Issue: 51, 6/26/24

Year: 2024

Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi - Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur which has been an official publication of Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Department of German Language since 1954 is an international, open access, peer-reviewed and scholarly journal published two times a year in June and December.

Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi - Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur publishes disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary, theoretical and/or applied research articles that focus on German language and literature in the following fields: literary studies, linguistics, cultural studies, media studies, and translation studies. The journal aims to provide a platform for sharing scientific knowledge in these fields.

The journal also offers reviews of scientific books and news of national and international conferences which cover the mentioned fields. This journal accepts manuscripts written in one of the following languages: German, Turkish, and English. The target group of the Journal consists of academicians, researchers, professionals, students, related professional and academic bodies and institutions.


All correspondence will be sent to the first-named author unless otherwise specified. Manuscpript is to be submitted online via and it should be accompanied by a cover letter indicating that the manuscript is intended for publication, specifying the article category (i.e. research article, book review etc.) and including information about the manuscript (see the Submission Checklist). Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word 2003 and upper versions. In addition, Copyright Agreement Form that has to be signed by all authors must be submitted.

1.    The manuscripts should be in A4 paper standards: having 2.5 cm margins from right, left, bottom and top, Times New Roman font style in 10 font size, line spacing of 1.5 and “justify align” format. For indented paragraph, tab key should be used.

2.    The title of the text should be centered on the page, in lower-case letter, bold, Times New Roman font.

3.    Before the introduction part, there should be an abstract of 200-250 words both in the language of the article and in English and an extended abstract in English between 600-800 words, summarizing the scope, the purpose, the results of the study and the methodology used following the abstracts. The English title of the manuscript should be above the English abstract. Underneath the abstracts, 5 keywords that inform the reader about the content of the study should be specified in the language of the article and in English.

4. Articles should be between 5000 - 8000 words, excluding abstract(s) and extended abstract.

5. The manuscripts should contain mainly these components: title in the language of the article, abstract and keywords; title in English, abstract and keywords in English, extended abstract in English, body text sections, footnotes and references.

6.    Quantitative and qualitative studies should include Introduction, Methods, Findings, Discussion sections. If an original model is used, the Methods section should include the Sample / Study Group, Data Collection Tools and Process subdivisions.

7.    Tables, graphs and figures should be given with a number and a defining title to enable following the idea of the article.

8.    A title page including author information must be submitted together with the manuscript. The title page is to include fully descriptive title of the manuscript and affiliation, title, e-mail address, ORCID, postal address, phone number of the author(s) (see The Submission Checklist).

9. Tables, Graphics and Pictures

All tables, graphics and pictures should be numbered in the order of Arabic numerals and written in bold. Every table, graphic or picture should have a title. More informations about the tables, pictures or graphics should be given as footnote.

Examples: Tablo 1: Öğrencilerin Dil Kullanımı  / Resim 1: René Magritte İmgelerin Laneti

10. All words except publication languages (German, English and Turkish) should be written in italic font. 

Examples: 1968 führte Jacques Derrida den Begriff la différance in die Philosophie ein.

             Lexikalisch zentral sind die Wörter pelle, rughe, viso und luce.

11. Citations should be given in original form. Every citation shpuld have a reference information such as date, author and page numbers.

Citations shorter than 3 lines should be given as shown below:

Articles written in English or Turkish: “…”

Example: Lennard J. Davis writes “To understand the disabled body, one must return to the concept of the norm, the normal body” (Davis, 1995, p. 23).

Example: Akşit Göktürk ütopya adasını “örnek yasalarla kurulmuş mutlu bir toplum düzeni” olarak tanımlar (Göktürk, 2012, s. 60-61).

Articles written in German: ,,……“

Example: Die Szene eröffnet mit dem Ausspruch „Pietro Aretino war ein Spötter, / Und trotzdem hat ihn Tizian gemalt.“ (Wedekind, 2009, Band VII,1, S. 275).

Citations longer than 3 lines should be given as shown below:

Articles written in German:

Gegen Ende der Szene stürmt der Polizeipräsident die Bühne und versucht, das Publikum vor der Nacktheit zu schützen:

Besteht das Publikum da unten vielleicht aus Paradieskindern? Nein! Besteht das Publikum aus lauter Geistesgrößen? Nein! Der normale Staatsbürger kann nun einmal die Wahrheit nicht hören und die Nacktheit nicht sehen, ohne außer Rand und Band zu geraten, ohne gemeingefährlich zu werden. (Wedekind, 2009, Band VII,1, S. 281)

Articles written in English or Turkish:

Example: The Author Lennard J. Davis continues,

So much of writing about disability has focused on the disabled person as the object of study, just as the study of race has focused on the person of color. But as recent scholarship on race, which has turned its attention to whiteness, I would like to focus not so much on the construction of disability as on the construction of normalcy. I do this because the problem is not the person with disabilities; the problem is the way that normalcy is constructed to create the ‘problem’ of the disabled person. (Davis, 1995, pp. 23–24)

Batı’nın zamanı ideal tarihin inşasının kurucu öğesi olarak görmesi, Engelhardt’ı zamanın ve tarihin dışında bir şimdi yaratmaya sevk eder: 

Zira Engelharhdt’ın, komodin olarak kullandığı bir kütüğün üzerine yerleştirdiği ve bir anahtar vasıtasıyla düzenli bir şekilde kurduğu saati tek bir kum tanesi yüzünden geri kalmaktaydı, kum tanesi kendisine saatin içinde yay ile vızıldayan küçük bir dişli arasında rahat bir yer bulmuştu ve sert, öğütülmüş mercan iskeletinden meydana geldiği için Kabakon zamanının minimal ölçüde yavaşlamasında neden oluyordu (Kracht, 2012, s. 74)

12. The references part shuold be named as Literaturverzeichnis, References or Kaynakça.

13. Title of the abstracts should be Abstract for articles written in German or English and Öz for articles written in Turkish.

14. All shortened book names or names of special historical events should be remarked as footnote to provide information about the book’s original name.

Example: World War I > WWI

Verwirrung der Gefühle (Zweig, 1926) > VG

15. All emphasized words or phrases should be given as shown below:

Articles written in German:

Haushofer perspektiviert die Natura us einem ,femininien Stanpunktʽ. 

Articles written in English or Turkish:

As a matter of fact, this speaks about ‘hopelessness’ and ‘the way to uncertainty’.

Romandaki adada dış dünyada akıp giden zamanın aksine bir tür ‘zamansızlık’ hüküm sürer.

16. Names of books, films, journals, songs etc. Should be written in italic font.

17. Custom names or names of the fictional characters should not be written in bold or italic font.

18. Headlines and subheadlines are not necessary, however if they will be used, all of them should be numbered in the order of Arabic numerals and formatted as shown below: 



Erstes Kapitel 

2.1 Erstes Unterkapitel des ersten Kapitels

2.2 Zweites Unterkapitel des ersten Kapitels

3 Zweites Kapitel 

3.1  Erstes Unterkapitel des zweiten Kapitels

3.2  Zweites Unterkapitel des zweiten Kapitels

3.3  Drittes Unterkapitel des zweiten Kapitels

Drittes Kapitel 




19.    The liability of the manuscripts submitted to our journal for publication, belongs to the author(s).

20.    The author(s) can be asked to make some changes in their manuscripts due to peer reviews.

21.    The studies that were sent to the journal will not be returned whether they are published or not.

Publication Policy
The journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and pays regard to Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) on
The subjects covered in the manuscripts submitted to the Journal for publication must be in accordance with the aim and scope of the Journal. Only those manuscripts approved by every individual author and that were not published before in or sent to another journal, are accepted for evaluation.
Changing the name of an author (omission, addition or order) in papers submitted to the Journal requires written permission of all declared authors.
Plagiarism, duplication, fraud authorship/denied authorship, research/data fabrication, salami slicing/salami publication, breaching of copyrights, prevailing conflict of interest are unethical behaviors. All manuscripts not in accordance with the accepted ethical standards will be removed from the publication. This also contains any possible malpractice discovered after the publication.

Submitted manuscripts that pass preliminary control are scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate software. If plagiarism/self-plagiarism will be found authors will be informed. Editors may resubmit manuscript for similarity check at any peer-review or production stage if required. High similarity scores may lead to rejection of a manuscript before and even after acceptance. Depending on the type of article and the percentage of similarity score taken from each article, the overall similarity score is generally expected to be less than 10%.

In our journal, studies produced from undergraduate, graduate and doctoral theses and congress papers published in full text are not included.

Double Blind Peer-Review
After plagiarism check, the eligible ones are evaluated by the editors-in-chief for their originality, methodology, the importance of the subject covered and compliance with the journal scope. The editor provides a fair double-blind peer review of the submitted articles and hands over the papers matching the formal rules to at least two national/international referees for evaluation and gives green light for publication upon modification by the authors in accordance with the referees’ claims.

Research Ethics

Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi - Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur adheres to the highest standards in research ethics and follows the principles of international research ethics as defined below. The authors are responsible for the compliance of the manuscripts with the ethical rules.

- Principles of integrity, quality and ransparency should be sustained in designing the research, reviewing the design and conducting the research.

- The research team and participants should be fully informed about the aim, methods, possible uses and requirements of the research and risks of participation in research.

- The confidentiality of the information provided by the research participants and the confidentiality of the respondents should be ensured. The research should be designed to protect the autonomy and dignity of the participants.

- Research participants should participate in the research voluntarily, not under any coercion.

- Any possible harm to participants must be avoided. The research should be planned in such a way that the participants are not at risk.

- The independence of research must be clear; and any conflict of interest or must be disclosed.

- In experimental studies with human subjects, written informed consent of the participants who decide to participate in the research must be obtained. In the case of children and those under wardship or with confirmed insanity, legal custodian’s assent must be obtained.

- If the study is to be carried out in any institution or organization, approval must be obtained from this institution or organization.

- In studies with human subject, it must be noted in the method’s section of the manuscript that the informed consent of the participants and ethics committee approval from the institution where the study has been conducted have been obtained.

Author's Responsibilities

It is authors’ responsibility to ensure that the manuscript is in accordance with scientific and ethical standards and rules. And authors must ensure that submitted work is original. They must certify that the manuscript has not previously been published elsewhere or is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere, in any language. Applicable copyright laws and conventions must be followed. Copyright material (e.g. tables, figures or extensive quotations) must be reproduced only with appropriate permission and acknowledgement. Any work or words of other authors, contributors, or sources must be appropriately credited and referenced.

All the authors of a submitted manuscript must have direct scientific and academic contribution to the manuscript. The author(s) of the original research articles is defined as a person who is significantly involved in “conceptualization and design of the study”, “collecting the data”, “analyzing the data”, “writing the manuscript”, “reviewing the manuscript with a critical perspective” and “planning/conducting the study of the manuscript and/or revising it”. Fund raising, data collection or supervision of the research group are not sufficient roles to be accepted as an author. The author(s) must meet all these criteria described above. The order of names in the author list of an article must be a co-decision and it must be indicated in the Copyright Agreement Form. The individuals who do not meet the authorship criteria but contributed to the study must take place in the acknowledgement section. Individuals providing technical support, assisting writing, providing a general support, providing material or financial support are examples to be indicated in acknowledgement section.

All authors must disclose all issues concerning financial relationship, conflict of interest, and competing interest that may potentially influence the results of the research or scientific judgment.

When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published paper, it is the author’s obligation to promptly cooperate with the Editor-in-Chief to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.

Responsibility for the Editors, Reviewers

Editor provides a fair double-blind peer review of the submitted manuscripts for publication. He ensures that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential before publishing.

Editor is responsible for the contents and overall quality of the publication. He must publish errata pages or make corrections when needed.

Editor does not allow any conflicts of interest between the authors, editors and reviewers. He has the full authority to assign a reviewer and is responsible for final decision for publication of the manuscripts in the Journal.

They must have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders. Their judgments must be objective.

Reviewers should identify the relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. They must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential and must report to the Editor if they are aware of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side.

A reviewer who feels unqualified to review the topic of a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and excuse himself from the review process.

The editor informs the reviewers that the manuscripts are confidential information and that this is a privileged interaction. The reviewers and editorial board cannot discuss the manuscripts with other persons. The reviewers are not allowed to have copies of the manuscripts for personal use and they cannot share manuscripts with others. Unless the authors and editor permit, the reviews of referees cannot be published or disclosed. The anonymity of the referees is important. In particular situations, the editor may share the review of one reviewer with other reviewers to clarify a particular point.

All expenses of the journal are covered by the Istanbul University. Processing and publication are free of charge with the journal. There is no article processing charges or submission fees for any submitted or accepted articles.