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Yıl 2022, , 1 - 18, 29.12.2022



  • Arel, Hüseyin Sadettin (1997). Prozodi Dersleri. Pan Yayıncılık. “Background” (2022). Leonard Bernstein Official Website, Accessed 7 Feb. 2022. google scholar
  • Baker, Mona (2018). In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. Taylor & Francis. google scholar
  • Berk, Özlem (2006). “Translating the ‘West’: The Position of Translated Western Literature within the Turkish Literary Polysystem,” RiLUnE, no. 4, pp. 1-18. google scholar
  • “Devlet Operasının İlk Temsili” (1940, June 27). Cumhuriyet, p. 1. google scholar
  • Franzon, Johan (2008). “Choices in Song Translation.” The Translator: Translation and Music. Ed. Şebnem Susam-Sarajeva, St. Jerome, pp. 343-399. google scholar
  • Göksel, A and C. Kerslake (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. Routledge. google scholar
  • Güldaş, Saadet (2003). Türk Dilinin Diksiyonu-Prozodisi: Vurgu ve Vurgulamaları ile Türk Musikisinde Prozodi. Kurtiş. google scholar
  • Kaindl, Klaus (2005). “The Plurisemiotics of Pop Song Translation: Words, Music, Voice and Image”. Song and Significance: Virtues and Vices of Vocal Translation, ed. Dinda L. Gorlée. Rodopi, pp. 235-262. google scholar
  • Lefevere, André (1975). Translating Poetry: Seven Strategies and a Blueprint. Assen, 1975. google scholar
  • Low, Peter (2017). Translating Song. Lyrics and Texts. Routledge. google scholar
  • Low, Peter (2005). “The Pentathlon Approach to Singing Songs”. Song and Significance: Virtues and Vices of Vocal Translation, ed. Dinda L. Gorlée. Rodopi, pp. 185-212. google scholar
  • Ozarowska, Alexandra (2017). “The Paramount Role of Translation in Modern Opera Productions.” Text Matters, vol. 7 no. 7, pp. 258-272. google scholar
  • Pesen, Alaz (2019). “Carl Ebert: the Patron Behind the History of the State Opera in Turkey.” Traduçao em Revista: Traduçao&Musica: Contrapontos, vol. 2 no. 27, pp. 123 - 141. google scholar
  • Sabar, Gül (2011). Sesimiz: Eğitimi ve Korunması. Pan. google scholar
  • Şahin-Soy, Özlem and Merve Şenol (2020). “The Historical Journey of Opera Translation in Turkey and its Perception by Contemporary Turkish Opera Performers.” İstanbul Üniversitesi Çeviribilim Dergisi - Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies, no. 13, pp. 1-22. google scholar
  • “Tahiti Macerası” (2003, February 7). Cumhuriyet, p. 3. google scholar
  • Tymoczko, Maria (1999). Translation in a Post-colonial Context. St. Jerome. google scholar
  • Vermeer, Hans (2000). “Skopos and Commission in Translational Action.” The Translation Studies Reader, ed. Lawrence Venuti. Routledge, pp. 221-240. google scholar
Yıl 2022, , 1 - 18, 29.12.2022



  • Arel, Hüseyin Sadettin (1997). Prozodi Dersleri. Pan Yayıncılık. “Background” (2022). Leonard Bernstein Official Website, Accessed 7 Feb. 2022. google scholar
  • Baker, Mona (2018). In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. Taylor & Francis. google scholar
  • Berk, Özlem (2006). “Translating the ‘West’: The Position of Translated Western Literature within the Turkish Literary Polysystem,” RiLUnE, no. 4, pp. 1-18. google scholar
  • “Devlet Operasının İlk Temsili” (1940, June 27). Cumhuriyet, p. 1. google scholar
  • Franzon, Johan (2008). “Choices in Song Translation.” The Translator: Translation and Music. Ed. Şebnem Susam-Sarajeva, St. Jerome, pp. 343-399. google scholar
  • Göksel, A and C. Kerslake (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. Routledge. google scholar
  • Güldaş, Saadet (2003). Türk Dilinin Diksiyonu-Prozodisi: Vurgu ve Vurgulamaları ile Türk Musikisinde Prozodi. Kurtiş. google scholar
  • Kaindl, Klaus (2005). “The Plurisemiotics of Pop Song Translation: Words, Music, Voice and Image”. Song and Significance: Virtues and Vices of Vocal Translation, ed. Dinda L. Gorlée. Rodopi, pp. 235-262. google scholar
  • Lefevere, André (1975). Translating Poetry: Seven Strategies and a Blueprint. Assen, 1975. google scholar
  • Low, Peter (2017). Translating Song. Lyrics and Texts. Routledge. google scholar
  • Low, Peter (2005). “The Pentathlon Approach to Singing Songs”. Song and Significance: Virtues and Vices of Vocal Translation, ed. Dinda L. Gorlée. Rodopi, pp. 185-212. google scholar
  • Ozarowska, Alexandra (2017). “The Paramount Role of Translation in Modern Opera Productions.” Text Matters, vol. 7 no. 7, pp. 258-272. google scholar
  • Pesen, Alaz (2019). “Carl Ebert: the Patron Behind the History of the State Opera in Turkey.” Traduçao em Revista: Traduçao&Musica: Contrapontos, vol. 2 no. 27, pp. 123 - 141. google scholar
  • Sabar, Gül (2011). Sesimiz: Eğitimi ve Korunması. Pan. google scholar
  • Şahin-Soy, Özlem and Merve Şenol (2020). “The Historical Journey of Opera Translation in Turkey and its Perception by Contemporary Turkish Opera Performers.” İstanbul Üniversitesi Çeviribilim Dergisi - Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies, no. 13, pp. 1-22. google scholar
  • “Tahiti Macerası” (2003, February 7). Cumhuriyet, p. 3. google scholar
  • Tymoczko, Maria (1999). Translation in a Post-colonial Context. St. Jerome. google scholar
  • Vermeer, Hans (2000). “Skopos and Commission in Translational Action.” The Translation Studies Reader, ed. Lawrence Venuti. Routledge, pp. 221-240. google scholar

Singability and Naturalness in Opera Translation

Yıl 2022, , 1 - 18, 29.12.2022


Singability in song translation has been a popular subject especially for the last two decades in the field of translation studies. Nevertheless, while only a few studies have satisfactorily problematized the musical aspect, even fewer have elaborated on the essential link between singability and naturalness in the target language. This study suggests a practical way to address such a shortcoming. It argues that accounting for singability in opera translation requires a theoretical approach integrating linguistics, musicology, and translation studies. Taking an actual opera translator’s discourse as a point of departure, it demonstrates the importance of naturalness in creating a singable target libretto. Then, linking such practical observations to a theoretical discussion fusing linguistics, musicology, and translation studies, it argues that metadiscourse on singability and naturalness can and should go beyond intuitive interpretations and can be based on an interdisciplinary theoretical framework, which is also demonstrated in the final part through the libretto translation analysis of Leonard Bernstein’s one-act opera Trouble in Tahiti. The study also proposes a vertically-juxtaposed musical notation and lyrics method for a detailed comparison of the source and target librettos.


  • Arel, Hüseyin Sadettin (1997). Prozodi Dersleri. Pan Yayıncılık. “Background” (2022). Leonard Bernstein Official Website, Accessed 7 Feb. 2022. google scholar
  • Baker, Mona (2018). In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. Taylor & Francis. google scholar
  • Berk, Özlem (2006). “Translating the ‘West’: The Position of Translated Western Literature within the Turkish Literary Polysystem,” RiLUnE, no. 4, pp. 1-18. google scholar
  • “Devlet Operasının İlk Temsili” (1940, June 27). Cumhuriyet, p. 1. google scholar
  • Franzon, Johan (2008). “Choices in Song Translation.” The Translator: Translation and Music. Ed. Şebnem Susam-Sarajeva, St. Jerome, pp. 343-399. google scholar
  • Göksel, A and C. Kerslake (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. Routledge. google scholar
  • Güldaş, Saadet (2003). Türk Dilinin Diksiyonu-Prozodisi: Vurgu ve Vurgulamaları ile Türk Musikisinde Prozodi. Kurtiş. google scholar
  • Kaindl, Klaus (2005). “The Plurisemiotics of Pop Song Translation: Words, Music, Voice and Image”. Song and Significance: Virtues and Vices of Vocal Translation, ed. Dinda L. Gorlée. Rodopi, pp. 235-262. google scholar
  • Lefevere, André (1975). Translating Poetry: Seven Strategies and a Blueprint. Assen, 1975. google scholar
  • Low, Peter (2017). Translating Song. Lyrics and Texts. Routledge. google scholar
  • Low, Peter (2005). “The Pentathlon Approach to Singing Songs”. Song and Significance: Virtues and Vices of Vocal Translation, ed. Dinda L. Gorlée. Rodopi, pp. 185-212. google scholar
  • Ozarowska, Alexandra (2017). “The Paramount Role of Translation in Modern Opera Productions.” Text Matters, vol. 7 no. 7, pp. 258-272. google scholar
  • Pesen, Alaz (2019). “Carl Ebert: the Patron Behind the History of the State Opera in Turkey.” Traduçao em Revista: Traduçao&Musica: Contrapontos, vol. 2 no. 27, pp. 123 - 141. google scholar
  • Sabar, Gül (2011). Sesimiz: Eğitimi ve Korunması. Pan. google scholar
  • Şahin-Soy, Özlem and Merve Şenol (2020). “The Historical Journey of Opera Translation in Turkey and its Perception by Contemporary Turkish Opera Performers.” İstanbul Üniversitesi Çeviribilim Dergisi - Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies, no. 13, pp. 1-22. google scholar
  • “Tahiti Macerası” (2003, February 7). Cumhuriyet, p. 3. google scholar
  • Tymoczko, Maria (1999). Translation in a Post-colonial Context. St. Jerome. google scholar
  • Vermeer, Hans (2000). “Skopos and Commission in Translational Action.” The Translation Studies Reader, ed. Lawrence Venuti. Routledge, pp. 221-240. google scholar

Opera Çevirisinde İcra ve Doğallık

Yıl 2022, , 1 - 18, 29.12.2022


Şarkı çevirisinde icra, çeviribilim araştırmalarında özellikle son yirmi yılda popülerlik kazandı. Ne var ki, az sayıda çalışma çevirinin müzik boyutunu sorunsallaştırabilirken, erek dilde icra ve doğallık arasındaki olmazsa olmaz bağlantıyı ele alan çalışmalara ise neredeyse hiç rastlanmıyor. Bu çalışma, böyle bir eksikliği gidermek için pratik bir yol öneriyor: Opera çevirisinde icranın dilbilim, müzikoloji ve çeviribilimi arasında köprüler kuran kuramsal bir çerçeve gerektiğini öne sürüyor. Gerçek bir opera çevirmeninin söyleminden yola çıkarak, icraya yönelik erek librettolar yaratmada doğallığın önemine ışık tutuyor. Sonrasında da pratiğe yönelik bu gözlemleri dilbilim, müzikoloji ve çeviribilimin kesiştiği kuramsal bir tartışmaya bağlıyor: İcra ve doğallığa yönelik üstsöylemin içgüdüye dayalı yorumlardan öteye taşınarak disiplinlerarası bir çerçevede ele alınabileceğini savunuyor. Çalışmanın son bölümünde Leonard Bernstein’in tek perdelik operası Tahiti Macerası’nın libretto çevirisi çözümlemesine söz konusu kuramsal çerçeve bağlamında yer veriliyor. Çalışma, bir diğer yandan da, ayrıntılı bir karşılaştırmalı opera/şarkı çevirisi çözümlemesinde, kaynak ve erek notalar ile sözlerin alt alta sıralanması yönteminin önemini uyguluyor.


  • Arel, Hüseyin Sadettin (1997). Prozodi Dersleri. Pan Yayıncılık. “Background” (2022). Leonard Bernstein Official Website, Accessed 7 Feb. 2022. google scholar
  • Baker, Mona (2018). In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. Taylor & Francis. google scholar
  • Berk, Özlem (2006). “Translating the ‘West’: The Position of Translated Western Literature within the Turkish Literary Polysystem,” RiLUnE, no. 4, pp. 1-18. google scholar
  • “Devlet Operasının İlk Temsili” (1940, June 27). Cumhuriyet, p. 1. google scholar
  • Franzon, Johan (2008). “Choices in Song Translation.” The Translator: Translation and Music. Ed. Şebnem Susam-Sarajeva, St. Jerome, pp. 343-399. google scholar
  • Göksel, A and C. Kerslake (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. Routledge. google scholar
  • Güldaş, Saadet (2003). Türk Dilinin Diksiyonu-Prozodisi: Vurgu ve Vurgulamaları ile Türk Musikisinde Prozodi. Kurtiş. google scholar
  • Kaindl, Klaus (2005). “The Plurisemiotics of Pop Song Translation: Words, Music, Voice and Image”. Song and Significance: Virtues and Vices of Vocal Translation, ed. Dinda L. Gorlée. Rodopi, pp. 235-262. google scholar
  • Lefevere, André (1975). Translating Poetry: Seven Strategies and a Blueprint. Assen, 1975. google scholar
  • Low, Peter (2017). Translating Song. Lyrics and Texts. Routledge. google scholar
  • Low, Peter (2005). “The Pentathlon Approach to Singing Songs”. Song and Significance: Virtues and Vices of Vocal Translation, ed. Dinda L. Gorlée. Rodopi, pp. 185-212. google scholar
  • Ozarowska, Alexandra (2017). “The Paramount Role of Translation in Modern Opera Productions.” Text Matters, vol. 7 no. 7, pp. 258-272. google scholar
  • Pesen, Alaz (2019). “Carl Ebert: the Patron Behind the History of the State Opera in Turkey.” Traduçao em Revista: Traduçao&Musica: Contrapontos, vol. 2 no. 27, pp. 123 - 141. google scholar
  • Sabar, Gül (2011). Sesimiz: Eğitimi ve Korunması. Pan. google scholar
  • Şahin-Soy, Özlem and Merve Şenol (2020). “The Historical Journey of Opera Translation in Turkey and its Perception by Contemporary Turkish Opera Performers.” İstanbul Üniversitesi Çeviribilim Dergisi - Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies, no. 13, pp. 1-22. google scholar
  • “Tahiti Macerası” (2003, February 7). Cumhuriyet, p. 3. google scholar
  • Tymoczko, Maria (1999). Translation in a Post-colonial Context. St. Jerome. google scholar
  • Vermeer, Hans (2000). “Skopos and Commission in Translational Action.” The Translation Studies Reader, ed. Lawrence Venuti. Routledge, pp. 221-240. google scholar
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce

Alaz Pesen

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Pesen, A. (2022). Singability and Naturalness in Opera Translation. IU Journal of Translation Studies(17), 1-18.
AMA Pesen A. Singability and Naturalness in Opera Translation. IU Journal of Translation Studies. Aralık 2022;(17):1-18. doi:10.26650/iujts.2022.1182388
Chicago Pesen, Alaz. “Singability and Naturalness in Opera Translation”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 17 (Aralık 2022): 1-18.
EndNote Pesen A (01 Aralık 2022) Singability and Naturalness in Opera Translation. IU Journal of Translation Studies 17 1–18.
IEEE A. Pesen, “Singability and Naturalness in Opera Translation”, IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 17, ss. 1–18, Aralık 2022, doi: 10.26650/iujts.2022.1182388.
ISNAD Pesen, Alaz. “Singability and Naturalness in Opera Translation”. IU Journal of Translation Studies 17 (Aralık 2022), 1-18.
JAMA Pesen A. Singability and Naturalness in Opera Translation. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2022;:1–18.
MLA Pesen, Alaz. “Singability and Naturalness in Opera Translation”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 17, 2022, ss. 1-18, doi:10.26650/iujts.2022.1182388.
Vancouver Pesen A. Singability and Naturalness in Opera Translation. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2022(17):1-18.