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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 41 - 64, 26.06.2019


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, tüketicilerin hazcı, takıntılı, itkisel ve yenilikçi satın alma davranışlarında duyguların etkisini araştırmaktır. Ayrıca çalışmada, dört irrasyonel tüketim alışkanlıklarından sonra tüketicilerin satın alma sonrası pişmalık duyup duymadıkları da araştırılmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında 205 kişiden anket aracılığıyla veri toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına bakıldığında tüketicilerin duygudurum düzeyi olumlu olarak arttıkça hazcı ve yenilikçi satın alma eğilimi artmaktadır. Buna karşın tüketicilerin içinde bulunduğu duygudurum düzeyi ile itkisel ve takıntılı satın alma davranışı arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki yoktur. Ayrıca takıntılı satın alma davranışından sonra tüketiciler daha çok satın alma sonrası pişmanlık yaşarken, takıntılı, itkisel ve hazcı satın alma davranışlarından sonra tüketiciler satın alma sonrası pişmanlık yaşamamaktadırlar. İleride yapılacak çalışmalarda dört satın alma tarzının öncülleri ve ardılları daha kapsamlı araştırılması uygulamacılar için daha etkin pazarlama iletişimi unsurları tasarlamalarına katkıda bulunabilir.


  • Alba, Joseph W.; Williams, Elanor F. (2013). “Pleasure Principles: A Review of Research on Hedonic Consumption”. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(1), 2-18.
  • Aroean, Lukman; Michaelidou, Nina (2014). “Are Innovative Consumers Emotional and Prestigiously Sensitive to Price?”. Journal of Marketing Management, 30(3-4), 245-267.
  • Babin, J. Babin; Darden, R. William; Griffin, Mitch (1994). “Work and/or Fun: Measuring Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Value”. Journal of Consumer Research, 20(4), 644-656.
  • Badgaiyan, A. Jyodi; Verma, Anshul (2014). “Intrinsic Factors Affecting Impulsive Buying Behaviour—Evidence from India”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(4), 537-549.
  • Bagozzi, P. Richard; Yi, Youjae (1988). “On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models”. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74-94.
  • Bayley, Geoff; Nancarrow, Clive (1998). “Impulse Purchasing: A Qualitative Exploration of the Phenomenon”. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 1(2), 99-114.
  • Billieux, Joël; Rochat, Lucien; Rebetez, M. M. Lien; Van der Linden, M. (2008). “Are All Facets of Impulsivity Related to Self-Reported Compulsive Buying Behavior?”. Personality and Individual Differences, 44(6), 1432-1442.
  • Black, W. Donald (2007). “A Review of Compulsive Buying Disorder”. World Psychiatry, 6(1), 14.
  • Black, D. Wayne; Shaw, Martha; McCormick, Brett; Bayless, J. David; Allen, Jegg (2012). “Neuropsychological Performance, Impulsivity, ADHD Symptoms, and Novelty Seeking in Compulsive Buying Disorder”. Psychiatry Research, 200(2-3), 581-587.
  • Boz, Hakan (2015). “Turistik Ürün Satın Alma Karar Sürecinde İtkiselliğin Rolü: Psikonörobiyokimyasal Analiz”, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi) Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Balıkesir.
  • Boz, Hakan; Yılmaz, Özer; Arslan, Aytuğ; Koç, Erdoğan (2016). “A Comparison of Depression and Turnover Intentions of Hotel Employees in All-Inclusive and non All-Inclusive Hotels”. Global Issues and Trends in Tourism, 372-382.
  • Boz, Hakan; Arslan, Aytuğ; Koc, Erdoğan (2017). “Neuromarketing Aspect of Tourism Pricing Psychology”. Tourism Management Perspectives, 23, 119-128.
  • Boz, Hakan; Koc, Erdoğan (2018). “İtkisel (Dürtüsel) Satın Alma Davranışının Nedenleri ve Sonuçları: Turizm ve Konaklama Sektöründe Bir Çalışma”, International Journal of Social Inquiry, 11(2), 17-45.
  • Boz, Hakan; Kose, Utku (2018). “Emotion Extraction from Facial Expressions by Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques”. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 9(1), 5-16.
  • Caprariello, A. Peter; Reis, T. Harry (2013). “To Do, to Have, or to Share? Valuing Experiences over Material Possessions depends on the Involvement of Others”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(2), 199-215.
  • Chen, K. Kuo (2014). “Assessing the Effects of Customer Innovativeness, Environmental Value and Ecological Lifestyles on Residential Solar Power Systems Install Intention”. Energy Policy, 67, 951-961.
  • Christenson, A . G ary; F aber, J . R onald; M itchell, J . E . ( 1994). " Compulsive Buying: Descriptive Characteristics and Psychiatric Comorbidity: Dr. Christenson and Colleagues Reply”. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 55(12), 545-546.
  • Cova, Bernard; Cova, Veronique (2009). “Faces of the New Consumer: A Genesis of Consumer Governmentality”. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 24(3), 81-99.
  • Damasio, R. Antoino (1994). Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Rationality and the Human Brain. Newyork: Putnam.
  • Darwin, Charles (1872). The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. London, UK: John Marry.
  • De Hoog, Natasha; Stroebe, Wolfang; De Wit, J. B. F. (2007). “The Impact of Vulnerability to and Severity of a Health Risk on Processing and Acceptance of Fear-arousing Communications: Ameta-analysis”. Review of General Psychology,11(3), 258–285.
  • Deon, Tustin (2011). “The Prevalence of Impulsive, Compulsive and Innovative Shopping Behaviour in the Economic Retail Hub of South Africa: A Marketing Segmentation Approach”. African Journal of Business Management, 5(14), 5424-5434.
  • Dion, D. (2008). À la recherche du consommateur. Paris: Dunod.Edwards, A. Elisabeth (1993). “Development of a New Scale for Measuring Compulsive Buying Behavior”. Financial Counseling and Planning, 4(1), 67-84.
  • e Silva, S. Costa; Martins, C. Carvalho (2017). “The Relevance of Cause-related Marketing to Post-purchase Guilt Alleviation”. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 14(4), 475-494.
  • Faber, Ronald J.; Thomas C. O'Guinn; Raymond Krych (1987). “Compulsive Consumption”. Advances in Cosumer Research, 14, 132- 135.
  • Fischer, Agneta H.; Antony S.R. Manstead (2016). “Social Functions of Emotion and Emotion Regulation”. Handbook of Emotions, (4), 424-439.
  • Floyd, Donna L.; Steven Prentice‐Dunn; Ronald W. Rogers (2000). “A Metaanalysis of Research on Protection Motivation Theory”. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30(2), 407–429.
  • Flynn, Leisa Reinecke; Ronald E. Goldsmith (1993). “A Validation of the Goldsmith and Hofacker Innovativeness Scale”. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 53(4), 1105-1116.
  • Foxall, Gordon R.; Goldsmith, Ronald Earl; Brown, Stephen (1998). Consumer Psychology for Marketing. London: Int. Thomson Business Press.
  • Gallagher, Catherine E.; Watt, Margo C.; Weaver, Angela D.; Murphy, Keely A. (2017). “I fear, therefore, I Shop!” Exploring Anxiety Sensitivity in Relation to Compulsive Buying”. Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 37-42.
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  • Goldsmith, Ronald E.; Hofacker, Charles F. (1991). “Measuring Consumer Innovativeness”. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 19(3), 209-221.
  • Goldsmith, E. Ronald; Flynn, Leisa R.; Daekwan, Kim (2010). “Status Consumption and Price Sensitivity”. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 18(4), 323-338.
  • Guevarra, Darwin A .; Howell, Ryan T. ( 2015). “ To Have in order to Do: Exploring the Effects of Consuming Experiential Products on Wellbeing”. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25(1), 28-41.
  • Hair Jr, F. Joseph; Hult, G. M. Thomas; Ringle, Christian; Sarstedt, Marko (2016). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLSSEM). New Delhi: Sage Publications.
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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 41 - 64, 26.06.2019


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of emotions on consumers' hedonistic, obsessive, iterative and innovative buying behavior. In a ddition, T he s tudy a lso i nvestigated c onsumer g uilt i n l ine with four types of irrational behaviour such as hedonistic, obsessive, iterative and innovative buying behavior. Data were collected from the survey by 205 people. Considering the results of the research, the positive emotions of the consumers affect the hedonic and innovative buying behavior. On the other hand, it does not affect the behavioral and obsessive buying behavior. In addition, after consumers' obsessive buying behavior, consumers feel regret and after other buying behaviors, consumers do not feel regret. In future studies, more extensive research of the precursors and consequences of the four buying styles may contribute to the design of more effective marketing communication elements for practitioners.


  • Alba, Joseph W.; Williams, Elanor F. (2013). “Pleasure Principles: A Review of Research on Hedonic Consumption”. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(1), 2-18.
  • Aroean, Lukman; Michaelidou, Nina (2014). “Are Innovative Consumers Emotional and Prestigiously Sensitive to Price?”. Journal of Marketing Management, 30(3-4), 245-267.
  • Babin, J. Babin; Darden, R. William; Griffin, Mitch (1994). “Work and/or Fun: Measuring Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Value”. Journal of Consumer Research, 20(4), 644-656.
  • Badgaiyan, A. Jyodi; Verma, Anshul (2014). “Intrinsic Factors Affecting Impulsive Buying Behaviour—Evidence from India”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(4), 537-549.
  • Bagozzi, P. Richard; Yi, Youjae (1988). “On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models”. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74-94.
  • Bayley, Geoff; Nancarrow, Clive (1998). “Impulse Purchasing: A Qualitative Exploration of the Phenomenon”. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 1(2), 99-114.
  • Billieux, Joël; Rochat, Lucien; Rebetez, M. M. Lien; Van der Linden, M. (2008). “Are All Facets of Impulsivity Related to Self-Reported Compulsive Buying Behavior?”. Personality and Individual Differences, 44(6), 1432-1442.
  • Black, W. Donald (2007). “A Review of Compulsive Buying Disorder”. World Psychiatry, 6(1), 14.
  • Black, D. Wayne; Shaw, Martha; McCormick, Brett; Bayless, J. David; Allen, Jegg (2012). “Neuropsychological Performance, Impulsivity, ADHD Symptoms, and Novelty Seeking in Compulsive Buying Disorder”. Psychiatry Research, 200(2-3), 581-587.
  • Boz, Hakan (2015). “Turistik Ürün Satın Alma Karar Sürecinde İtkiselliğin Rolü: Psikonörobiyokimyasal Analiz”, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi) Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Balıkesir.
  • Boz, Hakan; Yılmaz, Özer; Arslan, Aytuğ; Koç, Erdoğan (2016). “A Comparison of Depression and Turnover Intentions of Hotel Employees in All-Inclusive and non All-Inclusive Hotels”. Global Issues and Trends in Tourism, 372-382.
  • Boz, Hakan; Arslan, Aytuğ; Koc, Erdoğan (2017). “Neuromarketing Aspect of Tourism Pricing Psychology”. Tourism Management Perspectives, 23, 119-128.
  • Boz, Hakan; Koc, Erdoğan (2018). “İtkisel (Dürtüsel) Satın Alma Davranışının Nedenleri ve Sonuçları: Turizm ve Konaklama Sektöründe Bir Çalışma”, International Journal of Social Inquiry, 11(2), 17-45.
  • Boz, Hakan; Kose, Utku (2018). “Emotion Extraction from Facial Expressions by Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques”. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 9(1), 5-16.
  • Caprariello, A. Peter; Reis, T. Harry (2013). “To Do, to Have, or to Share? Valuing Experiences over Material Possessions depends on the Involvement of Others”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(2), 199-215.
  • Chen, K. Kuo (2014). “Assessing the Effects of Customer Innovativeness, Environmental Value and Ecological Lifestyles on Residential Solar Power Systems Install Intention”. Energy Policy, 67, 951-961.
  • Christenson, A . G ary; F aber, J . R onald; M itchell, J . E . ( 1994). " Compulsive Buying: Descriptive Characteristics and Psychiatric Comorbidity: Dr. Christenson and Colleagues Reply”. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 55(12), 545-546.
  • Cova, Bernard; Cova, Veronique (2009). “Faces of the New Consumer: A Genesis of Consumer Governmentality”. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 24(3), 81-99.
  • Damasio, R. Antoino (1994). Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Rationality and the Human Brain. Newyork: Putnam.
  • Darwin, Charles (1872). The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. London, UK: John Marry.
  • De Hoog, Natasha; Stroebe, Wolfang; De Wit, J. B. F. (2007). “The Impact of Vulnerability to and Severity of a Health Risk on Processing and Acceptance of Fear-arousing Communications: Ameta-analysis”. Review of General Psychology,11(3), 258–285.
  • Deon, Tustin (2011). “The Prevalence of Impulsive, Compulsive and Innovative Shopping Behaviour in the Economic Retail Hub of South Africa: A Marketing Segmentation Approach”. African Journal of Business Management, 5(14), 5424-5434.
  • Dion, D. (2008). À la recherche du consommateur. Paris: Dunod.Edwards, A. Elisabeth (1993). “Development of a New Scale for Measuring Compulsive Buying Behavior”. Financial Counseling and Planning, 4(1), 67-84.
  • e Silva, S. Costa; Martins, C. Carvalho (2017). “The Relevance of Cause-related Marketing to Post-purchase Guilt Alleviation”. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 14(4), 475-494.
  • Faber, Ronald J.; Thomas C. O'Guinn; Raymond Krych (1987). “Compulsive Consumption”. Advances in Cosumer Research, 14, 132- 135.
  • Fischer, Agneta H.; Antony S.R. Manstead (2016). “Social Functions of Emotion and Emotion Regulation”. Handbook of Emotions, (4), 424-439.
  • Floyd, Donna L.; Steven Prentice‐Dunn; Ronald W. Rogers (2000). “A Metaanalysis of Research on Protection Motivation Theory”. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30(2), 407–429.
  • Flynn, Leisa Reinecke; Ronald E. Goldsmith (1993). “A Validation of the Goldsmith and Hofacker Innovativeness Scale”. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 53(4), 1105-1116.
  • Foxall, Gordon R.; Goldsmith, Ronald Earl; Brown, Stephen (1998). Consumer Psychology for Marketing. London: Int. Thomson Business Press.
  • Gallagher, Catherine E.; Watt, Margo C.; Weaver, Angela D.; Murphy, Keely A. (2017). “I fear, therefore, I Shop!” Exploring Anxiety Sensitivity in Relation to Compulsive Buying”. Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 37-42.
  • Gardner, M. Paula; Rook, W. Dennis (1988). “Effects of Impulse Purchases on Consumers' Affective States”. ACR North American Advances, (15),127-130.
  • Gardner, M. Paula (1985). “Mood States and Consumer Behavior: A Critical Review”. Journal of Consumer Research, 12, 281-300.
  • Goldsmith, Ronald E.; Hofacker, Charles F. (1991). “Measuring Consumer Innovativeness”. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 19(3), 209-221.
  • Goldsmith, E. Ronald; Flynn, Leisa R.; Daekwan, Kim (2010). “Status Consumption and Price Sensitivity”. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 18(4), 323-338.
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Toplam 93 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Hakan Boz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

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