Atık Esaslı Fibriller Biyoçözünür Toprak Örtüsü
Yıl 2021,
, 130 - 142, 31.12.2021
Naz Kadınkız
Muhammet Uzun
Zeynep Çil
Tarımsal faaliyetler, ülke ekonomisi ve kalkınması için önemlidir ancak çevresel yan etkileri oldukça fazladır. Bu zararı en aza indirmek için sürdürülebilir, sorumlu üretim ve tüketim desteklenmelidir. Tarım sektöründe mevcut olarak kullanılan toprak örtüleri ve malçlar petrokimya esaslı sentetik malzemelerden yapılmaktadır. Uzun yıllar doğada çözünmeden var olmaları hem doğaya hem de canlılara zarar vermektedir. Bu çalışmada Narlı ve Vezir tohumlarıyla elde edilen kenevir, muz atıklarından gübre üretilirken açığa çıkan kısa elyaf ve taşıyıcı lif olarak Polilaktik Asit (PLA) biyobozunur lif harmanları ile toprak örtüsü elde edilmiştir. Geliştirilen toprak örtüsünün, toprak nemini optimum seviyelerde tutmaya yardımcı, kuru ağırlığının ortalama 5 katı kadar su veya nemi emme kapasitesinden dolayı geliştirilen kumaşların farklı iklim tiplerinde kullanımı amaçlanmaktadır. Teknik nonwoven yapının yabani ot büyümesi gibi problemlere de çözüm sunması hedeflenmiştir. Belirtilen özellikler eko-ambiyansı bozmadan sağlanırken biyolojik olarak parçalanıp toprağa karışması sonucu sürdürülebilirlik sağlanır. Optimum yapının oluşturulması için farklı hammadde oranlarında çeşitli yapı tasarım denemeleri yapılarak ilgili temel testler uygulanmıştır.
Destekleyen Kurum
- A Sarkar, N. S., 2018. Influence of jute agro textiles on improvement of broccoli productivity in inceptisols. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7(1), 1451-1454.
- Amaya Atucha, I. A., 2011. Long-term Effects of Four Groundcover Management Systems in an Apple Orchard. HortScience, 1176–1183.
- Amaya Atucha, I. A., 2013. Soil erosion, runoff and nutrient losses in an avocado (Persea americana Mill) hillside orchard under different groundcover management systems. Plant Soil , 393–406.
- Andrés García-Díaza, R. B., 2017. Nitrogen losses in vineyards under different types of soil groundcover. A field runoff simulator approach in central Spain. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 256–267.
- Bakshi, P. W., 2015. Sustainable fruit production by soil moisture conservation with different mulches: a review. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(52), 4718–4729.
- Bengal, E. U., 2016. Efficient use of jute agro textiles as soil conditioner to increase chilli productivity on Inceptisol of West Bengal. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 15(3), 242-245.
- Bhatnagar Ravi, G. G., 2015. A Review on Composition and Properties of Banana Fibers. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 6(5), 49-52.
- Cherrett, N. B., 2005. Ecological footprint and water analysis of cotton, hemp and polyester. Stockholm Environmental Institute.
- Datta, M. S., 2005. Jute agro-textiles—its uses in agriculture. Resource documents. ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Tripura Centre, Lembucherra-779 210 Tripura. adresinden alındı
- Echer, M. M., Klosowski, E. S., Guimarães, V. F., 2015. Agronomic performances of Pak Choi grown with different soil cover. Horticultura Brasileira, 33(2), 261-266. doi:10.1590 / s0102-053620150000200020
- F.J.S. Salas, C. M., 2008. Evaluacıón Del Cultıvo Protegıdo Por Agrotextıl En La Cultura De. Instituto Biológico, Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Sanidade Vegetal, 75(4), .437-442.
- Gedik, G. A., 2010. Kenevir lifinin özellikleri ve tekstil endüstrisinde kullanımıyla sağladığı avantajlar. Tekstil Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 4(3), 39-48.
- Haifeng Gu, H. G., 2021. A new method for the treatment of kitchen waste: Converting it into agronomic sprayable mulch film. Waste Management. pp. 527-535.
- Hillig, K., 2005. Genetic evidence for speciation in Cannabis (Cannabaceae). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution , 52, 161-180.
- Jian Duan, Y.-J. L.-J.-H., 2019. Role of groundcover management in controlling soil erosion under extreme rainfall in citrus orchards of southern China. Journal of Hydrology. içinde Jiangxi, PR China: Journal Pre-proofs.
- Jiangbo Liao, S. Z., 2020. Sound Absorption of Hemp Fibers (Cannabis Sativa L.) Based Nonwoven Fabrics and Composites: A Review. Journal of Natural Fibers, 1-13.
- Jordan, A. Z., 2010. Effects of mulching on soil physical properties and runoff under semi-arid conditions in southern Spain. Catena, 81(1), 77-85.
- Kuzucu, M., 2021. Importance of Mulching In Dry Agricultural Areas For Soil Moisture Storage. International Journal of Environmental Trends (IJENT), 5 (1),16-27.
- Manna, K. K., 2018. Effect of nonwoven jute agrotextile mulch on soil health and productivity of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) in lateritic soil. Environ Monit Assess, 190(82).
- Margit Olle, I. B., 2010. The Effect Of Non-Woven Fleece On The Yıeld And. Jogeva Plant Breeding Institute, J. Aamisepa 1 Jõgeva alevik 48309 Estonia.
- Mohammad Billal Hossaın, B. H., 2017. Investigation of Spinnability of Banana Fibers through Yarn Formation Along with Analysis of Yarn Properties. American Journal of Engineering Research, 6.1, 322-327.
- N. Venkateshwaran, A. E., 2011. Effect of fiber length and fiber content on mechanical properties of banana fiber/epoxy composite . Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites.
- P. Sivaranjana, V. A., 2021. A brief review on mechanical and thermal properties of banana fiber based hybrid composites. SN Applied Sciences volume 3, 176 .
- Pain, D. D., 2013. Efficient use of geotextiles as soil conditioner to increase potato productivity on inceptisols of West Bengal. Journal of Soil and Conservation, 12(2), 103-107.
- Paolo Ranalli, G. V., 2004. Hemp as a raw material for industrial applications. Euphytica volume , 1-6.
- Ramachandran Manickam, S. B., 2016. Experimental Study of Bamboo using Banana and Linen Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Composites. Perspectives on Science 8(C):313—316.
- Ramakrishna, A. T., 2006. Effect of mulch on soil temperature, moisture, weed infestation and yield of groundnut in northern Vietnam. Field Crops Research, 95(2-3), 115-125.
- Ray S.S., B. M., 2005. Biodegrable Polimer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites. Progress in Materials Science, 50(8).
- Rębarz, K. B., 2015. Effects of Cover Type and Harvest Date on Yield, Quality and Cost-Effectiveness of Early Potato Cultivation. American Journal of Potato Research, 92(3), 359–366.
- Rekika, D. S., 2008. Row Covers Reduce Insect Populations and Damage and Improve Early Season Crisphead Lettuce Production. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 15(1), 71–82.
- S.Sankari, H., 2000. Comparison of bast fibre yield and mechanical fibre properties of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivars. Industrial Crops and Products, 11(1), 73-84.
- Sanjay M. R, A. G., 2016. Applications of Natural Fibers and Its Composites: An Overview. Natural Resources, 7, 108-114.
- Simon Gilmore, R. P., 2007. Organelle DNA haplotypes reflect crop-use characteristics and geographic origins of Cannabis sativa. Forensiz Science ınternational, volume 172, Issues 2-3, 179-190.
- Subba, R., 2015. Study on microbial population in rhizosphere under different agro-textile mulches in vegetable production system. M. Sc. Thesis, Integrated Rural Development and Management Faculty Centre, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Narendrapur, West Bengal, India., 46.
- Ulaş, E. 2018. Gerçek Köye Dönüş Projesi: Kenevir. (H. Bahtiyar, Dü.) Hiperlink Yayınları.
- Vandepitte, K. V., 2020. Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) for high-value textile applications: The effective long fiber yield and quality of different hemp varieties, processed. Industrial Crops & Products.
- Wilen, C. A., 1999. Mulches and subirrigation control weeds in container production. Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 17(4), 174-180.
- Yao, Z. D.-B. (2014). Water-saving ground cover rice production system reduces net. Biogeosciences, 11(22), 6221–6236. doi:10.5194/bg-11-6221-2014
- Yasemin Bulut, Ü. H., 2011. Selüloz Esaslı Doğal Liflerin Kompozit Üretiminde Takviye Materyali Olarak Kullanımı. The Journal of Textiles and Engineer, 18(82), 26-35.
- Yong, L. H., 2000. Study on the effect of jute geotextile on rime growth. Journal of Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 33(3), 103-105.
Waste Based Fibrillary Biodegradable Soil Mattress
Yıl 2021,
, 130 - 142, 31.12.2021
Naz Kadınkız
Muhammet Uzun
Zeynep Çil
Agricultural activities are essential for the country's economy and development, but their environmental side effects are pretty high. Sustainable, responsible production and consumption should be supported to minimize this damage. Soil covers and mulches currently used in the agricultural sector are made from petrochemical-based synthetic materials. Their existence for many years without dissolving in nature harms both nature and living things. This study obtained soil cover with a mixture of hemp, a by-product of banana production, and PLA biodegradable fiber as carrier fiber. A natural non-woven technical fabric has been developed that helps maintain soil moisture at optimum levels and is intended for use in scorching climates due to its capacity to absorb water or moisture up to 5 times its dry weight. The developed non-woven structures are aimed to provide solutions to problems such as weed growth. While the specified features are provided without disturbing the eco-ambiance, sustainability is ensured as a result of biodegradation and mixing with the soil In order to create the optimum structure, various building design experiments were carried out with different raw material ratios and relevant basic tests were applied.
- A Sarkar, N. S., 2018. Influence of jute agro textiles on improvement of broccoli productivity in inceptisols. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7(1), 1451-1454.
- Amaya Atucha, I. A., 2011. Long-term Effects of Four Groundcover Management Systems in an Apple Orchard. HortScience, 1176–1183.
- Amaya Atucha, I. A., 2013. Soil erosion, runoff and nutrient losses in an avocado (Persea americana Mill) hillside orchard under different groundcover management systems. Plant Soil , 393–406.
- Andrés García-Díaza, R. B., 2017. Nitrogen losses in vineyards under different types of soil groundcover. A field runoff simulator approach in central Spain. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 256–267.
- Bakshi, P. W., 2015. Sustainable fruit production by soil moisture conservation with different mulches: a review. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(52), 4718–4729.
- Bengal, E. U., 2016. Efficient use of jute agro textiles as soil conditioner to increase chilli productivity on Inceptisol of West Bengal. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 15(3), 242-245.
- Bhatnagar Ravi, G. G., 2015. A Review on Composition and Properties of Banana Fibers. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 6(5), 49-52.
- Cherrett, N. B., 2005. Ecological footprint and water analysis of cotton, hemp and polyester. Stockholm Environmental Institute.
- Datta, M. S., 2005. Jute agro-textiles—its uses in agriculture. Resource documents. ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Tripura Centre, Lembucherra-779 210 Tripura. adresinden alındı
- Echer, M. M., Klosowski, E. S., Guimarães, V. F., 2015. Agronomic performances of Pak Choi grown with different soil cover. Horticultura Brasileira, 33(2), 261-266. doi:10.1590 / s0102-053620150000200020
- F.J.S. Salas, C. M., 2008. Evaluacıón Del Cultıvo Protegıdo Por Agrotextıl En La Cultura De. Instituto Biológico, Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Sanidade Vegetal, 75(4), .437-442.
- Gedik, G. A., 2010. Kenevir lifinin özellikleri ve tekstil endüstrisinde kullanımıyla sağladığı avantajlar. Tekstil Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 4(3), 39-48.
- Haifeng Gu, H. G., 2021. A new method for the treatment of kitchen waste: Converting it into agronomic sprayable mulch film. Waste Management. pp. 527-535.
- Hillig, K., 2005. Genetic evidence for speciation in Cannabis (Cannabaceae). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution , 52, 161-180.
- Jian Duan, Y.-J. L.-J.-H., 2019. Role of groundcover management in controlling soil erosion under extreme rainfall in citrus orchards of southern China. Journal of Hydrology. içinde Jiangxi, PR China: Journal Pre-proofs.
- Jiangbo Liao, S. Z., 2020. Sound Absorption of Hemp Fibers (Cannabis Sativa L.) Based Nonwoven Fabrics and Composites: A Review. Journal of Natural Fibers, 1-13.
- Jordan, A. Z., 2010. Effects of mulching on soil physical properties and runoff under semi-arid conditions in southern Spain. Catena, 81(1), 77-85.
- Kuzucu, M., 2021. Importance of Mulching In Dry Agricultural Areas For Soil Moisture Storage. International Journal of Environmental Trends (IJENT), 5 (1),16-27.
- Manna, K. K., 2018. Effect of nonwoven jute agrotextile mulch on soil health and productivity of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) in lateritic soil. Environ Monit Assess, 190(82).
- Margit Olle, I. B., 2010. The Effect Of Non-Woven Fleece On The Yıeld And. Jogeva Plant Breeding Institute, J. Aamisepa 1 Jõgeva alevik 48309 Estonia.
- Mohammad Billal Hossaın, B. H., 2017. Investigation of Spinnability of Banana Fibers through Yarn Formation Along with Analysis of Yarn Properties. American Journal of Engineering Research, 6.1, 322-327.
- N. Venkateshwaran, A. E., 2011. Effect of fiber length and fiber content on mechanical properties of banana fiber/epoxy composite . Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites.
- P. Sivaranjana, V. A., 2021. A brief review on mechanical and thermal properties of banana fiber based hybrid composites. SN Applied Sciences volume 3, 176 .
- Pain, D. D., 2013. Efficient use of geotextiles as soil conditioner to increase potato productivity on inceptisols of West Bengal. Journal of Soil and Conservation, 12(2), 103-107.
- Paolo Ranalli, G. V., 2004. Hemp as a raw material for industrial applications. Euphytica volume , 1-6.
- Ramachandran Manickam, S. B., 2016. Experimental Study of Bamboo using Banana and Linen Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Composites. Perspectives on Science 8(C):313—316.
- Ramakrishna, A. T., 2006. Effect of mulch on soil temperature, moisture, weed infestation and yield of groundnut in northern Vietnam. Field Crops Research, 95(2-3), 115-125.
- Ray S.S., B. M., 2005. Biodegrable Polimer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites. Progress in Materials Science, 50(8).
- Rębarz, K. B., 2015. Effects of Cover Type and Harvest Date on Yield, Quality and Cost-Effectiveness of Early Potato Cultivation. American Journal of Potato Research, 92(3), 359–366.
- Rekika, D. S., 2008. Row Covers Reduce Insect Populations and Damage and Improve Early Season Crisphead Lettuce Production. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 15(1), 71–82.
- S.Sankari, H., 2000. Comparison of bast fibre yield and mechanical fibre properties of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivars. Industrial Crops and Products, 11(1), 73-84.
- Sanjay M. R, A. G., 2016. Applications of Natural Fibers and Its Composites: An Overview. Natural Resources, 7, 108-114.
- Simon Gilmore, R. P., 2007. Organelle DNA haplotypes reflect crop-use characteristics and geographic origins of Cannabis sativa. Forensiz Science ınternational, volume 172, Issues 2-3, 179-190.
- Subba, R., 2015. Study on microbial population in rhizosphere under different agro-textile mulches in vegetable production system. M. Sc. Thesis, Integrated Rural Development and Management Faculty Centre, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Narendrapur, West Bengal, India., 46.
- Ulaş, E. 2018. Gerçek Köye Dönüş Projesi: Kenevir. (H. Bahtiyar, Dü.) Hiperlink Yayınları.
- Vandepitte, K. V., 2020. Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) for high-value textile applications: The effective long fiber yield and quality of different hemp varieties, processed. Industrial Crops & Products.
- Wilen, C. A., 1999. Mulches and subirrigation control weeds in container production. Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 17(4), 174-180.
- Yao, Z. D.-B. (2014). Water-saving ground cover rice production system reduces net. Biogeosciences, 11(22), 6221–6236. doi:10.5194/bg-11-6221-2014
- Yasemin Bulut, Ü. H., 2011. Selüloz Esaslı Doğal Liflerin Kompozit Üretiminde Takviye Materyali Olarak Kullanımı. The Journal of Textiles and Engineer, 18(82), 26-35.
- Yong, L. H., 2000. Study on the effect of jute geotextile on rime growth. Journal of Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 33(3), 103-105.