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Duyguların İfade Aracı Olarak WhatsApp İletişiminde Emoji Kullanımı: Türk Üniversite Öğrencileri ile Yarı Deneysel Bir Çalışma*

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 48, 511 - 528, 28.06.2019


Bu araştırmada amaç, üniversite öğrencilerinin WhatsApp yazışmalarında birbirinden farklı durumsal bağlamlarda ve duygulanım durumlarında ne türden tepkiler verip, hangi emojilere başvurduklarını, emoji tercihlerindeki örtüşme derecesini ve emoji kullanımında cinsiyet değişkeninin rolünü deneysel olarak incelemektir. Araştırma grubunu, seçkisiz olmayan örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenen Akdeniz Üniversitesi’nde öğrenim gören 87 üniversite öğrencisi (N= 87, 35 erkek ve 52 kız) oluşturmaktadır. Katılımcıların tepkisel davranışlarını ve kendilerine sunulan uyaranlar karşısında nasıl ve ne türden tepkiler verdiklerini inceleyebilmek için Anlık Mesaj Faaliyetlerinin İncelenmesi (AMFİ) adlı ampirik bir araştırma aracı geliştirilip, uygulanmıştır. AMFİ’den elde edilen bulgular, cinsiyet değişkeninin emoji kullanımında anlamlı bir rol oynadığına işaret etmiştir. Çalışmada, aynı uyaranlar karşısında kız öğrencilerin erkek öğrencilere kıyasla daha çok emoji kullandıkları izlenmiştir. Birbirinden farklı; pozitif, negatif ya da ambivalans durumsal bağlamlarda kız öğrencilerden oluşan örneklem grubunda %51 ile %84,6 aralığında seyreden emoji kullanımı olduğu, erkek öğrencilerde ise kullanım oranının yine çeşitli kategorilerde %14,3 ile %45,7 aralığında seyrettiği görülmüştür. Yapılan araştırmada, stres içeren ve çeşitli olumsuz duygusal çağrışımları tetikleyebilecek uyaranlar karşısında emoji kullanımının düştüğü bu gibi durumlarda tabu kelime (sövgü, argo vb.) kullanımında artış olduğu bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. AMFİ’den elde edilen sonuçlar, katılımcıların pozitif duyguların açığa çıktığı sosyal etkileşim durumlarında daha çok pozitif emojilere, negatif sosyal etkileşim durumlarında da negatif emojilere yöneldiklerine işaret etmektedir.


  • Al Rashdi, Fathiya (2018). Functions of emojis in WhatsApp interaction among Omanis. Discourse, Context & Media. Volume 26, December 2018, Pages 117-126
  • Alismail, S., Zhang, H. (2018). The Use of Emoji in Electronic User Experience Questionnaire: An Exploratory Case Study. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences . Retrieved from: URI:
  • Anderson, A. K., Phelps, E. A. (2001). Lesions of the human amygdala impair enhanced perception of emotionally salient events. Nature, 411(6835):305-9.
  • Blagdon, Jeff “How Emoji Conquered The World”, The Verge, Vox Media, http://şim tarihi: 11.03.2017
  • Chen, Z., Lu, X., Ai, W., Li, H., Mei, Q., Liu, X. (2018). Through a Gender Lens: Learning Usage Patterns of Emojis from Large-Scale Android Users. Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference. Retrieved from: cfm?id=3186157
  • Claypoole, V.L., Dewar, A.R., Frauulini, N., W., Szalma, J. L. (2016) Effects of Social Facilitation on Perceived Workload, Subjective Stress, and Vigilance-Related Anxiety. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. Volume: 60 issue: 1, page(s): 1169-1173
  • Collister, Lauren B. (2015). Emoticons and symbols aren’t ruining language – they’re revolutionizing it. The Conversation.
  • Daantje Derks, Arjan E.R. Bos, Jasper von Grumbkow (2007). Emoticons and social interaction on the Internet: the importance of social context. Computers in Human Behavior, 23 842–849.
  • Danesi, M. (2016). The semiotics of emoji: The rise of visual language in the age of the internet. London, UK: Bloomsbury Acdemic.
  • Gökaliler, E., Saatçioğlu, E. (2016). Reklamlara Yönelik Tüketicilerin Tutumlarının Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, Cilt:19, Sayı:2 s.63-91.
  • Hadley, Christopher B.; MacKay, Donald G. (2006). Does emotion help or hinder immediate memory? Arousal versus priority-binding mechanisms. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Vol 32(1), s.79-88.
  • Jay, T. (1999). Why we curse. A Neuro-Psycho-Social Theory of Speech. John Benjamins B. V.
  • Jay, T. (2000). Why we curse: A neuropsychosocial theory of speech. Philadelphia: John Benjamins
  • Jay, T., Caldwell-Harris, C., King, K. (2008). Recalling taboo and nontaboo words. American Journal of Psychology, 121:1, s. 83-103.
  • Kelly, C. (2015). Do you know what I mean >:( : A linguistic study of the understanding of emoticons and emojis in text messages (Dissertation).Retrieved from:
  • Kelly, R., & Watts, L. (2015). Characterising the inventive appropriation of emoji as relationally meaningful in mediated close personal relationships. In Experiences of technology appropriation: Unanticipated users, usage, circumstances, and design.Retrieved from: [Google Scholar]
  • Klerk, Vivian. (1990). Slang: A male domain?. Sex Roles. 22. 589-606. 10.1007/ BF00288237.
  • Lawrence, S. J., R. Lance, Shotland (1990). Valence of anticipated evaluation and social facilitation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 26(1) 82-92.
  • Lin-Huber, M. (2006). Sprache und Emotion: Sprache(n)-Lernen, eine Liebesaffäre. In: Bahr, R. Iven, C. (Eds.): Sprache Emotion Bewusstsein. Beiträge zur Sprachtherapie in Schule, Praxis, Klinik. Schullz-Kirchner: Idstein, 140-144.
  • M. Berking: Training emotionaler Kompetenzen. Springer, Heidelberg 2015.
  • Novak, Petra Kralji; Smailovic, Jasmina; Sluban, Borut; Mozetic, Igor (2015). “Sentiment of Emojis”, PloS ONE 10 (12), 1-22. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144296
  • Orcher, L.T., (2017). Conducting Research Social and Behavioral Science Methods Second Edition. Routledge New York, USA
  • Özant, N., Kelleci, M. (2017). Dijital İletişimde Sözel Olmayan İpuçları: Emojilerle Etkileşim ve Duygulanım. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Kültürel Çalışmalar Dergisi. 2017, 4(2): 396-417
  • Peterson, C., H., Peterson, N.A., Powell, K.G. (2017). Cognitive Interviewing for Item Development: Validity Evidence Based on Content and Response Processes, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 50:4, 217-223, DOI: 10.1080/07481756.2017.1339564
  • Petitjean, Cécile, Morel, Etienne (2017).“Hahaha”: Laughter as a resource to manage WhatsApp conversations. Journal of Pragmatics. Volume 110, March 2017, Pages 1-19.
  • Pötter, C. (2004). Mutter-Kind-Beziehung und Sprachentwicklung. Die Bedeutung des Mutterischen für die frühkindliche Sprachentwicklung. Hamburg: Verlag Dr.Kovac.
  • Prada, M., Rodrigues, D., Garrido, M.V., Lopes, D., Cavalheiro, B., Gaspar, R. (2018). Motives, frequency and attitudes toward emoji and emoticon use. Telematics and Informatics. Volume 35, Issue 7, October 2018, Pages 1925-1934
  • Rodrigues, D., Lopes, D., Prada, M., Thomson, D., Garrido, M.V. (2017). A frown emoji can be worth a thousand words: Perceptions of emoji use in text messages exchanged between romantic partners. Telematics and Informatics. Volume 34, Issue 8, December 2017, Pages 1532-1543.
  • R. S. Lazarus: Emotion and adaptation. Oxford University Press, New York 1991.
  • Sander L. Koole, Klaus Rothermund. (2019). Revisiting the past and back to the future: Horizons of cognition and emotion research. Cognition & Emotion 33:1, pages 1-7.
  • Settani, M., Marengo, D. (2015). Sharing feelings online: studying emotional wellbeing via automated text analysis of Facebook posts. Front. Psychol., 23 July 2015 |
  • Stephenson, T. (2014). Gemeinschaftsgefühl reloaded: Communityorientierung und Schlüsselkompetenzen Vom individualpsychologischen Grundbegriff zum Organisator pädagogischer Innovationen. Zeitschrift für freie psychoanalytische Forschung und Individualpsychologie, 1. Jahrgang/Nummer 1.
  • Tossell, C. C.; Kortum, P.; Shepard, C.; Barg-Walkow, L. H.; and Rahmati, A. (2012). A logitudinal study of emoticon use in text messaging from smartphones. Computers in Human Behavior, 28:659–663.
  • Yang, C. C., & Brown, B. B. (2015). Online self-presentation on Facebook and self-development during the college transition. Journal of youth and adolescence, 45(2), 402-416.
  • Vatian A. et al. (2018). The Influence of Emoji on the Internet Text Perception. In: Alexandrov D., Boukhanovsky A., Chugunov A., Kabanov Y., Koltsova O. (eds) Digital Transformation and Global Society. DTGS 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 859. Springer, Cham
  • Yazıcı, T. (2015). Place of Interpersonal Communication in the Instant Messaging Application: A Study on College Students Relating To the Whatsapp Applicatons. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 1 (4), 1334-1356.

The Usage of emojis in WhatsApp text interactions in the context of expression of the emotions: A quasi-experimental study

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 48, 511 - 528, 28.06.2019


The aim of this research is to investigate and evaluate the usage of emojis in WhatsApp text interactions and examine the role of gender, impulsive reactions and preferences of students towards the use of emojis with particular focus on situational contexts and affect situations. The final sample consisted of 87 undergraduate students, including 52 women and 35 men of Akdeniz University. In order to investigate emotional impulsive reactions of students in WhatsApp text interactions we have developed an innovative empirical research tool called “Investigation of spontaneous Messaging Activity” (AMFI). The results revealed a significant interaction between emoji usage and gender variable. The study indicates that the use rates of emojis in WhatsApp are generally higher for female students than for male students under the same stimulus conditions. Also, it was observed that the use rates of emojis in positive, negative and ambivalent affective situations varied between 51% and 84,6% for female students and between 14,3% and 45,7% for male students. Our results show that the participants have a tendency to use taboo words to regulate the stressful and burdensome situational contexts and the participants used more positive emojis in positive affect situations and in positive situational contexts, more negative emojis in negative contexts.


  • Al Rashdi, Fathiya (2018). Functions of emojis in WhatsApp interaction among Omanis. Discourse, Context & Media. Volume 26, December 2018, Pages 117-126
  • Alismail, S., Zhang, H. (2018). The Use of Emoji in Electronic User Experience Questionnaire: An Exploratory Case Study. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences . Retrieved from: URI:
  • Anderson, A. K., Phelps, E. A. (2001). Lesions of the human amygdala impair enhanced perception of emotionally salient events. Nature, 411(6835):305-9.
  • Blagdon, Jeff “How Emoji Conquered The World”, The Verge, Vox Media, http://şim tarihi: 11.03.2017
  • Chen, Z., Lu, X., Ai, W., Li, H., Mei, Q., Liu, X. (2018). Through a Gender Lens: Learning Usage Patterns of Emojis from Large-Scale Android Users. Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference. Retrieved from: cfm?id=3186157
  • Claypoole, V.L., Dewar, A.R., Frauulini, N., W., Szalma, J. L. (2016) Effects of Social Facilitation on Perceived Workload, Subjective Stress, and Vigilance-Related Anxiety. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. Volume: 60 issue: 1, page(s): 1169-1173
  • Collister, Lauren B. (2015). Emoticons and symbols aren’t ruining language – they’re revolutionizing it. The Conversation.
  • Daantje Derks, Arjan E.R. Bos, Jasper von Grumbkow (2007). Emoticons and social interaction on the Internet: the importance of social context. Computers in Human Behavior, 23 842–849.
  • Danesi, M. (2016). The semiotics of emoji: The rise of visual language in the age of the internet. London, UK: Bloomsbury Acdemic.
  • Gökaliler, E., Saatçioğlu, E. (2016). Reklamlara Yönelik Tüketicilerin Tutumlarının Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, Cilt:19, Sayı:2 s.63-91.
  • Hadley, Christopher B.; MacKay, Donald G. (2006). Does emotion help or hinder immediate memory? Arousal versus priority-binding mechanisms. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Vol 32(1), s.79-88.
  • Jay, T. (1999). Why we curse. A Neuro-Psycho-Social Theory of Speech. John Benjamins B. V.
  • Jay, T. (2000). Why we curse: A neuropsychosocial theory of speech. Philadelphia: John Benjamins
  • Jay, T., Caldwell-Harris, C., King, K. (2008). Recalling taboo and nontaboo words. American Journal of Psychology, 121:1, s. 83-103.
  • Kelly, C. (2015). Do you know what I mean >:( : A linguistic study of the understanding of emoticons and emojis in text messages (Dissertation).Retrieved from:
  • Kelly, R., & Watts, L. (2015). Characterising the inventive appropriation of emoji as relationally meaningful in mediated close personal relationships. In Experiences of technology appropriation: Unanticipated users, usage, circumstances, and design.Retrieved from: [Google Scholar]
  • Klerk, Vivian. (1990). Slang: A male domain?. Sex Roles. 22. 589-606. 10.1007/ BF00288237.
  • Lawrence, S. J., R. Lance, Shotland (1990). Valence of anticipated evaluation and social facilitation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 26(1) 82-92.
  • Lin-Huber, M. (2006). Sprache und Emotion: Sprache(n)-Lernen, eine Liebesaffäre. In: Bahr, R. Iven, C. (Eds.): Sprache Emotion Bewusstsein. Beiträge zur Sprachtherapie in Schule, Praxis, Klinik. Schullz-Kirchner: Idstein, 140-144.
  • M. Berking: Training emotionaler Kompetenzen. Springer, Heidelberg 2015.
  • Novak, Petra Kralji; Smailovic, Jasmina; Sluban, Borut; Mozetic, Igor (2015). “Sentiment of Emojis”, PloS ONE 10 (12), 1-22. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144296
  • Orcher, L.T., (2017). Conducting Research Social and Behavioral Science Methods Second Edition. Routledge New York, USA
  • Özant, N., Kelleci, M. (2017). Dijital İletişimde Sözel Olmayan İpuçları: Emojilerle Etkileşim ve Duygulanım. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Kültürel Çalışmalar Dergisi. 2017, 4(2): 396-417
  • Peterson, C., H., Peterson, N.A., Powell, K.G. (2017). Cognitive Interviewing for Item Development: Validity Evidence Based on Content and Response Processes, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 50:4, 217-223, DOI: 10.1080/07481756.2017.1339564
  • Petitjean, Cécile, Morel, Etienne (2017).“Hahaha”: Laughter as a resource to manage WhatsApp conversations. Journal of Pragmatics. Volume 110, March 2017, Pages 1-19.
  • Pötter, C. (2004). Mutter-Kind-Beziehung und Sprachentwicklung. Die Bedeutung des Mutterischen für die frühkindliche Sprachentwicklung. Hamburg: Verlag Dr.Kovac.
  • Prada, M., Rodrigues, D., Garrido, M.V., Lopes, D., Cavalheiro, B., Gaspar, R. (2018). Motives, frequency and attitudes toward emoji and emoticon use. Telematics and Informatics. Volume 35, Issue 7, October 2018, Pages 1925-1934
  • Rodrigues, D., Lopes, D., Prada, M., Thomson, D., Garrido, M.V. (2017). A frown emoji can be worth a thousand words: Perceptions of emoji use in text messages exchanged between romantic partners. Telematics and Informatics. Volume 34, Issue 8, December 2017, Pages 1532-1543.
  • R. S. Lazarus: Emotion and adaptation. Oxford University Press, New York 1991.
  • Sander L. Koole, Klaus Rothermund. (2019). Revisiting the past and back to the future: Horizons of cognition and emotion research. Cognition & Emotion 33:1, pages 1-7.
  • Settani, M., Marengo, D. (2015). Sharing feelings online: studying emotional wellbeing via automated text analysis of Facebook posts. Front. Psychol., 23 July 2015 |
  • Stephenson, T. (2014). Gemeinschaftsgefühl reloaded: Communityorientierung und Schlüsselkompetenzen Vom individualpsychologischen Grundbegriff zum Organisator pädagogischer Innovationen. Zeitschrift für freie psychoanalytische Forschung und Individualpsychologie, 1. Jahrgang/Nummer 1.
  • Tossell, C. C.; Kortum, P.; Shepard, C.; Barg-Walkow, L. H.; and Rahmati, A. (2012). A logitudinal study of emoticon use in text messaging from smartphones. Computers in Human Behavior, 28:659–663.
  • Yang, C. C., & Brown, B. B. (2015). Online self-presentation on Facebook and self-development during the college transition. Journal of youth and adolescence, 45(2), 402-416.
  • Vatian A. et al. (2018). The Influence of Emoji on the Internet Text Perception. In: Alexandrov D., Boukhanovsky A., Chugunov A., Kabanov Y., Koltsova O. (eds) Digital Transformation and Global Society. DTGS 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 859. Springer, Cham
  • Yazıcı, T. (2015). Place of Interpersonal Communication in the Instant Messaging Application: A Study on College Students Relating To the Whatsapp Applicatons. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 1 (4), 1334-1356.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yunus Pinar Bu kişi benim

Nihal Kubilay Pinar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Mart 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 48

Kaynak Göster

APA Pinar, Y., & Kubilay Pinar, N. (2019). Duyguların İfade Aracı Olarak WhatsApp İletişiminde Emoji Kullanımı: Türk Üniversite Öğrencileri ile Yarı Deneysel Bir Çalışma*. İletişim Kuram Ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2019(48), 511-528.