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The Changing Rules of the Game, Volleyball Player Systematic Structure and Effects in Applying

Yıl 2015, , 10 - 18, 27.08.2015


Purpose: We the purpose of this study, ranging from past to present and play volleyball rule changes that occur related to industry structure, how structure affects in applying with a systematic trial. Method: Volleyball, starting from the date of the present day sports entertainment, sport has become a subject performance. . As regards; the changing rules of the game, in terms of volleyball player systematic structure and effects on performance. The changing rules of the game, volleyball player systematic structure and effects the exhibition of the game, tactical understanding of the game is to combine the implementation of different systems to meet the needs of training and competition has created situations. Volleyball to purpose of changing the rules of the game, service, location and block combinations to improve defense, reducing the effect of conditions of service coverage and attack the ball to extend the duration of stay in the game. Thus, the visuals might volleyball, in terms of spectators and media will become attractive. While this study, scan was used during the research literature.
Results: According to the data obtained from the literature, that the structural changes in the volleyball is thought to cause the positive and negative impact in the volleyball. Conclusion: Result of this research, the changing rules of the game affected the players' and the exhibition of the game and the diversity of training, volleyball game speed has increased, and became the focus of visual winning. The conclusion of every move made in the field with a number of players has increased and with it the responsibility of the importance of individual tactical exercises may have gained more importance.


  • Asher, S., (1997). Coaching Volleyball. Human Kinetic., American Association Volume.2 Volleyball Coach. USA.
  • Aktaş, Y., İlker, F., (2012). Male Volleyball Players’ Condıtıonal Parameters In Dıfferent Leagues In The East And Southeast Anatolıan Regıon.E-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, Volume: 7, Number: 2. 37-45.
  • Basaran, H., Taşgın, Ö., Sanioğl, A., Taşkın., (2009) .Examxinatio Of The Level Of State - Trial Of Anxiety Sportsman According To Some Variables. Selcuk University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences. 21.
  • Barth, K., Heuchert, R. (2009). Edt. Dilsad Mirzeoğlu. “I learn volleyball. Sport Publisher. Ankara.
  • Bulca, Y., Deryakulu, D., (2009).Effect Of Full Versıon And Edıted Vıdeo-Cases On Volleyball Game Set Analysıs Skılls. Haccettepe Universty Journal of Education. 37:1-10.
  • (2013). 04/09/2013. 13:00.
  • Ceylan, A., Ünsal, S., Tiryakiler, S., Cevirmeci, N., (1999). Edt. Sefik Tiryaki Turkey Mini Volleyball Games Volleyball Federation Publications with Ankara.
  • Efe, M. Ozturk, F., Koparan, Sti., Şenışık, Y. (2008). 14-16 Age Group Social Efficacy Study of Volleyball for Men and Effect of assertiveness. Magazine XXI Uludag University Faculty of Education (1), if 69-77.B.
  • Eralp, F., Çotuk, M., (2007). Basic Skills Volleyball, Morpa Publications, Istanbul.
  • Fİ FİVB History.
  • Gunay, E., Steel, A., Aksu, F., Çoksev, B. (2011). Visual Age 14-16 volleyball and tennis player and Investigation of Auditory Reaction Time. DEU Journal of Medicine Volume 25, Issue 2 (May) 2011, pp 63 - 67 in Izmir, Turkey.
  • Harmandar, H. (2003). Tactics in Volleyball. Nobel Publishing, Ankara.
  • Ilhan, L. (2009). Motivational Approach to Service in Volleyball Skill Teaching. Nigde University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Vol 3, No on 3.Nigde.
  • Korkmaz F, (2003). Technical -Take Volleyball. Annex bookstore. Bursa.
  • Kıngda, S., (2006). Volleyball Skils and Drills. Human Kinetic.,American Volleyball Coach Association Volume.3. USA.
  • Küçükbaycan, Ç., Yenigün, N., Yenigün, Ö., Dinçer, Ö., (2011). Comparison of Pre-Season and Post-Season Leg Strenght of Volleyball Players in The Blocker and The Spiker Players. İstanbul University Journal of Sport Sciences Cilt Volum 3. İstanbul.
  • Lee, T.K., Chin, T., (2004). Strategies to serve or receive the service in volleyball. Math Meth Oper Res. 59:53–67.Malaysia.
  • Papageorgiou, A.,(2004). Handbuch für Volleyball. Aechen: Meyer&Meyer Verlag. Germany.
  • Spıtzley, W. (2007). Important Rule Changes and Effects of Training Match Volleyball. Trans. Atay East. Volleyball Science and Technology Magazine. No: 39, ISSN: 1300-3178, Ankara.
  • Spıtzley, W. (2007). Important Rule Changes and Effects of Training Match Volleyball. Trans. Atay East. Volleyball Science and Technology Magazine. No: 39, ISSN: 1300-3178, Ankara.
  • Ulugöz, E. (2011). Six Of The Elite Women's Volleyball Player Of Physical, Anthropometric And Investigation By Somatotype Outskirts Of The Games. E-Journal Of New World Sciences Academy, Volume 6, Number 4, 206-213.
  • Urgesi, C., Fabro, F., Savonitto, M., Aglioti, M., (2012). Long- and short-term plastic modeling of action prediction abilities in volleyball. Psychological Research (2012) 76:542–560. İtaly.
  • Vurat, M., (2000). Volleyball Tech. Bağırgan Publisher. Ankara.
  •"ForeignPlayer Number". 11:50.
  • Wreaths, B. (2009). Volleyball Basic Education Sports Publisher Ankara.
  • Zartman, S.,Zartman, P., (1997). Youth Volleyball.Cincinnati, OH:Betterway Books.USA.
  • Zhang, Y., Lü, T., (2007). Real-Time Motion Planning for a Volleyball Robot Task Based on a Multi-Agent Technique. J Intell Robot Syst (2007) 49:355–366 Shanghai.

Değişen Oyun Kurallarının, Voleybol’un Sistematik Yapısı ve Oyunun Uygulanması Üzerindeki Etkileri

Yıl 2015, , 10 - 18, 27.08.2015


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, geçmişten günümüze kadar uzanan voleybol branşı ile ilgili meydana gelen kural değişiklikleri ve oyun yapısının, oyunun uygulanışı ile sistematik yapıyı ne kadar etkilediğini araştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntem: Voleybol, tarihten günümüze eğlence sporu olarak başlayıp, performans sporu haline gelmiş bir branştır. Bu bakımdan, saha ve malzeme ölçüleri, oyun kuralları ve taktiksel anlayış açısından değişkenlik göstermiştir. Değişen kurallar ve voleybolun sistematik yapısı, birçok gerekliliği de beraberinde getirmiştir. Oyunun taktiksel anlayışı değişik sistemlerin uygulanmasıyla birleşip antrenman ve müsabaka ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya yönelik durumları oluşturmuştur. Voleybolda değişen oyun kurallarının amacı, servis, yer defansı ve blok kombinasyonlarını geliştirmek, servis karşılama ve hücum durumlarının etkisini azaltarak topun oyunda kalma süresini uzatmaktır. Böylece, voleybola görsellik katılacak, seyirci ve medya açısından çekici hale gelecektir. Araştırma, literatür taraması yapılarak derleme şeklinde hazırlanmıştır. Bulgular: Literatür taraması sonucu elde edilen veriler ışığında, voleybol branşında ki yapısal değişikliklerin bu branş üzerinde olumlu ve olumsuz etkilere sebep olduğu düşünülmektedir. Sonuç: Yapılan araştırma sonucunda; değişen oyun kuralları oyuncuların oyunu sergilemesi ve antrenman çeşitliliğini etkilemiş, voleybol oyun hızı artmış, görsellik kazanmış ve ilgi odağı haline gelmiştir. Sahada yapılan her hareketin sonlanması, olumlu ya da olumsuz bir sayı ile sonuçlandığından, oyuncuların sorumluluğu artmış ve bununla birlikte bireysel taktik antrenmanların önemi daha fazla önem kazanmıştır


  • Asher, S., (1997). Coaching Volleyball. Human Kinetic., American Association Volume.2 Volleyball Coach. USA.
  • Aktaş, Y., İlker, F., (2012). Male Volleyball Players’ Condıtıonal Parameters In Dıfferent Leagues In The East And Southeast Anatolıan Regıon.E-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, Volume: 7, Number: 2. 37-45.
  • Basaran, H., Taşgın, Ö., Sanioğl, A., Taşkın., (2009) .Examxinatio Of The Level Of State - Trial Of Anxiety Sportsman According To Some Variables. Selcuk University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences. 21.
  • Barth, K., Heuchert, R. (2009). Edt. Dilsad Mirzeoğlu. “I learn volleyball. Sport Publisher. Ankara.
  • Bulca, Y., Deryakulu, D., (2009).Effect Of Full Versıon And Edıted Vıdeo-Cases On Volleyball Game Set Analysıs Skılls. Haccettepe Universty Journal of Education. 37:1-10.
  • (2013). 04/09/2013. 13:00.
  • Ceylan, A., Ünsal, S., Tiryakiler, S., Cevirmeci, N., (1999). Edt. Sefik Tiryaki Turkey Mini Volleyball Games Volleyball Federation Publications with Ankara.
  • Efe, M. Ozturk, F., Koparan, Sti., Şenışık, Y. (2008). 14-16 Age Group Social Efficacy Study of Volleyball for Men and Effect of assertiveness. Magazine XXI Uludag University Faculty of Education (1), if 69-77.B.
  • Eralp, F., Çotuk, M., (2007). Basic Skills Volleyball, Morpa Publications, Istanbul.
  • Fİ FİVB History.
  • Gunay, E., Steel, A., Aksu, F., Çoksev, B. (2011). Visual Age 14-16 volleyball and tennis player and Investigation of Auditory Reaction Time. DEU Journal of Medicine Volume 25, Issue 2 (May) 2011, pp 63 - 67 in Izmir, Turkey.
  • Harmandar, H. (2003). Tactics in Volleyball. Nobel Publishing, Ankara.
  • Ilhan, L. (2009). Motivational Approach to Service in Volleyball Skill Teaching. Nigde University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Vol 3, No on 3.Nigde.
  • Korkmaz F, (2003). Technical -Take Volleyball. Annex bookstore. Bursa.
  • Kıngda, S., (2006). Volleyball Skils and Drills. Human Kinetic.,American Volleyball Coach Association Volume.3. USA.
  • Küçükbaycan, Ç., Yenigün, N., Yenigün, Ö., Dinçer, Ö., (2011). Comparison of Pre-Season and Post-Season Leg Strenght of Volleyball Players in The Blocker and The Spiker Players. İstanbul University Journal of Sport Sciences Cilt Volum 3. İstanbul.
  • Lee, T.K., Chin, T., (2004). Strategies to serve or receive the service in volleyball. Math Meth Oper Res. 59:53–67.Malaysia.
  • Papageorgiou, A.,(2004). Handbuch für Volleyball. Aechen: Meyer&Meyer Verlag. Germany.
  • Spıtzley, W. (2007). Important Rule Changes and Effects of Training Match Volleyball. Trans. Atay East. Volleyball Science and Technology Magazine. No: 39, ISSN: 1300-3178, Ankara.
  • Spıtzley, W. (2007). Important Rule Changes and Effects of Training Match Volleyball. Trans. Atay East. Volleyball Science and Technology Magazine. No: 39, ISSN: 1300-3178, Ankara.
  • Ulugöz, E. (2011). Six Of The Elite Women's Volleyball Player Of Physical, Anthropometric And Investigation By Somatotype Outskirts Of The Games. E-Journal Of New World Sciences Academy, Volume 6, Number 4, 206-213.
  • Urgesi, C., Fabro, F., Savonitto, M., Aglioti, M., (2012). Long- and short-term plastic modeling of action prediction abilities in volleyball. Psychological Research (2012) 76:542–560. İtaly.
  • Vurat, M., (2000). Volleyball Tech. Bağırgan Publisher. Ankara.
  •"ForeignPlayer Number". 11:50.
  • Wreaths, B. (2009). Volleyball Basic Education Sports Publisher Ankara.
  • Zartman, S.,Zartman, P., (1997). Youth Volleyball.Cincinnati, OH:Betterway Books.USA.
  • Zhang, Y., Lü, T., (2007). Real-Time Motion Planning for a Volleyball Robot Task Based on a Multi-Agent Technique. J Intell Robot Syst (2007) 49:355–366 Shanghai.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Özgür Dinçer

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Ağustos 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Dinçer, Ö. (2015). The Changing Rules of the Game, Volleyball Player Systematic Structure and Effects in Applying. International Journal of Sport Culture and Science, 3(Special Issue 4), 10-18.
IntJSCS is published by International Science Culture and Sport Association (ISCSA).