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The Role of Changing Climate and Global Warming in Architectural Design

Yıl 2023, , 53 - 71, 10.08.2023


Architectural design, which focused on art and aesthetics in the historical process, now focuses on performance, sustainability, function, and the technology it uses and offers. With the concept of sustainability that emerged with the increasing environmental awareness especially after the 1950s, the regulations made in the building regulations, the environmental policies created, the dissemination of low carbon technologies, the desire to reduce the increasing carbon footprint and the efforts to combat global warming and climate change were also reflected in the architectural design. The aim of this research article is to reveal the point reached in design as a result of the effects of global warming and climate change of architectural design, which has changed and developed in the historical process, and what is reflected in architectural design within the scope of the struggle. By evaluating the ideal design approaches of that period for each period, a road map including objectives, strategies and practices has been proposed for the sustainability of design for Turkey. Sustainable architectural design flow diagram model proposal was developed in the context of the proposed roadmap. With this model, it is aimed to decrease the energy demand of the increasing building stock, to encourage the use of renewable energy, to store and reuse energy in the design.


  • Akadiri, P. O., Chinyio, A. E., Olomolaiye, O. P. (2012). Design of A Sustainable Building: A Conceptual Framework for Implementing Sustainability in the Building Sector. Buildings, 2, 126-152; doi:10.3390/buildings2020126
  • Alain, M., Philippe, B. (2009). Impact of drops on non-wetting biomimetic surfaces. J Bionic Eng;6(4):330–4., P., Wojcik, R., Węglarz, A., Koc, D., Laurent, O. (2022). Energy efficiency in the polish residential building stock: A literature review. Journal of Building Engineering 45, 103461,
  • Attia, S., Kosinski, P., Wojcik, R., Węglarz, A., Koc, D., Laurent, O. (2022). Energy efficiency in the polish residential building stock: A literature review. Journal of Building Engineering 45, 103461,
  • Baweja, V. (2008). A pre-history of green architecture: Otto koenigsberger and tropical architecture, from princely Mysore to post-colonial London. Michigan, University of Michigan.
  • Bell, M. (2004). Energy efficiency in existing buildings: the role of building regulations. In: RICS COBRA, Leeds.
  • Boyle, G. (2004). Rene The Bradville Güneş Evi, İngiltere wable Energy. Power for a sustainable future. second ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Carson, R. (1962). Silent spring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Craven, J. (1984). The Magney house by glenn murcutt, New York.
  • EC, (2010). European Commission. Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings (recast). Brussels: EUR-Lex.
  • Frampton, K. (2007). Modern architecture: a critical history. fourth ed. London: Thames & Hudson.
  • Fuller, S., Doggart, J., Everett, R. (1982). Energy projects in Milton Keynes: energy consultative unit progress report 1976-1981. Milton Keynes: ” The Open University.
  • Gordon, A. (1972) Designing for survival: the President introduces his long life/loose fit/low energy study, Royal Institute of British Architects Journal, 79(9) 374-376.
  • Griffith, B., Long, N., Torcellini, P., Judkoff, R., Crawley, D. and Ryan J. (2007). Assessment of the technical potential for achieving net zero-energy buildings in the commercial sector, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA.
  • Haberl, J. and Cho, S. (2004). Literature review of uncertainty of analysis methods (DOE-2 Program). Energy Systems Laboratory.Texas.
  • IBPSA, (2012). History of building energy modeling. USA: BEMBook.
  • Jacobs, J. (1961). The death and life of Great American cities. New York: Vintage Books.
  • Jones, P. (2012). Housing: From low energy to zero carbon. The SAGE handbook of housing studies. first ed. London: SAGE Publications, p. 327–354.
  • Jones, T. (2015). The history of non-domestic airtightness testing. London: BSRIA.
  • Kubba, S. (2016). Introduction - the green movement yesterday and today. LEED v4, Practices, certification and accreditation handbook. second ed. Burlington, p. 605–35.
  • Langston, C. (2014). Measuring Good Architecture: long life, loose fit, low energy. Eur J Sustain Dev, 3(4):163–174.
  • Maziar, A. (2012). Transformation and movement in architecture: the marriage among art, engineering and technology. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 51, 1005–1010.
  • Murphy, T. (2014). Beyond fossil fuels: assessing energy alternatives. In: State of the World 2013: is sustainability still possible? San Diego, CA: University of California, 172–183.
  • NHBC, (2015). Homes through the decades. The making of modern housing. Milton Keynes: NHBC Foundation.
  • Oliver, P. (1997). The encyclopedia of vernacular architecture of the world. first ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Owen, G. (1999). Public purpose or private benefit? The politics of energy conservation. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Pérez-Lombard, L., Ortiz, J. and Pout, C. (2008). A review on buildings energy consumption information. Energy Build, 40(3):394–398.
  • Read, H. (1971). Anarchy and order: essays in politics. Beacon Press.
  • Roaf, S., Crichton, D.and Nicol, F. (2005). Adapting buildings and cities for climate change. A 21st century survival guide. first ed. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Sneddon, C., Howarth, R. B. and Norgaard R. B. (2006). Sustainable development in a postBrundtland world. Ecol Econ, 57(2):253–268.
  • Steele, J. (2005). Ecological Architecture. A chritical history. London, Thames & Hudson.
  • Stein, C. (2010). Greening modernism: preservation, sustainability and the modern movement. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
  • Tabb, P. J., Deviren, S. (2013). The greening of architecture. A critical history and survey of contemporary sustainable architecture and urban design. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing.
  • URL-1, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 15.11.2022)
  • URL-2, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2022)
  • URL-3, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 12.11.2022)
  • URL-4, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 15.11.2022)
  • URL-5, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 19.11.2022)
  • URL-6, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2022)
  • URL-7, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 17.11.2022)
  • URL-8, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 11.11.2022)
  • URL-9, (2022): (Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2022) URL-10, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 08.11.2022)
  • URL-11, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2022)
  • US-EPA, (2016). Environmental Protection Agency, What is a carbon footprint? Where did this term originate? Washington: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Vale, R., Vale, B. (1991). Green Architecture: Design for a Sustainable Future. Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, United Kingdom, 70–186.
  • Venturi, R., Scott Brown, D. and Izenour, S. (1972). Learning from las vegas. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Voss, K., and Musall, E. (2013). Net zero energy buildings. Munich, Germany, Detail, Green Books.
  • WCED, (1987). World Commission on Environment and Development. Our common future. Geneva.
  • Weston, R. (2002). The house in the twentieth-century. London: Laurence King.
  • Williamson, T., Radford, A. and Bennetts, H. (2003). Understanding sustainable architecture. London: Spon Press.
  • Wright, L. A., Kemp, S. and Williams, I. (2011).“Carbon footprinting”: towards a universally accepted definition. Carbon Manag, 2(1):61–72.
  • Yöntem, S.T. (2016). Çevre Dostu Binalarda Enerji Verimliliği Örnek Uygulamalar. dokumanlar/mhgm0004.pdf
  • Zhang, Y., Mo, J. and Cheng, R. (2015). Developing a sustainable indoor air environment: problems, considerations and suggestions (in China). Chin Sci Bull, 60, 1651–1660.
  • Zhao, D., He, B., Johnson, C. (2015). Social problems of green buildings: from the humanistic needs to social acceptance. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 51, p. 1594–1609.City: Governance, Ideology, and Development in American Urbanism. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Mimari Tasarımda Değişen İklim ve Küresel Isınmanın Rolü

Yıl 2023, , 53 - 71, 10.08.2023


Tarihsel süreç içerisinde sanata ve estetiğe odaklanan mimari tasarım günümüzde artık performansa, sürdürülebilirliğe, işleve, kullandığı ve sunduğu teknolojiye odaklanmaktadır. Özellikle 1950’li yıllardan sonra artan çevre farkındalığı ile ortaya çıkan sürdürülebilirlik kavramı ile birlikte bina yönetmeliklerinde yapılan düzenlemeler, oluşturulan çevre politikaları, düşük karbon teknolojilerinin yaygınlaştırılması, artan karbon ayak izinin düşürülmek istenmesi ve küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliği ile mücadele çalışmaları mimari tasarıma da yansımıştır. Bu araştırma makalesinin amacı, tarihsel süreç içerisinde değişen ve gelişen mimari tasarımın küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliğinin etkileri sonucunda tasarımda gelinen noktayı ve mücadele kapsamında mimari tasarıma yansıyanları ortaya koymaktır. Her dönem için o dönemin ideal tasarım yaklaşımları değerlendirilerek Türkiye için tasarımın sürdürülebilir olması adına amaç, stratejiler ve uygulamaları içeren bir yol haritası önerilmiştir. Önerilen yol haritası bağlamında sürdürülebilir mimari tasarım akış diyagramı model önerisi geliştirilmiştir. Bu modelle birlikte artan bina stokunun enerji talebinin azalması, yenilenebilir enerji kullanımının teşvik edilmesi, tasarımda enerjinin depolanması ve tekrar kullanılması hedeflenmektedir.


  • Akadiri, P. O., Chinyio, A. E., Olomolaiye, O. P. (2012). Design of A Sustainable Building: A Conceptual Framework for Implementing Sustainability in the Building Sector. Buildings, 2, 126-152; doi:10.3390/buildings2020126
  • Alain, M., Philippe, B. (2009). Impact of drops on non-wetting biomimetic surfaces. J Bionic Eng;6(4):330–4., P., Wojcik, R., Węglarz, A., Koc, D., Laurent, O. (2022). Energy efficiency in the polish residential building stock: A literature review. Journal of Building Engineering 45, 103461,
  • Attia, S., Kosinski, P., Wojcik, R., Węglarz, A., Koc, D., Laurent, O. (2022). Energy efficiency in the polish residential building stock: A literature review. Journal of Building Engineering 45, 103461,
  • Baweja, V. (2008). A pre-history of green architecture: Otto koenigsberger and tropical architecture, from princely Mysore to post-colonial London. Michigan, University of Michigan.
  • Bell, M. (2004). Energy efficiency in existing buildings: the role of building regulations. In: RICS COBRA, Leeds.
  • Boyle, G. (2004). Rene The Bradville Güneş Evi, İngiltere wable Energy. Power for a sustainable future. second ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Carson, R. (1962). Silent spring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Craven, J. (1984). The Magney house by glenn murcutt, New York.
  • EC, (2010). European Commission. Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings (recast). Brussels: EUR-Lex.
  • Frampton, K. (2007). Modern architecture: a critical history. fourth ed. London: Thames & Hudson.
  • Fuller, S., Doggart, J., Everett, R. (1982). Energy projects in Milton Keynes: energy consultative unit progress report 1976-1981. Milton Keynes: ” The Open University.
  • Gordon, A. (1972) Designing for survival: the President introduces his long life/loose fit/low energy study, Royal Institute of British Architects Journal, 79(9) 374-376.
  • Griffith, B., Long, N., Torcellini, P., Judkoff, R., Crawley, D. and Ryan J. (2007). Assessment of the technical potential for achieving net zero-energy buildings in the commercial sector, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA.
  • Haberl, J. and Cho, S. (2004). Literature review of uncertainty of analysis methods (DOE-2 Program). Energy Systems Laboratory.Texas.
  • IBPSA, (2012). History of building energy modeling. USA: BEMBook.
  • Jacobs, J. (1961). The death and life of Great American cities. New York: Vintage Books.
  • Jones, P. (2012). Housing: From low energy to zero carbon. The SAGE handbook of housing studies. first ed. London: SAGE Publications, p. 327–354.
  • Jones, T. (2015). The history of non-domestic airtightness testing. London: BSRIA.
  • Kubba, S. (2016). Introduction - the green movement yesterday and today. LEED v4, Practices, certification and accreditation handbook. second ed. Burlington, p. 605–35.
  • Langston, C. (2014). Measuring Good Architecture: long life, loose fit, low energy. Eur J Sustain Dev, 3(4):163–174.
  • Maziar, A. (2012). Transformation and movement in architecture: the marriage among art, engineering and technology. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 51, 1005–1010.
  • Murphy, T. (2014). Beyond fossil fuels: assessing energy alternatives. In: State of the World 2013: is sustainability still possible? San Diego, CA: University of California, 172–183.
  • NHBC, (2015). Homes through the decades. The making of modern housing. Milton Keynes: NHBC Foundation.
  • Oliver, P. (1997). The encyclopedia of vernacular architecture of the world. first ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Owen, G. (1999). Public purpose or private benefit? The politics of energy conservation. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Pérez-Lombard, L., Ortiz, J. and Pout, C. (2008). A review on buildings energy consumption information. Energy Build, 40(3):394–398.
  • Read, H. (1971). Anarchy and order: essays in politics. Beacon Press.
  • Roaf, S., Crichton, D.and Nicol, F. (2005). Adapting buildings and cities for climate change. A 21st century survival guide. first ed. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Sneddon, C., Howarth, R. B. and Norgaard R. B. (2006). Sustainable development in a postBrundtland world. Ecol Econ, 57(2):253–268.
  • Steele, J. (2005). Ecological Architecture. A chritical history. London, Thames & Hudson.
  • Stein, C. (2010). Greening modernism: preservation, sustainability and the modern movement. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
  • Tabb, P. J., Deviren, S. (2013). The greening of architecture. A critical history and survey of contemporary sustainable architecture and urban design. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing.
  • URL-1, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 15.11.2022)
  • URL-2, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2022)
  • URL-3, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 12.11.2022)
  • URL-4, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 15.11.2022)
  • URL-5, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 19.11.2022)
  • URL-6, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2022)
  • URL-7, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 17.11.2022)
  • URL-8, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 11.11.2022)
  • URL-9, (2022): (Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2022) URL-10, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 08.11.2022)
  • URL-11, (2022). (Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2022)
  • US-EPA, (2016). Environmental Protection Agency, What is a carbon footprint? Where did this term originate? Washington: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Vale, R., Vale, B. (1991). Green Architecture: Design for a Sustainable Future. Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, United Kingdom, 70–186.
  • Venturi, R., Scott Brown, D. and Izenour, S. (1972). Learning from las vegas. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Voss, K., and Musall, E. (2013). Net zero energy buildings. Munich, Germany, Detail, Green Books.
  • WCED, (1987). World Commission on Environment and Development. Our common future. Geneva.
  • Weston, R. (2002). The house in the twentieth-century. London: Laurence King.
  • Williamson, T., Radford, A. and Bennetts, H. (2003). Understanding sustainable architecture. London: Spon Press.
  • Wright, L. A., Kemp, S. and Williams, I. (2011).“Carbon footprinting”: towards a universally accepted definition. Carbon Manag, 2(1):61–72.
  • Yöntem, S.T. (2016). Çevre Dostu Binalarda Enerji Verimliliği Örnek Uygulamalar. dokumanlar/mhgm0004.pdf
  • Zhang, Y., Mo, J. and Cheng, R. (2015). Developing a sustainable indoor air environment: problems, considerations and suggestions (in China). Chin Sci Bull, 60, 1651–1660.
  • Zhao, D., He, B., Johnson, C. (2015). Social problems of green buildings: from the humanistic needs to social acceptance. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 51, p. 1594–1609.City: Governance, Ideology, and Development in American Urbanism. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mimarlık (Diğer), Peyzaj Tasarımı, Mühendislik
Bölüm Peyzaj Planlama ve Tasarım / Landscape Planning and Design

Nihal Zengin 0000-0003-2640-0304

Ruşen Yamaçlı 0000-0001-9659-9246

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 11 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Ağustos 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Aralık 2022
Kabul Tarihi 8 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Zengin, N., & Yamaçlı, R. (2023). Mimari Tasarımda Değişen İklim ve Küresel Isınmanın Rolü. İnönü Üniversitesi Sanat Ve Tasarım Dergisi(27), 53-71.

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