As a well-known author from Turkey, Latife Tekin focuses on daily lives
of urbanized or urbanizing communities smashed under the wheels of capitalism, and
narrates the imperfect lives and broken memoirs of the ordinary people by re-contextualizing
the Anatolian poems, folkloric songs, traditional sayings and idioms into her
works. This paper aims to find the relations between source and target cultures
with a comparison of culture specific items in the Turkish and English versions
of Berci Kristin Çöp Masalları (Berji Kristin, Tales from the Garbage Hills).
The first part of this paper focuses on Latife Tekin as a novelist, the themes she
uses in her works and her position as a figure of Turkish literature. The
second part briefly discusses the novel Berji
Kristin Tales from the Garbage Hills in terms of the characters and themes
and their effects on the narrative structure of the novel. In the third part, translational
decisions peculiar to the culture specific items are debated with references to
the theoretical framework drawn by Javier Franco Aixela. After all the
comparative analyses, one happens to find out that there are several differences
in the English translation of the novel with regards to the recreation of literary
elements which already exist in the source culture, and that the perspective of
the translators, who adopted various translation strategies to overcome these
differences in the process of translation, bears traces of the translational
approach put forward by Aixela for the analysis of culture specific items in
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