
The contemporary age is best characterized by rapid changes and the interaction of a plethora of different factors, and it is thus crucial to develop and adopt a comprehensive and holistic perspective to make sense of the complex social phenomena. Given the multi-faceted nature of the social events, it becomes twice as important to be inclusive in terms of various disciplines within the broader framework of social sciences.

This journal has been created to address the need for an inclusive and research-based academic outlet for social studies. Contributions with methodological rigor and solid conceptual foundations from various disciplines (educational science, theology,linguistics, political science, law, history, geography, sociology, anthropology, psychology, archeology, art history, and so on) are highly welcome and researchers are encouraged to submit papers co-authored by a team of multidisciplinary members. 

IJSSR is an international, peer-reviewed and non-profit scientific journal, the first volume of which was published in 2012. Dedicated to providing free-access to scientific knowledge, IJSSR is published biannually with an open access principle.

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