In the distinction of contracts in terms of purpose and content, there are contracts whose results are dependent on luck and coincidence. In such contracts, the scope and duration of the performance depend on luck. In the lifetime income contract, the income payment act continues for the life of the income creditor, income debtor or third person according to the agreement. The uncertainty of how long the life will last here makes the contract a contract based on luck and chance. It comes for a lifetime; It can be revealed by the agreement of the parties, or it can be based on a court decision (TBK 51/II, TMK 175, TMK 176). In addition, the judge may assign a lifetime income to the care creditor upon the request of the parties or by himself in the contract of care until his death (TBK 617/II). Lifetime income can also be determined by the death-related savings made by the legator (TBK 516). The income that is desired to be achieved with a lifetime income contract is to provide for the livelihood of the creditor. The third party may also fulfill the income payment debt. The contract is regulated under the title of lifetime income contract in the Turkish Code of Obligations. There are very few studies in the literature on the lifetime income contract.