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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 685 - 702, 31.12.2021


Anayasal temel hakların yatay etkisi meselesi, temel hakların özel hukuk ilişkilerinde hak ve yükümlülüklerin kaynağını teşkil edip edemeyeceği ve kamu hukuku kaynaklı temel hakların özel hukuk ilişkilerine uygulanabilir olup olmadığı meselesi olarak sadece AB hukukuna mahsus olmayan, ulusal hukuk sistemlerinde de özel hukukun anayasallaştırılması veya temel hakların özelleştirilmesi gibi kavramlarla aşina olunan bir husustur. AB hukuku özelinde AB Temel Haklar Şartı’nın yatay etkisi bu makalede yatay doğrudan etki, yatay dolaylı etki ve pozitif yükümlülükler çerçevesinde ele alınmaktadır. Bu çerçevede yatay etkiye ilişkin literatürde sıkça rastlanılan lehte ve aleyhte görüşlere değinilmektedir. Yatay doğrudan etkinin unsurları olarak hak-ilke ayrımı ile konu ve kişi bakımından Şart’ın uygulanmasının kapsamı yatay doğrudan etkinin şartları çerçevesinde analiz edilmektedir. Şart’ın bütün hükümlerinin Şart’ın 52(5). maddesi anlamında hak ve ilke kategorisinde olduğuna bakılmaksızın ve ilkeleri uygulayıcı tasarruflarla sınırlanmaksızın yatay dolaylı etkiye, herkesi bağlayan zorunlu nitelikte ve AB hukuku veya ulusal hukuk tarafından daha somut ifade verilmesini gerektirmeyecek şekilde koşulsuz doğaya sahip belirli hükümlerinin ise sadece yatay doğrudan etkiye sahip olduğu vurgulanmaktadır.


  • BAILLEUX, Antoine et Emmanuelle Bribosia: “La Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne” in van Drooghenbroeck, Sébastien/Wautelet, Patrick (ed.), Droits Fondamentaux en Mouvement – Questions Choisies d’Actualité, Anthemis, 2012, s.73-151.
  • BAILLEUX, Antoine: “La Cour de Justice, La Charte des Droits Fondamentaux Et L’Intensité Normative des Droits Sociaux”, TSR RDS 2014/3 284.
  • BAILLEUX, Antoine: “L’apport de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne au « droit » à la santé” in Brosset, E. (ed.), Droit européen et protection de la santé. Bilans et perspectives, Larcier – Bruylant, Bruxelles 2015, s.115-131.
  • BARKHUYSEN, Tom/LINDENBERGH, Siewert (ed.), Constitutionalisation of Private Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2006.
  • BAYKAL, Sanem/GÖÇMEN İlke: Avrupa Birliği Kurumsal Hukuku, Seçkin, Ankara 2016.
  • BERMEJO, Nuria: “Fundamental Rights and Horizontal Direct Effect Under the Charter” in Izquierdo-Sans, Cristina/Martínez-Capdevila, Carmen/Nogueira-Guastavino, Magdalena (ed.), Fundamental Rights Challenges - Horizontal Effectiveness, Rule of Law and Margin of National Appreciation, Springer, Cham 2021, s.51-74.
  • BERNITZ, Ulf: "The Scope of the Charter and its Impact on the Application of the ECHR: The Åkerberg Fransson Case on Ne Bis in Idem in Perspective" in de Vries, Sybe/Bernitz, Ulf/Weatherill, Stephen (ed.), The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Binding Instrument: Five Years Old and Growing. Hart, Oxford, 2015, s.155-172.
  • BOBEK, Michal/ADAMS-PRASSL, Jeremias (ed.): The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Member States, Hart, Oxford 2020.
  • CHEREDNYCHENKO, Olha O./REICH, Norbert: “The Constitutionalization of European Private Law: Gateways, Constraints, and Challenges”, European Review of Private Law, 5-2015, s.797.
  • CLAPHAM, Andrew: “The Privatisation of Human Rights”, EHRLR, 1, 1996, s.20.
  • COLLINS, Hugh: “On the (In)compatibility of Human Rights Discourse and Private Law”, LSE Law, Society and Economy Working Papers 7/2012, s.1.
  • COLLINS, Hugh: “Private Law, Fundamental Rights, and the Rule of Law”, W.Va. L. Rev., 121, 2018, Art. 4, s.1.
  • DE SCHUTTER, Olivier: “Les droits fondamentaux dans l'Union européenne: une typologie de l'acquis” in Bribosia, Emmanuelle/Hennebel, Ludovic, Classer les droits de l'homme, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2004, s.315-349.
  • DE SCHUTTER, Olivier: “The Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Social Rights Charter”, CRIDHO Working Paper 2018/4.
  • DICKSON, Brice: “The Horizontal Application of Human Rights Law” in Hegarty, Angela/Leonard, Siobhan (ed.), A Human Rights: An Agenda for The 21st Century, Cavendish, 1999, s.59-78.
  • DOUGAN, Michael: “Judicial Review of Member State Action under the General Principles and the Charter: Defining the “Scope of Union Law””, Common Market Law Review, 52, 2015, s.1201.
  • EUROPEAN UNION AGENCY FOR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS, “Applying the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in Law and Policymaking at National Level”, 2020, Luxembourg.
  • FERNANDES, Sophie Perez: “Fundamental Rights at the Crossroads of EU Constitutionalism. Decoding the Member States’ Key(s) to the Charter”, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 60, 2018, s.677.
  • FORNASIER, Matteo: “The Impact of EU Fundamental Rights on Private Relationships: Direct or Indirect Effect?”, European Review of Private Law, 23, 2015, s.29.
  • FRANTZIOU, Eleni: “The Horizontal Effect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Rediscovering the Reasons for Horizontality”, European Law Journal, 21, 2015, s.657.
  • FRANTZIOU, Eleni: “The Horizontal Effect of the Charter: Towards an Understanding of Horizontality as a Structural Constitutional Principle”, Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 22, 2020, s.208.
  • GARDBAUM, Stephen: “The "Horizontal Effect" of Constitutional Rights”, Michigan Law Review, 102(3), 2003, s.387.
  • GERSTENBERG, Oliver: “Fundamental Rights and Democratic Sovereignty in the EU: The Role of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU (CFREU) in Regulating the European Social Market Economy”, Yearbook of European Law, 39, 2020, s.199.
  • GROUSSOT, Xavier/PECH Laurent/PETURSSON, Gunnar Thor: “The Scope of Application of EU Fundamental Rights on Member States’ Action: In Search of Certainty in EU Adjudication”, Eric Stein Working Paper No 1/2011.
  • HARTKAMP, Arthur/SIEBURGH Carla/DEVROE, Wouter: Cases, Materials and Text on European Law and Private Law, Hart, Oxford, 2017.
  • HESSELINK, Martijn W: “The Horizontal Effect of Social Rights in European Contract Law” in Hesselink, M.W./Du Perron, C.E./Salomons, A.F. (ed.), Privaatrecht tussen Autonomie en Solidariteit, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, The Hague 2003, s.119-132.
  • HESSELINK, Martijn W: “The Justice Dimensions of the Relationship between Fundamental Rights and Private Law” in H. Collins (Ed.), European Contract Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights Vol. 2, Intersentia, Cambridge 2017, s.167-196.
  • HOFMANN, Herwig C. H./WARIN, Catherine: “Identifying Individual Rights in EU Law”, University of Luxembourg Law Working Paper Series, Paper Number 2017-004.
  • JACQUÉ, Jean-Paul: “The Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union: A First Assessment of the Interpretation of the Charter’s Horizontal Provisions” in Rossi, L.S./Casolari, F. (ed.), The EU after Lisbon, Springer, 2014, s.137-160.
  • KAILA, Heidi: “The Scope of Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the Member States” in Cardonnel, Pascal/Rosas, Allan/Wahl, Nils (ed.), Constitutionalising the EU Judicial System: Essays in Honour of Pernilla Lindh, London, 2012, s.291-316.
  • KOUKIADAKI, Aristea: "Application (Article 51) and Limitations (Article 52(1))" in Dorssemont, Filip/Lörcher, Klaus/Clauwaert, Stefan/Schmitt, Mélanie, The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Employment Relation, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2019, s.101-134.
  • KRAHÉ, Justin Friedrich: “The Impact of Public Law Norms on Private Law Relationships”, European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, (2), 2015, s.124.
  • KROMMENDIJK, Jasper: “Principled Silence or Mere Silence on Principles? The Role of the EU Charter’s Principles in the Case Law of the Court of Justice”, EuConst, 11, 2015, s.321.
  • LECZYKIEWICZ, Dorota: “Horizontal Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights”, European Law Review, 38, 2013, s.479.
  • LECZYKIEWICZ, Dorota: “The Judgment in Bauer and the Effect of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in Horizontal Situations”, ERCL, 16(2), 2020, s.323.
  • LOCK, Tobias: “Rights and Principles in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, Common Market Law Review, 56, 2019, s.1201.
  • LOURENÇO, Luisa: “General Principles of European Union Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights”, A Case Note on Case C-176/12 Association De Médiation Sociale, European Law Reporter, nº 11/12, November-December 2013.
  • MÁDR, Petr: “Article 51 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights from the Perspective of the National Judge”, Review of European Administrative Law, 13, 2020, s.53-85.
  • MAK, Chantal: “Judges in Utopia Fundamental Rights as Constitutive Elements of a European Private Legal Culture”, Amsterdam Law School Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2012-89.
  • MUIR, Elise: “The Horizontal Effects of Charter Rights Given Expression to in EU Legislation, from Mangold to Bauer”, Review of European Administrative Law; 12, 2019, s.185.
  • PEERS, Steve/HERVEY, Tamara/KENNER, Jeff/WARD, Angela (ed.), The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary, Hart, London:, 2014.
  • PESCATORE, Pierre: “The Doctrine of “Direct Effect”: An Infant Disease of Community Law”, European Law Review, 8, 1983, s.155.
  • PRECHAL, Sacha: “Horizontal Direct Effect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU”, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 66, 2020, s.407.
  • SAFJAN, Marek: “Areas of Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Fields of Conflict?”, EUI Working Paper LAW 2012/22.
  • SAFJAN, Marek: “The Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights in Private Law - On Actors, Vectors, and Factors of Influence” in Purnhagen, K./Rott, P. (ed.), Varieties of European Economic Law and Regulation, Springer, Switzerland 2014, s.123-152.
  • SARMIENTO, Daniel: “Who’s Afraid of the Charter? The Court of Justice, Natıonal Courts and the New Framework of Fundamental Rights Protection in Europe”, Common Market Law Review, 50, 2013, s.1267.
  • SEIFERT, Achim: “The Horizontal Effect of Social Rights of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU”, Pro Justitia τ.3, 2020, s.1.
  • SEVER, Saša: “Horizontal Effect and the Charter”, CYELP, 10, 2014, s.39.
  • SPAVENTA, Eleanor: “The Interpretation of Article 51 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: The Dilemma of Stricter or Broader Application of the Charter to National Measures”, Study for the PETI Committee, European Parliament Policy Department, Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, 2016.
  • TRIDIMAS, Takis: “The General Principles of EU Law and the Europeanisation of National Laws”, Review of European Administrative Law, 13, 2020, s.5.
  • TRSTENJAK, Verica/WEINGERL Petra: “Slovenia” in Botman, Marleen/Langer, Jurian (ed.), National Courts and the Enforcement of EU Law: The Pivotal Role of National Courts in the EU Legal Order, The XXIX FIDE Congress in the Hague 2020 Congress Publications Vol 1, Eleven International Publishing, Den Haag 2020, s.443-458.
  • WALKILA, Sonya: Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights in EU Law, Europa Law Publishing, Zutphen 2016.
  • YOUNG, Alison L: “Mapping Horizontal Effect” in Hoffman, David (ed.), The Impact of the UK Human Rights Act on Private Law, CUP, Cambridge 2011, s.16-47.


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 685 - 702, 31.12.2021


The issue of horizontal effect of constitutional fundamental rights, as the matter of whether fundamental rights can constitute a source of rights or obligations in private law relationships or whether fundamental rights arising from public law are being applicable to private law relationships, is not unique to EU law, but has been familiar in the national legal systems under the terms “constitutionalisation of private law” or reversely “privatisation of fundamental rights”. The horizontal effect of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the EU is examined in the article from the aspects of horizontal direct effect, horizontal indirect effect and positive obligations. The article addresses the opinions in the literature regarding pros and cons of horizontal effect. Differentiation between rights and principles in the Charter, ratione materiae and personae scope of the application of the Charter, mandatory and unconditional nature of its provisions have been scrutinised as elements of the horizontal direct effect of the Charter. The article argues that whereas all provisions of the Charter, irrespective of being categorised as rights or principles under the meaning of Article 52(5) of the Charter, have horizontal indirect effect, its certain provisions which are both mandatory and unconditional in nature, i.e. having erga omnes effect and not needing to be given more concrete expression by the provisions of EU or national law, have horizontal diret effect.


  • BAILLEUX, Antoine et Emmanuelle Bribosia: “La Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne” in van Drooghenbroeck, Sébastien/Wautelet, Patrick (ed.), Droits Fondamentaux en Mouvement – Questions Choisies d’Actualité, Anthemis, 2012, s.73-151.
  • BAILLEUX, Antoine: “La Cour de Justice, La Charte des Droits Fondamentaux Et L’Intensité Normative des Droits Sociaux”, TSR RDS 2014/3 284.
  • BAILLEUX, Antoine: “L’apport de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne au « droit » à la santé” in Brosset, E. (ed.), Droit européen et protection de la santé. Bilans et perspectives, Larcier – Bruylant, Bruxelles 2015, s.115-131.
  • BARKHUYSEN, Tom/LINDENBERGH, Siewert (ed.), Constitutionalisation of Private Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2006.
  • BAYKAL, Sanem/GÖÇMEN İlke: Avrupa Birliği Kurumsal Hukuku, Seçkin, Ankara 2016.
  • BERMEJO, Nuria: “Fundamental Rights and Horizontal Direct Effect Under the Charter” in Izquierdo-Sans, Cristina/Martínez-Capdevila, Carmen/Nogueira-Guastavino, Magdalena (ed.), Fundamental Rights Challenges - Horizontal Effectiveness, Rule of Law and Margin of National Appreciation, Springer, Cham 2021, s.51-74.
  • BERNITZ, Ulf: "The Scope of the Charter and its Impact on the Application of the ECHR: The Åkerberg Fransson Case on Ne Bis in Idem in Perspective" in de Vries, Sybe/Bernitz, Ulf/Weatherill, Stephen (ed.), The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Binding Instrument: Five Years Old and Growing. Hart, Oxford, 2015, s.155-172.
  • BOBEK, Michal/ADAMS-PRASSL, Jeremias (ed.): The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Member States, Hart, Oxford 2020.
  • CHEREDNYCHENKO, Olha O./REICH, Norbert: “The Constitutionalization of European Private Law: Gateways, Constraints, and Challenges”, European Review of Private Law, 5-2015, s.797.
  • CLAPHAM, Andrew: “The Privatisation of Human Rights”, EHRLR, 1, 1996, s.20.
  • COLLINS, Hugh: “On the (In)compatibility of Human Rights Discourse and Private Law”, LSE Law, Society and Economy Working Papers 7/2012, s.1.
  • COLLINS, Hugh: “Private Law, Fundamental Rights, and the Rule of Law”, W.Va. L. Rev., 121, 2018, Art. 4, s.1.
  • DE SCHUTTER, Olivier: “Les droits fondamentaux dans l'Union européenne: une typologie de l'acquis” in Bribosia, Emmanuelle/Hennebel, Ludovic, Classer les droits de l'homme, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2004, s.315-349.
  • DE SCHUTTER, Olivier: “The Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Social Rights Charter”, CRIDHO Working Paper 2018/4.
  • DICKSON, Brice: “The Horizontal Application of Human Rights Law” in Hegarty, Angela/Leonard, Siobhan (ed.), A Human Rights: An Agenda for The 21st Century, Cavendish, 1999, s.59-78.
  • DOUGAN, Michael: “Judicial Review of Member State Action under the General Principles and the Charter: Defining the “Scope of Union Law””, Common Market Law Review, 52, 2015, s.1201.
  • EUROPEAN UNION AGENCY FOR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS, “Applying the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in Law and Policymaking at National Level”, 2020, Luxembourg.
  • FERNANDES, Sophie Perez: “Fundamental Rights at the Crossroads of EU Constitutionalism. Decoding the Member States’ Key(s) to the Charter”, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 60, 2018, s.677.
  • FORNASIER, Matteo: “The Impact of EU Fundamental Rights on Private Relationships: Direct or Indirect Effect?”, European Review of Private Law, 23, 2015, s.29.
  • FRANTZIOU, Eleni: “The Horizontal Effect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Rediscovering the Reasons for Horizontality”, European Law Journal, 21, 2015, s.657.
  • FRANTZIOU, Eleni: “The Horizontal Effect of the Charter: Towards an Understanding of Horizontality as a Structural Constitutional Principle”, Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 22, 2020, s.208.
  • GARDBAUM, Stephen: “The "Horizontal Effect" of Constitutional Rights”, Michigan Law Review, 102(3), 2003, s.387.
  • GERSTENBERG, Oliver: “Fundamental Rights and Democratic Sovereignty in the EU: The Role of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU (CFREU) in Regulating the European Social Market Economy”, Yearbook of European Law, 39, 2020, s.199.
  • GROUSSOT, Xavier/PECH Laurent/PETURSSON, Gunnar Thor: “The Scope of Application of EU Fundamental Rights on Member States’ Action: In Search of Certainty in EU Adjudication”, Eric Stein Working Paper No 1/2011.
  • HARTKAMP, Arthur/SIEBURGH Carla/DEVROE, Wouter: Cases, Materials and Text on European Law and Private Law, Hart, Oxford, 2017.
  • HESSELINK, Martijn W: “The Horizontal Effect of Social Rights in European Contract Law” in Hesselink, M.W./Du Perron, C.E./Salomons, A.F. (ed.), Privaatrecht tussen Autonomie en Solidariteit, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, The Hague 2003, s.119-132.
  • HESSELINK, Martijn W: “The Justice Dimensions of the Relationship between Fundamental Rights and Private Law” in H. Collins (Ed.), European Contract Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights Vol. 2, Intersentia, Cambridge 2017, s.167-196.
  • HOFMANN, Herwig C. H./WARIN, Catherine: “Identifying Individual Rights in EU Law”, University of Luxembourg Law Working Paper Series, Paper Number 2017-004.
  • JACQUÉ, Jean-Paul: “The Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union: A First Assessment of the Interpretation of the Charter’s Horizontal Provisions” in Rossi, L.S./Casolari, F. (ed.), The EU after Lisbon, Springer, 2014, s.137-160.
  • KAILA, Heidi: “The Scope of Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the Member States” in Cardonnel, Pascal/Rosas, Allan/Wahl, Nils (ed.), Constitutionalising the EU Judicial System: Essays in Honour of Pernilla Lindh, London, 2012, s.291-316.
  • KOUKIADAKI, Aristea: "Application (Article 51) and Limitations (Article 52(1))" in Dorssemont, Filip/Lörcher, Klaus/Clauwaert, Stefan/Schmitt, Mélanie, The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Employment Relation, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2019, s.101-134.
  • KRAHÉ, Justin Friedrich: “The Impact of Public Law Norms on Private Law Relationships”, European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, (2), 2015, s.124.
  • KROMMENDIJK, Jasper: “Principled Silence or Mere Silence on Principles? The Role of the EU Charter’s Principles in the Case Law of the Court of Justice”, EuConst, 11, 2015, s.321.
  • LECZYKIEWICZ, Dorota: “Horizontal Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights”, European Law Review, 38, 2013, s.479.
  • LECZYKIEWICZ, Dorota: “The Judgment in Bauer and the Effect of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in Horizontal Situations”, ERCL, 16(2), 2020, s.323.
  • LOCK, Tobias: “Rights and Principles in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, Common Market Law Review, 56, 2019, s.1201.
  • LOURENÇO, Luisa: “General Principles of European Union Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights”, A Case Note on Case C-176/12 Association De Médiation Sociale, European Law Reporter, nº 11/12, November-December 2013.
  • MÁDR, Petr: “Article 51 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights from the Perspective of the National Judge”, Review of European Administrative Law, 13, 2020, s.53-85.
  • MAK, Chantal: “Judges in Utopia Fundamental Rights as Constitutive Elements of a European Private Legal Culture”, Amsterdam Law School Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2012-89.
  • MUIR, Elise: “The Horizontal Effects of Charter Rights Given Expression to in EU Legislation, from Mangold to Bauer”, Review of European Administrative Law; 12, 2019, s.185.
  • PEERS, Steve/HERVEY, Tamara/KENNER, Jeff/WARD, Angela (ed.), The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary, Hart, London:, 2014.
  • PESCATORE, Pierre: “The Doctrine of “Direct Effect”: An Infant Disease of Community Law”, European Law Review, 8, 1983, s.155.
  • PRECHAL, Sacha: “Horizontal Direct Effect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU”, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 66, 2020, s.407.
  • SAFJAN, Marek: “Areas of Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Fields of Conflict?”, EUI Working Paper LAW 2012/22.
  • SAFJAN, Marek: “The Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights in Private Law - On Actors, Vectors, and Factors of Influence” in Purnhagen, K./Rott, P. (ed.), Varieties of European Economic Law and Regulation, Springer, Switzerland 2014, s.123-152.
  • SARMIENTO, Daniel: “Who’s Afraid of the Charter? The Court of Justice, Natıonal Courts and the New Framework of Fundamental Rights Protection in Europe”, Common Market Law Review, 50, 2013, s.1267.
  • SEIFERT, Achim: “The Horizontal Effect of Social Rights of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU”, Pro Justitia τ.3, 2020, s.1.
  • SEVER, Saša: “Horizontal Effect and the Charter”, CYELP, 10, 2014, s.39.
  • SPAVENTA, Eleanor: “The Interpretation of Article 51 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: The Dilemma of Stricter or Broader Application of the Charter to National Measures”, Study for the PETI Committee, European Parliament Policy Department, Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, 2016.
  • TRIDIMAS, Takis: “The General Principles of EU Law and the Europeanisation of National Laws”, Review of European Administrative Law, 13, 2020, s.5.
  • TRSTENJAK, Verica/WEINGERL Petra: “Slovenia” in Botman, Marleen/Langer, Jurian (ed.), National Courts and the Enforcement of EU Law: The Pivotal Role of National Courts in the EU Legal Order, The XXIX FIDE Congress in the Hague 2020 Congress Publications Vol 1, Eleven International Publishing, Den Haag 2020, s.443-458.
  • WALKILA, Sonya: Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights in EU Law, Europa Law Publishing, Zutphen 2016.
  • YOUNG, Alison L: “Mapping Horizontal Effect” in Hoffman, David (ed.), The Impact of the UK Human Rights Act on Private Law, CUP, Cambridge 2011, s.16-47.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk
Bölüm Makaleler

Mustafa Tayyar Karayiğit 0000-0002-5976-6401

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 9 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Ağustos 2021
Kabul Tarihi 15 Kasım 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Karayiğit, M. T. (2021). AB TEMEL HAKLAR ŞARTI’NIN YATAY ETKİSİ. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2), 685-702.
AMA Karayiğit MT. AB TEMEL HAKLAR ŞARTI’NIN YATAY ETKİSİ. İnÜHFD. Aralık 2021;12(2):685-702. doi:10.21492/inuhfd.983622
Chicago Karayiğit, Mustafa Tayyar. “AB TEMEL HAKLAR ŞARTI’NIN YATAY ETKİSİ”. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 12, sy. 2 (Aralık 2021): 685-702.
EndNote Karayiğit MT (01 Aralık 2021) AB TEMEL HAKLAR ŞARTI’NIN YATAY ETKİSİ. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 12 2 685–702.
IEEE M. T. Karayiğit, “AB TEMEL HAKLAR ŞARTI’NIN YATAY ETKİSİ”, İnÜHFD, c. 12, sy. 2, ss. 685–702, 2021, doi: 10.21492/inuhfd.983622.
ISNAD Karayiğit, Mustafa Tayyar. “AB TEMEL HAKLAR ŞARTI’NIN YATAY ETKİSİ”. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 12/2 (Aralık 2021), 685-702.
MLA Karayiğit, Mustafa Tayyar. “AB TEMEL HAKLAR ŞARTI’NIN YATAY ETKİSİ”. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 12, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 685-02, doi:10.21492/inuhfd.983622.
Vancouver Karayiğit MT. AB TEMEL HAKLAR ŞARTI’NIN YATAY ETKİSİ. İnÜHFD. 2021;12(2):685-702.