma, J., Li, J., Chen, W., Conradi, R., Ji, J., Liu, C. (2008), “A State‐of‐the‐Practice Study on Communication and Coordination Between Chinese Software Suppliers and Their Global Outsourcers”, Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 13(3), 233-247.
  • Macneil, I. R. (1977), “Contracts: Adjustment of Longterm Economic Relations Under Classical, Neoclassical, and Relational Contract Law”, Nw. UL Rev., 72, 854-904.
  • Macneil, I. R. (1985), “Relational Contract: What We Do and Do Not Know”, Wis. L. Rev., 483-525.
  • Park, B. K. (1995), “An Emprical Study of Partnership Success Between Just in Time Manufacturers and Suppliers”, (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi), University of Nebreska, Lincoln.
  • Poppo, L. ve Zenger, T. (2002), Do Formal Contracts and Relational Governance Function As Substitutes Or Complements? Strategic Management Journal, 23(8), 707-725.
  • Purnell, J., Hough, R. (2012), “Information Technology Systems at Airports: A Primer (59)”, Transportation Research Board.
  • Qi, C. ve Chau, P. Y. (2012), “Relationship, Contract and IT Outsourcing Success: Evidence Ffom Two Descriptive Case Studies”, Decision Support Systems, 53(4), 859-869.
  • Qi, C. ve Chau, P. Y. (2015), “Relationship or Contract? Exploring the Key Factor Leading to IT Outsourcing Success in China”, Information Technology & People, 28(3), 466-499.
  • Rai, A., Keil, M., Hornyak, R., Wüllenweber, K. (2012), “Hybrid Relational-Contractual Governance for Business Process Outsourcing”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 29(2), 213-256.
  • Ramnath, R. ve Landsbergen, D. (2005), “IT-Enabled Sense-and-Respond Strategies in Complex Public Organizations”, Communications of the ACM, 48 (5), 58-65.
  • Rustagi, S., King, W. R., Kirsch, L. J. (2008), “Predictors of Formal Control Usage in IT Outsourcing Partnerships”, Information Systems Research, 19(2), 126-143.
  • Roberts, V. (2001), “Managing Strategic Outsourcing in the Healthcare Industry”, Journal of Healthcare Management, 46, 239-249.
  • Sargut, S. (2001), Kültürler Arası Farklılaşma ve Yönetim, İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Schmitt, N. (1996), “Uses and Abuses of Coefficient Alpha”, Psychological Assessment, 8(4), 350.
  • Simmonds, A. ve Gilmour, D. (2005), “Governance of Outsourcing”, IT Governance Institute Papers,, (20.02.2015).
  • Simon, H. A. (1957), Models of Man: Social and Rational: Mathematical Essays on Rational Human Behavior in a Social Setting, Wiley, New York.
  • Solli-Sæther, H. ve Gottschalk, P. (2010), Managing IT Outsourcing Performance, Business Science Reference, New York.
  • Tatlidil, H. (1996). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Analiz, Cem Web Ofset, Ankara.
  • Tokgoz, N, Erdogan, D. (2016), “ Information technology outsourcing reasons in aviation industry”, Proceedings of 39th International Business Research Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Vandaele, D., Rangarajan, D., Gemmel, P., Lievens, A. (2007), “How to Govern Business Services Exchanges: Contractural and Relational Issues”, International Journal of Management Reviews, 9(3), 237-258.
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Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Dilek Erdoğan Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2079-777X

Nuray Tokgöz Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-6542-845X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Kasım 2018
Kabul Tarihi 9 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdoğan, D., & Tokgöz, N. (2020). Bilgi Teknolojileri Dış Kaynak Kullanımı Başarısında Biçimsel ve İlişkisel Yönetişimin Rolü: Havacılık Sektöründe Bir Araştırma. İzmir İktisat Dergisi, 35(2), 221-239.

Cited By

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TR-DİZİN, DOAJ, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EconLit, Harvard Hollis, Google Scholar, OAJI, SOBIAD, CiteFactor, OJOP, Araştırmax, WordCat, OpenAIRE, Base, IAD, Academindex
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