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Yıl 2015, Sayı: 3, 47 - 96, 09.02.2015


In this work, the nature and supernatural religions influenced Turkish nomads until the 8thcentury AD. are systematically classified according to historical sources.. Associated with these religious, cults are also included in this classification. Various rituals associated with these religions and cults are discussed in detail. Furthermore, iconographic analysis of some artworks are made


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Yıl 2015, Sayı: 3, 47 - 96, 09.02.2015


Bu çalışmada, tarihi kaynaklara göre M.Ö. 8. yüzyıla kadar Türk göçbelerinin tesiri altında kaldığı doğa ve doğaüstü dinler, sistematik olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Bu dinlerle ilişkili kültler de bu sınıflanndırmaya dahil edilmiştir. Bu dinlerle ve kültlerle bağlantılı çeşitli ritüeller de detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca bazı sanat eserlerinin ikonografik çözümlemeleri de yapılmıştır.  


  • Albîrûnî. 1879. The Chronology of Ancient Nations (Vestiges of the Past), trans. E. Sachau, London: W.H. Allen &Co.
  • Ammianus Marcellenius.1986. History, III, trans. J. C. Rolfe, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Asmussen, J. P. 1983. “Christians in Iran”, The Cambridge History of Iran, 3/2, ed. E. Yarshater,
  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 924-948. Bahar, H., S. Çeçen, İ. Durmuş, G. Karauğuz, R. Kuzuoğlu ve G. Gökçek. 2002. “2001 Bilge Kağan
  • Külliyesi Kazıları” Türkler, 2: 320-333. Bahar, H. 2009. “The Excavation and the Conservation of Bilge Khan Monumental Grave Complex in Mongolia”, 22nd CIPA Symposium, October 11-15, 2009, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Barkova, L. L. 1978. “The Frozen Tombs of the Altai”, Frozen Tombs, the Culture and Art of the Ancient Tribes of Siberia, London: British Museum Publications Ltd., 21-78.
  • Barthold, W. 1968. Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion, ed. C. E. Bosworth, trans. T. Minorsky, London: Luzac.
  • Baumer, C. 2012. The History of Central Asia, the Age of the Steppe Warriors, I, London-New York: I.B.Tauris
  • Baumer, C. 2014. The History of Central Asia, the Age of the Silk Roads, II, London-New York: I.B.Tauris
  • Bedjan, P. (ed). 1895. Histoire de Mar-Jabalaha, de Trois Autres Patriarches, d’un Prêtre et de Deux
  • Laïques, Nestoriens, Paris: Otto Harrassowitz. Biçurin, N.Ya. 1950/1953. Sobranie Svedeniy o Narodah Obitavşih v Sredney Azii v Drevnie
  • Vremena, I-III, Moskva-Leningrad: Akademii Nauk SSSR Bokovenko N. A. 1995. “Scythian Culture in the Altai Mountains”, Nomads of the Eurasian Steppes in the Early Iron Age, eds. J. Davis-Kimball, V.A. Bashilov, L. T. Yablonsky, Berkeley, CA: Zinat Press, 285-295.
  • Borbone, P. G. 2005. “Some Aspects of Turco-Mongol Christianity in the Light of Literary and Epigraphic Syriac Sources”, Journal of Assyrain Academic Studies, 19 (02): 6-20.
  • Bourgeois, J, W. Gheyle, R. Goossens, A. de Wulf. 2007. The Frozen Tombs of the Altai Mountains
  • Phase I 2005-2006, Universiteit Gent.
  • Boyce, M. 1975. A History of Zoroastrianism, The Early Period, 1, Leiden: E. J. Brill.
  • Brosseder, U., J. Bayarsaikhan, Bryan K. Miller and Ts.Odbaatar.2011. “Seven Radiocarbon Dates for Xiongnu Burials in Western and Central Mongolia”, Nuudelçdiin ov Sudlal, 11(20): 234-240.
  • Brosseder, U. 2009. “Xiongnu Terrace Tombs and their Interpretation as Elite Burials”, Current
  • Archaeological Research in Mongolia, Bonn, 247–280. Bunker, E. C., C. B. Chatwin and A.R. Farkas. 1970. ‘Animal Style’ Art from East to West, New York: Asia House Gallery.
  • Birrell, A. 1999. The Classic of Mountains and Seas, Penguin Books.
  • Bunker, E.C. 2002. “Artifacts: Regional Styles and Methods of Production”, Nomadic Art of the Eastern Eurasien Steppes, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 15-37
  • Cambon, P. 2008. “The Silk Roads and the Road of the Steppes: Eurasia and the Scythian World”,
  • Preservation of the Frozen Tombs of the Altai Mountains, Paris:Unesco, 41-46
  • Chabot, J. B. 1902. Synodicon Orientale ou Recueil de Synodes Nestoriens, Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.
  • Chang, K.-C., 1971, The Archaeology of Ancient China, New Haven-London: Yale University Press.
  • Chavannes, E. 1895-1905. Les Mémoires Historiques de Se-ma Ts'ien Traduits et Annotés, 1-5, Paris: Ernest Leroux
  • Chavannes, E. 1903. Document sur les Tou Kiue (Turcs) occidentaux, St. Petersburg: Académie Impériale:
  • Colless, B. E. 1986. “The Nestorian Province of Samarqand”, Abr-Nahrain, 24:51-57.
  • Çeşmeli İ. 2012. "Moğollar Öncesi Orta Asya'da Süryani Hıristiyanlığı", Arkeoloji ve Sanat,140: 195-20
  • Çeşmeli, İ. 2014. “Bronz Çağından Erken Orta Çağa Orta Asya Tapınakları”, Art-Sanat, 1: 19-33.
  • Doblhofer, E. 1955. Byzantinische Diplomaten und Östliche Barbaren, Aus den Excerpta de
  • Legationibus des Konstantinos Porphyrogennetos Ausgewählte Abschnitte des Priskos und Menander Protektor, Graz-Wien-Köln: Verlag Styria. Dorman, P.F., P. O. Harper and H. Pittman. 2005. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Egypt and the Ancient Near East, ed. J. P. O’Neill, New York.
  • Eberhard, W. 1986. Dictionary of Chinese Symbols: Hidden Symbols in Chinese Life and Thought.
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  • Enoki, K. 1956. “On the Nationality of the Ephthalites” Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko, 18:1-58.
  • Ergin, M. 1988. Orhun Abideleri, İstanbul: Boğaziçi Yayınları.
  • Fan Ye. 2003. “The Western Regions according to the Hou Han Shu”, trans. J.E. Hill, (23.01.2015).
  • Francfort, H. P. 2008. “Ancient Altai Culture and Its Relationship to Historical Asian
  • Civilizations”, Preservation of the Frozen Tombs of the Altai Mountains, Paris:Unesco, 35-40. Gignoux, Ph. 1996. “Zoroastrianism”, History of Civilization of Central Asia III, The Cross-Roads of
  • Civilizations AD 250 to 750, ed. B. A. Litvinsky, Paris: Unesco, 394-403. Gordon, C. D. 1966. The Age of Atilla, Fifth Century Byzantium and the Barbarians, The Universty of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor Paperbacks.
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  • Griffith, R.T.H. 1889. The Hmnys of the Rigveda, I, Benares: E.J. Lazarus and Co.
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İbrahim Çeşmeli

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Şubat 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Şubat 2015
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