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Satisfaction Concept in Higher Education Institutions: A Theoretical Compilation

Yıl 2018, , 1582 - 1591, 30.09.2018


of this study is to examine the satisfaction concept and the concepts related
to satisfaction comprehensively. In order to realize this purpose,
determination of stakeholders of the higher education institutions, revealing
the factors affecting satisfaction and proving the adoptability of customer
satisfaction, service quality, corporate image, corporate reputation and
stakeholder-based concepts, which take place in different research areas to
higher education institutions due to the national and international literature,
is aimed. These main problems are questioned in the study; which subjects to be
worked so as to improve the satisfaction in higher education institutions would
be useful, which principles can higher education institutions with lower
satisfaction hold up as an example, how to eliminate the negative effects of
unconvertible exogenous variables on satisfaction. Due to these questions,
suggestions will be made for higher education institution managers and further


  • Al-Dulaimi, Z.Y.S. 2016. “Student's Satisfaction About The Level Of Administrative And Academic Performance In The Faculty Of Administration And Economy Al- Iraqia University (A Survey)”, Young Economists Journal, 13(27), 153-164.Al-Dulaimi, Z.A., Bhaya, Z. ve Jassmy, B. 2016. “The Impact of the Educational Services Quality on the Satisfaction of the Students, Empirical Study Based on the Al-Rafidain Private University College Students”, Romanian Journal of Marketing, 4, 31-41.Alzamel, S. 2014. “Factors that Influence Student Satisfaction with International Programs in Institutions of Higher Learning: A Proposed Case Study of University of Dayton”, International Journal of Global Business, 7 (1), 15-24.Arif, S., Ilyas, M., ve Hameed, A. 2013. "Student satisfaction and impact of leadership in private universities", The TQM Journal, 25(4), 399-416.Arslan, S., Altinbas Akkas, O. 2014. “Quality of College Life (QCL) of Students in Turkey: Students’ Life Satisfaction and Identification”, Social Indıcators Research, 115(2), 869-884.Athiyaman, A. 1997. "Linking student satisfaction and service quality perceptions: the case of university education", European Journal of Marketing, 31(7), 528-540.Azoury, N,, Daou, L. ve Khoury, C.E. 2014. “University image and its relationship to student satisfaction- case of the Middle Eastern private business schools”, International Strategic Management Review, 2, 1-8.Bakır, N.O., Arslan, F.M. ve Gegez, A. E. 2016. “Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Memnuniyet Oluşturan Unsurların Saptanması: Marmara Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Öğrencileri ile Bir Araştırma”, Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(1), 93-125.Belash, O., Popov, M., Ryzhov, N., Ryaskov, Y., Shaposhnikov, S. ve Shestopalov, M. 2015. “Research on University Education Quality Assurance: Methodology and Results of Stakeholders’ Satisfaction Monitoring”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 214, 344-358.Douglas, J., Douglas, A. ve Barnes, B. 2006. “Measuring student satisfaction at a UK university", Quality Assurance in Education, 14(3), 251-267.Eberle, L., Milan, G.S. ve Dorion, E. 2016. "Service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction in a Brazilian university context", Benchmarking: An International Journal, 23(7), 1697-1716.El-Said, O.A., Fathy, E.A. 2015. “Assessing university students' satisfaction with on-campus cafeteria services”, Tourism Management Perspectives, 16, 318-324.Eom, S.B, Ashill, N. 2016. “The Determinants of Students’ Perceived Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction in University Online Education: An Update”, Journal of Innovative Education, 14(2), 185-215.Gibbons, S., Neumayer, E. ve Perkins, R. 2015. “Student satisfaction, league tables and university applications: Evidence from Britain”, Economics of Education Review, 48, 148-164.Giner, G.R., Rillo, A.p. 2016. “Structural equation modeling of co-creation and its influence on the student’s satisfaction and loyalty towards university”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 291, 257–263.Gruber, T., Fuss, S., Voss, R. ve Zikuda, M.G. 2010. "Examining student satisfaction with higher education services: Using a new measurement tool", International Journal of Public Sector Management, 23(2), 105-123.Huybers, T. Louviere, J. ve Islam, T. 2015. “What determines student satisfaction with university subjects? A choice-based approach”, The Journal of Choice Modelling, 17, 52-65.Ibiyemi A., Adnan, Y.M., Daud, N. ve Adenipekun, N. 2014. “An examination of the structure of facilities planning scale for user satisfaction in Nigerian universities”, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 14(3), 58-73.Ismail, N., Hassan, F.H. ve Sheriff, N.M. 2015. “Student Satisfaction Formation: Linkage Between Information Satisfaction and College Choice Satisfaction”. Leading Issues in Leading Issues in Business and Management Research. Editörler: Mendy, J., Geringer, S.D. İngiltere: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.Karadağ, E., Yücel, C. “Türkiye Üniversite Memnuniyet Araştırması (TÜMA 2017)”. Son erişim tarihi: 8 Ağustos 2017.Karadağ, E., Yücel, C. “Türkiye Üniversite Memnuniyet Araştırması-2016”. Son erişim tarihi: 1 Eylül 2017.Kim, S. 2015. “The influence of social relationships on international students’ intentions to remain abroad: multi-group analysis by marital status”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(14), 1848-1864.Misanew, A., Tadesse, N. 2014. “Determinants of Student and Staff Satisfaction with Services at Dilla University, Ethiopia: Application of Single and Multilevel Logistic Regression Analyses”, Social Indicators Research, 119, 1571-1587.Moradi, E., Almutairi, D.O., Idrus, D. ve Emami, R. 2013. “The Influence of Organizational Learning Culture on Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff”, Journal of Global Management, 5(1), 56-66.Morris, T.L., Laipple, J.S. 2015. “How prepared are academic administrators? Leadership and job satisfaction within US research universities”, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 37(2), 241-251.Nasser, R.N., Khoury, B. ve Abouchedid, K. 2008. “University students' knowledge of services and programs in relation to satisfaction: A case study of a private university in Lebanon", Quality Assurance in Education, (16)1, 80-97.Navarro, M.M., Iglesias, M.P. ve Torres, P.R. 2005. "A new management element for universities: satisfaction with the offered courses", International Journal of Educational Management, 19(6), 505-526.Oshagbemi, T. 1999. “Academics and their managers: a comparative study in job satisfaction”, Personnel Review, 28(1/2), 108-123.Oshagbemi, T. 2000. “How satisfied are academics with their primary tasks of teaching, research and administration and management?", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 1(2), 124-136.Padlee, S.F., Reimers, V. 2015. “International student satisfaction with, and behavioural intentions towards, universities in Victoria”, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 25(1), 70-84.Palacio, A.B., Meneses, G.D. ve Perez, P.J.P. 2002. "The configuration of the university image and its relationship with the satisfaction of students", Journal of Educational Administration, 40(5), 486-505.Polat, C. 2015. “How to Measure the Customer Satisfaction Among International Students? An Explorative Case Study on Unıversity Students”, Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 41-59.Quinn, F.F., Thorne, D.M. 2014. “The Influence of Organizational Effectiveness and other Correlates on the Job Satisfaction of Staff Employees at Four Year Institutions of Higher Education”, Business Studies Journal, 6(2), 67-84.Shakirova, S., Nurakhmetova, L. 2015. “Motivation for Research and job Satisfaction of the University Staff: Are They Interconnected?”, European Conference on Intellectual Capital-ECIC, 286-297.Sopon, D., Ilies, L. ve Petean, F.I. 2013. “Quality Of Educational Services: The Influence Of External Factors On University Student Satisfaction – A Case Study”, Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society. Proceedings; Cluj-Napoca 6: 112-116.Tokmak, G. 2016. “The Effects of Demographical Factors and Brand Associations on Satisfaction: University Sample”, Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 12(30), 193-212.Topsakal, Y., İplik, F.N. 2013. “Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Kalite Algıları İle Memnuniyet ve Tavsiye Etme Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişkiyi Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Cag University Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2), 82-94.Tran, T.P., Blankson, C. ve Roswinanto, W. 2015. “Market orientation: an option for universities to adopt?”, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 20, 347-365.Watjatrakul, B. 2014. “Factors affecting students’ intentions to study at universities adopting the “student-as-customer” concept”, International Journal of Educational Management, 28(6), 676-693.

Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Memnuniyet Kavramı: Kuramsal Bir Derleme

Yıl 2018, , 1582 - 1591, 30.09.2018


Bu çalışmanın amacı,
memnuniyet kavramının ve bu kavramla ilişkili faktörlerin yükseköğretim
kurumları bakımından kapsamlı biçimde irdelenmesidir. Bu amacı
gerçekleştirebilmek üzere yükseköğretim kurumlarının paydaşlarının
belirlenmesi, memnuniyete etki eden faktörlerin ortaya konması ve farklı bilim
dallarında araştırma konusu olan müşteri memnuniyeti, hizmet kalitesi, kurumsal
imaj, kurumsal itibar ve paydaş kavramlarının yükseköğretim kurumlarına
uyarlanabilir oluşunun ilgili ulusal ve uluslararası yazına dayanılarak ispat
edilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Çalışmanın cevap aradığı temel sorular şunlardır:
Yükseköğretim kurumlarında memnuniyeti artırmak üzere hangi konulara eğilmek
faydalı olabilir? Memnuniyet düzeyi düşük olan yükseköğretim kurumlarının örnek
alabileceği unsurlar nelerdir? Memnuniyet üzerindeki müdahale edilemeyen dışsal
faktörlerin olumsuz etkileri nasıl bertaraf edilebilir? Çalışmada elde edilen
bilgiler doğrultusunda, yükseköğretim kurumlarında öğrencilerin yanı sıra, tüm
paydaşların beklenti ve memnuniyet düzeylerinin dikkate alınması, yükseköğretim
kurumu yöneticilerinin bilgi, deneyim ve talep paylaşımına açık olmaları ve
stratejik kararlarda tüm paydaş gruplarının gözetilmesi önerilmektedir.


  • Al-Dulaimi, Z.Y.S. 2016. “Student's Satisfaction About The Level Of Administrative And Academic Performance In The Faculty Of Administration And Economy Al- Iraqia University (A Survey)”, Young Economists Journal, 13(27), 153-164.Al-Dulaimi, Z.A., Bhaya, Z. ve Jassmy, B. 2016. “The Impact of the Educational Services Quality on the Satisfaction of the Students, Empirical Study Based on the Al-Rafidain Private University College Students”, Romanian Journal of Marketing, 4, 31-41.Alzamel, S. 2014. “Factors that Influence Student Satisfaction with International Programs in Institutions of Higher Learning: A Proposed Case Study of University of Dayton”, International Journal of Global Business, 7 (1), 15-24.Arif, S., Ilyas, M., ve Hameed, A. 2013. "Student satisfaction and impact of leadership in private universities", The TQM Journal, 25(4), 399-416.Arslan, S., Altinbas Akkas, O. 2014. “Quality of College Life (QCL) of Students in Turkey: Students’ Life Satisfaction and Identification”, Social Indıcators Research, 115(2), 869-884.Athiyaman, A. 1997. "Linking student satisfaction and service quality perceptions: the case of university education", European Journal of Marketing, 31(7), 528-540.Azoury, N,, Daou, L. ve Khoury, C.E. 2014. “University image and its relationship to student satisfaction- case of the Middle Eastern private business schools”, International Strategic Management Review, 2, 1-8.Bakır, N.O., Arslan, F.M. ve Gegez, A. E. 2016. “Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Memnuniyet Oluşturan Unsurların Saptanması: Marmara Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Öğrencileri ile Bir Araştırma”, Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(1), 93-125.Belash, O., Popov, M., Ryzhov, N., Ryaskov, Y., Shaposhnikov, S. ve Shestopalov, M. 2015. “Research on University Education Quality Assurance: Methodology and Results of Stakeholders’ Satisfaction Monitoring”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 214, 344-358.Douglas, J., Douglas, A. ve Barnes, B. 2006. “Measuring student satisfaction at a UK university", Quality Assurance in Education, 14(3), 251-267.Eberle, L., Milan, G.S. ve Dorion, E. 2016. "Service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction in a Brazilian university context", Benchmarking: An International Journal, 23(7), 1697-1716.El-Said, O.A., Fathy, E.A. 2015. “Assessing university students' satisfaction with on-campus cafeteria services”, Tourism Management Perspectives, 16, 318-324.Eom, S.B, Ashill, N. 2016. “The Determinants of Students’ Perceived Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction in University Online Education: An Update”, Journal of Innovative Education, 14(2), 185-215.Gibbons, S., Neumayer, E. ve Perkins, R. 2015. “Student satisfaction, league tables and university applications: Evidence from Britain”, Economics of Education Review, 48, 148-164.Giner, G.R., Rillo, A.p. 2016. “Structural equation modeling of co-creation and its influence on the student’s satisfaction and loyalty towards university”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 291, 257–263.Gruber, T., Fuss, S., Voss, R. ve Zikuda, M.G. 2010. "Examining student satisfaction with higher education services: Using a new measurement tool", International Journal of Public Sector Management, 23(2), 105-123.Huybers, T. Louviere, J. ve Islam, T. 2015. “What determines student satisfaction with university subjects? A choice-based approach”, The Journal of Choice Modelling, 17, 52-65.Ibiyemi A., Adnan, Y.M., Daud, N. ve Adenipekun, N. 2014. “An examination of the structure of facilities planning scale for user satisfaction in Nigerian universities”, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 14(3), 58-73.Ismail, N., Hassan, F.H. ve Sheriff, N.M. 2015. “Student Satisfaction Formation: Linkage Between Information Satisfaction and College Choice Satisfaction”. Leading Issues in Leading Issues in Business and Management Research. Editörler: Mendy, J., Geringer, S.D. İngiltere: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.Karadağ, E., Yücel, C. “Türkiye Üniversite Memnuniyet Araştırması (TÜMA 2017)”. Son erişim tarihi: 8 Ağustos 2017.Karadağ, E., Yücel, C. “Türkiye Üniversite Memnuniyet Araştırması-2016”. Son erişim tarihi: 1 Eylül 2017.Kim, S. 2015. “The influence of social relationships on international students’ intentions to remain abroad: multi-group analysis by marital status”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(14), 1848-1864.Misanew, A., Tadesse, N. 2014. “Determinants of Student and Staff Satisfaction with Services at Dilla University, Ethiopia: Application of Single and Multilevel Logistic Regression Analyses”, Social Indicators Research, 119, 1571-1587.Moradi, E., Almutairi, D.O., Idrus, D. ve Emami, R. 2013. “The Influence of Organizational Learning Culture on Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff”, Journal of Global Management, 5(1), 56-66.Morris, T.L., Laipple, J.S. 2015. “How prepared are academic administrators? Leadership and job satisfaction within US research universities”, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 37(2), 241-251.Nasser, R.N., Khoury, B. ve Abouchedid, K. 2008. “University students' knowledge of services and programs in relation to satisfaction: A case study of a private university in Lebanon", Quality Assurance in Education, (16)1, 80-97.Navarro, M.M., Iglesias, M.P. ve Torres, P.R. 2005. "A new management element for universities: satisfaction with the offered courses", International Journal of Educational Management, 19(6), 505-526.Oshagbemi, T. 1999. “Academics and their managers: a comparative study in job satisfaction”, Personnel Review, 28(1/2), 108-123.Oshagbemi, T. 2000. “How satisfied are academics with their primary tasks of teaching, research and administration and management?", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 1(2), 124-136.Padlee, S.F., Reimers, V. 2015. “International student satisfaction with, and behavioural intentions towards, universities in Victoria”, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 25(1), 70-84.Palacio, A.B., Meneses, G.D. ve Perez, P.J.P. 2002. "The configuration of the university image and its relationship with the satisfaction of students", Journal of Educational Administration, 40(5), 486-505.Polat, C. 2015. “How to Measure the Customer Satisfaction Among International Students? An Explorative Case Study on Unıversity Students”, Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 41-59.Quinn, F.F., Thorne, D.M. 2014. “The Influence of Organizational Effectiveness and other Correlates on the Job Satisfaction of Staff Employees at Four Year Institutions of Higher Education”, Business Studies Journal, 6(2), 67-84.Shakirova, S., Nurakhmetova, L. 2015. “Motivation for Research and job Satisfaction of the University Staff: Are They Interconnected?”, European Conference on Intellectual Capital-ECIC, 286-297.Sopon, D., Ilies, L. ve Petean, F.I. 2013. “Quality Of Educational Services: The Influence Of External Factors On University Student Satisfaction – A Case Study”, Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society. Proceedings; Cluj-Napoca 6: 112-116.Tokmak, G. 2016. “The Effects of Demographical Factors and Brand Associations on Satisfaction: University Sample”, Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 12(30), 193-212.Topsakal, Y., İplik, F.N. 2013. “Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Kalite Algıları İle Memnuniyet ve Tavsiye Etme Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişkiyi Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Cag University Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2), 82-94.Tran, T.P., Blankson, C. ve Roswinanto, W. 2015. “Market orientation: an option for universities to adopt?”, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 20, 347-365.Watjatrakul, B. 2014. “Factors affecting students’ intentions to study at universities adopting the “student-as-customer” concept”, International Journal of Educational Management, 28(6), 676-693.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Cenk Arsun Yüksel 0000-0002-2249-2806

İlknur Bilgen 0000-0002-9678-6495

Hava Yaşbay Kobal 0000-0002-2589-785X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Yüksel, C. A., Bilgen, İ., & Yaşbay Kobal, H. (2018). Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Memnuniyet Kavramı: Kuramsal Bir Derleme. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(3), 1582-1591.
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi  Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.