Araştırma Makalesi
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Bibliometric Analysis of Studies between 2010-2023 on Leadership in the Field of Educational Sciences

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 24, 422 - 445


This study analyzed articles on "leadership" published in the Scopus database and the Web of Science between the years 2010-2023. The search term "leadership" was used and the filter section included "education". After excluding non-article entries, a total of 5208 articles were reached. The research methodology -was qualitative, and the data were analyzed using Scopus Analysis Tools and the VOSviewer bibliometric analysis software. The highest density of leadership studies was found to be in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Netherlands. The year with the most studies on leadership was 2022, and the author Grint K. conducted the most studies on this topic. The University of Toronto had the highest number of leadership articles. 'Transformational Leadership' emerged as the most studied leadership type in education. The frequently used keywords included 'motivation', 'education reform', 'school effectiveness', 'higher education', and 'sustainability.'


  • Abdullah, K. H., Hashim, M. N., & Aziz, F. S. A. (2020). A 39-year (1980-2019) bibliometric analysis of safety leadership research. TEST Engineering & Management, 83, 4526–4542.
  • Agbo, F. J., Oyelere, S. S., Suhonen, J., & Tukiainen, M. (2021). Scientific production and thematic breakthroughs in smart learning environments: A bibliometric analysis. Smart Learning Environments, 8(1).
  • Alvesson, M. (1996). Leadership studies: From procedure and abstraction to reflexivity and situation. The Leadership Quarterly 7(4), 455-485.
  • Antonakis, J., & Day, D. V. (2018). Leadership: past, present, and future. In SAGE Publications, Inc. eBooks (pp. 3–26).
  • Bamberg, S., Fujii, S., Friman, M., & Gärling, T. (2011). Behaviour theory and soft transport policy measures. Transport Policy, 18(1), 228–235.
  • Barnes, D. F. (1978). Charisma and religious leadership: A historical analysis. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 17(1), 1.
  • Bass, B. M. (1999). Two decades of research and development in transformational leadership. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 8(1), 9-32.
  • Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership. Psychology Press eBooks.
  • Bavik, A. (2020). A systematic review of the servant leadership literature in management and hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(1), 347–382.
  • Berkovich, I. (2016). School leaders and transformational leadership theory: Time to part ways? Journal of Educational Administration, 54(5), 609-622.
  • Boyle, F., & Sherman, D. (2006). ScopusTM: The product and its development. The Serials Librarian, 49(3), 147–153.
  • Bush, T., & Crawford, M. (2012). Mapping the field over 40 years. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40(5), 537–543.
  • Bush, T., & Ng Yoon Mooi, A. (2019). Distributed leadership and the Malaysia education blueprint: From prescription to partial school-based enactment in a highly centralised context. Journal of Educational Administration, 57(3), 279-295.
  • Caingcoy, M. E. (2020). Weaving teaching and leading: a systematic literature review on pedagogical leadership contributions. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 5(4), 551–556.
  • Chamorro-Padial, J., & Rodríguez-Sánchez, R. (2023). The relevance of title, abstract, and keywords for scientific paper quality and potential impact. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82(15), 23075–23090.
  • Chapman, A., Simperl, E., Koesten, L., Konstantinidis, G., Ibáñez, L. D., Kacprzak, E., & Groth, P. (2020). Dataset search: A survey. The VLDB Journal, 29(1), 251-272.
  • Colbert, B. A., Nicholson, J., & Kurucz, E. C. (2018). Humanistic leadership for sustainable transformation. In Building Leadership Bridges (pp. 33–47).
  • Contreras, F., Baykal, E., & Abid, G. (2020). E-Leadership and teleworking in times of COVID-19 and Beyond: What we know and where do we go. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
  • Copeland, L., Littlecott, H., Couturiaux, D., Hoddinott, P., Segrott, J., Murphy, S., . . . Evans, R. (2021). The what, why and when of adapting interventions for new contexts: A qualitative study of researchers, funders, journal editors and practitioners’ understandings. PloS One, 16(7), e0254020.
  • Cote, R. (2017). Vision of effective leadership. International Journal of Business Administration, 8(6), 1.
  • Cowan, D. A. (2007). Artistic undertones of humanistic leadership education. Journal of Management Education, 31(2), 156–180.
  • Croft, W., & Coleman, N. (2015). The monarch as a politician: The leadership qualities of Queen Elizabeth I (Doctoral dissertation). University of the Cumberlands, Kentucky, USA
  • Davies, B. (2003). Rethinking strategy and strategic leadership in schools. Educational Management & Administration, 31(3), 295-312.
  • De Bortoli Cassiani, S. H., De Fatima Fernandes, M. N., Lecorps, K., & Da Silva, F. a. M. (2019). Leadership in nursing: Why should we discuss it? Revista Panamericana De Salud Pública, 43, 1.
  • De Meyer, A. (2011). Collaborative leadership: New perspectives in leadership development. In Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks (pp. 44–63).
  • Dempster, N., & Lizzio, A. (2007). Student leadership: Necessary research. Australian Journal of Education, 51(3), 276-285.
  • Devi, A. D., & Subiyantoro, S. (2021). Implementation of democratic leadership style and transformational head of madrasah in improving the quality. Nidhomul Haq, 6(1), 14–26.
  • Falagas, M. E., Pitsouni, E. I., Malietzis, G. A., & Pappas, G. (2007). Comparison of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar: strengths and weaknesses. The FASEB Journal, 22(2), 338–342.
  • Fischer, T., & Sitkin, S. B. (2023). Leadership Styles: A comprehensive assessment and way forward. the Academy of Management Annals, 17(1), 331–372.
  • Frank, M. R., Wang, D., Cebrian, M., & Rahwan, I. (2019). The evolution of citation graphs in artificial intelligence research. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1(2), 79–85.
  • Ghasabeh, M. S., Soosay, C., & Reaiche, C. (2015). The emerging role of transformational leadership. The Journal of Developing Areas, 49(6), 459-467.
  • Grimm, J. W. (2010). Effective leadership: Making the difference. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 36(1), 74-77.
  • Hallinger, P., & Chen, J. (2014). Review of research on educational leadership and management in Asia. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 43(1), 5-27.
  • Hashem, R. (2020). ‘Al Faza’a’ leadership: An implicit cultural barrier to distributed leadership in Jordanian public schools. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 50(1), 26-42.
  • Heck, R. H., & Hallinger, P. (2005). The study of educational leadership and management. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 33(2), 229-244.
  • Heck, R. H., & Hallinger, P. (2010). Collaborative leadership effects on school ımprovement: ıntegrating unidirectional- and reciprocal-effects models. The Elementary School Journal, 111(2), 226-252.
  • Heikka, J., & Waniganayake, M. (2011). Pedagogical leadership from a distributed perspective within the context of early childhood education. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 14(4), 499–512.
  • Hitt, M. A., Haynes, K. T., & Serpa, R. (2010). Strategic leadership for the 21st century. Business Horizons, 53(5), 437–444.
  • Jeong, D., & Koo, Y. (2016). Analysis of trend and convergence for science and technology using the VOSviewer. International Journal of Contents/Journal of Contents, 12(3), 54-58.
  • Johnston, B. J. (1996). Types of educational leadership in a postindustrial society. Urban Review the Urban Review, 28(3), 213–232.
  • Lumby, J. (2013). Distributed leadership. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 41(5), 581–597.
  • Lumby, J., & Foskett, N. (2015). Internationalization and culture in higher education. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 44(1), 95–111.
  • Nielsen, M. W., & Andersen, J. P. (2021). Global citation inequality is on the rise. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(7).
  • Oplatka, I., & Hemsley-Brown, J. (2012). The management and leadership of educational marketing. Emerald Group Publishing eBooks (Vol. 15). Retrieved from
  • Ripki, A., Murni, S., & Wahyudi, M. (2020). Creative thinking of vocational high school teachers: effects of transformational leadership and job satisfaction. International e-Journal of Educational Studies, 4 (7), 93-105.
  • Roig-Tierno, N., Gonzalez-Cruz, T. F., & Llopis-Martinez, J. (2017). An overview of qualitative comparative analysis: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2(1), 15–23.
  • Sims, M., Waniganayake, M., & Hadley, F. (2017). Educational leadership. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46(6), 960–979.
  • Skaalvik, C. (2020). School principal self-efficacy for instructional leadership: Relations with engagement, emotional exhaustion and motivation to quit. Social Psychology of Education, 23(2), 479–498.
  • Spillane, J. P., Halverson, R., & Diamond, J. B. (2001). Investigating school leadership practice: A Distributed Perspective. Educational Researcher, 30(3), 23–28.
  • Szeto, E., Lee, T. T. H., & Hallinger, P. (2015). A systematic review of research on educational leadership in Hong Kong, 1995-2014. Journal of Educational Administration, 53(4), 534–553.
  • Tigre, F. B., Curado, C., & Henriques, P. L. (2022). Digital leadership: a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 30(1), 40–70.
  • Thompson, G., & Glasø, L. (2015). Situational leadership theory: a test from three perspectives. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36(5), 527–544.
  • Van Seters, D. A., & Field, R. H. (1990). The evolution of leadership theory. Journal of Organizational Change Management/Journal of Organisational Change Management, 3(3), 29–45.
  • Vroom, V. H., & Jago, A. G. (2007). The role of the situation in leadership. The American Psychologist, 62(1), 17–24.
  • Wenner, J. A., & Campbell, T. (2016). The theoretical and empirical basis of teacher leadership. Review of Educational Research, 87(1), 134–171.

Bibliometric Analysis of Studies between 2010-2023 on Leadership in the Field of Educational Sciences

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 24, 422 - 445


This study analyzed articles on "leadership" published in the Scopus database and the Web of Science between the years 2010-2023. The search term "leadership" was used and the filter section included "education". After excluding non-article entries, a total of 5208 articles were reached. The research methodology -was qualitative, and the data were analyzed using Scopus Analysis Tools and the VOSviewer bibliometric analysis software. The highest density of leadership studies was found to be in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Netherlands. The year with the most studies on leadership was 2022, and the author Grint K. conducted the most studies on this topic. The University of Toronto had the highest number of leadership articles. 'Transformational Leadership' emerged as the most studied leadership type in education. The frequently used keywords included 'motivation', 'education reform', 'school effectiveness', 'higher education', and 'sustainability.'


  • Abdullah, K. H., Hashim, M. N., & Aziz, F. S. A. (2020). A 39-year (1980-2019) bibliometric analysis of safety leadership research. TEST Engineering & Management, 83, 4526–4542.
  • Agbo, F. J., Oyelere, S. S., Suhonen, J., & Tukiainen, M. (2021). Scientific production and thematic breakthroughs in smart learning environments: A bibliometric analysis. Smart Learning Environments, 8(1).
  • Alvesson, M. (1996). Leadership studies: From procedure and abstraction to reflexivity and situation. The Leadership Quarterly 7(4), 455-485.
  • Antonakis, J., & Day, D. V. (2018). Leadership: past, present, and future. In SAGE Publications, Inc. eBooks (pp. 3–26).
  • Bamberg, S., Fujii, S., Friman, M., & Gärling, T. (2011). Behaviour theory and soft transport policy measures. Transport Policy, 18(1), 228–235.
  • Barnes, D. F. (1978). Charisma and religious leadership: A historical analysis. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 17(1), 1.
  • Bass, B. M. (1999). Two decades of research and development in transformational leadership. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 8(1), 9-32.
  • Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership. Psychology Press eBooks.
  • Bavik, A. (2020). A systematic review of the servant leadership literature in management and hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(1), 347–382.
  • Berkovich, I. (2016). School leaders and transformational leadership theory: Time to part ways? Journal of Educational Administration, 54(5), 609-622.
  • Boyle, F., & Sherman, D. (2006). ScopusTM: The product and its development. The Serials Librarian, 49(3), 147–153.
  • Bush, T., & Crawford, M. (2012). Mapping the field over 40 years. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40(5), 537–543.
  • Bush, T., & Ng Yoon Mooi, A. (2019). Distributed leadership and the Malaysia education blueprint: From prescription to partial school-based enactment in a highly centralised context. Journal of Educational Administration, 57(3), 279-295.
  • Caingcoy, M. E. (2020). Weaving teaching and leading: a systematic literature review on pedagogical leadership contributions. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 5(4), 551–556.
  • Chamorro-Padial, J., & Rodríguez-Sánchez, R. (2023). The relevance of title, abstract, and keywords for scientific paper quality and potential impact. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82(15), 23075–23090.
  • Chapman, A., Simperl, E., Koesten, L., Konstantinidis, G., Ibáñez, L. D., Kacprzak, E., & Groth, P. (2020). Dataset search: A survey. The VLDB Journal, 29(1), 251-272.
  • Colbert, B. A., Nicholson, J., & Kurucz, E. C. (2018). Humanistic leadership for sustainable transformation. In Building Leadership Bridges (pp. 33–47).
  • Contreras, F., Baykal, E., & Abid, G. (2020). E-Leadership and teleworking in times of COVID-19 and Beyond: What we know and where do we go. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
  • Copeland, L., Littlecott, H., Couturiaux, D., Hoddinott, P., Segrott, J., Murphy, S., . . . Evans, R. (2021). The what, why and when of adapting interventions for new contexts: A qualitative study of researchers, funders, journal editors and practitioners’ understandings. PloS One, 16(7), e0254020.
  • Cote, R. (2017). Vision of effective leadership. International Journal of Business Administration, 8(6), 1.
  • Cowan, D. A. (2007). Artistic undertones of humanistic leadership education. Journal of Management Education, 31(2), 156–180.
  • Croft, W., & Coleman, N. (2015). The monarch as a politician: The leadership qualities of Queen Elizabeth I (Doctoral dissertation). University of the Cumberlands, Kentucky, USA
  • Davies, B. (2003). Rethinking strategy and strategic leadership in schools. Educational Management & Administration, 31(3), 295-312.
  • De Bortoli Cassiani, S. H., De Fatima Fernandes, M. N., Lecorps, K., & Da Silva, F. a. M. (2019). Leadership in nursing: Why should we discuss it? Revista Panamericana De Salud Pública, 43, 1.
  • De Meyer, A. (2011). Collaborative leadership: New perspectives in leadership development. In Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks (pp. 44–63).
  • Dempster, N., & Lizzio, A. (2007). Student leadership: Necessary research. Australian Journal of Education, 51(3), 276-285.
  • Devi, A. D., & Subiyantoro, S. (2021). Implementation of democratic leadership style and transformational head of madrasah in improving the quality. Nidhomul Haq, 6(1), 14–26.
  • Falagas, M. E., Pitsouni, E. I., Malietzis, G. A., & Pappas, G. (2007). Comparison of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar: strengths and weaknesses. The FASEB Journal, 22(2), 338–342.
  • Fischer, T., & Sitkin, S. B. (2023). Leadership Styles: A comprehensive assessment and way forward. the Academy of Management Annals, 17(1), 331–372.
  • Frank, M. R., Wang, D., Cebrian, M., & Rahwan, I. (2019). The evolution of citation graphs in artificial intelligence research. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1(2), 79–85.
  • Ghasabeh, M. S., Soosay, C., & Reaiche, C. (2015). The emerging role of transformational leadership. The Journal of Developing Areas, 49(6), 459-467.
  • Grimm, J. W. (2010). Effective leadership: Making the difference. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 36(1), 74-77.
  • Hallinger, P., & Chen, J. (2014). Review of research on educational leadership and management in Asia. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 43(1), 5-27.
  • Hashem, R. (2020). ‘Al Faza’a’ leadership: An implicit cultural barrier to distributed leadership in Jordanian public schools. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 50(1), 26-42.
  • Heck, R. H., & Hallinger, P. (2005). The study of educational leadership and management. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 33(2), 229-244.
  • Heck, R. H., & Hallinger, P. (2010). Collaborative leadership effects on school ımprovement: ıntegrating unidirectional- and reciprocal-effects models. The Elementary School Journal, 111(2), 226-252.
  • Heikka, J., & Waniganayake, M. (2011). Pedagogical leadership from a distributed perspective within the context of early childhood education. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 14(4), 499–512.
  • Hitt, M. A., Haynes, K. T., & Serpa, R. (2010). Strategic leadership for the 21st century. Business Horizons, 53(5), 437–444.
  • Jeong, D., & Koo, Y. (2016). Analysis of trend and convergence for science and technology using the VOSviewer. International Journal of Contents/Journal of Contents, 12(3), 54-58.
  • Johnston, B. J. (1996). Types of educational leadership in a postindustrial society. Urban Review the Urban Review, 28(3), 213–232.
  • Lumby, J. (2013). Distributed leadership. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 41(5), 581–597.
  • Lumby, J., & Foskett, N. (2015). Internationalization and culture in higher education. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 44(1), 95–111.
  • Nielsen, M. W., & Andersen, J. P. (2021). Global citation inequality is on the rise. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(7).
  • Oplatka, I., & Hemsley-Brown, J. (2012). The management and leadership of educational marketing. Emerald Group Publishing eBooks (Vol. 15). Retrieved from
  • Ripki, A., Murni, S., & Wahyudi, M. (2020). Creative thinking of vocational high school teachers: effects of transformational leadership and job satisfaction. International e-Journal of Educational Studies, 4 (7), 93-105.
  • Roig-Tierno, N., Gonzalez-Cruz, T. F., & Llopis-Martinez, J. (2017). An overview of qualitative comparative analysis: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2(1), 15–23.
  • Sims, M., Waniganayake, M., & Hadley, F. (2017). Educational leadership. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46(6), 960–979.
  • Skaalvik, C. (2020). School principal self-efficacy for instructional leadership: Relations with engagement, emotional exhaustion and motivation to quit. Social Psychology of Education, 23(2), 479–498.
  • Spillane, J. P., Halverson, R., & Diamond, J. B. (2001). Investigating school leadership practice: A Distributed Perspective. Educational Researcher, 30(3), 23–28.
  • Szeto, E., Lee, T. T. H., & Hallinger, P. (2015). A systematic review of research on educational leadership in Hong Kong, 1995-2014. Journal of Educational Administration, 53(4), 534–553.
  • Tigre, F. B., Curado, C., & Henriques, P. L. (2022). Digital leadership: a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 30(1), 40–70.
  • Thompson, G., & Glasø, L. (2015). Situational leadership theory: a test from three perspectives. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36(5), 527–544.
  • Van Seters, D. A., & Field, R. H. (1990). The evolution of leadership theory. Journal of Organizational Change Management/Journal of Organisational Change Management, 3(3), 29–45.
  • Vroom, V. H., & Jago, A. G. (2007). The role of the situation in leadership. The American Psychologist, 62(1), 17–24.
  • Wenner, J. A., & Campbell, T. (2016). The theoretical and empirical basis of teacher leadership. Review of Educational Research, 87(1), 134–171.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitimde Liderlik
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Güler Shaıkh 0000-0002-1094-6110

Semra K Güngör 0000-0001-5785-8137

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 17 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 3 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 24

Kaynak Göster

APA Shaıkh, G., & K Güngör, S. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis of Studies between 2010-2023 on Leadership in the Field of Educational Sciences. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 12(24), 422-445.

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Bu eser Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

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