El inicio del régimen totalitario en España, que borró una gran parte del pasado literario, tuvo dos repercusiones importantes en la labor escritora de toda una generación de creadores: por una parte, hubo un grupo de escritores exiliados, al otro lado del mar, que tuvieron la posibilidad de recuperar sus memorias, de continuar escribiendo y de publicar sus obras con el apoyo de los países que les sirvieron de refugio; por otro lado, los escritores que se quedaron en España y que sentían la continua presión de la censura sobre sus hombros Max Aub, poeta, dramaturgo, novelista, ensayista y guionista cinematográfico, forma parte de ese grupo que intentó sobrevivir en el exilio y representa dos caras de la España literaria; por un lado, cultiva una literatura deshumanizada y experimental; por otro, muestra una literatura comprometida con los problemas de la época que le había tocado vivir. Este trabajo se centra en dos de sus obras de teatro: la primera Tránsito (1947), y la segunda, La vuelta:1964 (1965). Mediante estas obras se intentará revelar el pensamiento íntimo de Max Aub acerca de su postura de escritor desterrado frente al olvido que provoca el tiempo transcurrido, la agonía, la frustración y la indignación que le han tocado vivir y sentir durante treinta años de exilio.
Max Aub Literatura del exilio Escritores desterrados Reflexiones y pensamientos realidad existente-inexistente
The onset of the totalitarian regime in Spain, which erased a large part of the literary past, had two important repercussions on the writing work of a whole generation of creators: on the one hand, there was a group of exiled writers, on the other side of the sea, who had the possibility of recovering their memories, continuing to write and publishing their works with the support of the countries where they took refuge; on the other hand, there were the writers who remained in Spain and who felt the continuous pressure of censorship on their shoulders. Max Aub, poet, playwright, novelist, essayist and film scriptwriter, was part of this group that tried to survive in exile and represents two sides of literary Spain: on the one hand, he cultivated a dehumanized and experimental literature; on the other, he created a literature committed to the problems of the times in which he lived. This paper focuses on two of his plays, titled Tránsito (1947) and La vuelta:1964 (1965). Through these plays, we will try to reveal Aub’s intimate thoughts about his position as an exiled writer in the face of the oblivion caused by the time that had passed, as well as the agony, frustration and indignation that he had to live and feel during thirty years of exile.
Max Aub Literature of exile Exiled writers Reflections and thoughts existing-inexistent reality
Birincil Dil | İspanyolca |
Konular | Sanat ve Edebiyat |
Bölüm | Araştırma Makaleleri |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 4 Temmuz 2023 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 1 Kasım 2022 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2023 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1 |