Yazım Kuralları


General rules

This journal is published two times in each year.

Original manuscripts written in only English are published in this journal.

Manuscripts are published after approving of editorial and advisory boards.

All writers are responsible for the content of the manuscripts.

All writers are responsible to present plagiarism report (rate is max 25%).

No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form without referring the name of the journal.

All manuscripts should be written in accordance with APA 6 format.

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the journal's template. The manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with the journal template will not be accepted.

Click here to download the journal template of manuscript and title page.

Manuscripts are written in Cambria font, normal font style, with 10 punto and single line spacing, with just 0nk blanks after paragraphs. Only manuscript title should be Cambria 12 punto.

Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages.

Title, Author(s), Abstract and Keywords

Manuscript title should be short and clear. The first letter of the manuscript should be in capital letters. The title should consist of at most 20 words.

A space should be given after manuscript title and author(s’) name(s) should be written in bold. After the title author(s’) addresses and emails should be written in italic.

A space should be given after author(s’) information and abstract that should consist of at least 150 words – max 300 words and keywords that should at least three words.

Divisions and Subdivisions

Manuscripts should be composed of Introduction, Method, Findings, Conclusion, Discussion, Suggestions, References.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be prepared in accordance with APA6 rules and placed in the text.

Table title should be placed at the top of the table, while figure titles should be placed under the figure.

You can download the journal format of IJLEL manuscript document and IJLEL title page.