Research Article
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Year 2022, Issue: 27, 221 - 242, 09.02.2023



  • Kısaltmalarda Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts kısaltmaları kullanılmıştır. google scholar
  • Anlağan, T. (2000). Sadberk Hanım Müzesi Kalıplı Kâseler ve Kabartmalı Kaplar. İstanbul: Zero Production. google scholar
  • Athenaeus of Naucratis. (2007). The Learned Banqueters, with an English translation by S. D. Olson, Vol XI, 467c, (The Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge: Harvard Üniversity Press. google scholar
  • Aydın, B. (2001). The Hellenistic Pottery and small finds of Kordon Tumulus at Kordon Köyü/Salihli (Manisa), Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien. 76, 7-64. google scholar
  • Benndorf, O. (1976). Griechische und Sizilische Vasenbilder, 1869-1883, Berlin: Verlag von L. Guttentag. google scholar
  • Bouzek, J. (1990). Studies of Greek Pottery in the Black Sea Area, Prague: Charles University Press. google scholar
  • Callaghan P. J. (1982). On the origin of the long petal bowl, BICS. 29, 63-68. google scholar
  • Meyer-Schlictmann, C. (1988). Die pergamenische sigillata aus der Stadtgrabung von Pergamon: Mitte 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. - Mitte 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr (Pergamenische Forschungen 6), Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Christensen A. P. & Johansen, F. (1971). Hama: Fouilles et Recherches 1931-1938 III:2 Les Poteries Hellenistiques et Les Terres Sigillees Orientales, Copenhagen: Nationalmuseet. google scholar
  • Civelek A., ve Taş, Y. (2012). Adana Müzesi’nde Korunan Kalıp Yapım Kâseler, Türk Eskiçağ Bilimleri Enstitüsü, CollAn XI, 123-150. google scholar
  • Conze, A. (1913). Altertümer von Pergamon (Band I, Text 2), Stadt und Landschaft, Berlin: Verlag von Georg Reimer. google scholar
  • Cornell L. A. (1997). A Note on the Molded Bowls. In S.C. Herbert (Ed.) Tel Anafa II, i, The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery, JRA Supplementary Series 10, (s. 407-416), An Arbor, M I. google scholar
  • Courby, F. (1922). Les Vases Grecs a Reliefs, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Çorbacı, H. Y. (2009). Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi’nde Bulunan Bir Grup Megara Kasesi, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 130, 57-80. google scholar
  • Çorbacı, H. Y. (2017). Mardin Müzesi’nde Bulunan Kalıp Yapımı Kaseler, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 156, 169-178. google scholar
  • Dereboylu, E. (2001). Weisgrundige Keramik und Hellenistische Reliefbecher aus dem Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. In F. Krinzinger (Ed) Studien Zur Hellenistischen Keramik in Ephesos, Ergânzungshette zur der Jahresheften des österreichischen Archâologischen Institutes Heft 2 (s. 21-44) Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. google scholar
  • Edwards, G. R. (1956). Hellenistic pottery, Hesperia Supplements, 10, Small Objects from the Pnyx: 2, 79241. google scholar
  • Edwards, G. R. (1975). Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery, Corinth, 7(3), Princeton: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. google scholar
  • Fortner, S. A. (2008). Die Keramik und Kleinfunde von Bethsaida-Iulias am See Genezareth Israel, (Dissertation Thesis) Augsburg: L. Maximillians Universitaet. google scholar
  • Gassner, V. (1997). Das Südtor der Tetragonos-Agora, Keramik und Klein Funde, FE XIII/1/1, Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. google scholar
  • Goldman, H. (1950). Excavations at Gözlükule, Tarsus I, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods New Jersey: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Hayes J. W. (1985). Atlante Delle Forme Ceramiche II: Ceramica Fine Romana Del Bacino Mediterraneo (Tardo Ellenismo e Primo Impero) (EAA Suppl. 2), Rome: Istituto Della Enciclopedia Italiana. google scholar
  • Hausmann U. (1977/1978). Eine pergamenische Werkstadt? Istanbuler Mitt. 27/28, 231-226. google scholar
  • Hepding, H. (1954). Eine hellenistische Töpferwerkstatt in Pergamon, Sonderdruck Aus Nachrichten der Giessener Hochschulgesellschaft 21. 49-60. google scholar
  • Jones, F. F. (1950). The Pottery, In H. Goldman (Ed.) Excavations at Gözlü Kule Tarsus 1, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods (s. 149-296) New Jersey: Princeton University Press google scholar
  • Kenyon, K. M. (1957). The Objects from Samaria, Samaria- Sebaste: Reports of the work of the joint Expedition in 1931-1933 and of the British Expedition in 1931, III, London: Palestine Exploration Fund. google scholar
  • Kossatz, U. (1990). Funde Aus Milet. Teil 1. Die Megarischen Becher, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Kovalenko, S. A. (1989). Relief Pottery in the 3rd-1st Centuries BC in the Region of North of the Black Sea, Moscow google scholar
  • Kramer, N. (2004). Gindaros, Geschichte und Archaeologie einer Siedlungen im nordwestlichen Syrien von hellenistischer bis in frühbyzantinische Zeit, Rahden, Verlag Marie Leidorf. google scholar
  • Kraus, T. (1951). Megarische Becher im Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum zu Mainz, Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums. google scholar
  • Laumonier, A. (1977). La Céramique Hellénistique a Reliefs 1. Ateliers ioniens, Delos XXXI, Paris, de Boccard. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. S. & Picón, C. A. (2015). A fragment of a mold-pressed glass bowl in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Journal of Glass Studies. 57, 21-28. google scholar
  • Luca, G. D. & Radt, W. (1999). Sondagen im Fundament des grossen Altars, (Pergamenische Forschungen 12), Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Luca, D. G. (2021). Hellenistische Reliefbecher aus Pergamon. Die “Megarischen Becher” von der Akropolis, aus dem Asklepieion, der Stadtgrabung und von weiteren Fundorten. Ergänzt und bearbeitet von Patricia Kögler. Mit Beiträgen von Sarah Japp, Wolfgang Radt und Gerwulf Schneider und Zeichnungen von Brita Hofmann. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. google scholar
  • Negev, A. (1986). The late hellenistic and early Roman pottery of nebatean OBODA: Final Report: Qedem 22. 1-144. google scholar
  • Petrova, A. P. (2014). Pontic Group of Hellenistic Mouldmade, Black Sea Studies 16, 215-230. google scholar
  • Popescu, M. C. (2011). Data on moldmade bowls discovered in the settlements of Brad, Räcätäu (Bacäu County) and Poiana (Galati County), 2nd-1st Century B.C, In M. Dragoç (Ed.) Archaeology: Making of and Practice (s. 333-343) Pitesti: Ordessos. google scholar
  • Popescu, M. C. (2013). Hellenistic and Roman pottery in pre-Roman Dacia: 2 nd century B.C.-1st century, Arhitecturä, Restaurare, Arheologie, Bucureçti: Editura A.R.A. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S, I. (1978). Hellenistic Athenian pottery: Megarian bowls, Current Anthropology 19 (2), 387-388. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (1982). Hellenistic Pottery. Athenian and Imported Moldmade Bowls, Agora XXII, Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Rotroff, S. I. & google scholar
  • Oliver, A. (2003). The Hellenistic Pottery from Sardis, The Finds Throgh 1994, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis XII, Cambridge (Mass); London; Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (2006). The introduction of the Moldmade Bowl revisited: Tracking a hellenistic innovation, Hesperia, 75(3), 357-378. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (2019). The Moldmade Bowls of Pergamon: Origin and Influence, In S. Hamingway & K. Karoglu (Ed.) Art of the Hellenistic Kingdoms From Pergamon to Rome (s. 58-62), New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. google scholar
  • Schäfer, J. (1968). Hellenistische Keramik aus Pergamon (Vol. 2) Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Seiterle, G. (1982). Funde aus Ephesos, AntK. 25, 145-149 google scholar
  • Thalmann, J. P. (1978). Tell ‘Arqa (Liban Nord) campagnes I-III (1972-1974) chantier I. rapport préliminaire. (Introduction d’Ernest Will). Syria. Tome 55 (1-2), 1-151 google scholar
  • Thomson, H. (1934). Two centuries of Hellenistic pottery, Hesperia, 3, 311-480. google scholar
  • Zimmer, T. (2005). Hellenistische Reliefkeramik im Academischen Kunstmuseum Bonn. Bonner Jahrbücher Bd. 205. 83-135. google scholar
  • Waage, F. O. (1948). Ceramics and Islamic Coins, Antioch-on-the-Orontes IV (1), Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Weinberg, S. S. (1992). Molded bowls from Tel Anafa and elsewhere, Muse 26, 12-20. google scholar
  • Zabelina, V. S. (1984). Ellinisticeskaja importnye megarskie casi iz Pantikapeja, SoobMuzMoskva 7, 153-172. google scholar
  • Zahn, R. (1908). Hellenistische Reliefgefaesse aus Südrussland, JdI 23, 45-77. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D. (2000). A Skyphos from the House of Chrysaliskos and Pergamene Pottery Import in the Bosporan Kingdom, İçinde: E’ EnioTnpoviKß Xuvavipep YiaTnv l:/./.nvımiKp KspapiKß. XpovokoYiKÜ npo/i/fiiaia, 269-272. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D. & Zuravleva N. (2014). Late Hellenistic pottery and Lamps from Pantikapaion: Recent Finds, In P. G. Bilde & M. Lawall (Eds.) Pottery, People, and Places: Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery - Black Sea Studies, 16, (s. 155-286) Aarhus: Aarhus University Press google scholar
  • Ziegenaus, O. & Luca, D. G. (1968). Das Asklepieion, Altertümer von Pergamon (Pergamon XI. 1) Berlin: de Gruyter, google scholar
  • Zimmer, T. (2005). Hellenistische Reliefkeramik im Akademischen Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonner Jahrbücher 205, 83-135. google scholar
  • Zuravlev, D. (2014). Hellenistic Pergamene Tableware in the Northern Black Sea Region, In H. Meyza & M. Domzalski (Eds.) Late Hellenistic to Mediaeval Fine Wares of the Aegean Coast of Anatolia: Their Production, Imitation and Use (s. 129-150) Varsovie: Editions Neriton google scholar
Year 2022, Issue: 27, 221 - 242, 09.02.2023



  • Kısaltmalarda Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts kısaltmaları kullanılmıştır. google scholar
  • Anlağan, T. (2000). Sadberk Hanım Müzesi Kalıplı Kâseler ve Kabartmalı Kaplar. İstanbul: Zero Production. google scholar
  • Athenaeus of Naucratis. (2007). The Learned Banqueters, with an English translation by S. D. Olson, Vol XI, 467c, (The Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge: Harvard Üniversity Press. google scholar
  • Aydın, B. (2001). The Hellenistic Pottery and small finds of Kordon Tumulus at Kordon Köyü/Salihli (Manisa), Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien. 76, 7-64. google scholar
  • Benndorf, O. (1976). Griechische und Sizilische Vasenbilder, 1869-1883, Berlin: Verlag von L. Guttentag. google scholar
  • Bouzek, J. (1990). Studies of Greek Pottery in the Black Sea Area, Prague: Charles University Press. google scholar
  • Callaghan P. J. (1982). On the origin of the long petal bowl, BICS. 29, 63-68. google scholar
  • Meyer-Schlictmann, C. (1988). Die pergamenische sigillata aus der Stadtgrabung von Pergamon: Mitte 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. - Mitte 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr (Pergamenische Forschungen 6), Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Christensen A. P. & Johansen, F. (1971). Hama: Fouilles et Recherches 1931-1938 III:2 Les Poteries Hellenistiques et Les Terres Sigillees Orientales, Copenhagen: Nationalmuseet. google scholar
  • Civelek A., ve Taş, Y. (2012). Adana Müzesi’nde Korunan Kalıp Yapım Kâseler, Türk Eskiçağ Bilimleri Enstitüsü, CollAn XI, 123-150. google scholar
  • Conze, A. (1913). Altertümer von Pergamon (Band I, Text 2), Stadt und Landschaft, Berlin: Verlag von Georg Reimer. google scholar
  • Cornell L. A. (1997). A Note on the Molded Bowls. In S.C. Herbert (Ed.) Tel Anafa II, i, The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery, JRA Supplementary Series 10, (s. 407-416), An Arbor, M I. google scholar
  • Courby, F. (1922). Les Vases Grecs a Reliefs, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Çorbacı, H. Y. (2009). Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi’nde Bulunan Bir Grup Megara Kasesi, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 130, 57-80. google scholar
  • Çorbacı, H. Y. (2017). Mardin Müzesi’nde Bulunan Kalıp Yapımı Kaseler, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 156, 169-178. google scholar
  • Dereboylu, E. (2001). Weisgrundige Keramik und Hellenistische Reliefbecher aus dem Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. In F. Krinzinger (Ed) Studien Zur Hellenistischen Keramik in Ephesos, Ergânzungshette zur der Jahresheften des österreichischen Archâologischen Institutes Heft 2 (s. 21-44) Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. google scholar
  • Edwards, G. R. (1956). Hellenistic pottery, Hesperia Supplements, 10, Small Objects from the Pnyx: 2, 79241. google scholar
  • Edwards, G. R. (1975). Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery, Corinth, 7(3), Princeton: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. google scholar
  • Fortner, S. A. (2008). Die Keramik und Kleinfunde von Bethsaida-Iulias am See Genezareth Israel, (Dissertation Thesis) Augsburg: L. Maximillians Universitaet. google scholar
  • Gassner, V. (1997). Das Südtor der Tetragonos-Agora, Keramik und Klein Funde, FE XIII/1/1, Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. google scholar
  • Goldman, H. (1950). Excavations at Gözlükule, Tarsus I, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods New Jersey: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Hayes J. W. (1985). Atlante Delle Forme Ceramiche II: Ceramica Fine Romana Del Bacino Mediterraneo (Tardo Ellenismo e Primo Impero) (EAA Suppl. 2), Rome: Istituto Della Enciclopedia Italiana. google scholar
  • Hausmann U. (1977/1978). Eine pergamenische Werkstadt? Istanbuler Mitt. 27/28, 231-226. google scholar
  • Hepding, H. (1954). Eine hellenistische Töpferwerkstatt in Pergamon, Sonderdruck Aus Nachrichten der Giessener Hochschulgesellschaft 21. 49-60. google scholar
  • Jones, F. F. (1950). The Pottery, In H. Goldman (Ed.) Excavations at Gözlü Kule Tarsus 1, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods (s. 149-296) New Jersey: Princeton University Press google scholar
  • Kenyon, K. M. (1957). The Objects from Samaria, Samaria- Sebaste: Reports of the work of the joint Expedition in 1931-1933 and of the British Expedition in 1931, III, London: Palestine Exploration Fund. google scholar
  • Kossatz, U. (1990). Funde Aus Milet. Teil 1. Die Megarischen Becher, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Kovalenko, S. A. (1989). Relief Pottery in the 3rd-1st Centuries BC in the Region of North of the Black Sea, Moscow google scholar
  • Kramer, N. (2004). Gindaros, Geschichte und Archaeologie einer Siedlungen im nordwestlichen Syrien von hellenistischer bis in frühbyzantinische Zeit, Rahden, Verlag Marie Leidorf. google scholar
  • Kraus, T. (1951). Megarische Becher im Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum zu Mainz, Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums. google scholar
  • Laumonier, A. (1977). La Céramique Hellénistique a Reliefs 1. Ateliers ioniens, Delos XXXI, Paris, de Boccard. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. S. & Picón, C. A. (2015). A fragment of a mold-pressed glass bowl in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Journal of Glass Studies. 57, 21-28. google scholar
  • Luca, G. D. & Radt, W. (1999). Sondagen im Fundament des grossen Altars, (Pergamenische Forschungen 12), Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Luca, D. G. (2021). Hellenistische Reliefbecher aus Pergamon. Die “Megarischen Becher” von der Akropolis, aus dem Asklepieion, der Stadtgrabung und von weiteren Fundorten. Ergänzt und bearbeitet von Patricia Kögler. Mit Beiträgen von Sarah Japp, Wolfgang Radt und Gerwulf Schneider und Zeichnungen von Brita Hofmann. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. google scholar
  • Negev, A. (1986). The late hellenistic and early Roman pottery of nebatean OBODA: Final Report: Qedem 22. 1-144. google scholar
  • Petrova, A. P. (2014). Pontic Group of Hellenistic Mouldmade, Black Sea Studies 16, 215-230. google scholar
  • Popescu, M. C. (2011). Data on moldmade bowls discovered in the settlements of Brad, Räcätäu (Bacäu County) and Poiana (Galati County), 2nd-1st Century B.C, In M. Dragoç (Ed.) Archaeology: Making of and Practice (s. 333-343) Pitesti: Ordessos. google scholar
  • Popescu, M. C. (2013). Hellenistic and Roman pottery in pre-Roman Dacia: 2 nd century B.C.-1st century, Arhitecturä, Restaurare, Arheologie, Bucureçti: Editura A.R.A. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S, I. (1978). Hellenistic Athenian pottery: Megarian bowls, Current Anthropology 19 (2), 387-388. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (1982). Hellenistic Pottery. Athenian and Imported Moldmade Bowls, Agora XXII, Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Rotroff, S. I. & google scholar
  • Oliver, A. (2003). The Hellenistic Pottery from Sardis, The Finds Throgh 1994, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis XII, Cambridge (Mass); London; Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (2006). The introduction of the Moldmade Bowl revisited: Tracking a hellenistic innovation, Hesperia, 75(3), 357-378. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (2019). The Moldmade Bowls of Pergamon: Origin and Influence, In S. Hamingway & K. Karoglu (Ed.) Art of the Hellenistic Kingdoms From Pergamon to Rome (s. 58-62), New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. google scholar
  • Schäfer, J. (1968). Hellenistische Keramik aus Pergamon (Vol. 2) Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Seiterle, G. (1982). Funde aus Ephesos, AntK. 25, 145-149 google scholar
  • Thalmann, J. P. (1978). Tell ‘Arqa (Liban Nord) campagnes I-III (1972-1974) chantier I. rapport préliminaire. (Introduction d’Ernest Will). Syria. Tome 55 (1-2), 1-151 google scholar
  • Thomson, H. (1934). Two centuries of Hellenistic pottery, Hesperia, 3, 311-480. google scholar
  • Zimmer, T. (2005). Hellenistische Reliefkeramik im Academischen Kunstmuseum Bonn. Bonner Jahrbücher Bd. 205. 83-135. google scholar
  • Waage, F. O. (1948). Ceramics and Islamic Coins, Antioch-on-the-Orontes IV (1), Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Weinberg, S. S. (1992). Molded bowls from Tel Anafa and elsewhere, Muse 26, 12-20. google scholar
  • Zabelina, V. S. (1984). Ellinisticeskaja importnye megarskie casi iz Pantikapeja, SoobMuzMoskva 7, 153-172. google scholar
  • Zahn, R. (1908). Hellenistische Reliefgefaesse aus Südrussland, JdI 23, 45-77. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D. (2000). A Skyphos from the House of Chrysaliskos and Pergamene Pottery Import in the Bosporan Kingdom, İçinde: E’ EnioTnpoviKß Xuvavipep YiaTnv l:/./.nvımiKp KspapiKß. XpovokoYiKÜ npo/i/fiiaia, 269-272. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D. & Zuravleva N. (2014). Late Hellenistic pottery and Lamps from Pantikapaion: Recent Finds, In P. G. Bilde & M. Lawall (Eds.) Pottery, People, and Places: Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery - Black Sea Studies, 16, (s. 155-286) Aarhus: Aarhus University Press google scholar
  • Ziegenaus, O. & Luca, D. G. (1968). Das Asklepieion, Altertümer von Pergamon (Pergamon XI. 1) Berlin: de Gruyter, google scholar
  • Zimmer, T. (2005). Hellenistische Reliefkeramik im Akademischen Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonner Jahrbücher 205, 83-135. google scholar
  • Zuravlev, D. (2014). Hellenistic Pergamene Tableware in the Northern Black Sea Region, In H. Meyza & M. Domzalski (Eds.) Late Hellenistic to Mediaeval Fine Wares of the Aegean Coast of Anatolia: Their Production, Imitation and Use (s. 129-150) Varsovie: Editions Neriton google scholar
Year 2022, Issue: 27, 221 - 242, 09.02.2023



  • Kısaltmalarda Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts kısaltmaları kullanılmıştır. google scholar
  • Anlağan, T. (2000). Sadberk Hanım Müzesi Kalıplı Kâseler ve Kabartmalı Kaplar. İstanbul: Zero Production. google scholar
  • Athenaeus of Naucratis. (2007). The Learned Banqueters, with an English translation by S. D. Olson, Vol XI, 467c, (The Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge: Harvard Üniversity Press. google scholar
  • Aydın, B. (2001). The Hellenistic Pottery and small finds of Kordon Tumulus at Kordon Köyü/Salihli (Manisa), Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien. 76, 7-64. google scholar
  • Benndorf, O. (1976). Griechische und Sizilische Vasenbilder, 1869-1883, Berlin: Verlag von L. Guttentag. google scholar
  • Bouzek, J. (1990). Studies of Greek Pottery in the Black Sea Area, Prague: Charles University Press. google scholar
  • Callaghan P. J. (1982). On the origin of the long petal bowl, BICS. 29, 63-68. google scholar
  • Meyer-Schlictmann, C. (1988). Die pergamenische sigillata aus der Stadtgrabung von Pergamon: Mitte 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. - Mitte 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr (Pergamenische Forschungen 6), Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Christensen A. P. & Johansen, F. (1971). Hama: Fouilles et Recherches 1931-1938 III:2 Les Poteries Hellenistiques et Les Terres Sigillees Orientales, Copenhagen: Nationalmuseet. google scholar
  • Civelek A., ve Taş, Y. (2012). Adana Müzesi’nde Korunan Kalıp Yapım Kâseler, Türk Eskiçağ Bilimleri Enstitüsü, CollAn XI, 123-150. google scholar
  • Conze, A. (1913). Altertümer von Pergamon (Band I, Text 2), Stadt und Landschaft, Berlin: Verlag von Georg Reimer. google scholar
  • Cornell L. A. (1997). A Note on the Molded Bowls. In S.C. Herbert (Ed.) Tel Anafa II, i, The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery, JRA Supplementary Series 10, (s. 407-416), An Arbor, M I. google scholar
  • Courby, F. (1922). Les Vases Grecs a Reliefs, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Çorbacı, H. Y. (2009). Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi’nde Bulunan Bir Grup Megara Kasesi, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 130, 57-80. google scholar
  • Çorbacı, H. Y. (2017). Mardin Müzesi’nde Bulunan Kalıp Yapımı Kaseler, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 156, 169-178. google scholar
  • Dereboylu, E. (2001). Weisgrundige Keramik und Hellenistische Reliefbecher aus dem Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. In F. Krinzinger (Ed) Studien Zur Hellenistischen Keramik in Ephesos, Ergânzungshette zur der Jahresheften des österreichischen Archâologischen Institutes Heft 2 (s. 21-44) Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. google scholar
  • Edwards, G. R. (1956). Hellenistic pottery, Hesperia Supplements, 10, Small Objects from the Pnyx: 2, 79241. google scholar
  • Edwards, G. R. (1975). Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery, Corinth, 7(3), Princeton: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. google scholar
  • Fortner, S. A. (2008). Die Keramik und Kleinfunde von Bethsaida-Iulias am See Genezareth Israel, (Dissertation Thesis) Augsburg: L. Maximillians Universitaet. google scholar
  • Gassner, V. (1997). Das Südtor der Tetragonos-Agora, Keramik und Klein Funde, FE XIII/1/1, Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. google scholar
  • Goldman, H. (1950). Excavations at Gözlükule, Tarsus I, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods New Jersey: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Hayes J. W. (1985). Atlante Delle Forme Ceramiche II: Ceramica Fine Romana Del Bacino Mediterraneo (Tardo Ellenismo e Primo Impero) (EAA Suppl. 2), Rome: Istituto Della Enciclopedia Italiana. google scholar
  • Hausmann U. (1977/1978). Eine pergamenische Werkstadt? Istanbuler Mitt. 27/28, 231-226. google scholar
  • Hepding, H. (1954). Eine hellenistische Töpferwerkstatt in Pergamon, Sonderdruck Aus Nachrichten der Giessener Hochschulgesellschaft 21. 49-60. google scholar
  • Jones, F. F. (1950). The Pottery, In H. Goldman (Ed.) Excavations at Gözlü Kule Tarsus 1, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods (s. 149-296) New Jersey: Princeton University Press google scholar
  • Kenyon, K. M. (1957). The Objects from Samaria, Samaria- Sebaste: Reports of the work of the joint Expedition in 1931-1933 and of the British Expedition in 1931, III, London: Palestine Exploration Fund. google scholar
  • Kossatz, U. (1990). Funde Aus Milet. Teil 1. Die Megarischen Becher, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Kovalenko, S. A. (1989). Relief Pottery in the 3rd-1st Centuries BC in the Region of North of the Black Sea, Moscow google scholar
  • Kramer, N. (2004). Gindaros, Geschichte und Archaeologie einer Siedlungen im nordwestlichen Syrien von hellenistischer bis in frühbyzantinische Zeit, Rahden, Verlag Marie Leidorf. google scholar
  • Kraus, T. (1951). Megarische Becher im Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum zu Mainz, Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums. google scholar
  • Laumonier, A. (1977). La Céramique Hellénistique a Reliefs 1. Ateliers ioniens, Delos XXXI, Paris, de Boccard. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. S. & Picón, C. A. (2015). A fragment of a mold-pressed glass bowl in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Journal of Glass Studies. 57, 21-28. google scholar
  • Luca, G. D. & Radt, W. (1999). Sondagen im Fundament des grossen Altars, (Pergamenische Forschungen 12), Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Luca, D. G. (2021). Hellenistische Reliefbecher aus Pergamon. Die “Megarischen Becher” von der Akropolis, aus dem Asklepieion, der Stadtgrabung und von weiteren Fundorten. Ergänzt und bearbeitet von Patricia Kögler. Mit Beiträgen von Sarah Japp, Wolfgang Radt und Gerwulf Schneider und Zeichnungen von Brita Hofmann. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. google scholar
  • Negev, A. (1986). The late hellenistic and early Roman pottery of nebatean OBODA: Final Report: Qedem 22. 1-144. google scholar
  • Petrova, A. P. (2014). Pontic Group of Hellenistic Mouldmade, Black Sea Studies 16, 215-230. google scholar
  • Popescu, M. C. (2011). Data on moldmade bowls discovered in the settlements of Brad, Räcätäu (Bacäu County) and Poiana (Galati County), 2nd-1st Century B.C, In M. Dragoç (Ed.) Archaeology: Making of and Practice (s. 333-343) Pitesti: Ordessos. google scholar
  • Popescu, M. C. (2013). Hellenistic and Roman pottery in pre-Roman Dacia: 2 nd century B.C.-1st century, Arhitecturä, Restaurare, Arheologie, Bucureçti: Editura A.R.A. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S, I. (1978). Hellenistic Athenian pottery: Megarian bowls, Current Anthropology 19 (2), 387-388. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (1982). Hellenistic Pottery. Athenian and Imported Moldmade Bowls, Agora XXII, Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Rotroff, S. I. & google scholar
  • Oliver, A. (2003). The Hellenistic Pottery from Sardis, The Finds Throgh 1994, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis XII, Cambridge (Mass); London; Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (2006). The introduction of the Moldmade Bowl revisited: Tracking a hellenistic innovation, Hesperia, 75(3), 357-378. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (2019). The Moldmade Bowls of Pergamon: Origin and Influence, In S. Hamingway & K. Karoglu (Ed.) Art of the Hellenistic Kingdoms From Pergamon to Rome (s. 58-62), New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. google scholar
  • Schäfer, J. (1968). Hellenistische Keramik aus Pergamon (Vol. 2) Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Seiterle, G. (1982). Funde aus Ephesos, AntK. 25, 145-149 google scholar
  • Thalmann, J. P. (1978). Tell ‘Arqa (Liban Nord) campagnes I-III (1972-1974) chantier I. rapport préliminaire. (Introduction d’Ernest Will). Syria. Tome 55 (1-2), 1-151 google scholar
  • Thomson, H. (1934). Two centuries of Hellenistic pottery, Hesperia, 3, 311-480. google scholar
  • Zimmer, T. (2005). Hellenistische Reliefkeramik im Academischen Kunstmuseum Bonn. Bonner Jahrbücher Bd. 205. 83-135. google scholar
  • Waage, F. O. (1948). Ceramics and Islamic Coins, Antioch-on-the-Orontes IV (1), Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Weinberg, S. S. (1992). Molded bowls from Tel Anafa and elsewhere, Muse 26, 12-20. google scholar
  • Zabelina, V. S. (1984). Ellinisticeskaja importnye megarskie casi iz Pantikapeja, SoobMuzMoskva 7, 153-172. google scholar
  • Zahn, R. (1908). Hellenistische Reliefgefaesse aus Südrussland, JdI 23, 45-77. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D. (2000). A Skyphos from the House of Chrysaliskos and Pergamene Pottery Import in the Bosporan Kingdom, İçinde: E’ EnioTnpoviKß Xuvavipep YiaTnv l:/./.nvımiKp KspapiKß. XpovokoYiKÜ npo/i/fiiaia, 269-272. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D. & Zuravleva N. (2014). Late Hellenistic pottery and Lamps from Pantikapaion: Recent Finds, In P. G. Bilde & M. Lawall (Eds.) Pottery, People, and Places: Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery - Black Sea Studies, 16, (s. 155-286) Aarhus: Aarhus University Press google scholar
  • Ziegenaus, O. & Luca, D. G. (1968). Das Asklepieion, Altertümer von Pergamon (Pergamon XI. 1) Berlin: de Gruyter, google scholar
  • Zimmer, T. (2005). Hellenistische Reliefkeramik im Akademischen Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonner Jahrbücher 205, 83-135. google scholar
  • Zuravlev, D. (2014). Hellenistic Pergamene Tableware in the Northern Black Sea Region, In H. Meyza & M. Domzalski (Eds.) Late Hellenistic to Mediaeval Fine Wares of the Aegean Coast of Anatolia: Their Production, Imitation and Use (s. 129-150) Varsovie: Editions Neriton google scholar

Moldmade Bowls and Molded Skyphos in the Eskişehir Eti Archeology Museum

Year 2022, Issue: 27, 221 - 242, 09.02.2023


Moldmade Bowls with relief decorations on their outer surfaces differ in this way from other bowls of the Hellenistic period. This article aims to introduce a group of moldmade vessels preserved in the Eskişehir ETİ Archeology Museum. The study examines two moldmade bowls and a floral-decorated skyphos in the museum in terms of form, decorative, and production features. Typologically, the bowls belong to the early and late periods of the Hellenistic period. Meanwhile, the skyphos is an uncommon type, with the lower section in the form of an embossed Megarian Bowl, while the upper section is undecorated and rises straight up. The bowls and skyphos had been purchased, based on the inventory information. In addition to drawing and photographing these vessels, a catalog study was conducted regarding the earth and glazing properties, measurements, and bowl identifications. This study attempts to to arrive at a conclusion in terms of the possible production centers and dating by comparing the bowls and skyphos with other examples possessing similar characteristics. The Pergamon Bowl No. 1 and Skyphos No. 3 as appear in the catalog belong to sometime between the second half of the 2nd century BC to the end of the 1st century BC. The other bowl No. 2 was able to be dated to the second half of the 1st century BC.


  • Kısaltmalarda Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts kısaltmaları kullanılmıştır. google scholar
  • Anlağan, T. (2000). Sadberk Hanım Müzesi Kalıplı Kâseler ve Kabartmalı Kaplar. İstanbul: Zero Production. google scholar
  • Athenaeus of Naucratis. (2007). The Learned Banqueters, with an English translation by S. D. Olson, Vol XI, 467c, (The Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge: Harvard Üniversity Press. google scholar
  • Aydın, B. (2001). The Hellenistic Pottery and small finds of Kordon Tumulus at Kordon Köyü/Salihli (Manisa), Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien. 76, 7-64. google scholar
  • Benndorf, O. (1976). Griechische und Sizilische Vasenbilder, 1869-1883, Berlin: Verlag von L. Guttentag. google scholar
  • Bouzek, J. (1990). Studies of Greek Pottery in the Black Sea Area, Prague: Charles University Press. google scholar
  • Callaghan P. J. (1982). On the origin of the long petal bowl, BICS. 29, 63-68. google scholar
  • Meyer-Schlictmann, C. (1988). Die pergamenische sigillata aus der Stadtgrabung von Pergamon: Mitte 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. - Mitte 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr (Pergamenische Forschungen 6), Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Christensen A. P. & Johansen, F. (1971). Hama: Fouilles et Recherches 1931-1938 III:2 Les Poteries Hellenistiques et Les Terres Sigillees Orientales, Copenhagen: Nationalmuseet. google scholar
  • Civelek A., ve Taş, Y. (2012). Adana Müzesi’nde Korunan Kalıp Yapım Kâseler, Türk Eskiçağ Bilimleri Enstitüsü, CollAn XI, 123-150. google scholar
  • Conze, A. (1913). Altertümer von Pergamon (Band I, Text 2), Stadt und Landschaft, Berlin: Verlag von Georg Reimer. google scholar
  • Cornell L. A. (1997). A Note on the Molded Bowls. In S.C. Herbert (Ed.) Tel Anafa II, i, The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery, JRA Supplementary Series 10, (s. 407-416), An Arbor, M I. google scholar
  • Courby, F. (1922). Les Vases Grecs a Reliefs, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Çorbacı, H. Y. (2009). Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi’nde Bulunan Bir Grup Megara Kasesi, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 130, 57-80. google scholar
  • Çorbacı, H. Y. (2017). Mardin Müzesi’nde Bulunan Kalıp Yapımı Kaseler, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 156, 169-178. google scholar
  • Dereboylu, E. (2001). Weisgrundige Keramik und Hellenistische Reliefbecher aus dem Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. In F. Krinzinger (Ed) Studien Zur Hellenistischen Keramik in Ephesos, Ergânzungshette zur der Jahresheften des österreichischen Archâologischen Institutes Heft 2 (s. 21-44) Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. google scholar
  • Edwards, G. R. (1956). Hellenistic pottery, Hesperia Supplements, 10, Small Objects from the Pnyx: 2, 79241. google scholar
  • Edwards, G. R. (1975). Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery, Corinth, 7(3), Princeton: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. google scholar
  • Fortner, S. A. (2008). Die Keramik und Kleinfunde von Bethsaida-Iulias am See Genezareth Israel, (Dissertation Thesis) Augsburg: L. Maximillians Universitaet. google scholar
  • Gassner, V. (1997). Das Südtor der Tetragonos-Agora, Keramik und Klein Funde, FE XIII/1/1, Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. google scholar
  • Goldman, H. (1950). Excavations at Gözlükule, Tarsus I, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods New Jersey: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Hayes J. W. (1985). Atlante Delle Forme Ceramiche II: Ceramica Fine Romana Del Bacino Mediterraneo (Tardo Ellenismo e Primo Impero) (EAA Suppl. 2), Rome: Istituto Della Enciclopedia Italiana. google scholar
  • Hausmann U. (1977/1978). Eine pergamenische Werkstadt? Istanbuler Mitt. 27/28, 231-226. google scholar
  • Hepding, H. (1954). Eine hellenistische Töpferwerkstatt in Pergamon, Sonderdruck Aus Nachrichten der Giessener Hochschulgesellschaft 21. 49-60. google scholar
  • Jones, F. F. (1950). The Pottery, In H. Goldman (Ed.) Excavations at Gözlü Kule Tarsus 1, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods (s. 149-296) New Jersey: Princeton University Press google scholar
  • Kenyon, K. M. (1957). The Objects from Samaria, Samaria- Sebaste: Reports of the work of the joint Expedition in 1931-1933 and of the British Expedition in 1931, III, London: Palestine Exploration Fund. google scholar
  • Kossatz, U. (1990). Funde Aus Milet. Teil 1. Die Megarischen Becher, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Kovalenko, S. A. (1989). Relief Pottery in the 3rd-1st Centuries BC in the Region of North of the Black Sea, Moscow google scholar
  • Kramer, N. (2004). Gindaros, Geschichte und Archaeologie einer Siedlungen im nordwestlichen Syrien von hellenistischer bis in frühbyzantinische Zeit, Rahden, Verlag Marie Leidorf. google scholar
  • Kraus, T. (1951). Megarische Becher im Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum zu Mainz, Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums. google scholar
  • Laumonier, A. (1977). La Céramique Hellénistique a Reliefs 1. Ateliers ioniens, Delos XXXI, Paris, de Boccard. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. S. & Picón, C. A. (2015). A fragment of a mold-pressed glass bowl in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Journal of Glass Studies. 57, 21-28. google scholar
  • Luca, G. D. & Radt, W. (1999). Sondagen im Fundament des grossen Altars, (Pergamenische Forschungen 12), Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Luca, D. G. (2021). Hellenistische Reliefbecher aus Pergamon. Die “Megarischen Becher” von der Akropolis, aus dem Asklepieion, der Stadtgrabung und von weiteren Fundorten. Ergänzt und bearbeitet von Patricia Kögler. Mit Beiträgen von Sarah Japp, Wolfgang Radt und Gerwulf Schneider und Zeichnungen von Brita Hofmann. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. google scholar
  • Negev, A. (1986). The late hellenistic and early Roman pottery of nebatean OBODA: Final Report: Qedem 22. 1-144. google scholar
  • Petrova, A. P. (2014). Pontic Group of Hellenistic Mouldmade, Black Sea Studies 16, 215-230. google scholar
  • Popescu, M. C. (2011). Data on moldmade bowls discovered in the settlements of Brad, Räcätäu (Bacäu County) and Poiana (Galati County), 2nd-1st Century B.C, In M. Dragoç (Ed.) Archaeology: Making of and Practice (s. 333-343) Pitesti: Ordessos. google scholar
  • Popescu, M. C. (2013). Hellenistic and Roman pottery in pre-Roman Dacia: 2 nd century B.C.-1st century, Arhitecturä, Restaurare, Arheologie, Bucureçti: Editura A.R.A. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S, I. (1978). Hellenistic Athenian pottery: Megarian bowls, Current Anthropology 19 (2), 387-388. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (1982). Hellenistic Pottery. Athenian and Imported Moldmade Bowls, Agora XXII, Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Rotroff, S. I. & google scholar
  • Oliver, A. (2003). The Hellenistic Pottery from Sardis, The Finds Throgh 1994, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis XII, Cambridge (Mass); London; Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (2006). The introduction of the Moldmade Bowl revisited: Tracking a hellenistic innovation, Hesperia, 75(3), 357-378. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (2019). The Moldmade Bowls of Pergamon: Origin and Influence, In S. Hamingway & K. Karoglu (Ed.) Art of the Hellenistic Kingdoms From Pergamon to Rome (s. 58-62), New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. google scholar
  • Schäfer, J. (1968). Hellenistische Keramik aus Pergamon (Vol. 2) Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Seiterle, G. (1982). Funde aus Ephesos, AntK. 25, 145-149 google scholar
  • Thalmann, J. P. (1978). Tell ‘Arqa (Liban Nord) campagnes I-III (1972-1974) chantier I. rapport préliminaire. (Introduction d’Ernest Will). Syria. Tome 55 (1-2), 1-151 google scholar
  • Thomson, H. (1934). Two centuries of Hellenistic pottery, Hesperia, 3, 311-480. google scholar
  • Zimmer, T. (2005). Hellenistische Reliefkeramik im Academischen Kunstmuseum Bonn. Bonner Jahrbücher Bd. 205. 83-135. google scholar
  • Waage, F. O. (1948). Ceramics and Islamic Coins, Antioch-on-the-Orontes IV (1), Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Weinberg, S. S. (1992). Molded bowls from Tel Anafa and elsewhere, Muse 26, 12-20. google scholar
  • Zabelina, V. S. (1984). Ellinisticeskaja importnye megarskie casi iz Pantikapeja, SoobMuzMoskva 7, 153-172. google scholar
  • Zahn, R. (1908). Hellenistische Reliefgefaesse aus Südrussland, JdI 23, 45-77. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D. (2000). A Skyphos from the House of Chrysaliskos and Pergamene Pottery Import in the Bosporan Kingdom, İçinde: E’ EnioTnpoviKß Xuvavipep YiaTnv l:/./.nvımiKp KspapiKß. XpovokoYiKÜ npo/i/fiiaia, 269-272. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D. & Zuravleva N. (2014). Late Hellenistic pottery and Lamps from Pantikapaion: Recent Finds, In P. G. Bilde & M. Lawall (Eds.) Pottery, People, and Places: Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery - Black Sea Studies, 16, (s. 155-286) Aarhus: Aarhus University Press google scholar
  • Ziegenaus, O. & Luca, D. G. (1968). Das Asklepieion, Altertümer von Pergamon (Pergamon XI. 1) Berlin: de Gruyter, google scholar
  • Zimmer, T. (2005). Hellenistische Reliefkeramik im Akademischen Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonner Jahrbücher 205, 83-135. google scholar
  • Zuravlev, D. (2014). Hellenistic Pergamene Tableware in the Northern Black Sea Region, In H. Meyza & M. Domzalski (Eds.) Late Hellenistic to Mediaeval Fine Wares of the Aegean Coast of Anatolia: Their Production, Imitation and Use (s. 129-150) Varsovie: Editions Neriton google scholar

Eskişehir Eti Arkeoloji Müzesi Kalıp Yapımı Kaseler ve Kalıplı Skyphos

Year 2022, Issue: 27, 221 - 242, 09.02.2023


Kalıp Yapımı Kaseler dış yüzlerindeki kabartma bezeme dolayısıyla Hellenistik Dönem’in diğer kaselerinden ayrılırlar. Bu makalede müzelerde korunan maddi buluntuların tanıtılmasına yönelik bir araştırma olarak Eskişehir Eti Arkeoloji Müzesi’nde korunan kalıp yapımı bir grup kabın tanıtılması amaçlanmaktadır. Müzede kalıp yapımı iki kase ve floral bezemeli bir skyphos form, bezeme ve üretim bölgesi özellikleri bakımından incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Tipolojik açıdan kaseler Hellenistik Dönem’in erken ve geç dönemlerine aittir. Skyphos ise alt kısmı kalıp yapımı kase formunda ve kabartmalı, üst kısmı bezemesiz düz bir şekilde yükselen yaygın olmayan bir tipe aittir. Envanter bilgilerine göre kaseler ve skyphos satın almadır. Bu kapların çizim ve fotoğraflama işlemleri dışında toprak ve sır özellikleri, ölçüleri ve kâse tanımlarını içeren bir katalog çalışması yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmada kâseleri ve skyphosu benzer özellikler taşıyan başka örneklerle biçim, bezeme, toprak ve renk özellikleriyle kıyaslayarak olası üretim merkezleri ve tarihleme açısından bir sonuca ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Katalogdaki (1) no’lu Pergamon Kasesi ile (3) no’lu skyphos İ.Ö. 2. yüzyılın ortasından İ.Ö. 1. yüzyılın sonuna kadar olan zaman aralığına önerilebilir. (2) nolu kase ise İ.Ö. 1. yüzyılın 2. yarısına tarihlenebilir.


  • Kısaltmalarda Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts kısaltmaları kullanılmıştır. google scholar
  • Anlağan, T. (2000). Sadberk Hanım Müzesi Kalıplı Kâseler ve Kabartmalı Kaplar. İstanbul: Zero Production. google scholar
  • Athenaeus of Naucratis. (2007). The Learned Banqueters, with an English translation by S. D. Olson, Vol XI, 467c, (The Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge: Harvard Üniversity Press. google scholar
  • Aydın, B. (2001). The Hellenistic Pottery and small finds of Kordon Tumulus at Kordon Köyü/Salihli (Manisa), Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien. 76, 7-64. google scholar
  • Benndorf, O. (1976). Griechische und Sizilische Vasenbilder, 1869-1883, Berlin: Verlag von L. Guttentag. google scholar
  • Bouzek, J. (1990). Studies of Greek Pottery in the Black Sea Area, Prague: Charles University Press. google scholar
  • Callaghan P. J. (1982). On the origin of the long petal bowl, BICS. 29, 63-68. google scholar
  • Meyer-Schlictmann, C. (1988). Die pergamenische sigillata aus der Stadtgrabung von Pergamon: Mitte 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. - Mitte 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr (Pergamenische Forschungen 6), Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Christensen A. P. & Johansen, F. (1971). Hama: Fouilles et Recherches 1931-1938 III:2 Les Poteries Hellenistiques et Les Terres Sigillees Orientales, Copenhagen: Nationalmuseet. google scholar
  • Civelek A., ve Taş, Y. (2012). Adana Müzesi’nde Korunan Kalıp Yapım Kâseler, Türk Eskiçağ Bilimleri Enstitüsü, CollAn XI, 123-150. google scholar
  • Conze, A. (1913). Altertümer von Pergamon (Band I, Text 2), Stadt und Landschaft, Berlin: Verlag von Georg Reimer. google scholar
  • Cornell L. A. (1997). A Note on the Molded Bowls. In S.C. Herbert (Ed.) Tel Anafa II, i, The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery, JRA Supplementary Series 10, (s. 407-416), An Arbor, M I. google scholar
  • Courby, F. (1922). Les Vases Grecs a Reliefs, Paris: E. de Boccard. google scholar
  • Çorbacı, H. Y. (2009). Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi’nde Bulunan Bir Grup Megara Kasesi, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 130, 57-80. google scholar
  • Çorbacı, H. Y. (2017). Mardin Müzesi’nde Bulunan Kalıp Yapımı Kaseler, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 156, 169-178. google scholar
  • Dereboylu, E. (2001). Weisgrundige Keramik und Hellenistische Reliefbecher aus dem Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. In F. Krinzinger (Ed) Studien Zur Hellenistischen Keramik in Ephesos, Ergânzungshette zur der Jahresheften des österreichischen Archâologischen Institutes Heft 2 (s. 21-44) Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. google scholar
  • Edwards, G. R. (1956). Hellenistic pottery, Hesperia Supplements, 10, Small Objects from the Pnyx: 2, 79241. google scholar
  • Edwards, G. R. (1975). Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery, Corinth, 7(3), Princeton: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. google scholar
  • Fortner, S. A. (2008). Die Keramik und Kleinfunde von Bethsaida-Iulias am See Genezareth Israel, (Dissertation Thesis) Augsburg: L. Maximillians Universitaet. google scholar
  • Gassner, V. (1997). Das Südtor der Tetragonos-Agora, Keramik und Klein Funde, FE XIII/1/1, Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. google scholar
  • Goldman, H. (1950). Excavations at Gözlükule, Tarsus I, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods New Jersey: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Hayes J. W. (1985). Atlante Delle Forme Ceramiche II: Ceramica Fine Romana Del Bacino Mediterraneo (Tardo Ellenismo e Primo Impero) (EAA Suppl. 2), Rome: Istituto Della Enciclopedia Italiana. google scholar
  • Hausmann U. (1977/1978). Eine pergamenische Werkstadt? Istanbuler Mitt. 27/28, 231-226. google scholar
  • Hepding, H. (1954). Eine hellenistische Töpferwerkstatt in Pergamon, Sonderdruck Aus Nachrichten der Giessener Hochschulgesellschaft 21. 49-60. google scholar
  • Jones, F. F. (1950). The Pottery, In H. Goldman (Ed.) Excavations at Gözlü Kule Tarsus 1, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods (s. 149-296) New Jersey: Princeton University Press google scholar
  • Kenyon, K. M. (1957). The Objects from Samaria, Samaria- Sebaste: Reports of the work of the joint Expedition in 1931-1933 and of the British Expedition in 1931, III, London: Palestine Exploration Fund. google scholar
  • Kossatz, U. (1990). Funde Aus Milet. Teil 1. Die Megarischen Becher, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Kovalenko, S. A. (1989). Relief Pottery in the 3rd-1st Centuries BC in the Region of North of the Black Sea, Moscow google scholar
  • Kramer, N. (2004). Gindaros, Geschichte und Archaeologie einer Siedlungen im nordwestlichen Syrien von hellenistischer bis in frühbyzantinische Zeit, Rahden, Verlag Marie Leidorf. google scholar
  • Kraus, T. (1951). Megarische Becher im Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum zu Mainz, Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums. google scholar
  • Laumonier, A. (1977). La Céramique Hellénistique a Reliefs 1. Ateliers ioniens, Delos XXXI, Paris, de Boccard. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. S. & Picón, C. A. (2015). A fragment of a mold-pressed glass bowl in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Journal of Glass Studies. 57, 21-28. google scholar
  • Luca, G. D. & Radt, W. (1999). Sondagen im Fundament des grossen Altars, (Pergamenische Forschungen 12), Berlin: de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Luca, D. G. (2021). Hellenistische Reliefbecher aus Pergamon. Die “Megarischen Becher” von der Akropolis, aus dem Asklepieion, der Stadtgrabung und von weiteren Fundorten. Ergänzt und bearbeitet von Patricia Kögler. Mit Beiträgen von Sarah Japp, Wolfgang Radt und Gerwulf Schneider und Zeichnungen von Brita Hofmann. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. google scholar
  • Negev, A. (1986). The late hellenistic and early Roman pottery of nebatean OBODA: Final Report: Qedem 22. 1-144. google scholar
  • Petrova, A. P. (2014). Pontic Group of Hellenistic Mouldmade, Black Sea Studies 16, 215-230. google scholar
  • Popescu, M. C. (2011). Data on moldmade bowls discovered in the settlements of Brad, Räcätäu (Bacäu County) and Poiana (Galati County), 2nd-1st Century B.C, In M. Dragoç (Ed.) Archaeology: Making of and Practice (s. 333-343) Pitesti: Ordessos. google scholar
  • Popescu, M. C. (2013). Hellenistic and Roman pottery in pre-Roman Dacia: 2 nd century B.C.-1st century, Arhitecturä, Restaurare, Arheologie, Bucureçti: Editura A.R.A. google scholar
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There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Article

Hatice Çorbacı 0000-0003-0219-8391

Publication Date February 9, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 27


APA Çorbacı, H. (2023). Eskişehir Eti Arkeoloji Müzesi Kalıp Yapımı Kaseler ve Kalıplı Skyphos. Anatolian Research(27), 221-242.

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