Cilt: 6 Sayı: 7, 1.10.2016

Yıl: 2016

Araştırma Makalesi


1. Estimating the Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Cocoa Farmers in Malaysia


3. Impact of Subsidies on the Economic and Environmental Conditions of Small Scale Fisheries in Malaysia


4. Construction Costs and Housing Prices: Impact of Goods and Services Tax


9. Events after Reporting Period and Misstatements in Quarterly Accounts


10. The Social Capital and Firm Performance: Evident from Indonesia Small businesses


11. Earnings Management: A Case of Related Party Transactions


16. The Association between Corporate Governance and Auditor Switching Decision


18. Performance of Youth Entrepreneurs In Malaysia Micro Small and Medium Enterprises


20. A Conceptual Framework for Examining Trust towards Zakat Institution


21. State of Information Technology Adoption by Internal Audit Department in Malaysian Public Sector


22. Determinants of Social-economic Mobility in the Northern Region of Malaysia


23. Factors Affecting Efficiency of Smallholder Cocoa Farmers: A Tobit Model Application in Malaysia


24. Skills Mismatch in Small-sized Enterprises in Malaysia


26. Corporate Regulations and Quality of Financial Reporting: A Proposed Study


33. Zakat Surplus Funds Management


34. Attitude of Oil Palm Smallholders towards Ganoderma Disease


35. Shadow Economy and Financial Sector Development in Malaysia


37. A Modernize Tax Administration Model for Revenue Generation


40. Web Site Presentation of Corporate Social Responsibility towards Customers Trust and Corporate Image


44. Developing Service Quality Index for Zakat Institutions


48. Accessibility of Low Income Earners to Home Financing: A Case Study in Kedah


50. Private Retirement Scheme in Malaysia: Legal Analysis


52. Exploring the Concept of Debt from the Perspective of the Objectives of the Shariah


54. Exploring Factors that Contribute to Individual Indebtedness among Young Muslims


55. The Benefits and Challenges of E-procurement Implementation: A Case Study of Malaysian Company

Olgu Sunumu


56. An Investigation of Situational Inhibitors to Informal Learning amongst Accountants