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Validity of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in BRICS-T Countries and the Impact of Financial Development and Trade Openness on Environmental Pollution

Yıl 2022, , 318 - 333, 05.06.2022


The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) states that economic growth increases environmental pollution, but as the level of welfare increases, the pollution decreases after a point due to the awareness of protecting the environment. This study was conducted to investigate whether the EKC is valid in BRICS-T countries. Annual data for the period 1991-2017 were analyzed using static panel data methods and found that the Random Effect Model is valid. Analysis findings confirmed that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between environmental pollution and per capita income in BRICS-T countries and the validity of the EKC. In addition, it has been observed in the study that financial development affects reducing environmental pollution, and trade openness, import, and export have an increasing effect on environmental pollution.


  • Adams, S. ve Klobodu, E. K. M. (2018). Financial Development and Environmental Degradation: Does Political Regime Matter?. Journal of Cleaner Production, 197, 1472–1479.
  • Antweiler, W., Copeland, B. R. ve Taylor, M. S. (2001). Is Free Trade Good for the Environment?. American Economic Review, 91(4), 877–908.
  • Arellano, M. ve Bond, S. (1991). Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations. The Review of Economic Studies, 58(2), 277-297.
  • Arellano, M. ve Bover, O. (1995). Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error-Components Models. Journal of Econometrics, 68(1), 29–51.
  • Arrow, K., Bolin, B., Costanza, R., Dasgupta, P., Folke, C., Hollıng, C. S., Jansson, B.O., Levın, S., Maler, K.G., Perrings, C., Pimentel, D. (1995). Economic Growth, Carrying Capacity, and the Environment. Ecological Economics, 15(2), 91–95.
  • Bai, J. ve Ng, S. (2004). A PANIC Attack on Unit Roots and Cointegration. Econometrica, 72(4), 1127-1177.
  • Başar, S. ve Temurlenk, M. (2010). Çevreye Uyarlanmış Kuznets Eğrisi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 21(1) , 1-12 .
  • Ben Nasr, A., Gupta, R. ve Sato, J. R. (2015). Is There an Environmental Kuznets Curve for South Africa? A Co-Summability Approach Using a Century of Data. Energy Economics, 52, 136–141.
  • Bırdsall, N. ve Wheeler, D. (1993). Trade Policy and Industrial Pollution in Latin America: Where Are The Pollution Havens?. The Journal of Environment and Development, 2(1), 137–149.
  • Breusch, T. S. ve Pagan, A. R. (1980). The Lagrange Multiplier Test and Its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics. The Review of Economic Studies, 47(1), 239-253.
  • Chandran, V. G. R. ve Tang, C. F. (2013). The Impacts of Transport Energy Consumption, Foreign Direct Investment and Income on CO2 Emissions in ASEAN-5 Economies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 24, 445-453.
  • Charfeddine, L. ve Ben Khediri, K. (2016). Financial Development and Environmental Quality in UAE: Cointegration With Structural Breaks. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55, 1322–1335.
  • Cole, M. A. ve Elliott, R. J. R. (2003). Determining the Trade–Environment Composition Effect: The Role of Capital, Labor and Environmental Regulations. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 46(3), 363–383.
  • Dasgupta, S., Laplante, B. ve Mamingi, N. (2001). Pollution and Capital Markets in Developing Countries. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 42(3), 310–335.
  • Doğan, E. ve Türkekul, B. (2016). CO2 Emissions, Real Output, Energy Consumption, Trade, Urbanization and Financial Development: Testing the EKC Hypothesis for the USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(2), 1203–1213.
  • Eğri, T. (2019). Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Sağlık Harcamalarının Makro Belirleyicileri: Dinamik Panel Veri Analizi. Adam Academy Journal of Social Sciences/Adam Akademi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(2).
  • Farhani, S. ve Özturk, İ. (2015). Causal Relationship between CO2 Emissions, Real GDP, Energy Consumption, Financial Development, Trade Openness, and Urbanization in Tunisia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(20), 15663–15676.
  • Grossman, G. ve Krueger, A. (1991). Environmental Impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement. Nber Working Paper Series, 3914.
  • Hasanov, F. J., Liddle, B. ve Mikayilov, J. I. (2018). The Impact of International Trade on CO2 Emissions in Oil Exporting Countries: Territory vs Consumption Emissions Accounting. Energy Economics, 74, 343-350.
  • Jalil, A. ve Feridun, M. (2011). The Impact of Growth, Energy and Financial Development on the Environment in China: A Cointegration Analysis. Energy Economics, 33(2), 284–291.
  • Javıd, M. ve Sharif, F. (2016). Environmental Kuznets Curve and Financial Development in Pakistan, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 54, 406–414.
  • Kuznets, S. (1955). Economic Growth and Income Inequality. The American Economic Review, 45(1), 1–28.
  • Lorente, D. B. ve Álvarez-Herranz, A. (2016). Economic Growth and Energy Regulation in the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(16), 16478–16494.
  • Nasreen, S., Anwar, S. ve Öztürk, İ. (2017). Financial Stability, Energy Consumption and Environmental Quality: Evidence from South Asian Economies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 67, 1105–1122.
  • Omri, A., Daly, S.,Rault, C. ve Chaibi, A. (2015). Financial Development, Environmental Quality, Trade and Economic Growth: What Causes What in MENA Countries. Energy Economics, 48, 242–252.
  • Öztürk, İ. ve Acaravcı, A. (2013). The Long-Run and Causal Analysis of Energy, Growth, Openness and Financial Development on Carbon Emissions in Turkey. Energy Economics, 36, 262–267.
  • Panayotou, T. (1993). Empirical Tests and Policy Analysis of Environmental Degradation at Different Stages of Economic Development. ILO Working Papers, 2-22/Wp. 238,, (26.10.2020).
  • Panayotou, T. (2000). Economic Growth and the Environment. CID Working Paper Series, 2000.56, Harvard University,, (26.10.2020).
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2007). A Simple Panel Unit Root Test in the Presence of Cross‐Section Dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
  • Raza, S. A. ve Shah, N. (2018). Testing Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in G7 Countries: The Role of Renewable Energy Consumption and Trade. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(27), 26965-26977.
  • Saboori, B., Sulaiman, J. ve Mohd, S. (2012). Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions in Malaysia: A Cointegration Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Energy Policy, 51, 184-191.
  • Sarkodıe, S. A. ve Strezov, V. (2018). Empirical Study of the Environmental Kuznets Curve and Environmental Sustainability Curve Hypothesis for Australia, China, Ghana and USA. Journal of Cleaner Production, 201, 98–110.
  • Shahbaz, M., Tıwarı, K. A. ve Nasır, M. (2013). The Effects of Financial Development, Economic Growth, Coal Consumption and Trade Openness on CO2 Emissions in South Africa. Energy Policy, 61, 1452–1459.
  • Shahbaz, M., Shahzad, S. J. H., Ahmad, N. ve Alam, S. (2016). Financial Development and Environmental Quality: The Way Forward. Energy Policy, 98, 353-364.
  • Song, T., Zheng, T. ve Tong, L. (2008). An Empirical Test of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in China: A Panel Cointegration Approach. China Economic Review, 19(3), 381–392.
  • Stern, D. I., Common, M. S. ve Barbıer, E. B. (1996). Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: The Environmental Kuznets Curve and Sustainable Development. World Development, 24(7), 1151-1160.
  • Stern, D. I. (2004). The Rise and Fall of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. World Development, 32(8), 1419–1439.
  • Tamazian, A., Chousa, J. P. ve Vadlamannati, K. C. (2009). Does Higher Economic and Financial Development Lead to Environmental Degradation: Evidence from BRIC Countries. Energy Policy, 37(1), 246–253.
  • Tamazian, A. ve Rao, B. B. (2010). Do Economic, Financial and Institutional Developments Matter for Environmental Degradation? Evidence from Transitional Economies. Energy Economics, 32(1), 137–145.
  • WRI (2020). “This Interactive Chart Shows Changes in the World's Top 10 Emitters”.
  • Zaman, K. ve Moemen, M. A. (2017). Energy Consumption, Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Economic Development: Evaluating Alternative and Plausible Environmental Hypothesis for Sustainable Growth. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 74, 1119–1130.
  • Zhang, Y.J. J. (2011). The Impact of Financial Development on Carbon Emissions: An Empirical Analysis in China. Energy Policy, 39(4), 2197–2203.

Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi’nin BRICS-T Ülkelerinde Geçerliliği ve Finansal Gelişmişlik ve Dışa Açıklığın Çevre Kirliliği Üzerindeki Etkisi

Yıl 2022, , 318 - 333, 05.06.2022


Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi (ÇKE), ekonomik büyümenin çevresel kirliliği arttırdığını, ancak refah düzeyi arttıkça çevreyi korumaya yönelik bilincin de oluşmasından dolayı kirliliğin bir noktadan sonra düşüşe geçtiğini söylemektedir. Bu çalışma, ÇKE’nin BRICS-T ülkelerinde geçerli olup olmadığını araştırma amacıyla yapılmıştır. 1991-2017 dönemine ait yıllık veriler statik panel veri yöntemleriyle analiz edilmiş, Rassal Etkiler Modeli’nin geçerliliği tespit edilmiştir. Analiz bulguları BRICS-T ülkelerinde çevresel kirlenme ile kişi başına gelir arasında ters U-şeklinde bir ilişki olduğunu ve ÇKE’nin geçerliliğini doğrulamıştır. Ayrıca çalışmada finansal gelişmişliğin çevresel kirlenmeyi azaltıcı, ekonominin dışa açıklığının, ihracat ve ithalatın ise çevresel kirlenmeyi artırıcı bir etkiye sahip olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Adams, S. ve Klobodu, E. K. M. (2018). Financial Development and Environmental Degradation: Does Political Regime Matter?. Journal of Cleaner Production, 197, 1472–1479.
  • Antweiler, W., Copeland, B. R. ve Taylor, M. S. (2001). Is Free Trade Good for the Environment?. American Economic Review, 91(4), 877–908.
  • Arellano, M. ve Bond, S. (1991). Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations. The Review of Economic Studies, 58(2), 277-297.
  • Arellano, M. ve Bover, O. (1995). Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error-Components Models. Journal of Econometrics, 68(1), 29–51.
  • Arrow, K., Bolin, B., Costanza, R., Dasgupta, P., Folke, C., Hollıng, C. S., Jansson, B.O., Levın, S., Maler, K.G., Perrings, C., Pimentel, D. (1995). Economic Growth, Carrying Capacity, and the Environment. Ecological Economics, 15(2), 91–95.
  • Bai, J. ve Ng, S. (2004). A PANIC Attack on Unit Roots and Cointegration. Econometrica, 72(4), 1127-1177.
  • Başar, S. ve Temurlenk, M. (2010). Çevreye Uyarlanmış Kuznets Eğrisi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 21(1) , 1-12 .
  • Ben Nasr, A., Gupta, R. ve Sato, J. R. (2015). Is There an Environmental Kuznets Curve for South Africa? A Co-Summability Approach Using a Century of Data. Energy Economics, 52, 136–141.
  • Bırdsall, N. ve Wheeler, D. (1993). Trade Policy and Industrial Pollution in Latin America: Where Are The Pollution Havens?. The Journal of Environment and Development, 2(1), 137–149.
  • Breusch, T. S. ve Pagan, A. R. (1980). The Lagrange Multiplier Test and Its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics. The Review of Economic Studies, 47(1), 239-253.
  • Chandran, V. G. R. ve Tang, C. F. (2013). The Impacts of Transport Energy Consumption, Foreign Direct Investment and Income on CO2 Emissions in ASEAN-5 Economies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 24, 445-453.
  • Charfeddine, L. ve Ben Khediri, K. (2016). Financial Development and Environmental Quality in UAE: Cointegration With Structural Breaks. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55, 1322–1335.
  • Cole, M. A. ve Elliott, R. J. R. (2003). Determining the Trade–Environment Composition Effect: The Role of Capital, Labor and Environmental Regulations. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 46(3), 363–383.
  • Dasgupta, S., Laplante, B. ve Mamingi, N. (2001). Pollution and Capital Markets in Developing Countries. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 42(3), 310–335.
  • Doğan, E. ve Türkekul, B. (2016). CO2 Emissions, Real Output, Energy Consumption, Trade, Urbanization and Financial Development: Testing the EKC Hypothesis for the USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(2), 1203–1213.
  • Eğri, T. (2019). Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Sağlık Harcamalarının Makro Belirleyicileri: Dinamik Panel Veri Analizi. Adam Academy Journal of Social Sciences/Adam Akademi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(2).
  • Farhani, S. ve Özturk, İ. (2015). Causal Relationship between CO2 Emissions, Real GDP, Energy Consumption, Financial Development, Trade Openness, and Urbanization in Tunisia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(20), 15663–15676.
  • Grossman, G. ve Krueger, A. (1991). Environmental Impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement. Nber Working Paper Series, 3914.
  • Hasanov, F. J., Liddle, B. ve Mikayilov, J. I. (2018). The Impact of International Trade on CO2 Emissions in Oil Exporting Countries: Territory vs Consumption Emissions Accounting. Energy Economics, 74, 343-350.
  • Jalil, A. ve Feridun, M. (2011). The Impact of Growth, Energy and Financial Development on the Environment in China: A Cointegration Analysis. Energy Economics, 33(2), 284–291.
  • Javıd, M. ve Sharif, F. (2016). Environmental Kuznets Curve and Financial Development in Pakistan, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 54, 406–414.
  • Kuznets, S. (1955). Economic Growth and Income Inequality. The American Economic Review, 45(1), 1–28.
  • Lorente, D. B. ve Álvarez-Herranz, A. (2016). Economic Growth and Energy Regulation in the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(16), 16478–16494.
  • Nasreen, S., Anwar, S. ve Öztürk, İ. (2017). Financial Stability, Energy Consumption and Environmental Quality: Evidence from South Asian Economies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 67, 1105–1122.
  • Omri, A., Daly, S.,Rault, C. ve Chaibi, A. (2015). Financial Development, Environmental Quality, Trade and Economic Growth: What Causes What in MENA Countries. Energy Economics, 48, 242–252.
  • Öztürk, İ. ve Acaravcı, A. (2013). The Long-Run and Causal Analysis of Energy, Growth, Openness and Financial Development on Carbon Emissions in Turkey. Energy Economics, 36, 262–267.
  • Panayotou, T. (1993). Empirical Tests and Policy Analysis of Environmental Degradation at Different Stages of Economic Development. ILO Working Papers, 2-22/Wp. 238,, (26.10.2020).
  • Panayotou, T. (2000). Economic Growth and the Environment. CID Working Paper Series, 2000.56, Harvard University,, (26.10.2020).
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2007). A Simple Panel Unit Root Test in the Presence of Cross‐Section Dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
  • Raza, S. A. ve Shah, N. (2018). Testing Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in G7 Countries: The Role of Renewable Energy Consumption and Trade. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(27), 26965-26977.
  • Saboori, B., Sulaiman, J. ve Mohd, S. (2012). Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions in Malaysia: A Cointegration Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Energy Policy, 51, 184-191.
  • Sarkodıe, S. A. ve Strezov, V. (2018). Empirical Study of the Environmental Kuznets Curve and Environmental Sustainability Curve Hypothesis for Australia, China, Ghana and USA. Journal of Cleaner Production, 201, 98–110.
  • Shahbaz, M., Tıwarı, K. A. ve Nasır, M. (2013). The Effects of Financial Development, Economic Growth, Coal Consumption and Trade Openness on CO2 Emissions in South Africa. Energy Policy, 61, 1452–1459.
  • Shahbaz, M., Shahzad, S. J. H., Ahmad, N. ve Alam, S. (2016). Financial Development and Environmental Quality: The Way Forward. Energy Policy, 98, 353-364.
  • Song, T., Zheng, T. ve Tong, L. (2008). An Empirical Test of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in China: A Panel Cointegration Approach. China Economic Review, 19(3), 381–392.
  • Stern, D. I., Common, M. S. ve Barbıer, E. B. (1996). Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: The Environmental Kuznets Curve and Sustainable Development. World Development, 24(7), 1151-1160.
  • Stern, D. I. (2004). The Rise and Fall of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. World Development, 32(8), 1419–1439.
  • Tamazian, A., Chousa, J. P. ve Vadlamannati, K. C. (2009). Does Higher Economic and Financial Development Lead to Environmental Degradation: Evidence from BRIC Countries. Energy Policy, 37(1), 246–253.
  • Tamazian, A. ve Rao, B. B. (2010). Do Economic, Financial and Institutional Developments Matter for Environmental Degradation? Evidence from Transitional Economies. Energy Economics, 32(1), 137–145.
  • WRI (2020). “This Interactive Chart Shows Changes in the World's Top 10 Emitters”.
  • Zaman, K. ve Moemen, M. A. (2017). Energy Consumption, Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Economic Development: Evaluating Alternative and Plausible Environmental Hypothesis for Sustainable Growth. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 74, 1119–1130.
  • Zhang, Y.J. J. (2011). The Impact of Financial Development on Carbon Emissions: An Empirical Analysis in China. Energy Policy, 39(4), 2197–2203.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Aylin Koca 0000-0003-4462-5881

Deniz Sevinç 0000-0002-6223-9450

Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Ekim 2020
Kabul Tarihi 9 Kasım 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Koca, A., & Sevinç, D. (2022). Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi’nin BRICS-T Ülkelerinde Geçerliliği ve Finansal Gelişmişlik ve Dışa Açıklığın Çevre Kirliliği Üzerindeki Etkisi. İzmir İktisat Dergisi, 37(2), 318-333.

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