Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2022, , 15 - 27, 24.01.2022



  • Allen, E. K. (1980). A study of the relationship between teacher enthusiasm and selected student variables in area vocational-technical schools (Doctoral Thesis). Temple University, Philedelphia.
  • Balcı, A. (2004). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntem, teknik ve ilkeler. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Broadbridge, A., Maxwell, G. &Ogden, S. (2007). Experiences, perceptions and expectations of retail employment for Generation Y. Career Development International, 12(6), 523-544.
  • Burke, R. J. (1994). Generation X: Measures, sex and age differences. Psychological Reports, 74, 555-562.
  • Burke, R. J. (1999). It’s not how hard you work but how you work hard: Evaluations of workaholism components. International Journal of Stress Management, 6, 225-239.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Cennamo, L. K. (2005). Generational differences in work values, work-related outcomes and person-organisation values fit (Master Thesis).
  • Chen, P., Choi, Y. (2008). Generational differences in work values: A study of hospitality management. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20(6), 595-615.
  • Cordeniz, J. A. (2002). Recruitment, retention, and management of generation X: A focus on nursing professionals. Journal of Healthcare Management, 47, 237-249.
  • Costanza, D. P., Badger, J.M., Fraser, R. L., Severt, J. B., Gade, P. A. (2012). Generational Differences in Work-Related Attitudes: A Meta-analysis. Journal of Business and Psychology, 27(4), 375-394.
  • Cox, J. A. (1999). What's happening in the workplace? Baylor Business Review, 17(2), 7-8.
  • Çengelci, T., Hancı, B., & Karaduman, H. (2013). Okul ortamında değerler eğitimi konusunda öğretmen ve öğrenci görüşleri. Değerler eğitimi dergisi, 11(25), 33-56.
  • Davis, J.B., Pawlowski, S.D. & Houston, A. (2006). Work commitments of Baby Boomersand Gen-Xers in the IT profession: Generational differences or myth?. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 46(3), 43-49.
  • Deci, E.L., Koestner, R., Ryan, R.M. (1999). A meta-analytic review of experiments examining the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 125(6), 627-668.
  • Elizur, D., Sagie, A., (1999). Facets of personal values: A structural analysis of life and work values. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 48(1), 73-87.
  • Graves, L. M., Ruderman, M. N., Ohlott, P. J., Weber, T. J. (2012). Driven to work and enjoyment of work: Effects on managers’ outcomes. Journal of Management, 38(5), 1655-1680.
  • İliç D., Yalçın, B. (2017). Y jenerasyonunun farklılaşan iş değerleri ve liderlik algılamaları. Yaşar Üniversitesi Dergisi, 12(46), 136-160.
  • Hattrup, K., Mueller, K., & Joens, I. (2007). The Effects of Nations and Organisations on Work Value Importance: A Cross‐Cultural Investigation. Applied Psychology, 56(3), 479-499.
  • Hirschi, A. (2010). Positive adolescent career development: The role of intrinsic and extrinsic work values. The Career Development Quarterly, 58(3), 276-287.
  • Holdsworth, R. (2000). Schools that create real roles of value for young people. Prospects, 30(3), 349-362.
  • Hurst, J. L. & Good, L. K. (2009). Generation Y and career choice: The impact of retail career perceptions, expectations and entitlement perceptions. Career Development International 14(6), 570-593.
  • Kalleberg, A. L. (1977). Work values and job rewards: a theory of job satisfaction. American Sociological Review, 42(1), 124-143.
  • Karagöz, B., & Şeref, İ. (2019). Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi’nin bibliyometrik profili (2009-2018). Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi, 17(37), 219-246.
  • Kuşdil, M. E., & Kağitçibaşi, Ç. (2000). Türk öğretmenlerin değer yönelimleri ve Schwartz değer kuramı. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 15(45), 59-76.
  • Kupperschmidt, B. R. (2000). Multigeneration employees: Strategies for effective management. The Health Care Manager, 19(1), 65-76.
  • Kuron, L. K. J., Lyons, S. T., Schweitzer, L., Ng, E. S. W. (2015). Millennials’ work values: Differences across the school to work transition. Personnel Review, 44(6), 991-1009.
  • Licata, P. P. (2007). Multiple Generatıons In The Workplace: A Study Comparıng Work Values Of Different Generatıons of Workers (PhD Thesis).
  • Lyons, S. T., Higgins, C. A., & Duxbury, L. (2010). Work values: Development of a new three‐dimensional structure based on confirmatory smallest space analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31(7), 969-1002.
  • Markham, W. A., Aveyard, P., Bisset, S. L., Lancashire, E. R., Bridle, C., & Deakin, S. (2008). Value‐added education and smoking uptake in schools: a cohort study. Addiction, 103(1), 155-161.
  • Marcus, M. (2014). Work values and generatıonal dıfferences: usıng work values to understand generatıonal dıfferences ın the canadıan workplace (PhD Thesis). 8FEC25FD91354C02PQ/1?accountid=11248.
  • McGrath, D. L. (2012). Extrinsic and Intrinsic Workplace Values in Education. International Journal of Learning, 18(3), 191-201.
  • McMillan, L. H. W., Brady, E. C., O’Driscoll, M. P., Marsh, N. V. (2002). A multifaceted validation study of Spence and Robbins’ (1992) Workaholism Battery. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 75, 357-368.
  • Öz, Ü. (2015). XYZ kuşaklarının özellikleri ve y kuşağının örgütsel bağlılık düzeyi analizi (Master Thesis). Retrieved from Turkish National Thesis Center (Thesis Number: 396101).
  • Rokeach, M. (1973). Review: the nature of human values. Political Science Quarterly, 89(2), 399-401.
  • Ros, M., Schwartz, S.& Surkiss, S. (1999). Basic individual values, work values, and the meaning of work. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 1, 49-71.
  • Schwartz, S. H., & Sagiv, L. (1995). Identifying culture-specifics in the content and structure of values. Journal of cross-cultural psychology, 26(1), 92-116.
  • Schwartz, S. H. (1999). A theory of cultural values and some implications for work. Applied psychology, 48(1), 23-47.
  • Schwartz, S. H., & Bilsky, W. (1990). Toward a theory of the universal content and structure of values: Extensions and cross-cultural replications. Journal of personality and social psychology, 58(5), 878.
  • Smola, K.W. & Sutton, C.D. (2002). Generational differences: Revisiting generational work values for the new millennium. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, 363-382.
  • Spence, J. T. &Robbins, A. S. (1992). Workaholism: Definition, measurement, and preliminary results. Journal of Personality Assessment, 58(1), 160-178.
  • Statistics of MoNE (2017).
  • Tims, M., Bakker, A. B., Derks, D. (2014). Daily job crafting and the self-efficacy – performance relationship. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 29(5), 490-507.
  • Twenge, J. M., Campbell, S. M., Hoffman, B. J.& Lance, C. E. (2010). Generational differences in work values: leisure and extrinsic values ıncreasing, social and ıntrinsic values decreasing. Journal of Management, 36(5), 1117-1142.
  • Usta, Ö. (2014). Kuşak farkının iş değerleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemek üzere bir araştırma (Master Thesis). Retrieved from Turkish National Thesis Center (Thesis Number: 364819).
  • Ware, C. V. (2013). Generatıon X and generation Y in the workplace: a study comparing work values of generation X and generation Y (PhD Thesis).
  • Westerman, J., Yamamura, J. (2006). Generational preferences for environment fit: effects on employee outcomes. Career Development International, 12(2), 150-161.
  • Yalçın, O., Sökmen, A. B. & Kulak, H. (2013). Kuşakların temel özellikleri ve hava harp okulu uygulamaları. Yakın Dönem Türkiye Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(12), 133-179.
  • Zhang, D., Wang, D., Yang, Y.& Teng, F. (2007). Do personality traits predict work values of Chinese college students? Social Behavior and Personality, 35(9), 91281-1294.
  • Zemke, R., Raines, C.& Filipczak, B. (2013). Generations at Work. New York: American Management Association.

The Relationship between Teachers’ Work Values and Work Enjoyments from Different Generations according to Some Variables

Yıl 2022, , 15 - 27, 24.01.2022


The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between work values and work enjoyments of teachers from X and Y generations in relation to their gender, seniority and generation. The study was designed with single and correlational survey models. A total of 28501 elementary and public secondary school teachers from Ankara were represented by 381 participants in the sampling from nine central districts of Ankara.“Work Values Scale” was developed by the researchers and “Work Enjoyment Scale” was translated to Turkish. Results indicated that Y generation teachers more care about each dimension of work values than the X generation teachers. Teachers have a moderate work enjoyment level. Female teachers attach more importance to self-improvement, external rewards than male teachers. Teachers with seniority of 21 years or more enjoy more than the teachers with seniority 6-10 years. The relationships between extrinsic rewards and work enjoyment levels of the X generation teachers were found to be positive and low whereas the other dimensions of work enjoment levels of X generation teachers were found to be positive and medium level. Since Y generation refuses to count in place and expect continuous improvement during their career pathways, it would be appropriate to enrich career opportunities for Y generation teachers.


  • Allen, E. K. (1980). A study of the relationship between teacher enthusiasm and selected student variables in area vocational-technical schools (Doctoral Thesis). Temple University, Philedelphia.
  • Balcı, A. (2004). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntem, teknik ve ilkeler. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Broadbridge, A., Maxwell, G. &Ogden, S. (2007). Experiences, perceptions and expectations of retail employment for Generation Y. Career Development International, 12(6), 523-544.
  • Burke, R. J. (1994). Generation X: Measures, sex and age differences. Psychological Reports, 74, 555-562.
  • Burke, R. J. (1999). It’s not how hard you work but how you work hard: Evaluations of workaholism components. International Journal of Stress Management, 6, 225-239.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Cennamo, L. K. (2005). Generational differences in work values, work-related outcomes and person-organisation values fit (Master Thesis).
  • Chen, P., Choi, Y. (2008). Generational differences in work values: A study of hospitality management. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20(6), 595-615.
  • Cordeniz, J. A. (2002). Recruitment, retention, and management of generation X: A focus on nursing professionals. Journal of Healthcare Management, 47, 237-249.
  • Costanza, D. P., Badger, J.M., Fraser, R. L., Severt, J. B., Gade, P. A. (2012). Generational Differences in Work-Related Attitudes: A Meta-analysis. Journal of Business and Psychology, 27(4), 375-394.
  • Cox, J. A. (1999). What's happening in the workplace? Baylor Business Review, 17(2), 7-8.
  • Çengelci, T., Hancı, B., & Karaduman, H. (2013). Okul ortamında değerler eğitimi konusunda öğretmen ve öğrenci görüşleri. Değerler eğitimi dergisi, 11(25), 33-56.
  • Davis, J.B., Pawlowski, S.D. & Houston, A. (2006). Work commitments of Baby Boomersand Gen-Xers in the IT profession: Generational differences or myth?. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 46(3), 43-49.
  • Deci, E.L., Koestner, R., Ryan, R.M. (1999). A meta-analytic review of experiments examining the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 125(6), 627-668.
  • Elizur, D., Sagie, A., (1999). Facets of personal values: A structural analysis of life and work values. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 48(1), 73-87.
  • Graves, L. M., Ruderman, M. N., Ohlott, P. J., Weber, T. J. (2012). Driven to work and enjoyment of work: Effects on managers’ outcomes. Journal of Management, 38(5), 1655-1680.
  • İliç D., Yalçın, B. (2017). Y jenerasyonunun farklılaşan iş değerleri ve liderlik algılamaları. Yaşar Üniversitesi Dergisi, 12(46), 136-160.
  • Hattrup, K., Mueller, K., & Joens, I. (2007). The Effects of Nations and Organisations on Work Value Importance: A Cross‐Cultural Investigation. Applied Psychology, 56(3), 479-499.
  • Hirschi, A. (2010). Positive adolescent career development: The role of intrinsic and extrinsic work values. The Career Development Quarterly, 58(3), 276-287.
  • Holdsworth, R. (2000). Schools that create real roles of value for young people. Prospects, 30(3), 349-362.
  • Hurst, J. L. & Good, L. K. (2009). Generation Y and career choice: The impact of retail career perceptions, expectations and entitlement perceptions. Career Development International 14(6), 570-593.
  • Kalleberg, A. L. (1977). Work values and job rewards: a theory of job satisfaction. American Sociological Review, 42(1), 124-143.
  • Karagöz, B., & Şeref, İ. (2019). Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi’nin bibliyometrik profili (2009-2018). Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi, 17(37), 219-246.
  • Kuşdil, M. E., & Kağitçibaşi, Ç. (2000). Türk öğretmenlerin değer yönelimleri ve Schwartz değer kuramı. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 15(45), 59-76.
  • Kupperschmidt, B. R. (2000). Multigeneration employees: Strategies for effective management. The Health Care Manager, 19(1), 65-76.
  • Kuron, L. K. J., Lyons, S. T., Schweitzer, L., Ng, E. S. W. (2015). Millennials’ work values: Differences across the school to work transition. Personnel Review, 44(6), 991-1009.
  • Licata, P. P. (2007). Multiple Generatıons In The Workplace: A Study Comparıng Work Values Of Different Generatıons of Workers (PhD Thesis).
  • Lyons, S. T., Higgins, C. A., & Duxbury, L. (2010). Work values: Development of a new three‐dimensional structure based on confirmatory smallest space analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31(7), 969-1002.
  • Markham, W. A., Aveyard, P., Bisset, S. L., Lancashire, E. R., Bridle, C., & Deakin, S. (2008). Value‐added education and smoking uptake in schools: a cohort study. Addiction, 103(1), 155-161.
  • Marcus, M. (2014). Work values and generatıonal dıfferences: usıng work values to understand generatıonal dıfferences ın the canadıan workplace (PhD Thesis). 8FEC25FD91354C02PQ/1?accountid=11248.
  • McGrath, D. L. (2012). Extrinsic and Intrinsic Workplace Values in Education. International Journal of Learning, 18(3), 191-201.
  • McMillan, L. H. W., Brady, E. C., O’Driscoll, M. P., Marsh, N. V. (2002). A multifaceted validation study of Spence and Robbins’ (1992) Workaholism Battery. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 75, 357-368.
  • Öz, Ü. (2015). XYZ kuşaklarının özellikleri ve y kuşağının örgütsel bağlılık düzeyi analizi (Master Thesis). Retrieved from Turkish National Thesis Center (Thesis Number: 396101).
  • Rokeach, M. (1973). Review: the nature of human values. Political Science Quarterly, 89(2), 399-401.
  • Ros, M., Schwartz, S.& Surkiss, S. (1999). Basic individual values, work values, and the meaning of work. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 1, 49-71.
  • Schwartz, S. H., & Sagiv, L. (1995). Identifying culture-specifics in the content and structure of values. Journal of cross-cultural psychology, 26(1), 92-116.
  • Schwartz, S. H. (1999). A theory of cultural values and some implications for work. Applied psychology, 48(1), 23-47.
  • Schwartz, S. H., & Bilsky, W. (1990). Toward a theory of the universal content and structure of values: Extensions and cross-cultural replications. Journal of personality and social psychology, 58(5), 878.
  • Smola, K.W. & Sutton, C.D. (2002). Generational differences: Revisiting generational work values for the new millennium. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, 363-382.
  • Spence, J. T. &Robbins, A. S. (1992). Workaholism: Definition, measurement, and preliminary results. Journal of Personality Assessment, 58(1), 160-178.
  • Statistics of MoNE (2017).
  • Tims, M., Bakker, A. B., Derks, D. (2014). Daily job crafting and the self-efficacy – performance relationship. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 29(5), 490-507.
  • Twenge, J. M., Campbell, S. M., Hoffman, B. J.& Lance, C. E. (2010). Generational differences in work values: leisure and extrinsic values ıncreasing, social and ıntrinsic values decreasing. Journal of Management, 36(5), 1117-1142.
  • Usta, Ö. (2014). Kuşak farkının iş değerleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemek üzere bir araştırma (Master Thesis). Retrieved from Turkish National Thesis Center (Thesis Number: 364819).
  • Ware, C. V. (2013). Generatıon X and generation Y in the workplace: a study comparing work values of generation X and generation Y (PhD Thesis).
  • Westerman, J., Yamamura, J. (2006). Generational preferences for environment fit: effects on employee outcomes. Career Development International, 12(2), 150-161.
  • Yalçın, O., Sökmen, A. B. & Kulak, H. (2013). Kuşakların temel özellikleri ve hava harp okulu uygulamaları. Yakın Dönem Türkiye Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(12), 133-179.
  • Zhang, D., Wang, D., Yang, Y.& Teng, F. (2007). Do personality traits predict work values of Chinese college students? Social Behavior and Personality, 35(9), 91281-1294.
  • Zemke, R., Raines, C.& Filipczak, B. (2013). Generations at Work. New York: American Management Association.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Berrin Şenses Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3837-799X

Nihan Demirkasımoğlu 0000-0001-8609-9985

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Şenses, B., & Demirkasımoğlu, N. (2022). The Relationship between Teachers’ Work Values and Work Enjoyments from Different Generations according to Some Variables. Journal of Education and Future(21), 15-27.
AMA Şenses B, Demirkasımoğlu N. The Relationship between Teachers’ Work Values and Work Enjoyments from Different Generations according to Some Variables. JEF. Ocak 2022;(21):15-27. doi:10.30786/jef.774862
Chicago Şenses, Berrin, ve Nihan Demirkasımoğlu. “The Relationship Between Teachers’ Work Values and Work Enjoyments from Different Generations According to Some Variables”. Journal of Education and Future, sy. 21 (Ocak 2022): 15-27.
EndNote Şenses B, Demirkasımoğlu N (01 Ocak 2022) The Relationship between Teachers’ Work Values and Work Enjoyments from Different Generations according to Some Variables. Journal of Education and Future 21 15–27.
IEEE B. Şenses ve N. Demirkasımoğlu, “The Relationship between Teachers’ Work Values and Work Enjoyments from Different Generations according to Some Variables”, JEF, sy. 21, ss. 15–27, Ocak 2022, doi: 10.30786/jef.774862.
ISNAD Şenses, Berrin - Demirkasımoğlu, Nihan. “The Relationship Between Teachers’ Work Values and Work Enjoyments from Different Generations According to Some Variables”. Journal of Education and Future 21 (Ocak 2022), 15-27.
JAMA Şenses B, Demirkasımoğlu N. The Relationship between Teachers’ Work Values and Work Enjoyments from Different Generations according to Some Variables. JEF. 2022;:15–27.
MLA Şenses, Berrin ve Nihan Demirkasımoğlu. “The Relationship Between Teachers’ Work Values and Work Enjoyments from Different Generations According to Some Variables”. Journal of Education and Future, sy. 21, 2022, ss. 15-27, doi:10.30786/jef.774862.
Vancouver Şenses B, Demirkasımoğlu N. The Relationship between Teachers’ Work Values and Work Enjoyments from Different Generations according to Some Variables. JEF. 2022(21):15-27.
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