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BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2023, , 19 - 40, 31.07.2023



  • Akalın, R. (2022). Çeviri üzerine söylem üretmek ile çeviriyi uygulamak arasında: Çeviri alanında bilgi kazanımının seçenekleri üzerine bilimkuramsal bir sorgulama, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 13 (2), 183-192. google scholar
  • Baker, M. 1993. Corpus linguistics and translation studies: Implications and applications. InM. Baker, G. Francis and E. Tognini-Bonelli (Eds.) Text and technology: In honour of John Sinclair, (pp.233-250), Amsterdam: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • Baker, M. (2000). Towards a methodology for investigating the style of a literary translator? Target 12 (2): 241-266. google scholar
  • Bale, R. (2015). An evaluation of spoken corpus-based resources in undergraduate interpreting training. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25 (1), 23-45. google scholar
  • Cermâkovâ, A. (2015). Repetition in John Irving’s novel A Widow for One Year: A corpus stylistics approach to literary translation. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 20 (3), 355-77. google scholar
  • Corpas Pastor, G. (2018). Tools for interpreters: the challenges that lie ahead. Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E, 5, 157 - 182. google scholar
  • Bowker, L. and Pearson, J. (2002). Working with specialized language: A practical guide to using corpora, London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2007). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. CA: Sage. Göksel, A. & Özsoy, A.S. (2003). dA: a focus/topic associated clitic in Turkish. Lingua 113. 1143-1167. google scholar
  • Güner, S. P. (2018). Derlem tabanlı yaklaşımların çeviribilmdeki yeri ve önemi, [Basılmamış Doktora Tezi], İstanbul Üniversitesi. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Hansen, I., and M. Shlesinger (2007). The silver lining - technology and self-study in the interpreting classroom. Interpreting 9 (1): 95-118. google scholar
  • Hu, K. (2016). Introducing corpus-based translation studies. New York: Springer Heidelberg.İnce, Ü. (2019). Çeviri bilinci: Çevirenler, çeviremeyenler, çeviriverenler. İstanbul: Tekin Yayınevi. google scholar
  • Kılıçkaya, T. & Ergil, B. (2023). The Importance of English Literature Courses in Translation Education and Its Place in Associate Degree Translation Programs in Turkey . Söylem Filoloji Dergisi , Çeviribilim Özel Sayısı, 243-259 . DOI: 10.29110/soylemdergi.1187079 google scholar
  • Kurultay, T. (1995). Çevirmen, çevireceği metni nasıl okursa okumuş olur? Ya da çeviri sürecinde bir ön aşama olarak ‘Çeviri amaçlı metin çözümlemesi’ var mıdır? Işın Bengi Öner (Yay.), Çeviribilim 1. Çeviri Eğitiminde Özgün Metni Yorumlama, Çeviri Metni Oluşturma Sürecine Yönelik Yöntem Önerileri. Bursa: Ankara Üniversitesi TÖMER Bursa Şubesi, (s.111-124). google scholar
  • Laviosa, S. (2004). Corpus-based translation studies: Where does it come from? Where is it going? TradTerm 10: 29-57 google scholar
  • Laviosa, S. (1998). The corpus-based approach: A new paradigm in translation studies. Meta 43(4): 474-479. google scholar
  • Leech, G., and Short, M. (2007). Style in fiction: A linguistic introduction to English fictional prose (Second Edition). London: Longman. google scholar
  • Mahlberg, M. (2013). Corpus analysis of literary texts. In Carole A. Chapelle (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (pp. 1282-1289) google scholar
  • Mahlberg, M., & Wiegand, V. (2020). Literary stylistics. In Adolphs, S., and Knight, D. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities. (pp. 306-327) Routledge. google scholar
  • Mastropierro, L. & Mahlberg, M. (2017). Key words and translated cohesion in Lovecrat’s At the Mountains of Madness and one of its Italian translations. English Text Construction 10(1), 78-105. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • McIntyre, D. (2013). Corpora and literature. In Carole A. Chapelle (Ed.) The Encyclopaedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell. google scholar
  • Mikhailov, M. (2022). Text corpora, professional translators and translator training, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 16(2), 224-246, DOI: 10.1080/1750399X.2021.2001955 google scholar
  • Nebot, E. M. (2003). Corpus-based Teaching: The Use of Original and Translated Texts in the Training of Legal Translators, Translation Journal 7(4), google scholar
  • Nebot, E. M. (2008). Corpus-based activities in legal translator training, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (2)2, 221-252, DOI: 10.1080/1750399X.2008.10798775 google scholar
  • Nord, C. (1991). Text Analysis in Translation: Theory, Methodology and Didactic Application ofa Model for Translation-Oriented Analysis. Amsterdam: Rodopi. google scholar
  • Olohan, M. (2003). How frequent are the contractions? A study of contracted forms in the Translational English Corpus. Target 15(1): 59-89. google scholar
  • Olohan, M. (2004). Introducing corpora in translation studies. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Reppen, R. (2010). Using corpora in the language classroom (Cambridge language education). New York: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Pearson, J. (2003) Using parallel texts in the translator training environment. In F. Zanettin, S. Bernardini, and D. Stewart (eds.), Corpora in translator education. Manchester: St. Jerome, 15-24. google scholar
  • Sevimay, F. (2018). Çeviri’Bilirsin! Edebiyatın gizli kahramanlığı hakkında notlar. İstanbul: Hep Kitap. google scholar
  • Şen Bartan, Ö. (2022). Structural repetitions and discourse relations in English-Turkish translations of TED talks. The Literacy Trek,8(2), 186-202. google scholar
  • Tutaş, N. (2006). Yazınsal metinlerde biçembilimsel inceleme, Littera Edebiyat Yazıları 19, ss.169-180. google scholar
  • Voyant Tool Help (2022).!/guide/start google scholar
  • Webber B., Prasad Rashmi, Lee Alan, Joshi Aravind. (2019). The Penn Discourse Treebank 3.0 Annotation Manual. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, google scholar
  • Wolcott, H. F. (1994). Transforming qualitative data. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. google scholar
  • Zanettin, F. (1994). Parallel words: Designing a bilingual database for translation activities. In A. Wilson & T. McEnery, (Eds.), Corpora in language education and research: A selection of papers from Talc94 (Technical Papers, Volume 4; pp. 99-111). Lancaster, UK: UCREL. google scholar
  • Zanettin, F. (2007). Parallel Corpora in Translation Studies. Issues in Corpus Design and Analysis, In Wolfgang Teubert and Ramesh Krishnamurthy (Eds.) Corpus Linguistics: Critical Concepts in Linguistics, London & New York: Routledge, 285-98. google scholar
Yıl 2023, , 19 - 40, 31.07.2023



  • Akalın, R. (2022). Çeviri üzerine söylem üretmek ile çeviriyi uygulamak arasında: Çeviri alanında bilgi kazanımının seçenekleri üzerine bilimkuramsal bir sorgulama, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 13 (2), 183-192. google scholar
  • Baker, M. 1993. Corpus linguistics and translation studies: Implications and applications. InM. Baker, G. Francis and E. Tognini-Bonelli (Eds.) Text and technology: In honour of John Sinclair, (pp.233-250), Amsterdam: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • Baker, M. (2000). Towards a methodology for investigating the style of a literary translator? Target 12 (2): 241-266. google scholar
  • Bale, R. (2015). An evaluation of spoken corpus-based resources in undergraduate interpreting training. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25 (1), 23-45. google scholar
  • Cermâkovâ, A. (2015). Repetition in John Irving’s novel A Widow for One Year: A corpus stylistics approach to literary translation. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 20 (3), 355-77. google scholar
  • Corpas Pastor, G. (2018). Tools for interpreters: the challenges that lie ahead. Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E, 5, 157 - 182. google scholar
  • Bowker, L. and Pearson, J. (2002). Working with specialized language: A practical guide to using corpora, London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2007). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. CA: Sage. Göksel, A. & Özsoy, A.S. (2003). dA: a focus/topic associated clitic in Turkish. Lingua 113. 1143-1167. google scholar
  • Güner, S. P. (2018). Derlem tabanlı yaklaşımların çeviribilmdeki yeri ve önemi, [Basılmamış Doktora Tezi], İstanbul Üniversitesi. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Hansen, I., and M. Shlesinger (2007). The silver lining - technology and self-study in the interpreting classroom. Interpreting 9 (1): 95-118. google scholar
  • Hu, K. (2016). Introducing corpus-based translation studies. New York: Springer Heidelberg.İnce, Ü. (2019). Çeviri bilinci: Çevirenler, çeviremeyenler, çeviriverenler. İstanbul: Tekin Yayınevi. google scholar
  • Kılıçkaya, T. & Ergil, B. (2023). The Importance of English Literature Courses in Translation Education and Its Place in Associate Degree Translation Programs in Turkey . Söylem Filoloji Dergisi , Çeviribilim Özel Sayısı, 243-259 . DOI: 10.29110/soylemdergi.1187079 google scholar
  • Kurultay, T. (1995). Çevirmen, çevireceği metni nasıl okursa okumuş olur? Ya da çeviri sürecinde bir ön aşama olarak ‘Çeviri amaçlı metin çözümlemesi’ var mıdır? Işın Bengi Öner (Yay.), Çeviribilim 1. Çeviri Eğitiminde Özgün Metni Yorumlama, Çeviri Metni Oluşturma Sürecine Yönelik Yöntem Önerileri. Bursa: Ankara Üniversitesi TÖMER Bursa Şubesi, (s.111-124). google scholar
  • Laviosa, S. (2004). Corpus-based translation studies: Where does it come from? Where is it going? TradTerm 10: 29-57 google scholar
  • Laviosa, S. (1998). The corpus-based approach: A new paradigm in translation studies. Meta 43(4): 474-479. google scholar
  • Leech, G., and Short, M. (2007). Style in fiction: A linguistic introduction to English fictional prose (Second Edition). London: Longman. google scholar
  • Mahlberg, M. (2013). Corpus analysis of literary texts. In Carole A. Chapelle (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (pp. 1282-1289) google scholar
  • Mahlberg, M., & Wiegand, V. (2020). Literary stylistics. In Adolphs, S., and Knight, D. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities. (pp. 306-327) Routledge. google scholar
  • Mastropierro, L. & Mahlberg, M. (2017). Key words and translated cohesion in Lovecrat’s At the Mountains of Madness and one of its Italian translations. English Text Construction 10(1), 78-105. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • McIntyre, D. (2013). Corpora and literature. In Carole A. Chapelle (Ed.) The Encyclopaedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell. google scholar
  • Mikhailov, M. (2022). Text corpora, professional translators and translator training, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 16(2), 224-246, DOI: 10.1080/1750399X.2021.2001955 google scholar
  • Nebot, E. M. (2003). Corpus-based Teaching: The Use of Original and Translated Texts in the Training of Legal Translators, Translation Journal 7(4), google scholar
  • Nebot, E. M. (2008). Corpus-based activities in legal translator training, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (2)2, 221-252, DOI: 10.1080/1750399X.2008.10798775 google scholar
  • Nord, C. (1991). Text Analysis in Translation: Theory, Methodology and Didactic Application ofa Model for Translation-Oriented Analysis. Amsterdam: Rodopi. google scholar
  • Olohan, M. (2003). How frequent are the contractions? A study of contracted forms in the Translational English Corpus. Target 15(1): 59-89. google scholar
  • Olohan, M. (2004). Introducing corpora in translation studies. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Reppen, R. (2010). Using corpora in the language classroom (Cambridge language education). New York: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Pearson, J. (2003) Using parallel texts in the translator training environment. In F. Zanettin, S. Bernardini, and D. Stewart (eds.), Corpora in translator education. Manchester: St. Jerome, 15-24. google scholar
  • Sevimay, F. (2018). Çeviri’Bilirsin! Edebiyatın gizli kahramanlığı hakkında notlar. İstanbul: Hep Kitap. google scholar
  • Şen Bartan, Ö. (2022). Structural repetitions and discourse relations in English-Turkish translations of TED talks. The Literacy Trek,8(2), 186-202. google scholar
  • Tutaş, N. (2006). Yazınsal metinlerde biçembilimsel inceleme, Littera Edebiyat Yazıları 19, ss.169-180. google scholar
  • Voyant Tool Help (2022).!/guide/start google scholar
  • Webber B., Prasad Rashmi, Lee Alan, Joshi Aravind. (2019). The Penn Discourse Treebank 3.0 Annotation Manual. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, google scholar
  • Wolcott, H. F. (1994). Transforming qualitative data. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. google scholar
  • Zanettin, F. (1994). Parallel words: Designing a bilingual database for translation activities. In A. Wilson & T. McEnery, (Eds.), Corpora in language education and research: A selection of papers from Talc94 (Technical Papers, Volume 4; pp. 99-111). Lancaster, UK: UCREL. google scholar
  • Zanettin, F. (2007). Parallel Corpora in Translation Studies. Issues in Corpus Design and Analysis, In Wolfgang Teubert and Ramesh Krishnamurthy (Eds.) Corpus Linguistics: Critical Concepts in Linguistics, London & New York: Routledge, 285-98. google scholar

Using Corpus Tools for Stylistic Analysis in Translator Training

Yıl 2023, , 19 - 40, 31.07.2023


This study presents the findings from two case studies, in which literary texts and their translation corpora were used in the training of BA and MA level students in a translation and interpreting department. It suggests methods of using corpus-based resources in the BA and MA literary translation context. During each case study, the students were guided to use corpus tools such as Lextutor and Voyant to analyse the style of the author and/or the translator concentrating on different aspects of translations of style which encompass dimensions such as lexical category, grammatical category, figurative language and cohesion, and to compare the parallel corpora. Moreover, the study provides an evaluation of the materials with a user perspective survey. In total, 39 students participated in the study, and 18 students shared their views on using corpus tools. As a conclusion, the findings suggest that, in general, the corpus tools can be used to analyse literary texts and their translations focusing on their styles in translator training. The views of the participants are mostly positive, and they find the process helpful in both analysing literary texts and their personal translation works.


  • Akalın, R. (2022). Çeviri üzerine söylem üretmek ile çeviriyi uygulamak arasında: Çeviri alanında bilgi kazanımının seçenekleri üzerine bilimkuramsal bir sorgulama, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 13 (2), 183-192. google scholar
  • Baker, M. 1993. Corpus linguistics and translation studies: Implications and applications. InM. Baker, G. Francis and E. Tognini-Bonelli (Eds.) Text and technology: In honour of John Sinclair, (pp.233-250), Amsterdam: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • Baker, M. (2000). Towards a methodology for investigating the style of a literary translator? Target 12 (2): 241-266. google scholar
  • Bale, R. (2015). An evaluation of spoken corpus-based resources in undergraduate interpreting training. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25 (1), 23-45. google scholar
  • Cermâkovâ, A. (2015). Repetition in John Irving’s novel A Widow for One Year: A corpus stylistics approach to literary translation. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 20 (3), 355-77. google scholar
  • Corpas Pastor, G. (2018). Tools for interpreters: the challenges that lie ahead. Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E, 5, 157 - 182. google scholar
  • Bowker, L. and Pearson, J. (2002). Working with specialized language: A practical guide to using corpora, London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2007). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. CA: Sage. Göksel, A. & Özsoy, A.S. (2003). dA: a focus/topic associated clitic in Turkish. Lingua 113. 1143-1167. google scholar
  • Güner, S. P. (2018). Derlem tabanlı yaklaşımların çeviribilmdeki yeri ve önemi, [Basılmamış Doktora Tezi], İstanbul Üniversitesi. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Hansen, I., and M. Shlesinger (2007). The silver lining - technology and self-study in the interpreting classroom. Interpreting 9 (1): 95-118. google scholar
  • Hu, K. (2016). Introducing corpus-based translation studies. New York: Springer Heidelberg.İnce, Ü. (2019). Çeviri bilinci: Çevirenler, çeviremeyenler, çeviriverenler. İstanbul: Tekin Yayınevi. google scholar
  • Kılıçkaya, T. & Ergil, B. (2023). The Importance of English Literature Courses in Translation Education and Its Place in Associate Degree Translation Programs in Turkey . Söylem Filoloji Dergisi , Çeviribilim Özel Sayısı, 243-259 . DOI: 10.29110/soylemdergi.1187079 google scholar
  • Kurultay, T. (1995). Çevirmen, çevireceği metni nasıl okursa okumuş olur? Ya da çeviri sürecinde bir ön aşama olarak ‘Çeviri amaçlı metin çözümlemesi’ var mıdır? Işın Bengi Öner (Yay.), Çeviribilim 1. Çeviri Eğitiminde Özgün Metni Yorumlama, Çeviri Metni Oluşturma Sürecine Yönelik Yöntem Önerileri. Bursa: Ankara Üniversitesi TÖMER Bursa Şubesi, (s.111-124). google scholar
  • Laviosa, S. (2004). Corpus-based translation studies: Where does it come from? Where is it going? TradTerm 10: 29-57 google scholar
  • Laviosa, S. (1998). The corpus-based approach: A new paradigm in translation studies. Meta 43(4): 474-479. google scholar
  • Leech, G., and Short, M. (2007). Style in fiction: A linguistic introduction to English fictional prose (Second Edition). London: Longman. google scholar
  • Mahlberg, M. (2013). Corpus analysis of literary texts. In Carole A. Chapelle (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (pp. 1282-1289) google scholar
  • Mahlberg, M., & Wiegand, V. (2020). Literary stylistics. In Adolphs, S., and Knight, D. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities. (pp. 306-327) Routledge. google scholar
  • Mastropierro, L. & Mahlberg, M. (2017). Key words and translated cohesion in Lovecrat’s At the Mountains of Madness and one of its Italian translations. English Text Construction 10(1), 78-105. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • McIntyre, D. (2013). Corpora and literature. In Carole A. Chapelle (Ed.) The Encyclopaedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell. google scholar
  • Mikhailov, M. (2022). Text corpora, professional translators and translator training, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 16(2), 224-246, DOI: 10.1080/1750399X.2021.2001955 google scholar
  • Nebot, E. M. (2003). Corpus-based Teaching: The Use of Original and Translated Texts in the Training of Legal Translators, Translation Journal 7(4), google scholar
  • Nebot, E. M. (2008). Corpus-based activities in legal translator training, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (2)2, 221-252, DOI: 10.1080/1750399X.2008.10798775 google scholar
  • Nord, C. (1991). Text Analysis in Translation: Theory, Methodology and Didactic Application ofa Model for Translation-Oriented Analysis. Amsterdam: Rodopi. google scholar
  • Olohan, M. (2003). How frequent are the contractions? A study of contracted forms in the Translational English Corpus. Target 15(1): 59-89. google scholar
  • Olohan, M. (2004). Introducing corpora in translation studies. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Reppen, R. (2010). Using corpora in the language classroom (Cambridge language education). New York: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Pearson, J. (2003) Using parallel texts in the translator training environment. In F. Zanettin, S. Bernardini, and D. Stewart (eds.), Corpora in translator education. Manchester: St. Jerome, 15-24. google scholar
  • Sevimay, F. (2018). Çeviri’Bilirsin! Edebiyatın gizli kahramanlığı hakkında notlar. İstanbul: Hep Kitap. google scholar
  • Şen Bartan, Ö. (2022). Structural repetitions and discourse relations in English-Turkish translations of TED talks. The Literacy Trek,8(2), 186-202. google scholar
  • Tutaş, N. (2006). Yazınsal metinlerde biçembilimsel inceleme, Littera Edebiyat Yazıları 19, ss.169-180. google scholar
  • Voyant Tool Help (2022).!/guide/start google scholar
  • Webber B., Prasad Rashmi, Lee Alan, Joshi Aravind. (2019). The Penn Discourse Treebank 3.0 Annotation Manual. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, google scholar
  • Wolcott, H. F. (1994). Transforming qualitative data. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. google scholar
  • Zanettin, F. (1994). Parallel words: Designing a bilingual database for translation activities. In A. Wilson & T. McEnery, (Eds.), Corpora in language education and research: A selection of papers from Talc94 (Technical Papers, Volume 4; pp. 99-111). Lancaster, UK: UCREL. google scholar
  • Zanettin, F. (2007). Parallel Corpora in Translation Studies. Issues in Corpus Design and Analysis, In Wolfgang Teubert and Ramesh Krishnamurthy (Eds.) Corpus Linguistics: Critical Concepts in Linguistics, London & New York: Routledge, 285-98. google scholar

Çevirmen Eğitiminde Derlem Araçlarının Biçembilimsel Çözümleme Amacıyla Kullanılması

Yıl 2023, , 19 - 40, 31.07.2023


Bu çalışma, mütercim ve tercümanlık bölümü lisans ve yüksek lisans öğrencilerinin eğitiminde yazınsal metinlerin ve çeviri derlemlerinin kullanıldığı iki vaka çalışmasından elde edilen bulguları sunmaktadır. Lisans ve yüksek lisans düzeylerinde yazınsal çeviri bağlamında derlem tabanlı kaynaklardan yararlanma yöntemleri önerilmektedir. Her bir çalışma sırasında, öğrenciler Lextutor ve Voyant adlı derlem araçlarını kullanarak yazarın ve/veya çevirmenin biçeminin alt başlıkları olan sözcüksel kategori, dilbilgisel kategori, değişmeceli dil ve bağdaşıklık gibi farklı yönlerine odaklanarak derlemleri karşılaştırıp çözümlemişlerdir. Çalışmada ayrıca kullanıcı perspektifli kısa bir sormaca ile kullanılan araçların değerlendirmesi sunulmaktadır. Toplam olarak 39 üniversite öğrencisi çalışmaya katılmıştır ve 18 öğrencinin derlem araçlarıyla ilgili görüşleri elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, bulgular, genel olarak, derlem araçlarının çevirmen eğitiminde yazınsal metinleri ve çevirilerini biçemlerine odaklanarak çözümlemek için kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir. Katılımcı görüşleri çoğunlukla olumludur ve araçların kullanımını hem yazınsal metinlerin çözümlemesinde hem de kişisel çeviri çalışmalarında yararlı bulmaktadırlar.


  • Akalın, R. (2022). Çeviri üzerine söylem üretmek ile çeviriyi uygulamak arasında: Çeviri alanında bilgi kazanımının seçenekleri üzerine bilimkuramsal bir sorgulama, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 13 (2), 183-192. google scholar
  • Baker, M. 1993. Corpus linguistics and translation studies: Implications and applications. InM. Baker, G. Francis and E. Tognini-Bonelli (Eds.) Text and technology: In honour of John Sinclair, (pp.233-250), Amsterdam: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • Baker, M. (2000). Towards a methodology for investigating the style of a literary translator? Target 12 (2): 241-266. google scholar
  • Bale, R. (2015). An evaluation of spoken corpus-based resources in undergraduate interpreting training. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25 (1), 23-45. google scholar
  • Cermâkovâ, A. (2015). Repetition in John Irving’s novel A Widow for One Year: A corpus stylistics approach to literary translation. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 20 (3), 355-77. google scholar
  • Corpas Pastor, G. (2018). Tools for interpreters: the challenges that lie ahead. Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E, 5, 157 - 182. google scholar
  • Bowker, L. and Pearson, J. (2002). Working with specialized language: A practical guide to using corpora, London & New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2007). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. CA: Sage. Göksel, A. & Özsoy, A.S. (2003). dA: a focus/topic associated clitic in Turkish. Lingua 113. 1143-1167. google scholar
  • Güner, S. P. (2018). Derlem tabanlı yaklaşımların çeviribilmdeki yeri ve önemi, [Basılmamış Doktora Tezi], İstanbul Üniversitesi. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Hansen, I., and M. Shlesinger (2007). The silver lining - technology and self-study in the interpreting classroom. Interpreting 9 (1): 95-118. google scholar
  • Hu, K. (2016). Introducing corpus-based translation studies. New York: Springer Heidelberg.İnce, Ü. (2019). Çeviri bilinci: Çevirenler, çeviremeyenler, çeviriverenler. İstanbul: Tekin Yayınevi. google scholar
  • Kılıçkaya, T. & Ergil, B. (2023). The Importance of English Literature Courses in Translation Education and Its Place in Associate Degree Translation Programs in Turkey . Söylem Filoloji Dergisi , Çeviribilim Özel Sayısı, 243-259 . DOI: 10.29110/soylemdergi.1187079 google scholar
  • Kurultay, T. (1995). Çevirmen, çevireceği metni nasıl okursa okumuş olur? Ya da çeviri sürecinde bir ön aşama olarak ‘Çeviri amaçlı metin çözümlemesi’ var mıdır? Işın Bengi Öner (Yay.), Çeviribilim 1. Çeviri Eğitiminde Özgün Metni Yorumlama, Çeviri Metni Oluşturma Sürecine Yönelik Yöntem Önerileri. Bursa: Ankara Üniversitesi TÖMER Bursa Şubesi, (s.111-124). google scholar
  • Laviosa, S. (2004). Corpus-based translation studies: Where does it come from? Where is it going? TradTerm 10: 29-57 google scholar
  • Laviosa, S. (1998). The corpus-based approach: A new paradigm in translation studies. Meta 43(4): 474-479. google scholar
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Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Dilbilim (Diğer)

Özgür Şen Bartan 0000-0002-7351-7858

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Şen Bartan, Ö. (2023). Using Corpus Tools for Stylistic Analysis in Translator Training. IU Journal of Translation Studies(18), 19-40.
AMA Şen Bartan Ö. Using Corpus Tools for Stylistic Analysis in Translator Training. IU Journal of Translation Studies. Temmuz 2023;(18):19-40. doi:10.26650/iujts.2023.1229391
Chicago Şen Bartan, Özgür. “Using Corpus Tools for Stylistic Analysis in Translator Training”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 18 (Temmuz 2023): 19-40.
EndNote Şen Bartan Ö (01 Temmuz 2023) Using Corpus Tools for Stylistic Analysis in Translator Training. IU Journal of Translation Studies 18 19–40.
IEEE Ö. Şen Bartan, “Using Corpus Tools for Stylistic Analysis in Translator Training”, IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 18, ss. 19–40, Temmuz 2023, doi: 10.26650/iujts.2023.1229391.
ISNAD Şen Bartan, Özgür. “Using Corpus Tools for Stylistic Analysis in Translator Training”. IU Journal of Translation Studies 18 (Temmuz 2023), 19-40.
JAMA Şen Bartan Ö. Using Corpus Tools for Stylistic Analysis in Translator Training. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2023;:19–40.
MLA Şen Bartan, Özgür. “Using Corpus Tools for Stylistic Analysis in Translator Training”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, sy. 18, 2023, ss. 19-40, doi:10.26650/iujts.2023.1229391.
Vancouver Şen Bartan Ö. Using Corpus Tools for Stylistic Analysis in Translator Training. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2023(18):19-40.