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Erken Bizans Dönemi Resimli Dini El Yazmaları

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 12, 385 - 420, 31.07.2019


konusu Erken Bizans Dönemi Resimli Dini El Yazmalarından oluşmaktadır. Bu
çalışmanın amacı konuyla ilgili yapılmış araştırmalar ışığında söz konusu el
yazmalarının sınıflandırılması, konularının, üslup özelliklerinin, üretim
yerlerinin ve malzemelerinin belirlenmesi ve benzer özelliklerin tespit edildiği
el yazmalarıyla karşılaştırmalarının yapılmasıdır.

Müze ve kütüphanelerde
gerçekleştirilen çalışmada, Erken Bizans Dönemi Resimli Dini El Yazmaları
başlığı altında Quedlinburg Itala
(Ms. Theol. Lat. fol. 485 / LDAB 8476), Ashburnham
(Ashburnham Pentateuch MS nouv. acq. lat. 2334 / LDAB 8110), Rabbula İncili (Rabbula Gospels Cod.
Plut. I,56 / LDAB 115232), Paris Suriye
Kutsal Kitabı
(The Syriac Bible of Paris Cod. syr. 341 / LDAB 115270), Aziz Augustus İncilleri (Cambridge, Corpus
Christi College 286 / LDAB 7481), British
Library Kanon Tabloları
(London, British Library Add MS 5111 / LDAB 7151), Cotton Genesis (Lond.Cotton Otho B.IV /
LDAB 3242) incelenmiş, Erken Bizans Dönemi Purpura Kodeksler başlığı altında
ise Rossano İncilleri (Codex
Purpureus Rossanensis / LDAB 2990), Sinop
(Codex Purpureus Sinopensis Paris, Suppl. Gr. 1226 / LDAB 2902) ve
Viyana Genesis (Vindob. Theol. gr. 31
/ LDAB 3078) el yazması ayrı olarak ele alınmıştır.

değerlendirmeler sonucunda Kutsal Kitap resimlemelerinin Ortodoks Bizans
inancında kendisine yer bulması; bunun da ötesinde, Viyana Genesis el yazması örneğinde olduğu gibi Yeni Ahit
konularına yer verilmeden sadece Eski Ahit sahnelerinin betimlenmiş olması,
henüz yeni kurumsallaşmakta olan bir inancın gelenekle kurduğu ilişki açısından
önemlidir. Helenizm kültürünün etkisini taşıyan Yahudi sanatının Eski Ahit
konularının Hristiyanlık temalarında kullanılmasına yol açması, coğrafi ve
tarihi anlamda farklı kültürlerin birbirine hangi biçimlerde eklemlendiğini
göstermesi açısından bilimsel veriler taşır. 

Destekleyen Kurum

Anadolu Üniversitesi BAP Komisyonu

Proje Numarası



  • ACETO, Maurizio, vd., “First Analytical Evidences of Precious Colourants on Mediterranean Illuminated Manuscripts”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 95, 2012, s. 235-245.
  • AGATI, Maria Luisa, Il Libro Manoscritto da Oriente a Occidente: Per una Codicologia Comparata, Roma 2009.
  • BERNARDELLI, Azzali; FIRENZE Giovanna, Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens, Scorpiace 1. 1-5. Nardini 1990.
  • CAVALLO Guglielmo; GRIBOMONT Jean; LOERKE C. William, Codex purpureus Rossanensis: Rossano Calabro, Museo dell’Arcivescovado, Commentarium. Roma: Salerno 1987.
  • CAVALLO, Guglielmo, Dioscurides Neapolitanus Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli Codex ex Vindobonensis Graecus 1 Commentarium a cura di Carlo Bertelli, Salvatore Lilla, Guglielmo Cavallo Roma, Salerno Editrice-Graz-Austria, Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt 1992.
  • CAVALLO, Guglielmo, Ricerche Sulla Maiuscola Biblica, Firenze 1967.
  • COMTE DU MESNİL DU BUISSON, Robert, Les Peintures de la Synagogue de Doura-Europo. Rome 1939.
  • DEGERING, Hermann; BOECKLER, Albert, Die Quedlinburger Itala fragmente, 2. vol. Berlin 1932.
  • DEICHMANN, F. Wilhelm, Frühchristliche Bauten und Mosaiken von Ravenna, Grimm, Baden 1958.
  • DİNÇER SERDAR, Pınar, Erken Bizans Dönemi Resimli Dini El Yazmaları: Viyana Genesis, Eskişehir Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi, Eskişehir 2016.
  • GERSTINGER, Hans, Die Wiener Genesis. Textband zur Faksimile. Wien 1931.
  • GERSTINGER, Hans, Dioscurides. (De materia medica, [Ausz.]) Codex Vindobonensis Med. Gr. 1 der Österr. Nationalbibliothek. ([Nebst] Commentarium.), Graz: Akadem. Druck-u. Verlagsanst 1965-1970.
  • GOODENOUGH, Erwin Ramsdell, Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period, Vol. XII. New York 1965
  • GRABAR, André, Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origins, Princeton 1968.
  • GRABAR, André, Les Peintures de l’Évangéliaire de Sinope (Bibliothieque Nationale., Suppl. gr. 1286), Paris 1948.
  • GRABAR, André; NORDENFALK, Carl, Early Medieval Painting From the Fourth to the Eleventh Century: Mosaics and Mural Painting, Lausanne and New York 1957.
  • HEMPEL, Heinz-Ludwig, “Zum Problem der Anfänge der AT-Illustration”, Zeitschrift für die Alttestament liehe Wissenschaft, LXIX 1957, s. 103-131.
  • KÁDÁR, Zoltàn, Survivals of Greek Zoological illuminations in Byzantine Manuscripts, Budapest 1978.
  • KOZODOY, Ruth L., “The Origin of Early Christian Book Illumination: The State of the Question Author(s)”, Gesta, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1971, s. 33-40.
  • KRESTEN, Otto; PRATO, Giancarlo, “Die Miniatur des Evangelisten Markus im Codex Purpureus Rossanensis: Eine Spätere Einfügung”, Römische Historische Mitteilungen, Vol. 27, 1985, s. 381-399.
  • LEROY, Jules, “Nouveaux Témoins des Canons d’Eusèbe Illustrés Selon la Tradition Syriaque”, Cahiers Archéologiques, Vol. 9, 1957, s.117-140.
  • LEVEEN, Jacob, The Hebrew Bible in Art, London 1944. LEVIN, Inabelle, Quedlinburg Itala Fragments. New York University, Phd Dissertation, 1971.
  • LIVINGSTONE, Elizabeth A., Diatessaron, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, Great Britain 2013.
  • LOWDEN, John, “The Beginnings of Biblical Illustration”, Imaging the Early Medieval Bible, Ed. Eva R. Hoffmann, Pennsylvania 1999.
  • MANGO MUNDELL, Marlia, “Where was Beth Zagba?”, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Vol. 7, 1983, s. 405-430.
  • MAZAL, Otto, Kommentar zur Wiener Genesis, Frankfurt 1980. MOREY, Charles Rufus, Early Christian Art, Princeton and London 1953.
  • NORDENFALK, Carl Adam Johan, Die Spätantiken Kanontafeln Kunstgeschichtliche Studien über die Eusebianische Evangelien-Konkordanz in den Vier Ersten Jahrhunderten ihrer Geschichte (Textband), Oscar Isacsons Boktryckery, Göteborg 1938.
  • OMONT, Henri, “Peintures de l’Ancien Testament dans un Manuscrit Syriaque du VIIe ou du VIIIe siècle”, Monuments et Mémoires de la Fondation Eugène Piot, tome 17, fascicule 1, 1909, s. 85-98.
  • OMONT, Henri, Notice sur un Très Ancien Manuscrit Grec de l’évangile de Saint Matthieu. Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale et autres bibliothèques Bd. 36, 2., 1901.
  • PLINIUS SECUNDUS, Gaius; WINKLER, Gerhard; KÖNİG, Roderich, Naturkunde: Lateinisch-deutsch: 25: Medizin und Pharmakologie: Heilmittel aus Wild Wachsenden Pflanzen/hrsg. u. übers. von Roderich König, Darmstadt 1996.
  • SCHODDE, H. George, “The Septuagint”, The Old Testament Student, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1888, s. 134-140.
  • SÖRRIES, Reiner, Die Syrische Bibel von Paris: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, syr. 341: Eine Frühchristliche Bilderhandschrift aus dem 6. Jahrhundert, Wiesbaden 1991.
  • STERN, Henri, “Quelques Problèmes d’iconographie Paléochrétienne et Juive”, Cahiers Archéologiques, XII. 1962, s. 99-113.
  • STÜCKELBERGER, Alfred, Bild und Wort. Das illustrierte Fachbuch in der antiken Naturwissenschaft, Medizin und Technik. Mainz 1994.
  • TIKKANEN, Johan Jakob, Die Genesismosaiken von S. Marco in Venedig und ihr Verhältniss zu den Miniaturen der Cottonbibel, Nebst Einer Untersuchung über den Ursprung der Mittelalterlichen Genesisdarstellung Besonders in der Byzantinischen und Italienischen Kunst, Helsingfors, Druckerei der Finnischen litteratur-gesellschaft 1889. The Rabbula Gospels: Facsimile Edition of the Miniatures of the Syriac Manuscript Plut. I, 56 in the Medicaean-Laurentian Library, Edited and Commented by Carlo Cecchelli, Giuseppe Furlani and Mario Salmi, Olten, Lausanne, Urs Graf., 1959.
  • TROST, Vera, Gold-und Silbertinten: Technologische Untersuchungen zur Abendländischen Chrysographie und Argyrographie von der Spätantike bis zum hohen Mittelalter, Vol. 28, Beiträge zum Buch-und Bibliothekswesen, Wiesbaden 1991.
  • VERKERK, Dorothy, “Exodus and Easter Vigil in The Ashburnham Pentateuch”, Art Bulletin, Vol. 77, No.1, 1995, s. 94-105.
  • VERKERK, Dorothy, Early Medieval Bible Illumination and The Ashburnham Pentateuch, New York 2004.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, “Illustration der Septuaginta”, Münchner Jahrbuch der Bildenden Kunst, 3/4. 1952.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, “Narration in Early Christendom”, American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 61, No. 1, January 1957, s. 83-91.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, Ancient Book Illumination, Cambridge 1959.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, Illustrations in Roll and Codex: A study of The Origin and Method of Text Illustration, Princeton University Press 1947.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, Late Antique and Early Christian Book Illumination, London 1977.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, Studies in Classical and Byzantine Manuscript Illumination, ChicagoLondon 1971.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, The Octateuch of The Seraglio and The History of Its Picture Recension, İstanbul 1957.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt; KESSLER, Herbert L., The Cotton Genesis: British Library, Codex Cotton Otho B. VI. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press 1986.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt; BERNABÒ, Massimo, The Byzantine Octateuchs: Mount Athos, Vatopedi Monastery, codex 602; Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Codex Pluteus 5.38; Istanbul, Topkapi Sarayi Library, codex G. I. 8; Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Codex Vaticanus Graecus 746 and Codex Vaticanus Graecus 747; Smyrna (olim), Evangelical School Library, codex A. 1. Text, Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Pr 1999.
  • WORMALD, Francis, The Miniatures in The Gospels of St Augustine Cambridge 1954.
  • WRIGHT, H. David, “The Date and Arrangement of The Illustrations in The Rabbula Gospels”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 27, 1973, s. 197-208.
  • WRIGHT, H. David, The Vatican Vergil, a Masterpiece of Late Antique Art, Berkeley 1993.
  • YOHANNA, Samer Soreshow, The Gospel of Mark in the Syriac Harklean Version: An Edition Based upon The Earliest Witnesses, Gregorian Biblical BookShop 2015.
  • ZIMMERMANN, Barbara, Die Wienner Genesis im Rahmen der Antiken Buchmalerei, Wiesbaden 2003.

Early Byzantine Illuminated Theological Manuscripts

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 12, 385 - 420, 31.07.2019


The subject of this study is the
Early Byzantine Period Illuminated Theological Manuscripts. The primary aim of
this study is to identify and classify
the themes of Early Byzantine Period illuminated theological
manuscripts, analyzing and comparing their styles accordingly, presenting the
production materials and determining their place of production. During the museum and library research the Quedlinburg Itala
Theol. Lat. fol. 485 / LDAB 8476), Ashburnham Pentateuch (Ashburnham
Pentateuch MS nouv. acq. lat. 2334 / LDAB 8110), Rabbula Gospel (Rabbula Gospels Cod. Plut. I,56 / LDAB 115232), Paris Syrian Bible (The Syriac Bible of Paris Cod. syr. 341
/ LDAB 115270), St. Augustus Gospel (Cambridge,
Corpus Christi College 286 / LDAB 7481), British Library Cannon Tables
(London, British Library Add MS 5111 / LDAB 7151) and Cotton
(Lond.Cotton Otho B.IV / LDAB 3242) were analyzed at the outset under the title of
Early Byzantine Period Illuminated Theological Manuscripts. The Rossano Gospels
Purpureus Rossanensis / LDAB 2990), Sinope Gospel (Codex
Purpureus Sinopensis Paris, Suppl. Gr. 1226 / LDAB 2902) and Vienna
(Vindob. Theol. gr. 31 / LDAB 3078) were addressed separately under the title of
Early Byzantine Period Purpura Codices.

Analyses revealed that presence of
the biblical illuminations in Orthodox Byzantine, and even the depiction of the
Old Testament scenes without referring to the New Testament as in the Vienna Genesis manuscript samples, is of
high importance in terms of the relationship developed between a belief that
has just been institutionalized and tradition. The fact that Jewish art bearing
traces of Hellenistic culture caused the Old Testament plots to be used in
Christian themes contains some scientific data with regards to the fact that it
shows how geographically, and historically different cultures are articulated. 

Proje Numarası



  • ACETO, Maurizio, vd., “First Analytical Evidences of Precious Colourants on Mediterranean Illuminated Manuscripts”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 95, 2012, s. 235-245.
  • AGATI, Maria Luisa, Il Libro Manoscritto da Oriente a Occidente: Per una Codicologia Comparata, Roma 2009.
  • BERNARDELLI, Azzali; FIRENZE Giovanna, Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens, Scorpiace 1. 1-5. Nardini 1990.
  • CAVALLO Guglielmo; GRIBOMONT Jean; LOERKE C. William, Codex purpureus Rossanensis: Rossano Calabro, Museo dell’Arcivescovado, Commentarium. Roma: Salerno 1987.
  • CAVALLO, Guglielmo, Dioscurides Neapolitanus Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli Codex ex Vindobonensis Graecus 1 Commentarium a cura di Carlo Bertelli, Salvatore Lilla, Guglielmo Cavallo Roma, Salerno Editrice-Graz-Austria, Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt 1992.
  • CAVALLO, Guglielmo, Ricerche Sulla Maiuscola Biblica, Firenze 1967.
  • COMTE DU MESNİL DU BUISSON, Robert, Les Peintures de la Synagogue de Doura-Europo. Rome 1939.
  • DEGERING, Hermann; BOECKLER, Albert, Die Quedlinburger Itala fragmente, 2. vol. Berlin 1932.
  • DEICHMANN, F. Wilhelm, Frühchristliche Bauten und Mosaiken von Ravenna, Grimm, Baden 1958.
  • DİNÇER SERDAR, Pınar, Erken Bizans Dönemi Resimli Dini El Yazmaları: Viyana Genesis, Eskişehir Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi, Eskişehir 2016.
  • GERSTINGER, Hans, Die Wiener Genesis. Textband zur Faksimile. Wien 1931.
  • GERSTINGER, Hans, Dioscurides. (De materia medica, [Ausz.]) Codex Vindobonensis Med. Gr. 1 der Österr. Nationalbibliothek. ([Nebst] Commentarium.), Graz: Akadem. Druck-u. Verlagsanst 1965-1970.
  • GOODENOUGH, Erwin Ramsdell, Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period, Vol. XII. New York 1965
  • GRABAR, André, Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origins, Princeton 1968.
  • GRABAR, André, Les Peintures de l’Évangéliaire de Sinope (Bibliothieque Nationale., Suppl. gr. 1286), Paris 1948.
  • GRABAR, André; NORDENFALK, Carl, Early Medieval Painting From the Fourth to the Eleventh Century: Mosaics and Mural Painting, Lausanne and New York 1957.
  • HEMPEL, Heinz-Ludwig, “Zum Problem der Anfänge der AT-Illustration”, Zeitschrift für die Alttestament liehe Wissenschaft, LXIX 1957, s. 103-131.
  • KÁDÁR, Zoltàn, Survivals of Greek Zoological illuminations in Byzantine Manuscripts, Budapest 1978.
  • KOZODOY, Ruth L., “The Origin of Early Christian Book Illumination: The State of the Question Author(s)”, Gesta, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1971, s. 33-40.
  • KRESTEN, Otto; PRATO, Giancarlo, “Die Miniatur des Evangelisten Markus im Codex Purpureus Rossanensis: Eine Spätere Einfügung”, Römische Historische Mitteilungen, Vol. 27, 1985, s. 381-399.
  • LEROY, Jules, “Nouveaux Témoins des Canons d’Eusèbe Illustrés Selon la Tradition Syriaque”, Cahiers Archéologiques, Vol. 9, 1957, s.117-140.
  • LEVEEN, Jacob, The Hebrew Bible in Art, London 1944. LEVIN, Inabelle, Quedlinburg Itala Fragments. New York University, Phd Dissertation, 1971.
  • LIVINGSTONE, Elizabeth A., Diatessaron, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, Great Britain 2013.
  • LOWDEN, John, “The Beginnings of Biblical Illustration”, Imaging the Early Medieval Bible, Ed. Eva R. Hoffmann, Pennsylvania 1999.
  • MANGO MUNDELL, Marlia, “Where was Beth Zagba?”, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Vol. 7, 1983, s. 405-430.
  • MAZAL, Otto, Kommentar zur Wiener Genesis, Frankfurt 1980. MOREY, Charles Rufus, Early Christian Art, Princeton and London 1953.
  • NORDENFALK, Carl Adam Johan, Die Spätantiken Kanontafeln Kunstgeschichtliche Studien über die Eusebianische Evangelien-Konkordanz in den Vier Ersten Jahrhunderten ihrer Geschichte (Textband), Oscar Isacsons Boktryckery, Göteborg 1938.
  • OMONT, Henri, “Peintures de l’Ancien Testament dans un Manuscrit Syriaque du VIIe ou du VIIIe siècle”, Monuments et Mémoires de la Fondation Eugène Piot, tome 17, fascicule 1, 1909, s. 85-98.
  • OMONT, Henri, Notice sur un Très Ancien Manuscrit Grec de l’évangile de Saint Matthieu. Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale et autres bibliothèques Bd. 36, 2., 1901.
  • PLINIUS SECUNDUS, Gaius; WINKLER, Gerhard; KÖNİG, Roderich, Naturkunde: Lateinisch-deutsch: 25: Medizin und Pharmakologie: Heilmittel aus Wild Wachsenden Pflanzen/hrsg. u. übers. von Roderich König, Darmstadt 1996.
  • SCHODDE, H. George, “The Septuagint”, The Old Testament Student, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1888, s. 134-140.
  • SÖRRIES, Reiner, Die Syrische Bibel von Paris: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, syr. 341: Eine Frühchristliche Bilderhandschrift aus dem 6. Jahrhundert, Wiesbaden 1991.
  • STERN, Henri, “Quelques Problèmes d’iconographie Paléochrétienne et Juive”, Cahiers Archéologiques, XII. 1962, s. 99-113.
  • STÜCKELBERGER, Alfred, Bild und Wort. Das illustrierte Fachbuch in der antiken Naturwissenschaft, Medizin und Technik. Mainz 1994.
  • TIKKANEN, Johan Jakob, Die Genesismosaiken von S. Marco in Venedig und ihr Verhältniss zu den Miniaturen der Cottonbibel, Nebst Einer Untersuchung über den Ursprung der Mittelalterlichen Genesisdarstellung Besonders in der Byzantinischen und Italienischen Kunst, Helsingfors, Druckerei der Finnischen litteratur-gesellschaft 1889. The Rabbula Gospels: Facsimile Edition of the Miniatures of the Syriac Manuscript Plut. I, 56 in the Medicaean-Laurentian Library, Edited and Commented by Carlo Cecchelli, Giuseppe Furlani and Mario Salmi, Olten, Lausanne, Urs Graf., 1959.
  • TROST, Vera, Gold-und Silbertinten: Technologische Untersuchungen zur Abendländischen Chrysographie und Argyrographie von der Spätantike bis zum hohen Mittelalter, Vol. 28, Beiträge zum Buch-und Bibliothekswesen, Wiesbaden 1991.
  • VERKERK, Dorothy, “Exodus and Easter Vigil in The Ashburnham Pentateuch”, Art Bulletin, Vol. 77, No.1, 1995, s. 94-105.
  • VERKERK, Dorothy, Early Medieval Bible Illumination and The Ashburnham Pentateuch, New York 2004.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, “Illustration der Septuaginta”, Münchner Jahrbuch der Bildenden Kunst, 3/4. 1952.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, “Narration in Early Christendom”, American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 61, No. 1, January 1957, s. 83-91.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, Ancient Book Illumination, Cambridge 1959.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, Illustrations in Roll and Codex: A study of The Origin and Method of Text Illustration, Princeton University Press 1947.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, Late Antique and Early Christian Book Illumination, London 1977.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, Studies in Classical and Byzantine Manuscript Illumination, ChicagoLondon 1971.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt, The Octateuch of The Seraglio and The History of Its Picture Recension, İstanbul 1957.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt; KESSLER, Herbert L., The Cotton Genesis: British Library, Codex Cotton Otho B. VI. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press 1986.
  • WEITZMANN, Kurt; BERNABÒ, Massimo, The Byzantine Octateuchs: Mount Athos, Vatopedi Monastery, codex 602; Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Codex Pluteus 5.38; Istanbul, Topkapi Sarayi Library, codex G. I. 8; Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Codex Vaticanus Graecus 746 and Codex Vaticanus Graecus 747; Smyrna (olim), Evangelical School Library, codex A. 1. Text, Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Pr 1999.
  • WORMALD, Francis, The Miniatures in The Gospels of St Augustine Cambridge 1954.
  • WRIGHT, H. David, “The Date and Arrangement of The Illustrations in The Rabbula Gospels”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 27, 1973, s. 197-208.
  • WRIGHT, H. David, The Vatican Vergil, a Masterpiece of Late Antique Art, Berkeley 1993.
  • YOHANNA, Samer Soreshow, The Gospel of Mark in the Syriac Harklean Version: An Edition Based upon The Earliest Witnesses, Gregorian Biblical BookShop 2015.
  • ZIMMERMANN, Barbara, Die Wienner Genesis im Rahmen der Antiken Buchmalerei, Wiesbaden 2003.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

Pınar Serdar Dinçer 0000-0003-4152-6327

Proje Numarası 1309E316
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Şubat 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 12

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Dinçer, Pınar Serdar. “Erken Bizans Dönemi Resimli Dini El Yazmaları”. Art - Sanat, sy. 12 (Temmuz 2019): 385-420.