Çeviribilim alanyazını özelinde kadın çevirmenler konusu pek ele alınmış bir konu değildir. Sınırlı çalışmalar ya erkek çevirmenlerle kıyaslandığında kadın çevirmenlerin gösterdiği bir dilsel özelliği, ya da dilsel olmayan bir yönü ele almıştır. Bu çalışma ise medyada yer bulan ve bilimsel araştırmalarda incelenen kadın çevirmenlerin genel olarak nasıl ön plana çıktıklarını mercek altına almaktadır. Çalışma bulguları internet üzerinde arama motorlarına hem İngilizce hem Türkçe olarak toplumsal cinsiyet, sözlü çeviri, sözlü çeviri yapan kadınlar, kadın çevirmenler vb. sözcükleri girilerek elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda öne çıkan özelliklerin genel olarak bakıldığında dilsel özellikler, fiziksel özellikler ve kimlik, kişisel kendini sunumun bir parçası olarak zarafet ve aynı cinsiyetten olmanın getirdiği avantajlar olarak saptanmıştır. Bütün olarak değerlendirildiğinde, kadınlara karşı yerleşik olarak halihazırda var olan ön yargıların bu konuda da hüküm sürdüğü dikkati çekmektedir. Bu araştırma kapsamında yapılan sınıflandırma yalnızca çözümleme kolaylığı için gerçekleştirilmiş olup, sosyolojik iklimin değişmesi ve bunun sonucunda yürütülecek daha sonraki araştırmalar ile yapılabilecek olası eklemelere açıktır.
Archyde (2021, 21 March). A purple-haired woman next to Brinken steals the spotlight on Sino-US talks, and US diplomacy is criticized for being unprofessional-Hong Kong Economic Times-China Channel-China News. https://www.archyde.com/a-purple-haired-woman-next-to-brinken-steals-the-spotlight-on-sino-us-talks-and-us-diplomacy-is-criticized-for-being-unprofessional-hong-kong-economic-times-china-channel-china-news/ google scholar
Beköz, H. (2011). Bir doktorun gözünden konferans tercümanları. Dragosfer, 6, 13. google scholar
Bischoff, A., Kurth, E. & Henley, A. (2012). Staying in the middle A qualitative study of healthcare interpreters’ perceptions of their work. Interpreting, 14(1), 1-22. google scholar
Bulut, A. (2006). Aşk dört harfli bir sözcüktür. Varlık-Çevirinin Sınırları ve Çevirmenin Sorumlulukları, Haziran sayısı, 11-12. google scholar
Butler, C. (2008). Speaking the unspeakable: Female interpreters’ response to working with women who have been raped in war. Clinical Psychology Forum, 192, 22-26. google scholar
Carr, S. (2023, 8 May). She stole the show!’ : Viewers praise ’absolutely amazing’ performance by sign language interpreter grooving out at King Charles’ Coronation Concert. Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12057633/Viewers-praise-absolutely-amazing-sign-language-interpreter-King-Charles-Coronation-Concert.html google scholar
Cecot, M. (2001). Pauses in simultaneous interpretation: A constrasive analysis of professional interpreters’ performances. The Interpreters’ Newlettter, 11, 63-85. google scholar
Cho, J. (2017a). Adding value to language proficiency: English and beauty work. English Language Ideologies in Korea, 151-168. google scholar
Cho, J. (2017b). Why do interpreters need to be beautiful? Aesthetic labour of language workers. Gender and Language, 11(4), 482-506. google scholar
CIUK Interpreters (2018). Gender Parity: And the Winners are....https://www.conferenceinterpreters.co.uk/2018/03/17/uncategorised/gender-parity-and-the-winners-are google scholar
Çalık, O. (2019). Türkiye’deki sözlü çeviri alanındaki akademik çalışmaların konumu: 2008-2018 arasında makale kitap ve lisansstü tez düzeyindeki çalışmaların içerik analizi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi. google scholar
Del Pozo-Trivino, M., & Toledano-Buend^a, C. (2016). Training interpreters to work with foreign gender violence victims in police and court settings. Language and Law / Linguagem e Direito, 3(2), 192-203. google scholar
Diplomatic Interpreting (2019). When the government at its highest level does not understand the role of the interpreter. https://rpstranslations.wordpress.com/tag/diplomatic-interpreting google scholar
Diriker, E. (2003). Simultaneous Conference Interpreting in the Turkish Electronic and Printed Media: 1988-2003. The Interpreters’ Newsletter, 12, 231-243. google scholar
Diriker, E. (2022). The (re)presentation of interpreters in the Turkish media: a diachronic and cross-setting analysis. Translator, 28(2), 1-22. google scholar
Egnell, R. (2016). Gender Perspectives and Military Effectiveness: Implementing UNSCR 1325 and the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, PRISM National Defense University The Journal of Complex Operations, 6(1) https://cco.ndu.edu/PRISM/PRISM-volume-6-no1/Article/685108/gender-perspectives-and-military-effectiveness-implementing-unscr-1325-and-the google scholar
Erdoğan’ın tercümanı muhalefetle iktidarı karşı karşıya getirdi (2021, 16 June). https://www.gazeteduvar.com.tr/erdoganin-tercumani-muhalefetle-iktidari-karsi-karsiya-getirdi-haber-1525666 google scholar
Gülmez, Seçkin B.Yetkin-Karakoç, N., & Buhari-Gülmez, D. (2020). Trump döneminde diplomatik aktör olarak çevirmenler. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 17(65), 63-82. google scholar
Gürçağlar, Ş.T. (2019). (Ed.). Kelimelerin Kıyısında: Türkiye’de Kadın Çevirmenler. İstanbul: İthaki Yayınları. google scholar
Hadziabdic, E., & Hjelm, K. (2013). Working with interpreters. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 11, 69-76. https://doi.org/10.1111/1744-1609.12005 google scholar
Hincks, J. (2018). Translating Trump and Kim: Spare a thought for the interpreters at the June 2012 Summit, TIME, 11 June 2018. google scholar
Holmes, J. (1986). Functions of you know in women’s and men’s speech. Language in Society, 15(1), 1-21. google scholar
Hu, K., & Meng, L. (2018). Gender differences in Chinese-English press conference interpreting. Perspectives 26(1), 117-134, DOI: 10.1080/0907676X.2017.1337209 google scholar
Kimura, D., & Seal, B. (2003). Sex differences in recall of real or nonsense words. Psychological Reports, 93(1), 263-264. google scholar
Lakoff, R. (1975). Language and Women’s Place. New York, NY: Harper & Row. google scholar
Magnifico C. & Defrancq, B. (2017). Hedges in conference interpreting. The role of gender Interpreting. Interpreting, 19(1), 21-46. https://doi.org/10.1075/intp.19.1.02mag google scholar
Magnifico, C., & Defrancq, B. (2019). Self-repair as a norm-related strategy in simultaneous interpreting and its implications for gendered approaches to interpreting. TARGET- International Journal of Translation Studies, 31(3), 352-377. https://doi.org/10.1075/target.18076.mag google scholar
Mahr, L. Montgomery J., & Ramirez, M. (2007). Interpretation issues in sexual harassment cases on behalf of female farmworkers. In E. Hubbard & M. Ramirez (Eds.), Representing Farmworker Women Who Have Been Sexually Harassed— A Best Practices Manual. (pp. 37-47). Southern Poverty Law Center, Second Edition. google scholar
Montgomery, N. (2011, 28 January). American Interpreter takes a stand in Afghanistan. Stars and Stripes. google scholar
https://www.stripes.com/news/american-interpreter-takes-a-stand-in-afghanistan-1.133124 google scholar
Morgan, E. F. (2008). Interpreters, conversational style, and gender at work. In P. C. Hauser, K.L. Finch & A. B. Hauser (Eds.), Deaf professionals and designated interpreters (pp. 66-80). Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press. google scholar
Nakane, I. (2008). Politeness and gender in interpreted police interviews. Monash University Linguistics Papers, 6(1), 29-40. https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/informit.417707670689358 google scholar
Norma, C., & Garcio-Caro, O. (2016). Gender Problems in the Practice of Professional Interpreters Assisting Migrant Women in Australia: A Theoretical Case for Feminist Education. Violence Against Women 22(11), 1305-1325. google scholar
O’Barr, W. (1982). Linguistic Evidence: Language, Power, and Strategy in the Courtroom. New York NY: Academic Press. google scholar
Pan, F., & Zheng, B. (2017). Gender differences of hedging in interpreting for Chinese government press: A corpus-based study. Across Languages and Cultures, 18(2), 171-193. https://doi.org/10.1556/084.2017.18.2.1 google scholar
Parçabaşı çalışan işçileriz (2021). Kadınİşçi, https://www.kadinisci.org/orgutlenme-sendika/parca-basi-calisan-iscileriz/ google scholar
Russo, M. (2016). Orality and gender: A corpus-based study on lexical patterns in simultaneous interpreting. MonTI Special Issue 3, 307-322. https://doi.org/10.6035/MonTI.2016.ne3.11 google scholar
Russo, M. (2018). Speaking Patterns and Gender in the European Parliament Interpreting Corpus: A Quantitative Study as a Premise for Qualitative Investigations. In M.Russo, C. Bendazzoli and B. Defrancq (Eds.), Making Way in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies. New Frontiers in Translation Studies. (pp. 115-132). Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-6199-8_7 google scholar
Shera, L. (2021, 23 March). ‘China’s Most Beautiful Interpreter’ Goes Viral For Her Solid Performance At China-US Meeting. World of Buzz. https://worldofbuzz.com/chinas-most-beautiful-interpreter-goes-viral-for-her-solid-performance-at-china-us-meeting/ google scholar
Tercümenin Görünmez Kuralları (2013). Dragoman, https://www.dragoman.ist/tr/tercumenin-gorunmez-kurallari/ google scholar
Thakrar, D., Das, R., & Sheikh, A. (2018). Caring for Hindu Patients (1st ed.). London: Routledge. google scholar
von Flotow, L. (1997). Translation and Gender: Translating in the ’Era of Feminism. Manchester: St. Jerome. google scholar
Verdini, A. (2019). Consecutive interpreting performance. Women and men compared. An emprical analysis. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, 5(3), 292-306. google scholar
Xiong, B. (2022) Gender Difference in Vague Words: A Corpus-based Study in Chinese-English Political Interpreting In A. Holl et al. (Eds.), ICHESS 2022, ASSEHR 720, (pp. 2470-2480) https://doi.org/10.2991/978-2-494069-89-3_284 google scholar
Yuan, J. & Dowsey, J. (2021, 28 September). Trump played tough with Putin when cameras were around, but a new book details his insecurities. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/stephanie-grisham-book/2021/09/27/6589e23c-1cf1-11ec-8380-5fbadbc43ef8_story.html google scholar
Yücel, Y. G. & Orhan, G. (2018). Yayıncılık dünyasının femininizasyon süreci: Kadın çevirmenler üzerne bir inceleme. Kebikeç, 46, 367-380. google scholar
Zhang, C. (2021, 22 March). Chinese female translator at China-US talks applauded by netizens. CHINADAILY.com https://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/forum/topics/60585353e4b0aec8c6611fl6.html google scholar
The Highlighted Traits of Female Interpreters as Represented in the Media and Scientific Articles
The issue of female interpreting is underresearched in literature. Of the limited studies, there are some studies which focus on one linguistic aspect of the female interpreters as well those which focus on a nonlinguistic aspect in comparison to male interpreters. This study aims to give an overall view on how they appear in media and scientific articles. It was conducted on the basis of an analysis of the hits of some keywords: gender, interpreting, female interpreting, female interpreters and their Turkish counterparts. As a result of the study, these traits are identified as linguistic traits, physical traits and identity, elegance as part of stance and the same-gender advantage. They collectively show that the established prejudices against women prevail. The specified classifications made for the purposes of this study are primarily for ease of analysis, and surely open to new items to be added by the further developments in the sociological climate accompanied by resultant scholarly studies.
Archyde (2021, 21 March). A purple-haired woman next to Brinken steals the spotlight on Sino-US talks, and US diplomacy is criticized for being unprofessional-Hong Kong Economic Times-China Channel-China News. https://www.archyde.com/a-purple-haired-woman-next-to-brinken-steals-the-spotlight-on-sino-us-talks-and-us-diplomacy-is-criticized-for-being-unprofessional-hong-kong-economic-times-china-channel-china-news/ google scholar
Beköz, H. (2011). Bir doktorun gözünden konferans tercümanları. Dragosfer, 6, 13. google scholar
Bischoff, A., Kurth, E. & Henley, A. (2012). Staying in the middle A qualitative study of healthcare interpreters’ perceptions of their work. Interpreting, 14(1), 1-22. google scholar
Bulut, A. (2006). Aşk dört harfli bir sözcüktür. Varlık-Çevirinin Sınırları ve Çevirmenin Sorumlulukları, Haziran sayısı, 11-12. google scholar
Butler, C. (2008). Speaking the unspeakable: Female interpreters’ response to working with women who have been raped in war. Clinical Psychology Forum, 192, 22-26. google scholar
Carr, S. (2023, 8 May). She stole the show!’ : Viewers praise ’absolutely amazing’ performance by sign language interpreter grooving out at King Charles’ Coronation Concert. Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12057633/Viewers-praise-absolutely-amazing-sign-language-interpreter-King-Charles-Coronation-Concert.html google scholar
Cecot, M. (2001). Pauses in simultaneous interpretation: A constrasive analysis of professional interpreters’ performances. The Interpreters’ Newlettter, 11, 63-85. google scholar
Cho, J. (2017a). Adding value to language proficiency: English and beauty work. English Language Ideologies in Korea, 151-168. google scholar
Cho, J. (2017b). Why do interpreters need to be beautiful? Aesthetic labour of language workers. Gender and Language, 11(4), 482-506. google scholar
CIUK Interpreters (2018). Gender Parity: And the Winners are....https://www.conferenceinterpreters.co.uk/2018/03/17/uncategorised/gender-parity-and-the-winners-are google scholar
Çalık, O. (2019). Türkiye’deki sözlü çeviri alanındaki akademik çalışmaların konumu: 2008-2018 arasında makale kitap ve lisansstü tez düzeyindeki çalışmaların içerik analizi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi. google scholar
Del Pozo-Trivino, M., & Toledano-Buend^a, C. (2016). Training interpreters to work with foreign gender violence victims in police and court settings. Language and Law / Linguagem e Direito, 3(2), 192-203. google scholar
Diplomatic Interpreting (2019). When the government at its highest level does not understand the role of the interpreter. https://rpstranslations.wordpress.com/tag/diplomatic-interpreting google scholar
Diriker, E. (2003). Simultaneous Conference Interpreting in the Turkish Electronic and Printed Media: 1988-2003. The Interpreters’ Newsletter, 12, 231-243. google scholar
Diriker, E. (2022). The (re)presentation of interpreters in the Turkish media: a diachronic and cross-setting analysis. Translator, 28(2), 1-22. google scholar
Egnell, R. (2016). Gender Perspectives and Military Effectiveness: Implementing UNSCR 1325 and the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, PRISM National Defense University The Journal of Complex Operations, 6(1) https://cco.ndu.edu/PRISM/PRISM-volume-6-no1/Article/685108/gender-perspectives-and-military-effectiveness-implementing-unscr-1325-and-the google scholar
Erdoğan’ın tercümanı muhalefetle iktidarı karşı karşıya getirdi (2021, 16 June). https://www.gazeteduvar.com.tr/erdoganin-tercumani-muhalefetle-iktidari-karsi-karsiya-getirdi-haber-1525666 google scholar
Gülmez, Seçkin B.Yetkin-Karakoç, N., & Buhari-Gülmez, D. (2020). Trump döneminde diplomatik aktör olarak çevirmenler. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 17(65), 63-82. google scholar
Gürçağlar, Ş.T. (2019). (Ed.). Kelimelerin Kıyısında: Türkiye’de Kadın Çevirmenler. İstanbul: İthaki Yayınları. google scholar
Hadziabdic, E., & Hjelm, K. (2013). Working with interpreters. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 11, 69-76. https://doi.org/10.1111/1744-1609.12005 google scholar
Hincks, J. (2018). Translating Trump and Kim: Spare a thought for the interpreters at the June 2012 Summit, TIME, 11 June 2018. google scholar
Holmes, J. (1986). Functions of you know in women’s and men’s speech. Language in Society, 15(1), 1-21. google scholar
Hu, K., & Meng, L. (2018). Gender differences in Chinese-English press conference interpreting. Perspectives 26(1), 117-134, DOI: 10.1080/0907676X.2017.1337209 google scholar
Kimura, D., & Seal, B. (2003). Sex differences in recall of real or nonsense words. Psychological Reports, 93(1), 263-264. google scholar
Lakoff, R. (1975). Language and Women’s Place. New York, NY: Harper & Row. google scholar
Magnifico C. & Defrancq, B. (2017). Hedges in conference interpreting. The role of gender Interpreting. Interpreting, 19(1), 21-46. https://doi.org/10.1075/intp.19.1.02mag google scholar
Magnifico, C., & Defrancq, B. (2019). Self-repair as a norm-related strategy in simultaneous interpreting and its implications for gendered approaches to interpreting. TARGET- International Journal of Translation Studies, 31(3), 352-377. https://doi.org/10.1075/target.18076.mag google scholar
Mahr, L. Montgomery J., & Ramirez, M. (2007). Interpretation issues in sexual harassment cases on behalf of female farmworkers. In E. Hubbard & M. Ramirez (Eds.), Representing Farmworker Women Who Have Been Sexually Harassed— A Best Practices Manual. (pp. 37-47). Southern Poverty Law Center, Second Edition. google scholar
Montgomery, N. (2011, 28 January). American Interpreter takes a stand in Afghanistan. Stars and Stripes. google scholar
https://www.stripes.com/news/american-interpreter-takes-a-stand-in-afghanistan-1.133124 google scholar
Morgan, E. F. (2008). Interpreters, conversational style, and gender at work. In P. C. Hauser, K.L. Finch & A. B. Hauser (Eds.), Deaf professionals and designated interpreters (pp. 66-80). Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press. google scholar
Nakane, I. (2008). Politeness and gender in interpreted police interviews. Monash University Linguistics Papers, 6(1), 29-40. https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/informit.417707670689358 google scholar
Norma, C., & Garcio-Caro, O. (2016). Gender Problems in the Practice of Professional Interpreters Assisting Migrant Women in Australia: A Theoretical Case for Feminist Education. Violence Against Women 22(11), 1305-1325. google scholar
O’Barr, W. (1982). Linguistic Evidence: Language, Power, and Strategy in the Courtroom. New York NY: Academic Press. google scholar
Pan, F., & Zheng, B. (2017). Gender differences of hedging in interpreting for Chinese government press: A corpus-based study. Across Languages and Cultures, 18(2), 171-193. https://doi.org/10.1556/084.2017.18.2.1 google scholar
Parçabaşı çalışan işçileriz (2021). Kadınİşçi, https://www.kadinisci.org/orgutlenme-sendika/parca-basi-calisan-iscileriz/ google scholar
Russo, M. (2016). Orality and gender: A corpus-based study on lexical patterns in simultaneous interpreting. MonTI Special Issue 3, 307-322. https://doi.org/10.6035/MonTI.2016.ne3.11 google scholar
Russo, M. (2018). Speaking Patterns and Gender in the European Parliament Interpreting Corpus: A Quantitative Study as a Premise for Qualitative Investigations. In M.Russo, C. Bendazzoli and B. Defrancq (Eds.), Making Way in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies. New Frontiers in Translation Studies. (pp. 115-132). Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-6199-8_7 google scholar
Shera, L. (2021, 23 March). ‘China’s Most Beautiful Interpreter’ Goes Viral For Her Solid Performance At China-US Meeting. World of Buzz. https://worldofbuzz.com/chinas-most-beautiful-interpreter-goes-viral-for-her-solid-performance-at-china-us-meeting/ google scholar
Tercümenin Görünmez Kuralları (2013). Dragoman, https://www.dragoman.ist/tr/tercumenin-gorunmez-kurallari/ google scholar
Thakrar, D., Das, R., & Sheikh, A. (2018). Caring for Hindu Patients (1st ed.). London: Routledge. google scholar
von Flotow, L. (1997). Translation and Gender: Translating in the ’Era of Feminism. Manchester: St. Jerome. google scholar
Verdini, A. (2019). Consecutive interpreting performance. Women and men compared. An emprical analysis. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, 5(3), 292-306. google scholar
Xiong, B. (2022) Gender Difference in Vague Words: A Corpus-based Study in Chinese-English Political Interpreting In A. Holl et al. (Eds.), ICHESS 2022, ASSEHR 720, (pp. 2470-2480) https://doi.org/10.2991/978-2-494069-89-3_284 google scholar
Yuan, J. & Dowsey, J. (2021, 28 September). Trump played tough with Putin when cameras were around, but a new book details his insecurities. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/stephanie-grisham-book/2021/09/27/6589e23c-1cf1-11ec-8380-5fbadbc43ef8_story.html google scholar
Yücel, Y. G. & Orhan, G. (2018). Yayıncılık dünyasının femininizasyon süreci: Kadın çevirmenler üzerne bir inceleme. Kebikeç, 46, 367-380. google scholar
Zhang, C. (2021, 22 March). Chinese female translator at China-US talks applauded by netizens. CHINADAILY.com https://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/forum/topics/60585353e4b0aec8c6611fl6.html google scholar
Yetkin Karakoç, N. (2023). The Highlighted Traits of Female Interpreters as Represented in the Media and Scientific Articles. İstanbul Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi(27), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.26650/iukad.2023.1266330