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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 424 - 447, 31.12.2020


Çok Kriterli Karar Verme (ÇKKV) yöntemlerinin sınıflandırma problemlerini çözmek için kullanılan ELECTRE TRI yöntemi, gerçek kriterler yerine sözde kriterler kullanan ve bulanık ikili üstünlük ilişkisine dayanan bir sınıflandırma yöntemdir. Bu yöntem, üstünlük ilişkisini kullanarak, önceden tanımlanmış kategorilerin bir kümesine her bir alternatifin atanması için tasarlanmıştır. Ekonomiler rekabet gücünü artırmak için küçük ve orta büyüklükteki işletmelerin kuruluşlarını ve faaliyetlerini kolaylaştırmak amacıyla ciddi düzenlemeler yapmışlardır. Kolaylaştırıcı bir iş ortamını sağlayacak düzenleyici ve yasal sistemleri incelemek amacıyla, İş Yapma Kolaylığı Endeksi (İŞYKE) oluşturulmuştur. Bu endeks çok kriterli bir yapıya sahip olduğundan, ELECTRE TRI yönteminin bu alana uygulanması uygun görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, ülke ekonomileri iş yapma kolaylığına göre dört kategoriye ayırılarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Sınıflandırma, ELECTRE TRI yönteminin hem iyimser hem de kötümser atama kuralları göz önünde bulundurularak yapılmış ve bu iki atama kuralının sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, yöntemin farklı parametrelerine duyarlılık analizi yapılmış ve elde edilen yeni sınıflandırmalar İŞYKE sınıflandırması ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, iyimser ve kötümser atama kurallarının çok yakın sonuçlara sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Fakat iyimser atama kuralı ile elde edilen sonuçların gerçek sınıflandırmanın sonuçları ile biraz daha uyumlu olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Almeida-Dias, J., Figueira, J. R. ve Roy, B. (2008). ELECTRE TRI-C: A Multiple Criteria Sorting Method Based on Central Reference Actions. HAL Id: hal-00281307v2,
  • Almeida-Dias, J., Figueira, J. R. ve Roy, B. (2012). A multiple criteria sorting method where each category is characterized by several reference actions: The ELECTRE TRI-NC method. European Journal of Operational Research 217, 567–579.
  • Antonella, C., Mario, E., Maria, G. G. ve Manuela, La F. C. (2017). ELECTRE TRI-based approach to the failure modes classification on the basis of risk parameters: An alternative to the risk priority number. Computers & Industrial Engineering 108, 100–110.
  • Arondel, C. ve Girardin, P. (2000). Sorting cropping systems on the basis of their impact on groundwater quality. European Journal of Operational Research 127, 467- 482. Bouyssou, D. ve Marchant, T. (2015). On the relations between ELECTRE TRI-B and ELECTRE TRI-C on a new variant of ELECTRE TRI-B. European Journal of Operational Research 242, 201–211.
  • Brito, A. J., Almeida, A. T. ve Mota, C. M.M. (2010). A multicriteria model for risk sorting of natural gas pipelines based on ELECTRE TRI integrating Utility Theory. European Journal of Operational Research 200, 812–821.
  • Cailloux, O., Meyer, P. ve Mousseau, V. (2012) Eliciting ELECTRE TRI category limits for a group of decision makers. European Journal of Operational Research 223, 133–140.
  • Corrente, S., Greco, S. ve Słowi´nski, R. (2016). Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process for ELECTRE Tri methods. European Journal of Operational Research 252, 191–203.
  • Damart, S., Dias, L. C. ve Mousseau, V. (2007). Supporting groups in sorting decisions: Methodology and use of a multi-criteria aggregation/disaggregation DSS. Decision Support Systems 43, 1464–1475.
  • Damaskos, X. ve Kalfakakou, G. (2005). Application of ELECTRE III and DEA methods in the BPR of a bank branch network. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 15 (2), 259-276.
  • Dezert, J. ve Tacnet, J.-M. (2012). Soft ELECTRE TRI outranking method based on belief functions. 15th International conference on information fusion proceedings, Singapore, pp 607–614.
  • Doing Business (2015). A World Bank Group Flagship Report. Going Beyond Efficiency, 12.edition, sy. 20-22.
  • Doing Business (2017a). A World Bank Group Flagship Report. Equal Opportunity for All, 14. edition, sy.164-167.
  • Doing Business (2017b). Country Classification. knowledgebase/topics/19280-country-classification.
  • Doumpos, M., Marinakis, Y., Marinaki, M., Zopounidis, C. (2009). An evolutionary approach to construction of outranking models for multicriteria classification: The case of the ELECTRE TRI method. European Journal of Operational Research 199, 496–505.
  • Ersöz, F. ve Kabak, M. (2010). Savunma Sanayi Uygulamalarında Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemlerinin Literatür Araştırması. Kara Harp Okulu Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, Vol 9; 97-1.
  • Fernández, E., Figueira, J. R., Navarro, J. ve Roy, B. (2017). ELECTRE TRI-nB: A new multiple criteria ordinal classification method. European Journal of Operational Research 263, 214–224.
  • Figueira, J. R., Mousseau, V. ve Roy, B. (2003). ELECTRE Methods. Chapter 1. 11 Ekim 2016 tarihinde cda5c.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Figueira, J. R., Almeida-Dias, J., Matias, S., Roy, B., Carvalho, M. J. ve Plancha, C. E. (2011). ELECTRE TRI-C, a multiple criteria decision aiding sorting model applied to assisted reproduction. İnternational journal of medical informatics 80, 262–273.
  • Fontana, M. E. ve Cavalcante, C. A. V. (2013). Electre tri method used to storage location assignment into categories. Pesquisa Operacional, Vol. 33(2), 283-303.
  • Galo, N. R., Calache, L. D. D. R. ve Carpinetti, L. C. R. (2018). A group decision approach for supplier categorization based on hesitant fuzzy and ELECTRE TRI. International Journal of Production Economics 202, 182–196.
  • Georgopoulou, E., Sarafidis, Y., Mirasgedis, S., Zaimi, S. ve Lalas, D. (2003). A multiple criteria decision-aid approach in defining national priorities for greenhouse gases emissions reduction in the energy sector. European Journal of Operational Research 146, 199–215.
  • Gomes, L. Flávio, A. M. ve Santos, L. J. L. (2008). “An application of the ELECTRE Tri method to human resource management in telecommunications in Brazil”. Rio’s International Journal on Sciences of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Management, 2:1 – 20.
  • Jabeur, K. ve Martel, J. M. (2007). An ordinal sorting method for group decision-making. European Journal of Operational Research, 180, 1272–1289.
  • Joerin, F., The´riault, M. ve Musy, A. (2001). Using GIS and outranking multicriteria analysis for land-use suitability assessment. INT. j. Geographical Information Science, vol. 15, no. 2, 153-174.
  • Karakosta, C., Doukas, H. ve Psarras, J. (2009). Directing clean development mechanism towards developing countries' sustainable development priorities. Energy for Sustainable Development 13, 77–84.
  • Köksalan, M., Mousseau, V., Özpeynirci, Ö. ve Özpeynirci, S. B. (2008). A New Outranking-Based Approach for Assigning Alternatives to Ordered Classes. Naval Research Logistics 56: 74–85.
  • Khalil, J., Martel, J. M. ve Jutras, P. (1999). A Multicriterion System For Credit Risk Rating. Document De Travail 1999-014, Faculté des sciences de l’administration, Université Laval, Canada.
  • Kılıç, S. B. (2006). Türk bankacılık sistemi için çok kriterli karar alma analizine dayalı bir erken uyarı modelinin tahmini. ODTÜ Gelisme Dergisi, 33, 117-154.
  • Lourenco, R. P. ve Costa, J. P. (2004). Using ELECTRE TRI outranking method to sort MOMILP nondominated solutions. European Journal of Operational Research 153, 271–289.
  • Lu, G., Wang, H. ve Mao, X. (2010). An Using ELECTRE TRI Outranking Method to Evaluate Trustworthy Software. Autonomic and Trusted Computing Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6407: 219-227.
  • Madlener, R., Antunes, C. H. ve Dias, L. C. (2009). Assessing the performance of biogas plants with multi-criteria and data envelopment analysis. European Journal of Operational Research 197, 1084–1094.
  • Mendas, A. ve Delali, A. (2012). Integration of MultiCriteria Decision Analysis in GIS to develop land suitability for agriculture: Application to durum wheat cultivation in the region of Mleta in Algeria. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 83, 117–126.
  • Merad, M. M., Verdel, T., Roy, B. ve Kouniali S. (2004). Use of multi-criteria decision-aids for risk zoning and management of large area subjected to mining-induced hazards. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 19, 125–138.
  • Mousseau, V. ve Slowinski, R. (1998). Inferring an ELECTRE TRI Model from Assignment Examples. Journal of Global Optimization 12: 157–174.
  • Mousseau, V., Slowinski, R. ve Zielniewicz, P. (1999). ELECTRE TRI 2.0a Methodological Guideand User's Manual. LAMSADE, Universite Paris Dauphine, Place du M De Lattre de Tassigny, 75 775 Paris cedex 16.
  • Mousseau, V., Slowinski, R. ve Zielniewicz, P. (2000). A user-oriented implementation of the ELECTRE-TRI method integrating preference elicitation support. Computers & Operations Reearch 27, 757- 777.
  • Mousseau, V. ve Dias, L. (2004). Valued outranking relations in ELECTRE providing manageable disaggregation procedures. European Journal of Operational Research 156, 467–482.
  • Natividade-Jesus, E., Coutinho-Rodrigues, J. ve Antunes, C. H. (2007). A multicriteria decision support system for housing evaluation. Decision Support Systems 43,779–790.
  • Nevesa, L. P., Martins, A. G., Antunes, C. H. ve Dias, L. C. (2008). A multi-criteria decision approach to sorting actions for promoting energy efficiency. Energy Policy 36, 2351–2363.
  • Nepomuceno, L. D. O. ve Costa, H. G. (2012). Multiple Criteria Model for Evaluating a Master Course Influence over Professional Skills of Alumni. Proceedings of the 2012 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference G. Lim and J.W. Herrmann.
  • Raju, K. S., Duckstein, L. ve Arondel, C. (2001). Multicriterion Analysis for Sustainable Water Resources Planning: A Case Study in Spain. Water Resources Management 14: 435–456.
  • Roy, B. (1968). Classement et choix en presence de points de vue multiples (la methode ELECTRE). Revue Francaise d’Automatique Information et Research Operationelle, 57-75.
  • Roy, B. (1991). The Outranking Approach and the Foundations of ELECTRE Methods. Theory and Decision, 31, 49-73.
  • Roy, B., Slowinski, R. ve Treichel, W. (1992). Multicriteria Programming of Water Supply Systems for Rural Areas. Water Resources Bulletion, American Water Resources Association, Vol.28, No. 1.
  • Sánchez-Lozano, J. M., Antunes, C. H. ve García-Cascales, M. S. (2014). GIS-based photovoltaic solar farms site selection using ELECTRE-TRI: Evaluating the case for Torre Pacheco, Murcia, Southeast of Spain. Renewable Energy 66, 478-494.
  • Sebos, I., Progiou, A., Symeonidis, P. ve Ziomas, I. (2010). Land-use planning in the vicinity of major accident hazard installations in Greece. Journal of Hazardous Materials 179, 901–910.
  • Siskos, Y., Grigoroudis, E., Krassadaki, E. ve Matsatsinis, N. (2007). A multicriteria accreditation system for information technology skills and qualifications. European Journal of Operational Research 182, 867–885.
  • Tervonen, T., Almeida–Dias, J., Figueira, J., Lahdelma, R. ve Salminen, P. (2005). SMAA-TRI: A Parameter Stability Analysis Method for ELECTRE TRI. Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra INESC – Coimbra, 1., No. 6, ISSN: 1645-2631.
  • The, A. N. ve Mousseau, V. (2002). Using Assignment Examples to Infer Category Limits for the ELECTRE TRI Method. Journal of Multı-Crıterıa Decısıon Analysıs J. Multi-Crit. Decis. Anal. 11: 29–43.
  • Trojan, F. ve Morais, D. C. (2012). Using ELECTRE TRI to Support Maintenance of Water Distribution Networks. Pesquisa Operacional 32(2): 423-442.
  • Xidonas, P., Mavrotas, G. ve Psarras, J. (2009). A multicriteria methodology for equity selection using financial analysis. Computers & Operations Research 36, 3187--3203.
  • Yürekli, H. (2008). Taarruz Helikopterleri Seçiminde ELECTRE Yönteminin Kullanılması. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, sy. 28-31.
  • Zheng, J., Takougang, S. A. M., Mousseau, V. ve Pirlot, M. (2014). Learning criteria weights of an optimistic Electre Tri sorting rule. Computers &Operations Research 49, 28–40.


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 424 - 447, 31.12.2020


The ELECTRE TRI method, which is used to solve the sorting problems of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods, is a sorting method that uses so-called criteria instead of real criteria and is based on fuzzy binary outranking relationship. This method is designed to assign each alternative to a set of categories that are a priori defined using the outranking relationship. Economies have made serious arrangements in order to facilitate the establishment and activities of small and medium-sized enterprises in order to increase their competitiveness. Ease of Doing Business Index (EDBI) has been created to examine regulatory and legal systems that will provide a facilitating work environment. Since this index has a multi-criteria structure, it is considered appropriate to apply ELECTRE TRI method to this field. In this study, the economies of countries are sorted into four categories according to the ease of doing business by using this method. The sorting has been made by considering both the optimistic and pessimistic assignment rules of the ELECTRE TRI method and the results of these two assignment rules have been compared. In addition, sensitivity analysis to different parameters of the method has been made and new sortings obtained have been compared with EDBI sorting. According to the results obtained, it is seen that the rules of optimistic and pessimistic appointment had very close results. However, it is concluded that the results obtained with the optimistic assignment rule are more in line with the results of the actual sorting.


  • Almeida-Dias, J., Figueira, J. R. ve Roy, B. (2008). ELECTRE TRI-C: A Multiple Criteria Sorting Method Based on Central Reference Actions. HAL Id: hal-00281307v2,
  • Almeida-Dias, J., Figueira, J. R. ve Roy, B. (2012). A multiple criteria sorting method where each category is characterized by several reference actions: The ELECTRE TRI-NC method. European Journal of Operational Research 217, 567–579.
  • Antonella, C., Mario, E., Maria, G. G. ve Manuela, La F. C. (2017). ELECTRE TRI-based approach to the failure modes classification on the basis of risk parameters: An alternative to the risk priority number. Computers & Industrial Engineering 108, 100–110.
  • Arondel, C. ve Girardin, P. (2000). Sorting cropping systems on the basis of their impact on groundwater quality. European Journal of Operational Research 127, 467- 482. Bouyssou, D. ve Marchant, T. (2015). On the relations between ELECTRE TRI-B and ELECTRE TRI-C on a new variant of ELECTRE TRI-B. European Journal of Operational Research 242, 201–211.
  • Brito, A. J., Almeida, A. T. ve Mota, C. M.M. (2010). A multicriteria model for risk sorting of natural gas pipelines based on ELECTRE TRI integrating Utility Theory. European Journal of Operational Research 200, 812–821.
  • Cailloux, O., Meyer, P. ve Mousseau, V. (2012) Eliciting ELECTRE TRI category limits for a group of decision makers. European Journal of Operational Research 223, 133–140.
  • Corrente, S., Greco, S. ve Słowi´nski, R. (2016). Multiple Criteria Hierarchy Process for ELECTRE Tri methods. European Journal of Operational Research 252, 191–203.
  • Damart, S., Dias, L. C. ve Mousseau, V. (2007). Supporting groups in sorting decisions: Methodology and use of a multi-criteria aggregation/disaggregation DSS. Decision Support Systems 43, 1464–1475.
  • Damaskos, X. ve Kalfakakou, G. (2005). Application of ELECTRE III and DEA methods in the BPR of a bank branch network. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 15 (2), 259-276.
  • Dezert, J. ve Tacnet, J.-M. (2012). Soft ELECTRE TRI outranking method based on belief functions. 15th International conference on information fusion proceedings, Singapore, pp 607–614.
  • Doing Business (2015). A World Bank Group Flagship Report. Going Beyond Efficiency, 12.edition, sy. 20-22.
  • Doing Business (2017a). A World Bank Group Flagship Report. Equal Opportunity for All, 14. edition, sy.164-167.
  • Doing Business (2017b). Country Classification. knowledgebase/topics/19280-country-classification.
  • Doumpos, M., Marinakis, Y., Marinaki, M., Zopounidis, C. (2009). An evolutionary approach to construction of outranking models for multicriteria classification: The case of the ELECTRE TRI method. European Journal of Operational Research 199, 496–505.
  • Ersöz, F. ve Kabak, M. (2010). Savunma Sanayi Uygulamalarında Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemlerinin Literatür Araştırması. Kara Harp Okulu Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, Vol 9; 97-1.
  • Fernández, E., Figueira, J. R., Navarro, J. ve Roy, B. (2017). ELECTRE TRI-nB: A new multiple criteria ordinal classification method. European Journal of Operational Research 263, 214–224.
  • Figueira, J. R., Mousseau, V. ve Roy, B. (2003). ELECTRE Methods. Chapter 1. 11 Ekim 2016 tarihinde cda5c.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Figueira, J. R., Almeida-Dias, J., Matias, S., Roy, B., Carvalho, M. J. ve Plancha, C. E. (2011). ELECTRE TRI-C, a multiple criteria decision aiding sorting model applied to assisted reproduction. İnternational journal of medical informatics 80, 262–273.
  • Fontana, M. E. ve Cavalcante, C. A. V. (2013). Electre tri method used to storage location assignment into categories. Pesquisa Operacional, Vol. 33(2), 283-303.
  • Galo, N. R., Calache, L. D. D. R. ve Carpinetti, L. C. R. (2018). A group decision approach for supplier categorization based on hesitant fuzzy and ELECTRE TRI. International Journal of Production Economics 202, 182–196.
  • Georgopoulou, E., Sarafidis, Y., Mirasgedis, S., Zaimi, S. ve Lalas, D. (2003). A multiple criteria decision-aid approach in defining national priorities for greenhouse gases emissions reduction in the energy sector. European Journal of Operational Research 146, 199–215.
  • Gomes, L. Flávio, A. M. ve Santos, L. J. L. (2008). “An application of the ELECTRE Tri method to human resource management in telecommunications in Brazil”. Rio’s International Journal on Sciences of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Management, 2:1 – 20.
  • Jabeur, K. ve Martel, J. M. (2007). An ordinal sorting method for group decision-making. European Journal of Operational Research, 180, 1272–1289.
  • Joerin, F., The´riault, M. ve Musy, A. (2001). Using GIS and outranking multicriteria analysis for land-use suitability assessment. INT. j. Geographical Information Science, vol. 15, no. 2, 153-174.
  • Karakosta, C., Doukas, H. ve Psarras, J. (2009). Directing clean development mechanism towards developing countries' sustainable development priorities. Energy for Sustainable Development 13, 77–84.
  • Köksalan, M., Mousseau, V., Özpeynirci, Ö. ve Özpeynirci, S. B. (2008). A New Outranking-Based Approach for Assigning Alternatives to Ordered Classes. Naval Research Logistics 56: 74–85.
  • Khalil, J., Martel, J. M. ve Jutras, P. (1999). A Multicriterion System For Credit Risk Rating. Document De Travail 1999-014, Faculté des sciences de l’administration, Université Laval, Canada.
  • Kılıç, S. B. (2006). Türk bankacılık sistemi için çok kriterli karar alma analizine dayalı bir erken uyarı modelinin tahmini. ODTÜ Gelisme Dergisi, 33, 117-154.
  • Lourenco, R. P. ve Costa, J. P. (2004). Using ELECTRE TRI outranking method to sort MOMILP nondominated solutions. European Journal of Operational Research 153, 271–289.
  • Lu, G., Wang, H. ve Mao, X. (2010). An Using ELECTRE TRI Outranking Method to Evaluate Trustworthy Software. Autonomic and Trusted Computing Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6407: 219-227.
  • Madlener, R., Antunes, C. H. ve Dias, L. C. (2009). Assessing the performance of biogas plants with multi-criteria and data envelopment analysis. European Journal of Operational Research 197, 1084–1094.
  • Mendas, A. ve Delali, A. (2012). Integration of MultiCriteria Decision Analysis in GIS to develop land suitability for agriculture: Application to durum wheat cultivation in the region of Mleta in Algeria. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 83, 117–126.
  • Merad, M. M., Verdel, T., Roy, B. ve Kouniali S. (2004). Use of multi-criteria decision-aids for risk zoning and management of large area subjected to mining-induced hazards. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 19, 125–138.
  • Mousseau, V. ve Slowinski, R. (1998). Inferring an ELECTRE TRI Model from Assignment Examples. Journal of Global Optimization 12: 157–174.
  • Mousseau, V., Slowinski, R. ve Zielniewicz, P. (1999). ELECTRE TRI 2.0a Methodological Guideand User's Manual. LAMSADE, Universite Paris Dauphine, Place du M De Lattre de Tassigny, 75 775 Paris cedex 16.
  • Mousseau, V., Slowinski, R. ve Zielniewicz, P. (2000). A user-oriented implementation of the ELECTRE-TRI method integrating preference elicitation support. Computers & Operations Reearch 27, 757- 777.
  • Mousseau, V. ve Dias, L. (2004). Valued outranking relations in ELECTRE providing manageable disaggregation procedures. European Journal of Operational Research 156, 467–482.
  • Natividade-Jesus, E., Coutinho-Rodrigues, J. ve Antunes, C. H. (2007). A multicriteria decision support system for housing evaluation. Decision Support Systems 43,779–790.
  • Nevesa, L. P., Martins, A. G., Antunes, C. H. ve Dias, L. C. (2008). A multi-criteria decision approach to sorting actions for promoting energy efficiency. Energy Policy 36, 2351–2363.
  • Nepomuceno, L. D. O. ve Costa, H. G. (2012). Multiple Criteria Model for Evaluating a Master Course Influence over Professional Skills of Alumni. Proceedings of the 2012 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference G. Lim and J.W. Herrmann.
  • Raju, K. S., Duckstein, L. ve Arondel, C. (2001). Multicriterion Analysis for Sustainable Water Resources Planning: A Case Study in Spain. Water Resources Management 14: 435–456.
  • Roy, B. (1968). Classement et choix en presence de points de vue multiples (la methode ELECTRE). Revue Francaise d’Automatique Information et Research Operationelle, 57-75.
  • Roy, B. (1991). The Outranking Approach and the Foundations of ELECTRE Methods. Theory and Decision, 31, 49-73.
  • Roy, B., Slowinski, R. ve Treichel, W. (1992). Multicriteria Programming of Water Supply Systems for Rural Areas. Water Resources Bulletion, American Water Resources Association, Vol.28, No. 1.
  • Sánchez-Lozano, J. M., Antunes, C. H. ve García-Cascales, M. S. (2014). GIS-based photovoltaic solar farms site selection using ELECTRE-TRI: Evaluating the case for Torre Pacheco, Murcia, Southeast of Spain. Renewable Energy 66, 478-494.
  • Sebos, I., Progiou, A., Symeonidis, P. ve Ziomas, I. (2010). Land-use planning in the vicinity of major accident hazard installations in Greece. Journal of Hazardous Materials 179, 901–910.
  • Siskos, Y., Grigoroudis, E., Krassadaki, E. ve Matsatsinis, N. (2007). A multicriteria accreditation system for information technology skills and qualifications. European Journal of Operational Research 182, 867–885.
  • Tervonen, T., Almeida–Dias, J., Figueira, J., Lahdelma, R. ve Salminen, P. (2005). SMAA-TRI: A Parameter Stability Analysis Method for ELECTRE TRI. Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra INESC – Coimbra, 1., No. 6, ISSN: 1645-2631.
  • The, A. N. ve Mousseau, V. (2002). Using Assignment Examples to Infer Category Limits for the ELECTRE TRI Method. Journal of Multı-Crıterıa Decısıon Analysıs J. Multi-Crit. Decis. Anal. 11: 29–43.
  • Trojan, F. ve Morais, D. C. (2012). Using ELECTRE TRI to Support Maintenance of Water Distribution Networks. Pesquisa Operacional 32(2): 423-442.
  • Xidonas, P., Mavrotas, G. ve Psarras, J. (2009). A multicriteria methodology for equity selection using financial analysis. Computers & Operations Research 36, 3187--3203.
  • Yürekli, H. (2008). Taarruz Helikopterleri Seçiminde ELECTRE Yönteminin Kullanılması. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, sy. 28-31.
  • Zheng, J., Takougang, S. A. M., Mousseau, V. ve Pirlot, M. (2014). Learning criteria weights of an optimistic Electre Tri sorting rule. Computers &Operations Research 49, 28–40.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Sibel Şener 0000-0001-6299-3712

Hüdaverdi Bircan 0000-0002-1868-1161

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Şener, S., & Bircan, H. (2020). ELECTRE TRI YÖNTEMİ: İŞ YAPMA KOLAYLIĞI ENDEKSİ VERİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR UYGULAMA. İnönü Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(2), 424-447.