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Akran İlişkileri Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması: Lise Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Yıl 2018, , 1516 - 1535, 30.09.2018


araştırmanın temel amacı, Şanlıurfa’nın Birecik İlçesindeki Ticaret Meslek
Lisesinde eğitim gören kız ve erkek öğrencilerinin akran ilişkileri düzeylerini
karşılaştırmalı olarak incelemektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2017-2018
eğitim öğretim yılında Şanlıurfa’nın Birecik İlçesi Ticaret Meslek Lisesinde
9-10-11-12. sınıflarda eğitim gören 231 erkek, 227 kız toplam 458 öğrenci
oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri “Akran İlişkileri Ölçeği” kullanılarak
yüz yüze anket yöntemiyle yapılmıştır. Verilerin istatistiksel analizleri SPSS
22.0 programı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. 
Sayısal değişkenlerin normallik dağılımlarına bakmak için Shapirowilk
testi uygulanmış, normal dağılım elde edilmiştir. Veri setinde parametrik
testler kullanılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı istatistiklerin çözümlenmesinde de frekans,
yüzde, aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma, minimum ve maksimum değerlerden


  • Bagwell, C. L. and Schmidt, M. E. (2011). The Friendship Quality Of Overtly And Relationally Victimized Children. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 57(2), 158-185.
  • Barboza, G. E., Schiamberg, L. B., Oehmke, J., Korzeniewski, S. J., Post, L. A., and Heraux, C. G. (2009). Individual Characteristics And The Multiple Contexts Of Adolescent Bullying: An Ecological Perspective. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence, 38(1), 101-121.
  • Bayraktar. F. (2009). Ergenlerin Zorba Ve Kurban Davranışlarında Birey, Aile, Akran ve Okula Dair Özelliklerin Rolü: Bütüncül Bir Model Önerisi. Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Bollmer, J. M., Milich, R., Harris, M. J., and Maras, M. A. (2005). A Friend İn Need: The Role Of Friendship Quality As A Protective Factor İn Peer Victimization And Bullying. Journal Of İnterpersonal Violence, 20(6), 701-712.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U. (1986). Ecology Of The Family As Acontext For Human Development:Reseaech Perspectives. Developmental Psychology, 22, 723-742
  • Pekşen Süslü D.(2016) Lise Öğrencilerinde Siber Zorbalık ve Siber Mağduriyetin Benlik Saygısı, Anne, Baba ve Akran İlişkileri Açısından İncelenmesi, Doktora Tezi, Maltepe Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Doll, B., Murphy, P., and Song, S. Y. (2003). Their Relationship Between Children’s Self-Reported Recess Problems And Peer Acceptance And Friendships. Journal of School Psychology, 41, 113-130.
  • Espelage, D. L., Holt, M. K., & Henkel, R. R. (2003). Examination Of Peer Group Contextual Effects On Aggressive Behavior During Early Adolescence. Child Development, 74, 205–220.
  • Garandeau, C. F., and Cillessen, A. H. N. (2006). From İndirect Aggression To İnvisible Aggression: A Conceptual View On Bullying And Peer Group Manipulation. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 11, 612–625.
  • Gifford-Smith, M. E., and Brownell, C. A. (2003). Childhood Peer Relationships: Social Acceptance, Friendships, And Peer Networks. Journal of School Psychology, 41(4), 235-284.
  • Gülay, H. (2009) Okul Öncesi Dönemde Akran İlişkileri, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 12 (22),82-93Gülay, H. (2009b). Okul Öncesi Dönemde Akran İlişkileri. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Harris, J. R. (1995). Where İs The Child's Environment? A Group Socialization Theory Of Development. Psychological Review, 102(3), 458-489.
  • Hartup, W. W. (1996). The company they keep: Friendships and their developmental significance. Child Development, 67, 1–13.Haynie, D. L., Nansel, T., Eitel, P., Crump, A. D., Saylor, K., Yu, K. and Simons-Morton, B. (2001). Bullies, victims, and bully/victims: distinct groups of at-risk youth. Journal of Early Adolescence, 21, 29-49.
  • Juhasız, A.M. (1989). Significant Others And Self-Esteem: Methods For Determining Who And Why. Adolescence, 24(95), 581-594.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (1999). Yeni İnsan ve İnsanlar Sosyal Psikolojiye Giriş, İstanbul: Evrim Yayınları.
  • Kaner, S. (2002b). Akran İlişkileri Ölçeği Ve Akran Sapması Ölçeği Geliştirme Çalışması. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 33, 1-2, 77-89.
  • Kostelnik, M. J., Whiren, A. P., Soderman, A. K., and Gregory, K. (2005). Guiding Children’s Social Development. Theory to Practice. USA: Thomson & Demler Learning.
  • Lindsey, E. W. (2002). Preschool Children’s Friendships And Peer Acceptance: Links To Social Competence. Child Study Journal, 32, (3), 145-156.
  • Parker, J. G. and Asher, S. R. (1993). Friends And Friendship Quality İn Middle Childhood: Links With Peer Group Acceptance And Feelings Of Loneliness And Social Dissatisfaction. Developmental Psychology, 29, 611-621.
  • Rodkin, P. C. And Hodges, E. V. E. (2003). Bullies and Victims İn The Peer Ecology: Four Questions For Psychologists And School Professionals. School Psychology Review, 32, 384–400.
  • Rosenberg, M. (1979). Conceiving the Self. NY: Basic Books.
  • Salmivalli, C. and Isaacs, J. (2005). Prospective Relations Among Victimization, Rejection, Friendlessness, And Children’s Self- And Peer-Perceptions. Child Development, 76 (6), 1161-1171.
  • Woods, S., Done, J. and Kalsi, H. (2009). Peer Victimisation And İnternalising Difficulties: The Moderating Role Of Friendship Quality. Journal of Adolescence, 32, 293-308.
  • Woods, S., Done, J. And Kalsi, H. (2009). Peer Victimisation And İnternalising Difficulties: The Moderating Role Of Friendship Quality. Journal of Adolescence, 32, 293-308.

Comparing Peer Relationship Levels: A Study on High School Students

Yıl 2018, , 1516 - 1535, 30.09.2018


The main aim of this
research is to examine comparatively the levels of peer relationships of female
and male students from Trade Vocational High School in Birecik, a district of
Şanlıurfa province. The study group was formed by 458 students in the 9th,
10th, 11th and 12th grades of the school in the academic year of 2017-2018. The
data of the research has been gathered through face-to-face questionnaire
method utilizing “the Peer Relations Scale". Statistical analyzes of the
data were made employing the SPSS 22.0 program. The Shapiro-Wilk test was
applied to check the normality distributions of the numerical variables and the
normal distribution was obtained. Parametrictests were used in the data set.
The frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum
values were used in the analysis of the descriptive statistics.


  • Bagwell, C. L. and Schmidt, M. E. (2011). The Friendship Quality Of Overtly And Relationally Victimized Children. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 57(2), 158-185.
  • Barboza, G. E., Schiamberg, L. B., Oehmke, J., Korzeniewski, S. J., Post, L. A., and Heraux, C. G. (2009). Individual Characteristics And The Multiple Contexts Of Adolescent Bullying: An Ecological Perspective. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence, 38(1), 101-121.
  • Bayraktar. F. (2009). Ergenlerin Zorba Ve Kurban Davranışlarında Birey, Aile, Akran ve Okula Dair Özelliklerin Rolü: Bütüncül Bir Model Önerisi. Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Bollmer, J. M., Milich, R., Harris, M. J., and Maras, M. A. (2005). A Friend İn Need: The Role Of Friendship Quality As A Protective Factor İn Peer Victimization And Bullying. Journal Of İnterpersonal Violence, 20(6), 701-712.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U. (1986). Ecology Of The Family As Acontext For Human Development:Reseaech Perspectives. Developmental Psychology, 22, 723-742
  • Pekşen Süslü D.(2016) Lise Öğrencilerinde Siber Zorbalık ve Siber Mağduriyetin Benlik Saygısı, Anne, Baba ve Akran İlişkileri Açısından İncelenmesi, Doktora Tezi, Maltepe Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Doll, B., Murphy, P., and Song, S. Y. (2003). Their Relationship Between Children’s Self-Reported Recess Problems And Peer Acceptance And Friendships. Journal of School Psychology, 41, 113-130.
  • Espelage, D. L., Holt, M. K., & Henkel, R. R. (2003). Examination Of Peer Group Contextual Effects On Aggressive Behavior During Early Adolescence. Child Development, 74, 205–220.
  • Garandeau, C. F., and Cillessen, A. H. N. (2006). From İndirect Aggression To İnvisible Aggression: A Conceptual View On Bullying And Peer Group Manipulation. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 11, 612–625.
  • Gifford-Smith, M. E., and Brownell, C. A. (2003). Childhood Peer Relationships: Social Acceptance, Friendships, And Peer Networks. Journal of School Psychology, 41(4), 235-284.
  • Gülay, H. (2009) Okul Öncesi Dönemde Akran İlişkileri, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 12 (22),82-93Gülay, H. (2009b). Okul Öncesi Dönemde Akran İlişkileri. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Harris, J. R. (1995). Where İs The Child's Environment? A Group Socialization Theory Of Development. Psychological Review, 102(3), 458-489.
  • Hartup, W. W. (1996). The company they keep: Friendships and their developmental significance. Child Development, 67, 1–13.Haynie, D. L., Nansel, T., Eitel, P., Crump, A. D., Saylor, K., Yu, K. and Simons-Morton, B. (2001). Bullies, victims, and bully/victims: distinct groups of at-risk youth. Journal of Early Adolescence, 21, 29-49.
  • Juhasız, A.M. (1989). Significant Others And Self-Esteem: Methods For Determining Who And Why. Adolescence, 24(95), 581-594.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (1999). Yeni İnsan ve İnsanlar Sosyal Psikolojiye Giriş, İstanbul: Evrim Yayınları.
  • Kaner, S. (2002b). Akran İlişkileri Ölçeği Ve Akran Sapması Ölçeği Geliştirme Çalışması. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 33, 1-2, 77-89.
  • Kostelnik, M. J., Whiren, A. P., Soderman, A. K., and Gregory, K. (2005). Guiding Children’s Social Development. Theory to Practice. USA: Thomson & Demler Learning.
  • Lindsey, E. W. (2002). Preschool Children’s Friendships And Peer Acceptance: Links To Social Competence. Child Study Journal, 32, (3), 145-156.
  • Parker, J. G. and Asher, S. R. (1993). Friends And Friendship Quality İn Middle Childhood: Links With Peer Group Acceptance And Feelings Of Loneliness And Social Dissatisfaction. Developmental Psychology, 29, 611-621.
  • Rodkin, P. C. And Hodges, E. V. E. (2003). Bullies and Victims İn The Peer Ecology: Four Questions For Psychologists And School Professionals. School Psychology Review, 32, 384–400.
  • Rosenberg, M. (1979). Conceiving the Self. NY: Basic Books.
  • Salmivalli, C. and Isaacs, J. (2005). Prospective Relations Among Victimization, Rejection, Friendlessness, And Children’s Self- And Peer-Perceptions. Child Development, 76 (6), 1161-1171.
  • Woods, S., Done, J. and Kalsi, H. (2009). Peer Victimisation And İnternalising Difficulties: The Moderating Role Of Friendship Quality. Journal of Adolescence, 32, 293-308.
  • Woods, S., Done, J. And Kalsi, H. (2009). Peer Victimisation And İnternalising Difficulties: The Moderating Role Of Friendship Quality. Journal of Adolescence, 32, 293-308.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Hasan Çiftçi 0000-0001-5595-5726

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Çiftçi, H. (2018). Akran İlişkileri Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması: Lise Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir İnceleme. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(3), 1516-1535.
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi  Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.